At this time, just as the army of xenozoans stopped charging.

Wang Yi's divine shadow was constantly raised so that he could overlook the entire battlefield.

Niu Tianguan hurriedly ran up the city wall and casually sprinkled a handful of seeds the size of a rice grain.

Wang Yi was very surprised, the demon spirit plant needs a certain amount of early cultivation. During the cultivation period, there should be grass and tree spirits to carefully take care of.

If you spread it directly like this, you won't be malnourished in the early stage.

But soon, Wang Yi dismissed the idea.

What to worry about is not whether these devouring net vines are malnourished, but how they end up after they are flooded.

These seeds fell, and they were not planted in the earth at all, but directly drowned in the dead juice of the zerg.

And the next moment, countless thick and twisted root whiskers gushed out like boiling water that was burned over their heads, instantly sucking up the surrounding corpses.

The thick rattan leaned out, like a hungry viper that had just finished its hibernation, twisting its not yet dexterous body and spreading in all directions.

Everywhere you go, the rattan takes root and begins to spread in all directions.

These rattans were entangled and covered, forming a dense net in the blink of an eye, covering the earth deadly.

Looking at this large net that was constantly spreading, Wang Yi nodded noncommittally: "This... Niu Tianguan, are you sure you are still under control?

"The Savior rest assured that it is still under our control. Although the soul in it is weak, it still bears the ideological steel seal of the Dixia family.

Niu Tianguan proudly patted his chest: "It, as well as all the demon spirit plants, are all Di Xia's most loyal servants!"

After that, he suddenly cut his palm and jumped off the city wall.

At such a high distance, if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

Just as Wang Yi was about to help, the demon vine crawling on the ground suddenly raised countless vines, caught Niu Tianguan, and gently put it down.

Then, one of the vines wrapped around his palm. With a glimmer of light, the wound on Niu Tianguan's palm was healed.

"It's life magic, and we've added the elven life magic to it."

Niu Tianguan said and raised his legs to step on the non-existent stairs, while the demon vines were very obedient to his preparation of the stairs, dragging him back to the city wall little by little.

"At the same time, after enlightenment and education, these demon vines all possess the wisdom of war beasts and slave beasts."

Jumping on the city wall, Niu Tianguan opened his arms: "Savior! And with it! Di Xia is bound to be invincible! We will surely spread your gospel to all gods!

Let the destiny of heaven be supreme!

Wang Yi scratched his head: "This thing is too ferocious, be cautious when using it." We still have to convince people with reason.

"But, Savior. Didn't you say that treat the enemy as cold as winter?

"Stupid, all eaten up by the magic vine, what are we robbing!"

"Ah! That's right! Savior, forgive my foolishness! Or is the Savior far-sighted! Praise be to you, Supreme Destiny.

Wang Yi carried his hands behind his back and sprinkled his gospel from the sky.

"Remember, war is a stupid game. It's a stupid game of taking one thing and destroying another.

Sometimes we have to go to war to achieve our goals.

At this time, how to efficiently end the war to achieve the goal, while avoiding consumption and waste as much as possible, is the reason why war is called art! "

Niu Tianguan heard the gospel and felt that his soul had been baptized.

"That... Savior, shall we remove part of the artillery fire, after all, you also said, to avoid waste..."

Wang Yi was immediately furious: "What is poor can't be poor education!" What to save cannot save firepower! Let you save, you saved to the head of the military budget?

Scientific research! Infrastructure! Livelihood! Military! Can't save! You know?

"Yes, yes, yes! The Savior is angry! Help the anger!

Wang Yi turned his back and looked at the surging insect tide in the distance: "Remember, the caliber is the truth, and the range is the dispute!"

There is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by a single artillery cover!

If there is! Then it must be that your equivalent is not enough!

Where the cannon fire extends, the gospel of Destiny can resound in heaven and earth!

Niu Tianguan fell to his knees with a bang, his eyes lost and his face dull. Suddenly, he danced and jumped.

"Huh! Good! I realized! I realized! What else are you watching? Just go! Build another 500 magic cannons!

Another 500 Magic Spirit Plant Magic Bean Shooters! Five hundred magic melon throwers! Five hundred Majin palm high-altitude cannons! The

Benniu Wei next to him was startled by Niu Tianguan's madness: "Sir! So many devices have been built, where to put them! The walls are almost full.

Niu Tianguan looked at him very indifferently: "When it is full, it will be stacked." Aren't the sidewalks on the walls empty? Put it on! In order to make the artillery fire more powerful, what happened to us with a hard time?

"Yes! Be!!! "

Madness is contagious. It was like wildfire, instantly igniting all the Dixia dependents.

Wang Yi looked at the dependents who seemed to be burning, scratched the tip of his nose, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "At the beginning, the film policeman Xiao Zhang said to let me pay attention to my own mouth and converge a little."

Tut...... I'll have to pay attention later. His

divine shadow returned to the altar and reached out to summon a small grass spirit.

The little girl was a little nervous, but still plucked up the courage to stand in front of the altar.

"Don't be afraid, I'll just ask, are you guys doing enough magic to recover?"

"Back to the Savior, we no longer need to provide magic to the Demon Spirit Plant. The Demon Devouring Net Vine can extract a large amount of Primordial Power from the World Tree, dilute it into mana, and then supply it to all demon plants.

Wang Yi looked at it, and indeed as Xiao Cao Ling said, every demon spirit plant was connected to the magic vine.

He looked at the state of the World Tree and found that the life force lost was still far from the amount of each recovery.

"This is an inexhaustible super nuclear power plant..." The corners of

Wang Yi's mouth rose: "Old tree, old tree, my dependents work so hard to protect you and defend you, it's not good for you to hide behind and sleep as a banzai master!"

You have to give something too, right? "

Between words, this wave of insects has been wiped out.

They didn't even succeed in rushing under the city wall, and they were pumped into dry powder by the magic vines and dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

These energies will become the source of strength for the demon plants to attack them.

Just by absorbing the energy of these bug corpses, they can almost supply the cannon fire and consume, and there is no need to extract much energy from the World Tree.

Wang Yi looked at the three options that appeared again in front of him, and decisively chose to continue to increase the recovery energy of the World Tree.

"Niu Tianguan!"

"Savior! Subordinates are in! "

Pass the order down, out of the wall!" Wang Yi licked his lips: "Move forward and build the outer city wall!"

"Savior, there is no plan..."

Repair all the way!

Wang Yi laughed: "Cultivate to the place where the bugs appear!" Anyway, with the World Tree there, it's time to play with unlimited firepower! "

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