America’s Big Hero

Chapter 121: : The winner is not blamed

Chapter 121: The winner is not blamed

Almost at the same time, a pickup truck with an M60 heavy machine gun mounted on the roof rushed in in a building materials yard in Camden, and the long ammunition chain drooped in the back compartment.

“Da da da da da”

The heavy machine guns poured fire on the office area and dormitory area without stopping, and orange-yellow cartridge cases were sprayed from the side like a torrential rain.

Bullets pierced through the air, windows, doors, debris, everything in the house, everything in the firing range was destroyed, the cement and bricks of the walls were also hit with smoke and dust, and the potholes continued to expand.

The driver opened the car door and jumped down, and the rocket launcher on his shoulder was aimed at the office area and launched directly.

Boom, with the violent explosion, the roof of the office area was directly lifted.

After one shot, he stretched out his hand and pulled out another warhead. There is nothing important here. The above order is to destroy all the active power of the target.

Of course everyone is not polite.



Another two in a row.

Sean doesn't feel bad either, ammo is, to be honest, cheap.

The sporadic counterattacks stopped abruptly, the pickup truck drove into the gap blasted by the RPG, and moved, the M60 aimed at everything that could be seen and poured another wave of firepower.

Where it's been slanted, two men in camouflage and hoods will rush in to check again to make sure nothing slips through the net.

After 2 minutes, go away!

Only a waste area is left!


Long Branch, a yacht charter center by the sea.

An afro with a backpack and a jacket walked into the rental center, looked left and right, took the backpack in his hand and unzipped it, took out a spray gun and aimed it at a glass counter and pulled the trigger directly.



The gunshots made the scene scream.

"It doesn't matter who is waiting, hurry up and get out!"

Although I don't know why, obviously no one would ask the question at this time. As soon as these words came out, a few guests rushed out the door without saying a word.

The muzzle of the gun-wielding explosive head was aimed at the store, and followed a group of customers back slowly.

The chaos here immediately alerted the people behind, and in the rest area behind, several men rushed over with guns.

This is the place where Dimio's sea poisonous dwarf picks up the goods. There are people who are stationed all year round, and they are very trusted people in the group.

"Mommy Fake, what the **** are you doing!" When he rushed out and saw only one person with an explosive head at the door, someone immediately yelled loudly.

"Put the gun down, shit, right now, right now!"

The exploding head obediently threw away the gun in his hand, and the few men immediately put down most of their hearts when they saw this.

I saw the explosive head grinning, "Guys, goodbye!"

Before he finished speaking, he immediately hugged his head and flew to the side, and with a roll, he hid at the foot of the wall.

Several people were stunned, and before they could react, an RPG came in, and the explosion of "Boom!" sounded.

2 minutes later, the yacht rental center was on fire, and a car disappeared on the road without a trace.


East Orange, New Jersey's largest garbage disposal center.

This is where Sean asks to focus, and the four hijack a garbage truck and drive in.

At first, two RPGs hit the office area, and then the four rushed in with guns in a battle formation.

The reason for not continuing to bomb is Sean's request.

After all, no one destroys what belongs to them for no reason.

Even if the future belongs to you.


At the same time, in just a few minutes, different places in four cities were attacked by unknown persons.

No one survived the scene!

After the first wave of attacks, four other cities were hit again at 2.20pm.

The attackers also used RPGs and grenades. The attack time was as short as ever. After the attack, the scene was set on fire, and no one survived.

On this day, the frequency of mass shootings in the United States has tripled.


At noon, during the filming process, Wells received a report from his subordinates, and he immediately determined that the attacker must be Sean.

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Finding Sean, Wells lowered his voice and said eagerly: "You're crazy, you actually use an RPG, and your large-scale attack will definitely attract the attention of the ATF."

(PS: In 1985, ATF was called the Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms, and on July 1, 1972, it became an independent Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Firearms under the Ministry of Finance. After 2002, it was transferred to the Ministry of Justice because of the Homeland Security Act, and was renamed Tobacco and Alcohol. Firearms and Explosives Authority.)

(The ATF before 2002 did not have a lot of rights)

"What kind of large-scale attack, what does it have to do with me?" Sean spread out his hands with a puzzled look on his face.

"I know you must be taking revenge on Dimio for those things." Wells snorted.

"You see, the people from X Security Company are all here. I don't have a clone technique, let alone ATF. Even if the FBI is here, it has nothing to do with me." Sean shrugged, his face indifferent.

"Ha, I won't believe your nonsense." Wells snorted, "You must have hidden power."

Sean said nothing, squinting at Wells.

"Well, this has nothing to do with me, but I advise you to restrain yourself. This is not a battlefield, **** it."

For Sean, there is no question of convergence.

Either don't do it, or do it absolutely.

This wave attacked Dimio's eight important strongholds in a and all five important family members were uprooted.

The Apple family is more focused on taking care of the object, and the whole family will be killed without leaving any old or young!

In addition to those who died in the infighting between Tony and Akomo before, and were killed by Akomo later, the entire Dimio group lost most of its strength in just half a month.

Now Dimio, Sean has completely ignored it.

The remaining power, as long as their minds are still normal, they dare not refuse the olive branch thrown by Sean.

Of course, if someone insists on a tradition, Sean doesn't mind sending them out to sea later.

ε=('ο'*))) alas...

Sean sighed, and Wells looked at him puzzled. You killed so many people, why are you sighing?

"I really want to be a good person."

"Ha!" Wells laughed.

"Is there any problem?" Sean glared at the guy, "He attacked me for no reason, 10 people, and almost killed Laozi on the spot. Do you really think that Sean did it?"

"Of course, the victor is not blamed!"

Wells frowned at Sean, always feeling that things were not that simple.

Is it really that Akomo is confused?

However, it is useless to say anything now, and Dimio is basically finished.

And the man in front of him will definitely become the emperor of the New Jersey underground forces in the future.

"The victor is not blamed, that's the general axiom."

This sentence comes from Stalin, who said to the Taizu in the early days of the founding of the country.

This sentence is a value generally recognized in modern Western society. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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