America’s Big Hero

Chapter 122: : Joint Investigation Team

Chapter 122: Joint Investigation Team

At 2:25, all the attacks were over. According to the plan, the four teams threw the vehicles on the unmanned highway and burned them. The personnel gathered together, received New Brunswick with a container truck, and then entered New York City from Brunswick. Staten Island, and from Staten Island into Brooklyn.

When they arrived in Brooklyn, Uri was there to arrange a direct flight from JFK to Cozumel, Mexico.

Here is one of the best vacation spots in the Caribbean, and the 12 will get up to a month of paid vacation with a hefty bonus.

Because they didn't join the X security company, the money they got was black money.

Of course, this is definitely a lot more than the legal salary, and they have no complaints.

In fact, the amount of money in the safe they robbed from Acomo and several other companies was more than this amount, but everyone didn't think there was any problem.

Well armed, the action plan was made, the retreat was quick, and they didn't need to take any responsibility afterwards.

They are only responsible for executing it, and the time is only a few minutes. Because of the detailed information, precise planning, and overwhelming firepower, even the danger is very small.

You don't need to do a job once a month or even longer, which is a lot of money.


As expected by Wells, the next day, the state police, the FBI, and the ATF went to the studio to find Sean.

Filming was forced to stop when the gang showed up, and the news of what happened in New Jersey yesterday was spread through the newspapers early in the morning.

Everyone knows that eight mass gang shootouts happened in one day.

In the incident, the attackers were precise in tactics, quick in action, well-trained, and used RPGs and grenades. The entire attack process took a short time, and the police did not even touch the attackers. If there were no witnesses at the scene, the police would have even attacked. do not know anything.

Except for the garbage disposal plant, all of the scene was set on fire, and the police could not find anything directional at the scene.

Other than knowing that the attackers were well trained and could not be ordinary gangsters.

This is still speculation and cannot be used as evidence at all.

Several people showed their documents separately, and the FBI person stared at Sean with falcon-like eyes.

"It's nice to meet a few of you." Sean didn't seem to feel the strange atmosphere at the scene, and said with a big smile: "What would you like to drink?"

"No, we are here to ask Mr. to cooperate with us in an investigation of terrorist attacks." The FBI person in a black suit said coldly.

"Don't be so serious, it's not illegal to drink something, right? It would make us rude." Sean didn't answer the question, but raised his hand and snapped his fingers, "Bring some ice over here."

"Do you need me to open it for you?"

Dozens of people in the entire crew watched, and the four state police officers who cooperated with the investigation did not speak. The four from the FBI and ATF opened their mouths, but still reached out to take the Coke can.

When they go to investigate someone on weekdays, the other party can't wait to find a private place immediately. This is the first time this is the case.

"Can you answer the question now, Mr. Sean K. Rockefeller." The incident just now vented a lot of his popularity as the leading FBI person.

"Of course, although my lawyer was not at the scene, it doesn't matter. As a legal taxpayer, I am very willing to cooperate with federal agencies in their investigation." Sean smiled and slackened his shoulders, "What you want to ask is what happened in Troon yesterday. I can tell you clearly that I was here during the attack yesterday, and everyone on the set can testify against me.”

"How did you know we were going to ask about this attack, sir." The FBI person asked in a stern tone immediately.

"What's so strange about this? How many people in New Jersey don't know about it? A lot of people have asked me the same question since this morning." Sean pointed to Wei who was wearing a police uniform. "The chief of our Newark Police Department asked me once."

"Before and after the attack, or the whole day yesterday, I was here, and all the employees of our X security company were also cooperating with the filming. This point, not only the on-set crew can testify, but the camera also clearly recorded all this. , OK!"

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"Although I really want to cooperate with you, please don't continue to ask this kind of gratuitous thing, it doesn't make any sense."

"I don't know Akomo, and I don't have any business with them, other than the **** that is thrown away every day."

"The Dimio crime group has been fighting infighting recently. Anyone who should know this knows that there is no need to play stupid. I think you should pay more attention to those things."

"There is evidence that a group of people attacked you on the road two mornings ago. There was a fierce gun battle at the scene, and many people died. We suspect..."

"You're just suspicion!" Sean reached out and interrupted the FBI's questioning, "I haven't been attacked, and neither have my people."

"As for the specific circumstances of the shooting incident on the highway the day before yesterday, I don't know. That's not my business scope. For specific questions, you should ask the police."

"Do you need me to help you find Director Wells?"

The FBI person opened his was choked by Sean for a while.

Just like what Sean said, everyone who should know knows that the attack the day before yesterday was indeed done by the people of Akomo, and the target is Sean, although the reason is unknown.

However, Sean did not choose to call the police. There were no bodies at the scene. The attacker's three cars were burnt down. The attacker's car disappeared without a trace and has not been found.

And those three cars are not under Sean's name, nor are they under the name of X Security Company.

Sean had prepared for these things that might lead to loopholes. For this reason, he deliberately discussed with Armstrong's intelligence team, and also let Sol be responsible for finding loopholes.

As a professional...professional serious businessman, Sean is careful with these things.

Whether he owns a car or not doesn't affect whether he controls the whole of New Jersey.

"No need." The FBI said through gritted teeth.

"Bill, come here." Sean beckoned Bill to come over, and introduced: "This is the person in charge of the specific affairs of X Security Company, he will cooperate with your investigations, such as accounts, such as time, such as guns in the book, nothing to do Don't tell anyone."

"Bill, entertaining several guests, a few of them are also very hard working, food, clothing, housing and transportation, let them feel our enthusiasm."

"Don't worry, boss!" Bill replied with a smile.

"I still have things to do, so I won't entertain you."

Sean took the initiative to reach out to shake hands with the FBI and the others, and he appeared personable throughout the whole process, making it impossible to pick out any faults.

Watching Sean walk into the filming set, the FBI team looked at each other.

There is a high probability that Sean did it, but there is no evidence. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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