Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 847: The great world deep in the mountains, Qinglin tribe

     The monster suddenly woke up, the crypt exploded, the canyon collapsed, and the rocks rolled.

   A huge head sticks out from the collapsed crypt.

  It is the "ancestor of the mutant monster" in the mouth of the ancestor.

   Most of its body is still buried under the ground. On the exposed neck and head, black scales are shining, and the terrifying evil spirit is permeated, forming a gray evil spirit vortex in the void.

   Liu Yangyang and Murong Xiaoshi, who were guarding the entrance of the crypt, were shocked. They hurriedly hid, and at the same time they were extremely worried about the patriarch and elders.


   The ancestor of the mutant monster roared, and the sound waves rolled, causing the rocks to fly and explode in the void.

   It looks like a python and a savage dragon. Its majestic scarlet eyes scan the sky and the earth. There are nostalgia and vicissitudes in the eyes, and there is even a hint of indescribable emotion.

   Another 300,000 years have passed.

   It can't remember how many times it has awakened.

   In short, every time a stone tool is born, it will wake up and fight for the stone tool frantically, not to open the door of transcendence, but to evolve its heavenly door.

   It is special because it is a mutant monster and an ancestor.

   It has its own wisdom, and knows how to practice and magical powers, which is unmatched by other monsters.

   Other monsters are afraid of the longevity monster deep in the mountains, but it is not afraid, and has swallowed many people.


   It raised its head, and its scarlet eyes stared into the mountains.

   There, it perceives the breath of the year-round stone tools, which is extremely strong.

   Immediately, it rushed out of the crypt, and the huge body flew across the void, casting a large shadow, rolling up the endless wind raging, and forming a huge cyclone where it passed.


   In the deepest part of the mountain range, the sacred mountain and the great mountains are higher than the sky, and the land is invisible in the vertical and horizontal directions.

  Here, it's more like a wilderness.


  There are green plants here.

  Green vegetation, primitive ancient forest formed by towering ancient trees, each ancient tree is as big as the old tree in the wolf den where the gray wolf lives.

   This primitive ancient forest forms a huge green corridor, which separates the monster world outside.

   The forbidden barrier of the monster world has also been forcibly changed. Along the primitive ancient forest corridor, the monster world outside has been isolated, and it has become two worlds.

   Behind the primitive ancient forest, there is a wider land, the clouds are vast, and there is no end in sight.

   Although the outside world of monsters is vast, compared to here, it seems to be only a horned outer area.

   The air is filled with pure and rich long-lived vitality and spiritual energy, as well as the vitality of the heavens and the earth, making this world like a real paradise for cultivation, not inferior to the longevity world.

   this moment.

  In the valley, there is an ancient primitive village with stone houses and towers standing upright, and the construction style is rough and wild.

   This village is also a tribe.

   is named Qinglin tribe.

The village head of the    tribe, there is a huge willow tree growing, but half of it seems to have been struck by a terrible lightning, and it has decayed.

   can emerge from the root of the tree, but there is a green willow bud.

   Like a rebirth from the fire, and like the reshaping of Nirvana, it is clearly a willow bud, but it is scattered with divine light, circulating the mysterious and magnificent atmosphere of the law, and the vision of the heavens and the world is dying.

   this moment.

   Under this old willow tree, a group of people are kneeling and saluting.

   "Memorial to heaven!"


   "Memorial to the ancestors!"

   The old village chief hissed loudly, holding three sticks of incense, bowed his head seriously to the old willow, and saluted.

  He is the head of the village and also a sacrifice.

   He was wearing a coarse cloth shirt, the exposed parts of his body were covered with blue scales, and his face was densely covered with scales. Although his eyes were normal colors, they were very vicissitudes and muddy, and his body was full of rich lifelessness. Obviously Shouyuan had reached the end of the mountain.

   Behind him is a group of villagers.

The villagers are old and young, but all of them have scales, but the scales only grow locally, some on the neck, some on the face, and some on the waist, back, and legs on……

   They didn't have scales all over their bodies like the old village chief.

   "The avenue is ruthless, the sky is dead, the human race is trapped in a cage like a captive, and the water is hot without knowing its end!"

   The old village chief crawled on the ground, crying at the old willow tree.

   "Recalling the past, the tragic years, your children and grandchildren will follow you in the north and south, vowing to break the cage for immortality, but you will be betrayed by the shameless villain and ended sadly. You have also fallen here, incarnation of the willow.

   "The children and grandchildren are old and about to sit down, but the future generations are weak and unable to entrust important tasks. The human race has not yet been completed, and the traitors of the past have not been removed. How can children and grandchildren die?!!!"

   The old village chief knelt and cried, and a group of posterity villagers behind him wept in grief.

   "Pray for ancestors to show their spirits and give instructions to children and grandchildren, who can carry this burden, carry on with the past, break the cage and change the sky, and give us great freedom!"

   "Pray for the ancestors to appear!"

   "Let the ancestors show their spirits!"

   The old village chief cried and prayed, tears raining down.

   Behind him, a group of offspring villagers also knelt and cried.

At this moment.

In the old willow tree in front of   , the new sprout of the willow bloomed with dazzling light and transformed into a picture in front of everyone.

   "Look, it's the ancestor who has manifested!"

   One person shouted in surprise, everyone looked up and saw a scene in the void, and wept without excitement.

   The old village chief also left muddy tears, his lips trembled, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to make a move, his eyes were staring at the empty picture tightly.

   In this picture, the new sprout of the willow sprouts transformed.

   In the picture, it is very hazy, like a fog, and it is not real. Vaguely, it seems that a huge **** city has appeared.

   The **** city is too vast and majestic, surrounded by ten colors of light, unspeakably magnificent and huge, crushing the void, and the screen can't show its full appearance.


   The screen suddenly disappeared.

   A group of descendants of the villagers looked at each other.

   "Sacrifice, what did the ancestors imply?!" one person asked.

  The muddy eyes of the old village chief flashed with deep light, recalling the scene just now, and said: "There is too little information, I can't derive it."

   "But since the ancestors appeared in the sky and displayed this city, coming to this city must be closely related to the fate of our human race!"

   "As long as we can find this city, we may be able to understand the hint that our ancestors are alive in the sky!"

   A group of people nodded upon hearing this.

   is at this moment.

   Outside the village, there was a strong voice...

   "Is the priest of the Qinglin tribe here?! The younger generation is the ball of the Heilin tribe. If you have something to do, please see the priest of the Qinglin tribe."

   The old village chief's eyes flashed, and he said to a middle-aged villager beside him: "Qingyuan, take him to the ancient pagoda!"

   Qing was originally a few people in the Qinglin tribe who had scales on most of their bodies, and was also one of the masters in the Qinglin tribe.

   "Yes, sacrifice!"

   Aoba hurried away.

   Outside the village, there is a slender and **** woman standing. She is graceful, but only the black scales on her neck make her look weird.

   Standing on a boulder, Maruko looked at the Qinglin tribe, with a surprise in his eyes.

   Because she discovered that there seems to be a strange power floating in the Qinglin tribe, invisible and intangible, but it is real.

   And this kind of power may not be discovered by others, but she recently learned a new supernatural power from her elder brother Heizi, and only then can she spy one or two.

   Thinking of his elder brother Heizi, Maruko's eyes suddenly showed admiration and awe.

Many years ago, she and Gangzi, Douzi, were just born from the Dead Smoky Continent. They were fortunate enough to follow the big brother Heizi. Under the leadership of the big brother Heizi, they worshipped a powerful teacher and embarked on a practice against the sky. the road.

   Later, he came to the monster world by chance.

   Heizi eldest brother cultivated the magical skills taught by that mighty power, swallowed countless monsters, cultivated greatly, was discovered by the priest of the Blackscale tribe, and brought to this world.

   Now, Big Brother Heizi is covered with black scales all over his body. He is the most powerful warrior in the black scale tribe, and he is heavily relied upon by the priests of the black scale tribe.

   There are rumors that Big Brother Heizi is likely to become the next priest of the Blackscale tribe.

   Thinking of this, in Maruko's eyes, there was a burst of brilliance, and Weiwei's breathing became hurried.

   "Brother Heizi, he's really good! I'm so gluttonous!"

   Maruko muttered to herself.

   She dreams of becoming the woman of Brother Heizi.

   But Big Brother Heizi was unwilling, and insisted that she, like Douzi, is a woman of Master, and only Master can enjoy their fragrant bodies.

   Every time he thinks about this, Maruko gritted his teeth and felt infinite resentment.

   "Master, huh! Master doesn't know where it's gone, maybe they're all gone, am I going to stay here forever?!"

   Douzi feels uncomfortable.

   At this moment, a figure came over in the distance.

   Maruko recognized the visitor, who was one of the famous masters in the Qinglin tribe, named Qingyuan.

   "Aohara, long time no see!" Maruko asked with a smile.

  At the same time, her beautiful eyes looked up and down Qingyuan, and a look of surprise appeared, "Your Heavenly Gate, it seems that you are about to upgrade to the Platinum Heavenly Gate!? It seems that the next priest of the Qinglin Tribe is probably you!"

   While she was talking, the black scales faintly exposed on her neck added a touch of alternative temptation.

Qingyuan's eyes glanced at Maruko's neck, suppressing the ripples in her heart, and hurriedly bypassing the topic, saying: "Miss Maruko is joking, platinum-level heavenly gate, there is no genius and talent on this land. , I'm far from it!"

   "I wonder why Miss Maruko is here this time?!"

   Maruko looked straight, and said: "The time stone tools were born, I was ordered to come to discuss with the priests of your tribe and seek to seize the time stone tools!"

   Qingyuan heard the words, and his face was solemn.

"The time stone tools can help me wait for the promotion to Tianmen. It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance of 300,000 years. We really can't miss it, and the strength of our two tribes is weaker than other tribes. Many, if you can join forces, your chances of winning will naturally increase!"

  Speaking of this, Aohara suddenly asked in a low voice: "Miss Maruko, are you following the order of Warlord Kuroko this time, or the order of the black scale tribe to worship the lord?!"

   Wanzi glanced at Qingyuan with a smile, did not answer his question, but said meaningfully: "We Heizi, let me bring you a message."

   "Oh?! What?!"

   "Brother Heizi said, he admires you very much! If you are willing to take refuge, then you will pick up the new sprouts of the old willow tree in the village of Qinglin tribe!"

   Aohara's face changed drastically, and an angry face appeared in his pupils.

   At this time, Maruko whispered again: "By the way, I forgot to tell you, our brother Heizi has already been promoted to the Diamond Heaven Gate!"

   Qingyuan heard the words, his eyes became round all of a sudden, his eyes almost fell to the ground, his whole body froze, his face was full of disbelief.

   "Drill...Drill...Diamond Heaven Gate!!!"

   Qingyuan’s throat is dry, unimaginable.

   Diamond-level Tianmen, this kind of existence is also the overlord of the big tribe in the central region!

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