America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 193: : Sean shot

"This person." In a certain heavy prison, the warden threw a few photos on the table and looked at the old blacks sitting opposite him with deep eyes, "Kill him and I will treat you as a prison break."

"Old guy, who is this?" Several old blacks looked at each other, and the one in the middle asked after grabbing the photo and looking at it.

"You don't need to know, you just need to know that he died and you are free." The old warden with white hair said in a low voice, "I will send you over and give you weapons!"

"Then how do we believe that you will let us go after the fact?" Lao Hei put down the photo and stared at the warden.

"Don't be stupid, but when you show up with guns, either he will die, or you will die. There is no other possibility. If you don't want to shoot, he will shoot. Don't think about surrendering as soon as you meet, that guy is cruel. , even if you want to interrogate, there will only be one person left." The old white man grinned at a few people and showed a cruel smile, "Or do any of you think you are the one who will be left behind?"

Several old blacks looked at each other, nodded their heads, and done!

They were sentenced to more than 60 years in prison. If they don't seize this opportunity, they will never want to go out in their entire lives!

Several other wardens are doing the same thing.

There is nothing else in these heavy prisons, except that there are many murderers!

They are all cruel and fierce guys.


All kinds of foreshadowing are almost done. It's time for Sean to come out and accept a wave of interviews.

The United States is not a rabbit. Here, capitalist is not a derogatory term. The more wealth you obtain legally, the more sought after and admired by people.

Being famous and being interviewed by the media is itself the best advertisement.

It is also a good protective umbrella.

"Out of the spirit of humanitarianism and for the purpose of building a beautiful, happy and prosperous New Jersey, every New Jerseyan should work hard for it."

"As a wealthy native of New Jersey, I, Sean K. Rockefeller, am willing to fight for it and support the New Jersey government."

"If the state government really feels that the prison burden is too heavy, it wastes too much taxpayer money, and the management is not smooth enough, then I, Sean, are willing to take over."

"The problem of losing money? It is indeed the case now, we must admit that, but isn't the reason humans are human beings because they have an endless spirit of exploration? We just need to explore slowly, exploring a coexistence between prisoners and the prison economy. road."

"I believe that, as the world's largest country, the smart minds of the American people will definitely get along with an effective solution!"

"I, firmly believe!" Sean waved his arms and said loudly.

The reporters under the stage gave warm applause.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the gift you got before you came!


Just as Sean was chatting with reporters and the crowd, an old white man opened the car door and dropped a package in the car not far away.

The zipper was opened, and there were four AKs and a bunch of magazines inside.

In addition, there are 4 body armors.

"Kill him, and then you will be free!"

Several old blacks glanced at Sean again. There were a lot of onlookers, and it was a bit chaotic. Several professional-looking bodyguards around the target were protecting him, but in public places, no long guns were seen.

If you want to come with a gun, it's just a pistol.

No problem!

Several people took out weapons from the package, each with an AK47 and three magazines.

After checking the firearms, a few people picked up the prepared clothes to cover the guns, looked at each other and opened the car door.


Immediately after the applause, a reporter asked, "Mr. Santos pointed out that the legal system should not be used as a tool for private profit-making. Then, Mr. Sean, are you planning to use the prison to seek violence? Does it mean that the system is privately meddling. "

"This does not exist!" Sean said decisively: "I have to say that this Santos Congressman lacks some of the necessary common sense to be a Congressman. As we all know, only the courts are the judiciary, and other agencies, including the police, are just law enforcement agencies. , is to enforce the law, but not interfere with the law, and the prison is only responsible for detaining prisoners, without any law enforcement power."

"So, there is no question of interfering with the legal system here."

"If a congressman does not understand basic common sense, I don't know why this congressman was elected. I regret this."

"What I want to tell everyone is that the provocation of some people with ulterior motives is just to protect certain interest groups. They should understand that their rights come from the people, not themselves. That's not what everyone wants to see!"

"Finally, I sincerely hope that prisoners, prisons, the government, and the people can achieve a win-win situation."

"There are four suspicious people!" When Sean went out, not only did he bring a few personal protections around him, but he also arranged manpower around the venue, and even upstairs around him, there were people who were all-round and secretly monitoring.

As soon as the four got out of the car, they were found.

"Group C be careful, lean up to see, there may be firearms hidden under the clothes in their hands."

"Group C received it." The three security personnel in this direction touched the headset, confirmed the target position, and ran over immediately.

Seeing someone rushing towards this side, the four highly nervous old blacks stopped in their tracks, and the man with the gun subconsciously raised his head, the murderous aura in his eyes undisguised.

After all, he is not a professional killer, he is fierce, but his professionalism is too poor to conceal his murderous aura.

When the three security guards saw each other's actions, they still didn't understand what was wrong and shouted, "There is a killer!"

Immediately, it was not that he took out a gun to fight with the opponent, but kicked the ground hard for the first time and rolled over to the side.

Standard tactical evasion moves!

As soon as they rolled over, the gunshots rang out, "da-da-da", "da-da-da", "da-da-da"

The ground was dusty, and the four old blacks took up their AKs and fired at the same time!

Rolling, pulling out guns, shooting, all in one go, "bang", "bang", "bang"

After all, the pistol is not as good as the AK. The two sides shot each other in a round. The security side didn't shoot many bullets. The old blacks on the opposite side were just strafing, and they shot 100 rounds in an instant.

One of the security guards was shot in the arm, and the other was shot in the thigh. He gritted his teeth without screaming, and tried to fight back while rolling.

The sudden sound of gunfire caused chaos at the scene, and screams came one after another. Fortunately, this is the United States, and shooting incidents often occur. Everyone knows how to deal with this situation.

Although he was not panicked, there was no such phenomenon of running around.

A large number of reporters and onlookers bowed their bodies and fled towards the surrounding buildings or vehicles to find cover. Some bold reporters even lied on the ground, picked up their cameras and started shooting in the direction of the shooting.

As soon as the gunshot rang, Sean immediately stepped back from the high platform where he was being interviewed, and the four security guards around him rushed up and stood around Sean immediately to block the possible bullets.

The scene was chaotic, and the four old black eyes were discovered before they even had a chance to get close to the target, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​killing the target.

Anyway, they all came out of the hellish place in the prison. If you don't run now, are you really working for that old pervert?

The four quickly retreated while shooting and prepared to run away. The three security guards and two were injured, but they still did not give up shooting and entanglement. Touch your chest.

Shot in the chest.

The old black grinned. Damn, the quality of American products is really good.

"Every team pays attention, the other party is wearing bulletproof vests, head and limbs!" The person in charge of implementation immediately sent a notification on the channel.

"Group A, Group B, support immediately!" Craig Wright, who was in charge of the scene, commanded loudly immediately, "Group D backs up in the direction of the boss, and Group E protects the boss from retreating to the parking lot!"

"Sniper team, ignore this wave of attackers, pay attention to the possible secondary attacks around."

Upon receiving the order, the units immediately began to act.

"The security forces in the dark have all been attracted, you can get on!" In another car not far away, the old guy with few hairs left said to the criminals.

The three people in the car looked at each other, never thinking about controlling the old warden. The other party put a bomb in the car. They didn't want to go to **** with this old guy who had a good life for a few days.

Pushing open the car door, the three got out of the car, and then unabashedly rushed back towards Sean.

"Bang!" A sniper rifle sounded in the distance.

The person who ran out of the face was 'floated' by the shot, and blood spurted out of his mouth, and he couldn't live anymore.

The other two were frightened and immediately ducked to the back of the car next to them. The M16 in their hands randomly shot towards Sean.

Sean shrank his neck in fright when he heard the sound of the sniper rifle. He knew that this was the second wave of attacks.

The continuous attacks made Sean's face very ugly, and he cursed loudly: "Fake, **** them!"

Saying that, he went to touch the gun on the waist of the security guard beside him.

Mala Bi has always been Lao Tzu doing people, but now there are people who come to do Lao Tzu.

Is there a king law?

Is there any law?

The four security guards around him didn't seem to hear Sean's orders, so they sullenly put Sean in the middle, and retreated in the other direction amid Sean's "spicy" scolding.

Their role is to protect the boss, as for killing the enemy, that's a matter for other groups.

The boss is impulsive, they can't be impulsive!

Otherwise, what does the boss pay to support them?

This is what Guy Golightly, who is in charge of the training of the entire security company, has repeatedly emphasized, and they dare not go against it.

"I know you son of a **** won't be killed so easily!" In another car, an old white man scolded and turned to look at the four around him, "According to your request, everyone around him is You were led out, and it's your turn to take action."

"Do not let me down!"

"No!" The four of them, three white and one black, were all members of the Marine Corps who had served in the military.

Several prison wardens dared to take risks even when they knew the existence of X Security Company and how strong the protective force around Sean was. Naturally, there would be no killers.

The entire action plan has a complete plan, and the front is just a 'predecessor for the king'.

The four of them wore bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, M16s in their hands, and grenades around their waists, which was almost standard in the military.

Several wardens paid a lot of money to get it.

"The wounded in Group C rested in place and waited for rescue. The others immediately moved closer to the boss, dog, dog, dog!" The second wave of attacks really came, and Craigie Wright immediately mobilized manpower to ensure the boss's safety.

After the first wave of attackers was dealt with here, they just rushed towards Sean.

"Bang!" A sniper shot sounded.

Then there was another 'bang' sound.

Craig Wright's face changed greatly!

As an expert in urban warfare, Craig Wright has a threat level requirement for his team, rather than rushing forward as soon as he finds an attacker.

The threat level of the second wave of attackers is not high, so only one sniper fired, and the other sniper continued to guard the surrounding area to prevent any more attackers from appearing.

When Group D came up, the two snipers immediately gave up and continued to kill. Their task was to prepare for, give early warning, and buy time. The target of sniping came second.

At this time, continuous sniper gunfire sounded, indicating that the sniper estimated that the threat level of the new attacker exceeded the first level.

The sniper's direction was just revealed. After the four Marines rushed out of the car to attract the sniper's attention, they immediately looked for cover, but the first shot didn't hit anyone.

Immediately after the second shot of 'Bang', a Marine was killed on the spot.

Two snipers, ambush in different directions.

"I'm going to **** you!" Surrounded by four security guards, Sean randomly found a vehicle as a shelter, and now he is not black.

This time, he didn't want to **** anyone angrily anymore.

You son of a bitch, who is so rude!

Three waves of attacks, Lao Tzu dug up your ancestral grave, or jumped into a well with your child?

Someone else was beaten to death earlier!

"Be careful, grenades!" The security guard next to him shouted, and Sean fell to the ground subconsciously, and then he felt that he was being pressed under him.

"Boom!" A violent explosion sounded, and Sean only felt the tinnitus was severe.

Turning over, the man on his body rolled to the ground, and Sean saw at a glance that the side of his thigh began to bleed, obviously being scratched by a single piece.

"Bang", "Bang" and "Bang", the two security guards around him started fighting back.

The sound of "bang" and "bang" sniper rifle sounded.

"Shit!" Sean cursed, "Take a deep breath, it's alright."

The injured security guard opened his mouth and grinned with a smile, stretched out his hand and pressed the wound, "It's not a big problem!"

"Ha!" Sean licked the corner of his mouth, reached out to touch the other's waist, and took out a pistol.

He hadn't touched a gun much for over a year, and when he was holding a pistol, Sean felt a little handicapped.

Lying on the ground, his upper body got under the car.

Is the boss afraid?

No, Sean was holding the gun to find out if he had a chance to shoot him in the foot.

Right, that is it!

He knows the equipment of his own people, so he can't make mistakes.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

"Da Da Da" "Da Da Da"

The gunshots of "Bang" and "Bang" kept coming.

The boss was in danger of being attacked, and all the firepower poured into this direction.

"Boom" and "Boom" originally banned the use of grenades in the city, but the other party didn't talk about martial arts first, and Craig Wright didn't have any scruples.

Even if he accidentally injured and killed the people around him, he would recognize it.

The premise of everything is to ensure the safety of the boss.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang" Sean finally found the opportunity to fire a few shots, but the marksmanship was unfamiliar in the end.

Of course, Sean believes that the hit rate in actual combat is very low, and there is no such thing as a sharpshooter, and it is not a movie.

However, I am still suitable for using heavy machine guns, Gatlings, artillery and the like...

Under the gloomy gazes of a few old men in the dark, the three Marines were firmly suppressed by the firepower, and were soon beaten to death on the spot.

The gunshots stopped, and a dozen security guards scattered around with Sean as the center, armed with guns, to confirm safety, and Sean drilled from the bottom of the car...

Get out of hiding!

There were three people standing beside them, and the other was lying on the spot waiting for rescue.

In reality, after being shot, they lie down and wait for rescue. Seven out of ten those who run behind their backs have a grudge against the wounded...

not dead?

Don't worry, I'll be dead if I run to the hospital behind your back!

The assassination plan failed! ?

The old white man with white hair rolled down the car window a little, and a dark muzzle protruded slightly.

The M21 semi-automatic sniper rifle, equipped with an ART scope, is a treasure of the old white man. In order to ensure that 100% of Sean can be killed, he also made three rounds of 7.62×51mm NATO-made American M61 armor-piercing bullets using his previous relationship.

The tip of the armor-piercing projectile is black, and it can penetrate about 7mm of armored steel plate at a distance of 300 meters.

The cross flower of the scope was slowly put on.

There was always someone covering Sean. Seeing that Sean was unable to go far, the old guy took a deep breath, calmed his heart, and pulled the trigger.

Sean's body froze and his heart tightened, but he didn't wait for a response.


At the same time as the gunshots sounded, the security guard behind Sean trembled, and Sean stumbled to the ground with blood on his back.

"Protect the boss!" With a loud roar, the two remaining security guards immediately shrank to protect Sean, who fell to the ground.

Sean gritted his teeth and lay still on the ground with a grim face, big drops of sweat seeping out from his head.

Crash, vigilant security quickly surrounded the center.

The sound of "bang" and "bang" sniper rifles sounded again, and before the old guy could aim again, the two snipers on high alert locked on him.

The body of the car was directly pierced, the old white man's eyes were congested, and two blood holes were opened on his body.

Trembling hands, trying to pull the trigger...

"Bang" and "Bang" were two more shots, and the old white man's head exploded.

"Help me in the car!" Sean took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and a stream of blood flowed out, scaring the faces of the people around him pale.

Next time, next time, park your car next time!

Sean felt ruthless in his heart.

After all, I was careless. It has been smooth sailing for more than a year. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am invincible. There are a large number of security personnel around me, which makes me lose enough vigilance.

This is America, a country where every president gets shot...

No wonder they say that the United States is not safe. People who are so careful will be beaten like a bear. It is really unsafe!

Actually, think about it, when he was abroad, he really didn't have any danger in the United States...

After all, he wears the banner of the United States on his body. Those people abroad have to think twice if they want to move him, but it is not so dangerous.

There were more than a dozen people around, and the three of them carried Sean carefully, trying not to shake as much as possible. The car was not far in front, but there were too many cars in the parking lot. The attack happened suddenly. accept him.

Lying on the wide back seat of the car, blood was still gushing out from his back, the door was closed, and Sean tried his best to keep his breathing steady.

Bulletproof cars, as long as they don't encounter RPGs, can completely ensure their absolute safety.

The hospital's ambulance called Craig Wright when the attack just happened, but it will arrive in a few minutes, and there is no problem with safety.

Just as he was thinking, two violent explosions, "Boom" and "Boom" suddenly sounded.


"Boss, how is it?" The front door was opened, and Craig Wright turned his head and asked with concern after getting in the car.

"It's okay, I can't die, have the attackers been resolved?" Sean's voice was calm, he couldn't be angry at the moment, but there was still a lot of blood coming out when he spoke, his lungs should have suffered some damage, but Sean Feeling, not serious.

"Everything that came up has been resolved, there is no survivors, and the people in the attacker's vehicle are also dead. Originally, I wanted to catch the survivors, but after approaching the opponent's vehicle, the people in the car detonated the bomb." Craig Wright's voice was a bit resentful. said.

"Damn, this is with the determination to die." Sean narrowed his eyes, let out a sigh of relief, and said to himself, "Damn, it's not wrong!"

People came here with the mentality of being benevolent if they don't succeed, what else can he say, Sean!

I can only say one sentence is ruthless!

"How about our casualties?"

"Eight people were injured, but they were all minor injuries. It's not a big problem. One person died."

"Lewis, right?" Sean instantly thought of who it was.

Standing behind him just now, he blocked the sniper rifle bullet for himself, otherwise, he would be dead now.

"Yes, it can't be saved." Craig Wright sighed. He was hit by a sniper gun and died on the spot. There was nothing he could do.

"If his parents are still there, we'll give him old age. If he has children, we'll pay him to finish college. If he has a wife and doesn't remarry, we'll give him a monthly payment." Sean sighed and commanded in a low voice.

"I understand, don't worry, boss."

Shawn will do his best to protect himself from injury or death, otherwise, who will try his best to protect himself in the future.

He's not superman.

"The ambulance is here." Craig Wright said, looking outside.

"Where's the plane?" Sean felt that he was in good shape, he didn't want to take an ambulance, it wasn't bulletproof.

"It's here, it's in the sky."

"Clear a piece of ground, and I'll take a plane to the hospital."

"This..." Craig Wright hesitated.

"It's okay, I know my body." Sean said in a deep voice.

"Okay boss, I'll make arrangements." Craig Wright pushed the door and got out of the car.

At this moment, not only the ambulance has arrived, but also the police.

More than a dozen police cars and more than 50 police officers arrived at the scene.

It looks like that.

The police came after the attack was over...

Of course, it was actually quite fast. The first time I received the news, I had no equipment, no warm car, and no diarrhea. The police rushed over as if they were really crazy.

But the old and beautiful cities are all very big. When I arrived at the scene in eight minutes, the cars were all smoking.

The helicopter landed, and the stretcher carried Sean to the helicopter, followed by Trenton Police Chief Mond Halleck.

When Sean was interviewed by a massive attack and was shot and wounded, Mond Halleck was really freaked out.

Not only because Sean is the God of Wealth, but also because of Sean's status.

If something really happened to this one, he, the police chief, would not be able to bear it.

Now that Sean's life is not in danger, he also wants to come forward to express his apology and concern.

The plane took off smoothly. Sean was lying on the stretcher with a blank face, and a doctor in charge of first aid also got on the plane and was helping Sean deal with the gunshot wound in his back.

Mond Halleck leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Sean, are you okay?"

Sean didn't speak, just closed his eyes.

"Don't worry, our police will never let these **** attackers go. We will investigate to the end and arrest them all."

Seeing that Sean still didn't speak, Mond Halleck continued: "You know, it takes a little time for us to arrive after the news, we..."

"Shut up, immediately, immediately!" Sean said while gritting his back molars.

There was really burning pain in the back, and there was someone beside him who was forcing him to rely on him endlessly. Sean was very irritable.

"Uh... OK, OK." Mond Hallek opened his mouth awkwardly, his face flushed, and he whispered something to shut up immediately.

He raised his head and looked left and right, but found that the driver was serious, the two security guards stared blankly at the ground, and the doctor was carefully cutting the clothes on Sean's back.

No one paid attention to him at all.

This made him even more uncomfortable, feeling like a clown.

"Alright, if no one pays attention, it means they don't remember, very good, very good" Mond could only comfort himself like this.

At this moment, the doctor dealing with the wound encountered some difficulties. The outer layer of clothes was quickly cut off, but when it came to the inner layer of the tank top, he was troubled.

The scissors in his hand could not cut at all.

"That's a Kevlar vest that needs to be taken off." Sean let out a slow breath.

Kevlar custom vest, laboratory-level product, this is not timid, it is called paying attention to one's own safety, and there is also a Kevlar custom boxer on the lower body.

It is 100% stab-proof and can withstand ordinary small-caliber pistols, stray bullets, and explosive fragments. Although it will cause impact damage, it will never be penetrated. Serious injuries become minor injuries, and the safety factor is greatly improved.

Without this custom Kevlar vest, even if a bullet hits Sean after penetrating a human body, half of his arm will be abolished this time.

"Okay, I'll stop the bleeding first and deal with the surrounding area." The doctor replied immediately, sighing in his heart, rich people are good, and it's hard to die.

The helicopter was very fast. Just after a simple hemostasis treatment, the helicopter was already over the hospital.

A large group of security guards with live ammunition emptied a large area of ​​the hospital and watched the surrounding situation vigilantly. After receiving the safety notification, the Black Hawk helicopter slowly landed.

The hospital's surgical specialist was waiting beside the plane. Sean got off the plane and was immediately surrounded by a group of doctors and walked inside, followed by seven or eight security guards.

From the elevator to the operating room, there are security guards every ten meters, and the entire passage is completely emptied. No one is allowed to approach it regardless of whether it is a patient or a doctor.

After Sean entered the operating room, the first floor of was completely blocked.

In a private hospital, if you have money, you can do whatever you want!

There is no fairness to speak of.

With the assistance of the nurse, he took off the inner vest. The doctor breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the wound. Although the injury was serious, it was not life-threatening.

That's enough for their doctors.

As Sean's bodyguards when he went out, they all wore standard body armor. Ordinary firearms, even rifles, could not hit Sean in front of them, but the other party used sniper rifles and armor-piercing bullets.

After the bullet penetrated the front and rear two layers of body armor and the human body, it encountered the bulletproof vest. After all, the kinetic energy was exhausted. After breaking a rib in Sean's back, only a small cavity was formed.

The lungs were injured a little, there was some blood accumulation in the chest cavity, but not much, a small bag was diverted, the minced meat needed to be cleaned, the warheads and bone fragments needed to be taken out, and the ribs needed to be fixed...

It was said that there would be no danger to life, but after all the treatment of the back was done, a blood hole appeared, which was empty.

All gunshot wounds are pollution wounds, and there is no way to suture them in one stage. Keeping the wound dry looks very scary.

The operation took more than an hour, and when it was over, the doctor let out a big sigh of relief.

"It's over!?"

"Ah!!" The doctor who suddenly spoke in shock exclaimed.

The doctor looked at Sean, who was slowly and stiffly turning his head in astonishment. No, he was under general anesthesia. How did you wake up?

The anesthesiologist was also dumbfounded at the moment, no, it's impossible!

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