141. Broadway

Task Force V went straight into production. Because I didn’t have to postpone it any more and fix the script.

(David Phillips?)

(Yes. He was a pretty good director.)

Jonathan Kundt thought of the name David Phillips in his mind, but it didn’t come to him right away.

(He is a director who mainly made B-grade comedy films.)

(Yeah?! What?)

Jonathan Khunt’s mouth widened in surprise at Jaeik’s calm answer.

Entrusting the first film adaptation of Detective to such a director!

After a quick search on the Internet, Jae Ik was right.

He was a director who mainly produced B-grade comedy films. When I saw the name of the movie, I thought I knew who it was now.

‘I’m sure it’s pretty good, so it’s true that I recommended it. Still, I have no experience in the majors. Is it possible?’

Of course, I knew that the movie Jae Ik would make was a light one, but didn’t Detective have a long list of famous directors for him?

(Still, wouldn’t it be okay to find a more famous director? Still, it’s the first step in the cinematic universe.)

Jaeik smiled at Jonathan Kunt’s anxiety and shook his head. Rather, the first film should not have been directed by a famous director.

(David Phillips is perfect. Trust me, and even if you hire a famous director, he’ll only try to put his thoughts into a movie, and he won’t make it the way I want.)

So I deliberately chose David Phillips. He is young and capable, and he also has the flair for filming.

(Keep. If you say so.)

Because I thought he was a director who would take pictures the way I wanted even if I didn’t go to the set.

I’m not trying to photograph a work of art. Because I wanted Task Force V to be perfectly made into an entertainment movie.

A perfect entertainment movie that just keeps popping up over and over again. I deliberately placed him as such a villain.

You have to diligently follow as much as you fall behind. Jaeik’s goal is to release two films a year. And it was to release the first Justice Alliance within three years.

(By the way, did you receive the email? The change in the actor contract you mentioned has been processed.)

(Oh, I checked on the way home. It should have been like this earlier, but it’s too late.)

Jaeik clicked his tongue as he finally felt that something was working properly. I should have been like this a long time ago I wonder if it feels like something is moving properly now.

(In fact, it seems that the employees are finally satisfied with themselves. Something is working properly.)

It’s been less than a month since Jaeik came to Detective.

(So now I feel like things are rolling a little bit.)

Jake felt the same way.

(Huh. There is no proper movie.)

David Phillips sighed as he pushed the pile of scripts aside. How is it that the script that comes to you is the same?

He was a B-grade comedy film director. Of course, he was also a box office director who achieved results with a low budget, and thanks to that, he debuted as a comedy director and is building a career.

His dreams were not in a place like this. I wanted to make a film that deals with both lightness and heaviness at the same time, but I wonder if the image has hardened too much. All the scripts that came in were of the comedy genre.

(Hey! David! I got a call from Detective! With a script!)


David Phillips tilted his head at the words of the employee who suddenly brought out the name of Detective.

(Yes! Detective! Did you say that the script came with your name openly from there?)

(Me at Detective? Why? The style there doesn’t match me?)

What is the reason to find yourself in Detective? Besides, it’s a script. I know that all of Detective’s film adaptations have been put on hold or cancelled.

(Hmm? Task Force V? Isn’t that a group of villains?)

He was also a fan of Detective Comics since he was born and lived in the United States, so it was impossible not to know.

But he is just a comedy film director.

(Ah, is this the director’s new film? They say it’s amazing. Shall we see it for real?)

David Phillips opened the script with an interesting expression while tilting his head. The fact that he pointed out openly meant that he wanted the film to be filmed for him.


But this script. It’s a villain movie, but it was enjoyable throughout. It is interesting. Laughter points continued to explode.

But in the midst of that, there was also a heavy part. It’s light, but it feels like it hasn’t lost its unique color.

It was a really great script.

(Is this really a script sent to me?)

(Yeah. Is there a new head of production? A deal that person pinned and sent to you. He said he wanted to leave it to you.)

crazy This was a must-see movie. Isn’t it the script like the utopia you’ve been drawing!

(By any chance, Lee. Jae-Ik Song. Can I see the director of production?)

(Director of production? I know he’s a very busy person. I’ll check it out. But since he sent me the script, I guess he has something to say.)

After hearing the answer from Jaeik’s agency, the employee tilted his head and looked at David Phillips, who urged him to answer.

(I heard you went to see a musical? Because of the production? Wasn’t this person a director and writer? Suddenly a musical?)

In fact, Jae-Ik was also in serious trouble about why he was here.

It started with Mflix’s proposal. There was an offer to produce a musical from the behind the scenes world.

So, the production company sent me tickets for the musical, and they asked me if I had any plans to see it.

But at the moment I was about to reject the offer by saying that it would be difficult because I am busy right now.

‘Come to think of it, did I have something urgent to do?’

There was nothing. The filming of the world behind the scenes was in post-production, and it was something that could be checked occasionally, not every day.

Detective has a lot of work to do, but that was also in the process of appointing a director as the film was on track for production, and it was something that would be done once the director was appointed.

The shooting will of course happen after that. The rest of the work was like a daily routine and didn’t take up much time.

With that in mind, there was nothing else to do. So I readily agreed and came to the famous Broadway in the southern tip of Manhattan, New York, USA to watch a musical.

It was a musical that was not easily encountered in Korea. It was definitely a bit far from cultural life like musicals and plays.

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Let’s play one more game in that time.

(But it’s fun.)

It was quite fun to see a musical for the first time. Is it because it’s a musical from the mainland, or is it because it’s a really popular musical?

(It’s interesting, isn’t it? Musicals and plays are also an indispensable field in the cultural content business.)

Natalia, who was watching a musical together at the musical intermission, hummed a song with a flushed expression as if she was in a good mood and answered questions.

The people who came here today, including themselves, Natalia and Um Kang-seok. Because Joo Soo-in was working hard on the filming site.

(Yes, indeed. A musical. It’s great.)

That’s right. What are one or two fields of content that you have touched on? Movies, dramas, webtoons, animations, games, and even novels.

If you come now and add a musical, will anything change? Or rather, if time permits, I’m thinking of not only musicals, but also theme parks, songs and festivals that can take over the Billboard charts.

(But now this is because of the world musical license contract, right?)


(What is the normal musical production process like?)

It was a question I really didn’t know. I have encountered movies and dramas through TV or the Internet, but isn’t musical a completely new area? Even if you know roughly what it is.

(Um. Usually, musicals are divided into three areas: dance, music, and script. First of all, the most important thing is the material. The core of a musical is live. No matter how good the material is, it is meaningless if it does not fit the characteristics of a musical.)

That was right. It’s because you can’t put CG in a musical or edit it. Moreover, all performances were live.

(And the producer selects a script writer and starts developing the script. At the same time, he selects a composer and entrusts him with composing and writing the lyrics. And until the perfect work comes out, it goes through the process of continuous reading and showcase in the workshop. At least one year It can take up to 3 years to complete, and there are many musicals that are overthrown here.)

I thought it was more complicated than I thought. This is because everything from acting to singing is performed live.

(Of course, in this process, directing and financing are missing. That’s because the point of view is too high. And if the work is completed in earnest, it will be a war. To select better musical actors. Auditions on Broadway never end. . Because performances continue in 62 theaters and live venues, and incidents do not end in the midst of this.)

(Are there many cases where people are replaced in the middle?)

(That’s right. Because of that accident, we have to keep recruiting people, so auditions never stop. And rehearsals. The rehearsal period is at least 4 to 6 weeks. To make it more perfect. As I said before, it’s live. Musicals. With the movie version and Unlike musicals, the actors’ ad-libs or negligence are absolutely unacceptable, even challenging the director’s authority.)

It seemed to be a fairly tight plate. If you listen to the audition earlier, it also means that there are so many substitutes.

(After a long rehearsal, a test performance is held, followed by a preview. After all these processes, the opening is held. And the success of the performance is determined within a week. Many musical audiences wait until the opening night to decide on ticket sales based on reviews from the audience. And the so-called World of Month works spread all over the world in an instant.)

(It’s tight.)

(Maybe it’s tighter than the movie. Movies have a market anyway, whether it’s DVD, OTT, or video, no matter how small the movie is, but musicals themselves have to be held in theaters and have to be chosen by the audience.)

The musical version, like any other content, was a series of tremendous competition, and it seemed that nothing could guarantee success.

Well, who in this world can be sure of their own success?

(It’s a task that requires a lot of time and manpower. Directing, script, composition, and lyrics. It might not be known if one person manages everything in an integrated way. Otherwise, when different people run toward a single destination, the direction will change slightly in the end. That’s why the production company is fully prepared to recruit the best talent if the writer buys the license for the musical in the world behind the scenes.)

As the intermission came to an end, Jaeik nodded his head as he chewed on Natalia’s words. I want it to be really hard. Besides, it wasn’t the end even if I obtained a musical license.

I was thinking about it because I hadn’t decided to sell the license yet, but I couldn’t tell what kind of work would come out.

(Huh? Then there is no problem?)

Kang Seok, who had been quietly listening to Natalia, tilted his head as if something was strange and looked at Jaeik.

(directing, script, composing, writing lyrics, lighting, costumes, prop production, etc. Is there anything you cannot do to produce a musical?)

(Of course you know how to do everything, right? Ah.)

(So? And the people who want to come to Hollywood. Shall we go?)

Well. I guess I’m destined to not be able to enjoy even a moment of leisure.

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