142. Shall we dance? (One)

A meal with the production company after the musical was finished.

(It’s an honor to meet you like this. It is said that the world behind the scenes is a fantasy novel, but I contacted you because I thought that a really attractive story could come out if it was made into a musical, but I never thought that I would get an answer this early.)

Harold Webber took a small sip of his wine with a pleasant expression on his face.

Broadway has always been thirsty for new material. How long have you not been able to perform only famous musicals such as The Lion King, The Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia, Cats, and Les Misérables?

Of course, there was a reason why those musicals were steady sellers, but it was always impossible to stop them all year round with just that musical.

Aren’t people always looking for something new? In addition, if all the venues were to turn around only that musical, the number of audiences watching musicals would obviously drop sharply.

(The author is interested.)

The conversation itself was led by Natalia. First of all, the contract was entangled, and there was no need for me to step forward and ask for something or speak at length.

(That’s good for us. You’re interested in musicals. Musicals are such a fascinating art.)

I felt like I had a lot of love and pride for musicals. So, it must have been a top-notch producer on Broadway and endured for decades.

(Aside from selling world musical licenses, it seems that there will be some additional negotiations.)

(It’s an add-on.)

Harold Webber swallowed dryly, raising his tension at the word “additional discussions.” Because the other side of the world wasn’t just that kind of content.

Isn’t it the content that is gaining popularity internationally now? Novels were already being sold all over the world, and dramas and even games were being produced.

That’s why I definitely had the idea to listen to all the requirements without being too much.

(This is a condition for the writer to directly participate in the production of the musical. In addition, the contract to release the performance video on Mflix after the first performance is over.)

(Directly? The author directly participates in the production?)

Harold Webber exclaimed in surprise. The release of Mflix was not a problem. The beauty of musicals is, of course, that they are live performances, and the casting, which changes slightly each time you go through a performance, is also meaningful. After all, people who come to see come to see.

However, having the original author participate in the production of the musical had a completely different meaning.

In surprise, Jae-ik nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

(Are there any problems?)

At the question with a sharp expression, the producer waved his hand at Natalia and shook his head.

There’s no way you’ll hate it.

(No, no! Not at all. If that happens, we’ll be more honored. We know the writer’s capabilities well.)

It was a good thing that Jaeik participated in the production of the musical itself. Of course, the musical in which the original author participated was more profitable in terms of completeness and popularity than simply purchasing a license.

Besides, isn’t Jaeik a well-known writer and director in Hollywood?

(By the way, aren’t you currently making a movie in Hollywood? You must be busy, but how are you planning to get to Broadway here?)

Because the geographical locations of Hollywood and New York were literally polar opposites. eastern and western ends.

It took more than 40 hours by car and more than 5 hours by plane.

(Of course, the pre-casting stage has to be done in Hollywood. The writer is in Hollywood.)

At that expression, the production company made a dizzying expression. The pre-cast stage means that the script work, music work, and directing work will all be done in Hollywood.

My head started spinning rapidly. What is the benefit? There are roughly 30 pieces of music in the musical.

Among them, if Jae Ik came up with a new story about the world behind the scenes and wrote the script, the music work could be done on Broadway. Isn’t there a very good means of video conferencing?

Until then, it’s just a matter of going back and forth a few times. It wasn’t like I had to be on the job all day to work on the script.

‘Anyway, the music work is on Broadway…’

(For reference, the work the writer is talking about now is some of the lyrics and composition work, including the script work.)

(Yeah? The artist himself even worked on the music?)

(Yes. Even the music. Even if not all of them. Maybe directing or props.)

Natalia nodded with a bright smile, and Harold Webber pressed his temple gently as if he had a sudden headache.

Not just a script, but some music, directing and even making props?

Does this person now regard Broadway musicals as his playground? If not, I was confused as to whether he had such intentions.

Of course, I know that Song Jae-ik is versatile, but how can one person do so many things?

If this happens, I will not be the real one.

(Of course, since this is a musical to be uploaded to Mflix, we will invest in some of it. We cannot fall for the author’s work.)

Harold Webber nodded vigorously with a bright expression on his face, as if his throbbing headache was alleviated by Natalia’s words.

(Yes. Investor!)

After all, it seems that the most powerful thing was investment.

(But is it okay to invest like that? Doesn’t an ordinary investment go through a process like profit and loss calculation?)

Flight back to Hollywood. Jaeik asked Natalia, who was willing to invest in musical production.

It was because no matter how deep the relationship with me was and how much content had been successful so far, the speed of investment decisions and the amount of investment that I watched from the side were not normal.

(Because Mflix is still thirsty for securing a variety of content. And the most important thing is that it’s the author’s work, not someone else’s. A box office guarantee check that never fails when it comes to movies? That’s why it’s easier to invest. Mflix There is a clear perception that nothing is lost with the artist inside.)

(Well, every work I put out did well, but I wanted to make money for Mflix even with this amount.)

It’s a contract payment that I’m receiving now, so the amount I’ll receive isn’t even a penny or two. In addition, some shares were transferred.

(Yes, of course. I think the author needs to know his value or position a little more clearly.)

(Are you sure you need to know more?

At one time, Mflix had calculated exactly what the value of profit was for a contract. Return on investment or with various numbers.

Revenue, stock price increase and publicity effect according to Jaeik’s work activities. When everything was weighed up, the value of Jaeik really didn’t make sense.

It has never failed, and at the same time, even though I thought that I had given quite a lot of down payment and investment money, Emplic always made a big profit.

In other words, the profits earned by Song Jae-ik are enormous. It’s as if Detective didn’t spend 20 billion plus alpha for nothing.

Rumor has it that the annual salary is 20 billion won, but if you do well, you can earn an amount that looks ridiculous as an option.

Of course, that part was a secret contract, so only Detective and Jaeik knew about it.

(I heard that humility is a virtue in Korea. But it’s not like that here. Rather, it’s a market that’s more obsessed with inflating its own value. Considering your position, you don’t have to, but now In all of Hollywood, there aren’t many people hotter or better than you, whether it’s a famous producer or production company.)

In my own way, I thought I was a bit brash and didn’t get along with anyone and didn’t get along well with anyone, but it seemed that I was still lowering myself in the eyes of others. Not at all.

(Yeah. I thought I was bragging enough. I guess I wasn’t.)

(Haha. But that’s also the writer’s charm. Don’t be evil. Anyway, please take care of the musical. As soon as the script is completed, hand it over to us and we will contact you. It’s better to control it. You can have a meeting when necessary.)

that was better Mflix is trustworthy. I mean, don’t worry about the details.

(That’s fine.)

(You’re an exclusive contract writer, so you have to arrange that, of course. It’s a kind of management service, right?)

After the conversation, Jae-ik put on his headphones and closed his eyes. Not to fall asleep, but to think about how to make a musical.

It was different from the content I had created so far.

‘Live, music, dialogue, story, stage setting, directing’

Read at readwn. com

Literally minimal stage equipment. A stage set that doesn’t move much if it’s huge. And the huge screen on the back was all.

‘Musicals definitely have a lot of restrictions.’

But that’s why it was also interesting. It is neither an opera nor a play, but a musical somewhere in between.

I act, sing, and dance.

‘Ah, dancing!’

Jae Ik, who had his eyes closed, frowned.

‘Should I learn to dance? I must… learn it, right?’

I’m dancing, dancing!


“Don’t laugh.”

“You are the only crazy person who learns to dance by making a musical. Don’t you usually tell the style you want and leave it to the choreographer?”

“It’s nice to leave it to you, but you’ll know for sure whether it’s possible or impossible when you do it yourself. It’s not just a feeling. It doesn’t feel like that. Even if we try, we’ll only get annoyed and annoyed.”

Outside the camera angle, Kang Seok took advantage of Jaeik’s break and giggled and laughed.

Of course, there was admiration that was great in it. Putting aside that passion, as always, the speed of learning was surprisingly fast.

(Okay! Let’s start again! The students are progressing so fast, I’m all energized!)


After the break, when the invited lecturer came in wiping his sweat, Jaeik stood up sobbing.

Kang Seok naturally thought that there was a separate genre called musical dance.

‘But I would have thought that learning all the existing dances of various styles would be a musical dance. even dancing. crazy sh*t It’s crazy.’

Song Jae-ik in the camera angle moved his body around according to the command of the invited lecturer. Maybe Song Jae-ik is the only one who learns to dance to that extent to make a musical?

‘I heard that street dancer battles or something are very popular in Korea these days.’

The dance was an unusual movement even for Jae-Ik, who had no eyes to see. It is the flexibility of the body and its movement.

‘Whatever. If you have that level of dancing skills, there won’t be a problem with getting into fashion even if you’re late. In the first place, it’s not like learning to dance to become popular.’

I muttered as I recalled the title I had seen passing through You Tube. I felt that I had become insensitive to Korean trends, probably because it had been a long time since I had been abroad.

‘But what level of skill would that be?’

Obviously, dancing doesn’t seem unusual, but you should know how good it is.

and the next evening. The first dance episode of Challenge, how far have you gone has been uploaded.

– A sudden dance?

– It’s really the first time, right?

– Arthur. Are you going to do well again anyway?

– Honestly, this is a real scam. It’s not that God is blind to talent. Does it make sense to do it so quickly no matter what you do?

– Honestly, am I the only one who feels that it’s much better than Sbae?

– a. Still, they are professional dancers.

– To be honest, although I am not a professional dancer, I can dance really well.

– yep. It’s not limited to a genre, but it really dances in a variety of ways? He seems to be a real genius.

– Uh huh. Talk to the author.

– Huh. To the writer, to the director.

People’s reactions were, of course, delightful. Isn’t everyone a fan of Song Jae-ik? whether it’s Korean or not.

There were many people who showed interest in Jaeik’s new challenge after a long time. Isn’t it a dance that brings up a hot issue in Korea!

but someone

– But I heard you are very busy in America. in dramas and in movies. But why a dance video all of a sudden?

– uh?

– no way?

– Do you do something related to dancing?

I took this as a piece of cake.

Since the musical contract had not yet been finalized, it was not even news, and rumors were circulating only in Hollywood, so no one knew about it.

– Dispatch the Netizen Investigation Team!

– A hint for the next work!

– Song Jae-ik threw a challenge!

Fans burned their fighting spirit in a play-like situation that they hadn’t seen in a long time.

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