America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 192: : Acquisition and Danger

Benny Cavill is very distressed right now.

Sean can always come up with something new for him.

Sean leaned on the sofa, lowered his head to trim the cigar in his hand, and when he heard Benny's question, he said loudly without raising his head, "I'm doing justice!"

"Speak to me well!" Benny's blue veins popped up on his head, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

"It's your fault, Benny." Sean put down his cigar and looked at Benny with a serious face, "Being the governor, the most important thing is to not be happy and angry. You don't believe that you are doing justice. It's a fight for democratic rights, so how do you convince voters?"

Sean stretched out his hand and tapped on the coffee table a few times, "We in New Jersey have always been the vote base of the Donkey Party. As the governor, you must have some new ideas on your body, so that you can attract those young people and win Tickets to those young people."

"You can't expect those old people, those people, you just kneel down and lick his toes..." Said, Sean tilted his head, "Well, maybe licking your toes is really useful."

Benny slapped his forehead heavily, leaned back on the seat, and said nothing. Sean was right.

But for some reason, his hands were itchy and he always wanted to hit something.

"Okay, okay, **** justice!" Benny mumbled for a while before asking again, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Of course it's to solve the trouble for the state government!" Sean took a big sip, "Didn't I take the state government's spending on prisoners over the years from you last time? I looked at it, and it was indeed a bit high. And, there's not a single penny of earnings."

"So what?" Benny looked at Sean in confusion, "Are you going to make a donation?"

Sean glanced at Benny, "It's okay to donate money, but it's not a long-term solution after all!"

"I'm going to buy these prisons."

Benny suddenly sat up straight and looked at Sean in astonishment. He felt that he had heard it wrong, "Are you going to prepare a home for yourself in advance?"

Sean's face turned black on the spot!

To acquire a state prison, you must first communicate with the governor.

After all, these prisons currently belong to the state government, which doesn't mean that Sean's lawsuits, demonstrations, and pressure can be done.

Of course, the state government does feel that prison is a burden, but it is indispensable.

There is no problem with Benny, but the final price of the state prison will be discussed by the state legislature.

After reaching a consensus with the governor, Sean continued to vigorously promote the "abuse of prisoners" in the prison, and at the same time, the demonstrations in the state became more and more strong.

To be honest, when Sean started a gang, he just wanted to sell his fake wine better. Now he finds that after the gang has a high level of control, it is very convenient for him to hold a parade.

There are more than 230 gangs under Sean's control, with 20,000 members, and everyone's relatives and friends can launch some, which allows Sean to launch 200,000 demonstrations at the same time across the state.

There are only less than 8 million people in New Jersey, and these 2.5% of the people are launching demonstrations. When they add some people watching the excitement, the momentum rises.

On the other hand, Sean used the power of the New Jersey consortium to persuade the members of the Donkey Party to stand up one by one.


In an inconspicuous villa, the doors and windows are closed, and the curtains are drawn tightly during the day.

There were several people gathered in the living room. Everyone's face was ugly. They were sitting or standing with cigarettes in their hands. The living room was filled with smoke.

"Do you believe that the damned guy is why 'justice'?" one person said!

"It's just fart! Fuck human rights, that guy is not so kind!" One person threw the cigarette **** on the ground and crushed it with his foot, "He is the biggest executioner in New Jersey, the incarnation of the devil, how can this guy still Not to hell!"

"Then why did he buy the prison?"

Obviously, not long after Sean left the governor's office, the news leaked.

Governments of all countries are like sieves, and they can never hide any secrets.

"Ghost knows, but it's definitely not for those **** criminals." One person frowned and took a sigh, and then said somewhat uncertainly: "It should be for making money, but, do those guys still have any oil and water to squeeze? "

"That's not necessarily true, that **** fellow Sean can squeeze oil out of the garbage!" One person said with a sneer.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent, and the bird was eating. That guy's ability to make money is indeed extraordinary. Just being a 'mixing oil', not only did it put on the name of environmental protection, but also completely turned the waste disposal business into a profit.

Originally, the government had to give money every year, and waste incineration power generation was used as a supplement, and the waste treatment could basically achieve a balance of payments. Therefore, 'blending oil' is a pure profit-making project.

Except for a little labor, there is no cost...

"But, the prison was really bought by him, then we're done!" One person said through gritted teeth.

Prison has always been the darkest and most opaque place. It is full of sinful elements, but, because of this, it is very profitable!

It is said above that prison is a burden, and here it is said to make money, but this is not contradictory.

It seems that the people in poor areas are indeed poor, but this does not delay the mansion of the government.

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone!

According to the information in Sean's hands, there are more than 40,000 prisoners in the New Jersey prison, plus prison guards and other guarding service personnel, the prison system has 50,000 mouths.

The prison system is closed and dark. Just for the food, clothing, housing, and use of these 50,000 people, these people can make a lot of money every year!

What's more, if you want to live a good life in prison, you have to pay more, and there is more oil and water in it.

In addition, the tobacco, marijuana, poison, etc. consumed in prisons are also money.

If Sean buys prisons on a large scale, that is to cut flesh on them, and it is likely to expose all those things in the dark before, then the impact will be even greater!

It's just that the ghost knows that someone will go to jail, this is not human!

"Absolutely can't let that guy succeed!" Everyone nodded.

"It's just, what can we do? There are demonstrators everywhere now, and Sean and the New Jersey consortium are supporting them. Those congressmen can't bear this kind of pressure."

Although they make a lot of money every year, they are all mice in the sewers and can't appear in the sun.

There are really not many ways!

"I think about it, I think about it, prisons, yes, prisons are part of the legal system. Our United States is a country ruled by law. How can a part of the law be in private hands!"

"Yes, yes, the legal system, the legal system, the legal system is not a tool for private profit!"

"Well said, this is a retrogression of the legal system, and this is an insult to the law!"

"We absolutely can't let this kind of thing get hot!"

A group of people found a reason and became impassioned, as if they were the messengers of justice and the nemesis of evil!

Sean: ? ? ?


Receive money from others and eliminate disasters with others!

This is the eternal truth.

There is something less 'harmonious' in this denunciation of prisons.

A Republican congressman said in an interview: "There are indeed some unsatisfactory things in the prison, these, we know, but, I want to say that the situation is developing, and the construction of the prison is also It cannot be done overnight.”

"Every year, the state invests so much in the prison system, and the problem of insufficient funds and insufficient police force always exists objectively. This is also irrefutable."

"However, what I want to say is that when we encounter problems, we should not only blame and complain, but also find ways to face them and solve them. For example, we can set up an organization to monitor the prison system to strengthen supervision and let The prison can also be bathed in sunshine, so that these bad things will slowly disappear."

"Otherwise, what else can we do? We can't let the prison become a private company, right?"

"This is so funny. Prisons are part of the legal system, and the legal system cannot be used as a tool for private profit-making. This is an insult to the law, and it is also extremely unfair!"

The congressman talked eloquently, and some of the suggestions he gave were constructive and feasible.

Especially the question that he finally raised, "Prisons cannot be privately run", made many people smell something different.

And the phrase "prisons are a part of the legal system and cannot be used as tools for private profit-making" also made headlines in major media.

Sean saw the news in the newspaper at breakfast the next day. After reading it, his face turned completely dark, and he was not in the mood to eat!

Intuition told him that this sentence was deliberately said. He never thought that what he said in the governor's office could be completely kept secret, and this kind of voice appeared the next day. If it wasn't aimed at him, it would be hell!

Ha, this is deliberately going against him! ?

"Damn, things that are too self-aware are for his courage!" Sean stood up cursingly, without eating, and ordered someone to call Armstrong over.

"Tell me, what happened to this guy, who made him say that, and who is behind the scenes!" Sean would never allow anyone to sabotage his private prison plan.

He knew that this cake was too big!

"This..." Armstrong was also a little confused when he read the newspaper. He didn't have much impression of the Republican congressman. "I will arrange for someone to investigate immediately!"

"Immediately, immediately!" Sean ordered.

"The legal system cannot be a tool for private profit-making, ha, the person next door to Mala is just a fart."

"Am I being too kind?" Sean turned his head to look at Torre, who was standing beside him.

Jeff went to preside over the affairs of Cartagena's "Street Committee", and Sean transferred another person to train him, namely Torre.

Torre is a strong black man, with a height of nearly 2 meters, and his muscles are knotted. He is a strong man who can carry an M134 six-pipe Gatling with one hand.

But it would be a mistake to think that he has only muscles and no brains. This guy was a **** when he was on the battlefield.

"You are indeed too kind!" Torre nodded in agreement, "After all, you are a 'justice messenger' and a 'evil nemesis'. People with justice in their hearts are always kind, and they will also be underestimated by those evil guys. Look, being bullied to the door."

"Ha, ha ha." Sean laughed when he saw Torre's serious face. If Jonas, Jeff and the others were here, they would just roll their eyes or make fun of them.

Torre smiled naively, looking honest and honest, who would suspect that such a stupid big man would tell lies.

"By the way, are you looking for a wife?" Sean was suddenly curious.

Torrey smiled naively, "No hurry, let's see who will give birth to me first."

Sean: ...

Damn, I know you are not a good person.

After Torre did this, Sean's mood improved a lot. He put down the newspaper and continued to eat.

Sure enough, being a human being, the most important thing is to be happy.


"Cut off the phone line!" Armstrong was very angry after being scolded by Sean, and he personally led a team to investigate this Elephant Party Congressman named House Norman.

After a while, the intelligence team disguised as the telephone company knocked on the door, "We found that your phone is faulty, let's check it out."

"Oh, is that so?" The hostess looked up and down at the man in front of her.

She looked about 30 years old, with a strong body and a masculine appearance. The hostess opened the door and let people in.

The intelligence team walked over to the phone, carefully disassembled the phone, and put a small monitor in there.

When I saw someone entering here, I immediately connected the phone line.

It's just that when he was bending over to work seriously, the hostess in her 40s sat on the sofa and looked sideways at him.

'Very powerful glutes'

"A man who works hard is really handsome"

The hostess unconsciously rubbed her thighs, bit her lower lip, and reached out to unbutton the clothes on her chest.

He stood up, walked to the staff, put his hands on the table, raised his head, and said softly, "Is my phone broken?"

"There are some old sayings, it's not a big problem." The intelligence team said casually, but accidentally turned their heads, and their eyes naturally followed the wide open neckline.

At first glance, the hostess looked like a person who loves nature. She didn't wear anything inside, and two evil things were hanging in the air.

I don't know if it was because the room was a little hot, but the hostess's skin was a little red, and she swayed as she spoke.

The intelligence team's hands froze and licked their lips subconsciously, are you testing me!

As if she didn't see it, the hostess raised her hand and brushed her hair, then leaned over her body again, rested half her body on the arm of the intelligence officer, stretched her head and looked at the phone, "Yes, then can you help me? Fix him?"

"Of course, of course." The intelligence team coughed lightly, quickened their movements, quickly put the phone on, and then stood up straight, "Okay."

The hostess lowered her head slightly, and saw the raised tent of the other party at a glance, "Wow, you are amazing."

She stretched out her hand and took the other's arm. The hostess stretched out her tongue and slowly licked her lips. She said in a numb voice, "My water pipe is also broken. Can you help me?"

"Ma'am, I am honored!"


"Why haven't you come out yet? It's been 20 minutes!?" Armstrong frowned in the car not far from the villa.

There shouldn't be a problem. They have done this many times.

After waiting for another 20 minutes, Armstrong was really in a hurry. When he was about to send someone down to check the situation, the door of the villa opened and the boy from the intelligence team came out.

Inside the car, Armstrong clearly saw the people in the group waving kindly to the hostess.

His intuition for intelligence all the year round told him that there was a problem!

"What's going on, why is it taking so long?" As soon as they got in the car, several people in the car looked over.

"Cough cough." The intelligence team coughed lightly, reached out and patted the numb muscles on his thighs, "I made a huge sacrifice for my work."


"Ha ha ha ha"

Several people in the car burst into laughter instantly, and everyone understood in one sentence.

"Mother Falk, you like that old woman too!" Armstrong scolded, dumbfounded.

"This is different, head, this is different, identity, isn't the most important identity!"

"Think about it, in our congressman's house, in his bed, the wife of the congressman, Fake, is so fun!"

"If it's the president's wife, even if she's 60 years old, I feel pretty good!"

"Quick, tell us what the congressman's wife smells like." Several people in the car cheered.

"The hornworm, the special hornworm!"

"Shit!" Armstrong scolded, but it's not a big problem, next time I just have a reason to come to the door and get the bug back.

In the evening, when Senator House Norman returned, Armstrong immediately turned on the electronic jamming device in the car.

The power is not large, the big brother can also play, but the signal is intermittent, the sound is noisy, and it is very unstable.

This is to force the other party to use the home phone.

On the other hand, Sean found Gilbert. After all, the House Congressman is a New Jersey Congressman, and many bank transactions have to go from Ocean First Bank.

Gilbert will definitely give Sean's face. Besides, it's not a big deal.

He doesn't say it, who knows.

On the other side, Jonas cooperated with another group of the intelligence team to closely monitor the people, relatives and friends that House Norman came into contact with on weekdays.

In the current New Jersey, if Sean wants to check a person's background, there is no problem at all!

The topic that House Norman brought up 'prisons are part of the legal system and cannot be used as tools for private profit-making' has become, under Sean's deliberate orders and guidance, 'whether private individuals can acquire prisons' and let the state The government is getting rid of this huge burden, and at the same time, there is a big debate on whether it can improve the environment inside the prison.

New Jersey is Sean's home base, how could he not strengthen his control over New Jersey.

Although the acquisition of TV stations has not yet been completed, Sean has already secretly acquired a few of the newspapers.

They are all relatively small newspapers.

But it's not a big problem just to guide the topic, plus Sean's financial support.

In a few days, Sean basically checked the House's background.

In fact, it's not difficult. Those who oppose Sean's acquisition of the prison must be a group of people who are seeking benefits in the current prison system.

The range is not large, and it is easy to find in this case.

Looking at the information in his hand, Sean sneered disdainfully, "A bunch of garbage, garbage that has been swept away by greed."

There are several prison wardens, several businessmen specializing in food and daily necessities, and a drug prisoner.

Several prison chiefs have worked in the system for decades and have extensive contacts. The entire profit-making system is centered on them, woven into a network of interests covering all prison systems.

Just to be honest, looking at the data above, Sean felt ridiculous.

The state's expenditure on the entire prison system in a year is only $120 million, and it is only less than $3,000 per person per year to spread to more than 40,000 prisoners in the state.

After doing some mental calculations, Sean was a little dazed, and his mind uncontrollably converted to the rabbit's side. In 1985, one person per month was $250...

Forget it, you can't compare with a rabbit.

Remove the minimum basic expenses, how much oil and water can be scraped off one person in total! ?

Sean calculated the account, the government investment is so much, plus the money from prisoners and their families, is there a total of 100 million US dollars a year, and the entire prison system needs to share profits.

Their small group can't divide much at all.

"Crack!" He threw the information in his hand on the table, "I and the poisonous scorpion are inseparable!"

"Bill, tonight, I want to see that poisonous guy."

Bill made an OK gesture!

Sean thought for a while, and shouted from behind, "Everyone, try to catch the ones alive, I'm talking about everyone!"

Two battle groups, a trivial conflict.

Sean wasn't in the mood to pay attention to this kind of skirmish.

Since this small drug gang mainly supplies prisoners in the prison and does not sell it to the outside world, the gang is not large and only supplies supplies at a fixed time period on weekdays. There are few things and people are scattered.

The two combat teams were spread out, each targeting a target.

Walking alone on the road, he suddenly felt something pressed against his waist, and before he could react, the 'zilla la' current surged, and the person was immediately numb.

A person was drinking in a bar, felt urgency to go to the toilet, and never came back.

He was sleeping alone at home, and the door was opened. In his sleep, a cloth smeared with ether was pressed on his face. After struggling for a while, he passed out, including the woman next to him.

One person just opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, when a car suddenly jumped up beside him, he was pushed back into the car, the car was driven away, and the person disappeared without a trace.


The small gang of 8 people disappeared completely overnight, leaving no clues.

His eyes swept across the eight people who were caught at the base and kneeled neatly in front of him. Sean tutted his tongue, "Poisonous, do you know it's illegal?"

"You don't want to be low-key when you do this kind of thing, and are you **** here to provoke me?"

"Tell me, I'm curious, who gave you the courage to sabotage my plan?"

"What's the matter, do you think I, Sean, can't find it because you are behind the scenes, or do you think I, Sean, are easy to talk to?"

Until this moment, the arrested drug dealer did not know who he was.

An incredible look was written on his face, "How could you possibly find me!?"

He has no contact with the local gangs in New Jersey at all, and every time the drug is traded, it is sent to the prison along with food. No one knows his existence except for a few wardens and those who do business.

"Ha." Sean sneered, feeling a little dull, he was an ignorant person.

Do you really think that if you don't get in touch with the local gang, you can't find anyone?

Damn, don't you know that money transactions will leave traces?

The money allocated by the government is entered into the prison from the bank, and then transferred out of the prison. From the bank transfer records, the businessmen who supply the prison with daily necessities can be directly caught.

Now that you have found a businessman, is it still difficult to find a few people who have been very close to them?

Even if you try to use cash for transactions, as long as you use the bank once, it will leave traces!

In addition, always meet, always talk, not to mention, the money of this group of people has to be cleaned from several merchants before they can enter their private accounts.

Is it difficult to find someone?

He is not a policeman, and he is not going to take them to court. He wants to obtain reasonable and legal evidence and obtain reasonable and legal channels.

I'm a **** mafia!

Sean lost interest in an instant, said goodbye, turned around and left, leaving only one sentence before leaving.

"Electrify, waterboard, knock out what they know, and don't cause any damage to the body."

After leaving the base, Torre frowned and asked, "Why can't you cause any damage to your body? Boss, are you going to hand over someone to the police?"

He asked if he didn't understand. He knew that he was being nurtured by following Sean.

"Why bother the police, the police are busy too." Sean said with a smile, "After the question is clear, I will send it to train my fighting skills, and then I will send it back to the arena to fight for life and death, only one person can do it. A life-and-death fight!"

"Remember, even a piece of toilet paper is valuable, and even **** can be used to make flower fertilizer."

"The battle of life and death, the kind that is sure to die, at least to create more than one million in revenue, isn't it fragrant?"

"Xiang!" Torre stretched out a thumb, but the boss was ruthless, as expected of someone who squeezed oil from the **** heap.

Now it's all over New Jersey, Sean, a man who can squeeze oil out of a **** heap!


The capitalists cried when they saw it!

"Well, the ones that didn't die by then will probably be scrapped. They've all been sent to the power plant to be burned. Why doesn't it generate a few kilowatt-hours of electricity!"

Torre: People

In Sean's eyes, drug criminals and so on are all fake ruthless people. Sure enough, the next morning, the confessions made by these guys came to Sean's desk.

"Investigate it by category, hand over what can be used as legal evidence to the police, and what can't be handed over to the newspaper." Sean took the milk on the table and drank it and continued: "Let's stir this up, our general public You have the right to know!"

"Look at how dark the prison is now!"

"Prisoners are also human beings, and they are also our compatriots!"

"So many of our compatriots are living in dire straits."

"Can I, Sean, just watch?"


"Rescue the prisoners from now on!"

Originally, because of the connections and connections of several prison directors, the procuratorate would not prosecute them.

Everyone in the internal system knows that there is something wrong with them, but I won't file a public prosecution, love it!

Officials protect each other, the whole world is the same.

However, someone came forward to expose it. At a time when the public's attention was focused on prison-related issues, even a few small newspapers exposed the corruption issue of several prison directors.

Because the exposed materials were too real, those big newspapers quickly followed up, and then the wave inevitably took shape.

Of course, if you want to promote public prosecution, this is much slower, and it is very troublesome just to investigate and collect evidence.

Even if you know the result and then reverse the answer, it is difficult to obtain legal evidence.

Like Simpson, it's a victory for money.

Luckily, the money from those wardens was not from the right source. Although they had been laundered, they had already paid taxes. However, after careful inspection of the source of their funds, luckily, they could find a loophole.

Traces of money laundering.

Xian Qian is a crime in itself!

Besides, with their financial resources, they can't afford Simpson's fantasy lawyers.

On this side, the prosecution of several wardens was advanced. On the other side, Sean sent the relevant information of several businessmen directly to the IRS.

Obstructing Sean's fortune... This small reactionary gang that hinders Sean's 'justice' is completely over!

But Sean is not in a hurry. What he wants is a trend. As long as there is a trend, he can buy those prisons from the state government.


The news in the newspapers and media is very clamorous, and the three old wardens are not blind.

After so many years of ups and downs in the system, although they are far inferior to Sean in terms of money, status, and connections, it is not difficult to receive news that someone is investigating them.

Needless to say, they also know who is moving.

It's not going to court. At this time, the free-witness testimony is enough.

"You son of a bitch, he's going to let us die!" Several hometowns secretly gathered together, and as soon as they met, an old man with only a few gray hair roared loudly and grimly.

Although Sean just wanted to send them to court, how they once knew to those prisoners that if they were put in jail, they could imagine what would happen.

Might as well just die outside there!

Sean didn't take them seriously, but they still value themselves very much!

"Is there any other way?" An old man with white steamed hair sat on the sofa, looking at the other After a long silence, they shook their heads. They all knew the law. Yes, you know what you have done. No matter what kind of lawyer you hire, it is useless. Going to prison is certain, it is nothing more than the length of time.

Not to mention whether they can live to the end of their sentence, just thinking about being locked up with the trash, maggots, and scumbags in their eyes, they absolutely cannot accept it.

He used to be so high above, the **** in prison, and one day he will fall to that level... humiliation!

Not everyone is afraid of death, there are some things, for some people, more terrible than death!

They can accept other punishments, but what is absolutely unacceptable is to be imprisoned, rather to die!

"Death... hehe, hehe." An old man let out a low, hoarse laugh.

"I hope to see him by my side in hell!"

"People are born guilty. Those guys in prison are all sinful and unrepentant guys. What's wrong with punishing them?"

"I am punishing those guilty for the Lord!"

"Just those poor children, I hope they can get the Lord's guidance."

"Tell me what happened next!" The white-haired old white man looked at the other two and said firmly, "Sean, that's a devil, kill this devil, the Lord will let me go to heaven! "

The old white man sitting on the sofa with a golden sword lowered his head slightly and drew a cross on his body.

He is a devout believer!


Ghost weather, too cold, only 15°

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