At the beginning, Wang Yi's strategic policy for the minotaurs was to cultivate the war stream.

Cultivation war, war protection, cooperation with infrastructure, the main fight is a stable victory.

After all, this is to get medicinal materials for his sister, and the opportunity is very rare, Wang Yi does not dare to slack, seeking stability is the most important thing.

But he made a small mistake that everyone annoys - too cautious.

In his design, almost all difficulties and disadvantages are taken into account.

However, it is not taken into account that the actual combat situation may not meet the worst.

In fact, after the war, the Minotaur tribe showed a fighting Suang far beyond their expectations.

And his luck is not generally good.

Most importantly, a major breakthrough was made during the war, which suddenly raised the combat effectiveness of the Minotaur tribe to a notch.

The World Tree, from being protected objects, has become an endless source of magic extraction.

With the support of its Origin Power, the mixed forces of the Minotaur and the Grass and Wood Spirit Shimu Spirit exerted extremely high combat effectiveness.

According to the current situation on the battlefield, Wang Yi immediately chose a more unrestrained playing style - basic battle flow!

This is the Minotaur's fortress battle method to clean up the Fallen God God Domain, and has further evolved the fighting method!

Simply put, it is to create a long-distance security zone directly in front of the position by covering it with firepower.

Then Dixia's infrastructure troops will be dispatched to rebuild the position infrastructure at a certain distance. When the new positions are built, new batteries and new firing points will be deployed.

When new positions begin to fire, the fire coverage area will be extended forward, and the safe zone will naturally be extended forward, and then the construction of new positions will continue.

In this way, while fighting, he built infrastructure positions, fought steadily all the way, and advanced arrogantly and unreasonably in front of the enemy's base camp.

This is still the most basic basic combat flow playing method.

Now in the midst of this challenge, the luxury version of the base war flow adopted by the Dixia clan is even more excessive.

They will first lay the Demon Devouring Net Vine over, and by extracting the power of the corpse, plus absorbing the power of the origin of the World Tree, they will continuously provide magic recovery to the weapons of the troops.

Let's just say that from the first roar of the cannon to the present, this cannon fire has not stopped.

What is called the ammunition tube is hard enough to build, the minotaur can be considered to understand.

But soon, Wang Yi discovered an embarrassing thing....

Build the walls, repair them around, repair them to the end.

They had already built the city wall to the border of the God Domain, and a total of sixteen huge worm nests were placed in all directions of the entire God Domain.

Almost all evil insects hatch from it and attack towards the World Tree.

Looking at the insect nest nearby, Wang Yi's expression was a little strange.

Hit it! He was afraid that he would not be able to brush the points in the later stage of the challenge.

Keep it, it's all the way here, and suddenly it seems a little ...

Finally, Wang Yi waved his big hand and issued a message to the God Domain: "Build a wall around these worm nests and keep them in captivity." Then set up ten times the firepower in the back, as soon as the worm comes out, it will kill me to death.

Of course, to leave a certain gap, be careful not to hurt the nest, let's point to them to brush us points!

Don't destroy the nest until the last minute!

Therefore, the minotaur unswervingly carried out Wang Yi's oracle and directly built a high wall around the sixteen worm nests, completely enclosing them.

Above the city wall are all artillery batteries, and behind the city wall are all fire points, and a single order can directly cover the entire hunting ground.

The Demon Devouring Net Vine directly covers all the worm nests, as long as there is an order here, it can directly pump the worm nest into powder.

Victory seems to have come to an early end.

As soon as all the insects appeared, they would be mercilessly strangled by ten times more firepower.

Wang Yi just stood in the altar of the gods and watched, while calculating the number of waves that the insects gushed out.

He knew very well that even without such a big advantage, the gold-level level level would not be able to cause him any trouble.

The ancestors said well, knowing oneself and knowing the other is victorious in a hundred battles! Plenty of intelligence and preparation! If you can't win, find a piece of frozen tofu and shoot yourself to death.

The real threat comes from the unknown.

No one knows what the extra levels of the Platinum level [Endless Guard] are, everything can only be seen at random.

Wang Yi already had more than a dozen reasonable inferences in his heart, but before it happened, everything was still unknown.

A large number of Dixia dependents were stationed in the designated position, waiting quietly.

The war on the front line has been fully automated, and the magic vine will absorb the energy of the corpse to supply the demon spirit plant, and then the demon spirit plant will continue to bombard the insect and the pig, forming a kind of perpetual motion.

I believe that if they continue like this, they will be able to play to the end of the earth.

Or that day, the strength of the insect swarm increased to a certain level and rushed out of the wall!

Then, what awaited them was another wall that was taller, more solid, and more fireworthy.

How difficult it is for insects to grow....

"The last wave."

Powerful zergs poured out of the worm nest, and the endless flow seemed endless. This wave has produced almost all the zergs that have appeared, as well as their power enhancement versions.

The number and strength are indeed worthy of the title of the ultimate wave.

But, that's about it.

Everything was expected by Wang Yi, and he was naturally very well prepared. The seemingly frightening tide of insects did not even rush out of the first wall.

Although the insect swarm did not make any waves, Wang Yi was extremely nervous at the moment.

Because he knows that the age of gold is over, and the calamity of platinum is coming!

Sure enough, when the last insect died, the whole world fell into death-like silence.

All the dependents were like great enemies, vigilantly observing the surroundings.

Wang Yi's brows furrowed, and suddenly a sense of foreboding rose in his heart.


A roar came from under the earth, and then countless root whiskers broke through the earth, shattering one city wall after another in an instant.

These roots are extremely thick and inserted into the sixteen worm nests, instantly absorbing them clean.

Wang Yi turned his head to look at the World Tree with a gloomy face, and found that this big tree did not know when it had grown facial features, and was looking at himself fiercely, grinning.

At this time, Wang Yi had some emotion in his heart, he also expected this situation, but because the possibility was low, he was ranked last, and he did not expect that it was really the worst situation.

This mood was as if the four masters and apprentices had gone through nine nine eighty-one difficulties and came to the Great Thunder Temple.

I just handed over the task of obtaining sutras, but when I looked up, I saw that the Buddha had a blood strip on his head!


The sound of wild laughter came from the World Tree, which looked at the altar of the gods close at hand, revealing a greedy gaze.

Wang Yi looked at the other party and smiled disdainfully.

"Although I put this possibility last, as a scholar, how can I not make all the coping plans.

After all, for me, this is not a punishment, let alone a job, but an interest..."

Wang Yi clapped his hands, and all the firepower within the city wall turned its muzzle and aimed at this world tree that had become a spirit.

"In the shells, take a bath!"

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