Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Chapter 848: If the **** Liu gets the way, Liu Changsheng is born again (four thousand characters,.

   At the entrance of the Qinglin tribe’s village, Qingyuan was shocked for a long time and could not return to his senses. Heizi of the Blackscale tribe, the physical heaven gate was promoted to the diamond heaven gate, and the impact on him was unimaginable.

   "Thinking that back then, the Heizi of your tribe and I were the arrogant of the two tribes, but now, he has been promoted to the diamond-level heavenly gate, and I am still the gold-level heavenly gate, hey!"

   Aohara sighed.

  He has a complex complexion, looks melancholy, lost, and jealous.

   Maruko chuckled and said: "We Heizi brother, sooner or later he will lead our Heilin tribe to rise, you might as well join us sooner."

   Qingyuan shook his head and said: "Heizi covets the sacred willow of our Qinglin tribe. How can I not know that this matter will not be mentioned again. I will never betray our Qinglin tribe."

   After that, he gave a hint and said: "Please come with me, we have been waiting for the sacrifice for a long time."

   Maruko didn't say anything, but followed Qingyuan and entered the Qinglin tribe all the way.

  The ground paved with huge stones has fences standing on both sides, and various spiritual herbs and magic medicines are planted inside. They are all rare medicines in the outside world. They can be grown here like Chinese cabbage.

  While Maruko and Aohara both look strange, obviously this kind of magical medicine is abundant in this world.

   In the village, there is a huge stone pot with boiling water.

  Water is not ordinary water, but longevity water, permeating longevity.

   At this moment, inside the stone pot, a monster is being boiled, and his flesh and bones are gradually melting away. A few older elders next to him are adding various magical medicines to the stone pot.

  In a short time, there was a vision of Shenhua flowing in the stone pot, the law roared, and the fragrance of medicine was tangy.

   A pot of magical liquid will soon be out of the pot.

   Maruko's eyes shine brightly again and again.

   "I have long heard that the Qinglin tribe has mastered ancient prescriptions and can refine a rare great medicine divine liquid. I saw it today and it was really extraordinary!"

   Maruko said with emotion.

   Qingyuan’s eyes are proud, but he shook his head and chuckled: "It's all about the outside world using false information, it's not true!"

   After finishing speaking, when no one noticed, he whispered quietly: "The great medicine of our Qinglin tribe is indeed extraordinary. I will leave you a bowl when I meet the sacrifice!"

   Maruko's face was immediately full of joy.

   When passing by the old willow tree that was struck by lightning at the head of the village, Maruko saw the re-growth of the green willow bud, shining with divine light and full of rich Taoist rhyme. Maruko stopped slightly, exclaiming.

"I heard that in the distant past, your Qinglin tribe was once a well-known big tribe in the central region. The sacred willow is like a cloud over the sky. It is enshrined by thousands of people. The power is unimaginable, but it was struck by lightning and the sacred willow was destroyed. , Only then declined and migrated here."

   Maruko asked.

   Qingyuan shook his head, and said, "This is all in the past. I hadn't been born yet, how do I know it!"

   Maruko also stopped talking.

  The willow trees of their Blackscale tribe, although they have not been struck by lightning, they have grown stubbornly. They are now just as tall as a person and look malnourished. They are no better than the **** willow of the Qinglin tribe.

   Therefore, the two tribes and other small tribes live in a remote corner of the world.

   Soon, the **** were taken by Qingyuan to the ancient pagoda and met the old village chief, who was also a sacrifice for the Qinglin tribe.

  The old village chief looked like he was going to die, and he walked swayingly, and his whole body was dead.

   But he was sitting there, like an ancient sacred mountain, with a deep breath that was unimaginable, and his turbid eyes flashed with frightening light from time to time.

   Maruko bends down respectfully and does not dare to be disrespectful.

   Because I heard Big Brother Heizi mentioned that the old sacrificial priests in the Qinglin tribe have huge backgrounds and terrifying strength, and the Tianmen level is at least diamond level or even higher.

   "Junior Maruko, meet and worship seniors!"

   Maruko bowed and said, "The younger generation is ordered by the black scale tribe to worship and the black warlord to discuss with you the matter of cooperating to obtain the time stone tools."

   Maruko said, and handed a letter with both hands.

   In the letter, there are strong rules and mysterious prohibitions, as well as the power fluctuations of the Tianmen.

   Obviously, not everyone is qualified to read this letter, even if the ordinary Changshengtian got this letter, there is no alternative.

   "Heizi's heavenly gate has broken through to the diamond level. It is gratifying. The tribes in our outer regions are also talented. They are no worse than the big tribes in the central region!"

   The old village chief glanced at the letter, and his turbid eyes flashed with a glimmer of light. With a letter, he had already understood the situation of the sunspot's strength.

   Maruko couldn't help but look proud after hearing this.

   She looked straight at the old village head, wanting to see how the old village head opened this letter.


   The old village chief, old and skinny fingers like chicken claws, without any divine power fluctuations, opened the letter easily, and immediately turned to his side, holding the letter and reading it.

   This scene fell in Maruko's eyes, and her heart was even more shocked.

   "Big Brother Heizi is right, the old sacrifice of the Qinglin tribe is really unfathomable!"

  As soon as he thought of this, Maruko couldn't help but bowed lower and looked more respectful.

  In the ancient tower, the oil lamp was burning and the lights were dim, reflecting the old village chief and the balls.

   This ancient pagoda is a stone pagoda, filled with the breath of time, although it is not a time stone tool, it is also an ancient artifact passed down from the Qinglin tribe.

   After a long time.

   After reading the letter, the old village chief did not say anything about the time and stone tools. Instead, he smiled and asked: "Maruko, I have one thing that has been in my heart for a long time. I don't know whether to ask."

   Maruko was surprised, and bowed and said: "Senior will ask, if you can answer, the younger will naturally be endless."

   There is nothing to say about the meaning that cannot be said, and there is no comment.

   The old village chief laughed and understood the meaning of Maruko. He smiled and asked: "Maruko, the old man saw you and Heizi and others. The cultivation method is very strange. I don't know who the teacher inherited?!"

Maruko didn't expect the old village chief to ask this question. She couldn't help but replied respectfully: "If you return to sacrifice to the seniors, the juniors and Brother Heizi were taken as disciples by a great power back then. They rarely met, but only knew the teacher. Zun’s name is called'Wu Tian'!"

   "No sky?!"

   The old village chief's eyes were deep, and he muttered to himself. After thinking about it for a moment, he never thought of such a strong man.

   "I want to come, that Wutian Daoist, his cultivation level is not high, maybe he is not as strong as your big brother Heizi."

   The old village chief sighed.

   There are too many things in this world that blue is better than blue because of blue.

   Maruko could not help but agree with his face full of joy: "The seniors are reasonable, and the younger generations were inferior in cultivation. Now I think about it, the cultivation of my Wutian master back then may not be too virtual!"

The old village chief shook his head and said, "Although your master’s cultivation level may not be high back then, it’s hard to say now. A technique taught by this person can bring you to your current state. His talent And good luck will only be stronger."

   Maruko couldn't help feeling tight after hearing this.

Because Heizi has said this more than once, and also said that sooner or later Master Wutian will come to this world, to rule the world, so that she will be beautiful and beautiful, waiting to serve Master and warm her bed. .

   Now the old village head also said this, and Maruko suddenly felt complicated.

   Heaven, earth, she just wants to serve her big brother Heizi, she just wants to warm the bed for Heizi!

   "Okay, the old man knows the matter of the stone tools, you go back first!"

   The old village chief suddenly spoke, closed his eyes, and fell into a sleepy sleep like a tiger.

   Maruko didn't dare to speak too much, bowed and saluted, turned and left.

When    left, Qingyuan quietly took the **** to a secret stone house, and brought a bowl of magical medicine.

   He watched the **** drank the magic medicine liquid with his own eyes, and stretched out his **** tongue, licked the wall of the bowl, and saw that Aohara was hot and his mouth was dry.

   Especially the black scales on the neck of Maruko. Aohara likes it the most. He really wants to kiss him.

   "Maruko, it's getting late, not tonight..."

   Aohara whispered, expressing hope.

   He wants to open a room with Maruko.

   Maruko suddenly slapped his thigh, and his complexion changed anxiously: "Ah! No! I suddenly remembered something, so I have to go back and deal with it!"

   After that, he ran away like a gust of wind, leaving behind the messy Qingyuan in the wind, a moment of melancholy.

   Then, he picked up the bowl that had been licked by the **** on the table, put it in his nose and sniffed deeply, then looked out the window and found no one. He swallowed, stuck out his tongue, and licked the bowl wall.

   In the wall of the bowl, in addition to the residual medicinal fragrance, there is also a unique jasmine fragrance, which is very beautiful.

   "Is this the taste of meatballs?!"

   Aohara took a deep breath, her expression fascinated...

   The night is getting darker, and darkness covers the earth.

   Outside the Qinglin tribe, in the dark night, there are sometimes rapid wind sounds and slight footsteps passing by, taking away bursts of evil spirits.

   Obviously, there are mysterious and strange dangerous creatures wandering outside the village.

   And this time.

   When lightning strikes the new buds of the old willow tree, it will emit a mysterious halo, filled with a magnificent and vast atmosphere, and the strange and dangerous creatures outside the village suddenly fled in panic.

  In the ancient tower of the Qinglin tribe, the old village chief sat cross-legged on the stone platform, his eyes half-opened and half-closed, he was meditating and practicing, and his breath was mysterious.

   At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the door of the ancient tower.

   There, I don't know when, a figure in a black robe appeared, without any breath, as if it merged with the night.

   The old village chief laughed, and said, "It turns out that it was the warlord Heizi who came in person!"

   The black robe figure Jie Jie smiled, walked into the ancient pagoda, and said, "The cultivation base of offering sacrifices to the seniors is unfathomable. You found out when the juniors came."

While speaking, he uncovered the black robe covering his head, revealing a handsome face, like a scholar, but under the light of the oil lamp, the unruly color between his eyebrows can be clearly seen, so that he is not good. Stubble.

  He is the sunspot.

   is also a disciple accepted by the ancestor's Wutian clone. He was once a wisp of death and black smoke, but he has been built into the Dao of Origin and has grown up to this day.

   "Back then, if a few of the juniors hadn't strayed into a large space-time formation and had worked hard for half a million years, I am afraid that they would not even have the right to speak before offering sacrifices to the seniors.

   Heizi sighed, his eyes gleaming far away.

That time and space formation, when they were led by the Bloodhand Heavenly Sovereign of the Dead Smoky Clan, they evacuated from the depths of the Dead Smoky Continent and came to the monster world. They were attacked by a formidable enemy and fled in panic. That time and space array.

   As a result, he and Maruko, Douzi and Gangzi were trapped in them.

   They relied on the Star-absorbing Dafa and Beiming magical skills taught by the Wutian clone, and swallowed countless monsters. Only then did they rise step by step. After 500,000 years of hard work, they opened the physical heaven gate, broke the space-time formation, and escaped.

   500,000 years inside, only 3,000 years have passed outside.

   Blood Hand Tianzun took the other Demon Lords back to the Blood Scale Tribe. The four of them were discovered by the Black Scale Tribe’s sacrifice and brought back to the Black Scale Tribe.

   After so many years, Heizi sighed with emotion every time he thought of this.

   The old village chief had also heard about this incident from the sacrifice of the Heilin tribe. At this moment, he couldn't help but smile, and said, "This is all your chance and luck! Outsiders still envy you!"

Heizi smiled upon hearing this, and stopped mentioning the matter. A gleam of light flashed in his scarlet eyes, and said: "Sacrifice to seniors, our Blackscale tribe, we want to join hands with your Qinglin tribe to conspire with the stone tools. What do you think?!"

  The old village chief groaned: "The time when stone tools were born, the clouds move in all directions, the big tribes in the central area of ​​the great wilderness will definitely fight for it. Our chance is not great."

   "I don't even say politely, we have no chance at all."

   Kuroko smiled strangely, and said: "Senior, junior is 50% sure that they can win a handful of time stone tools. If seniors help, the odds of winning can reach 70%!"

   The old village chief heard the words, his eyes suddenly became faint, and the oil lamp was clearly visible in his pupils.

   "Why are you 50% sure?!"

   asked the old village chief.

   Heizi didn’t answer, but instead asked a question, “In this great wilderness world, there are countless tribes, but all tribes have an ancient willow which is enshrined by tribesmen."

   "Then, the younger generation would like to ask, these sacred willows are all called sacred willow totems in the big tribes in the middle of the wilderness, but in your Qinglin tribe, why do you call the sacred willows the ancestors?!"

   "Is your sacred willow unique? Or is your Qinglin tribe the offspring of a willow tree?!"

   This involves the ultimate secret of this world, and the sacrifices of the Blackscale tribe don’t know, only the Qinglin tribe, the tribe that migrated here from the wilderness area countless years ago.

   The old village chief heard the words and was silent for a while.

   After a long while, he sighed long and said: "This is a distant ancient secret."

   "Back then, the ancestor Liu Changsheng led his descendants to fight **** battles with powerful enemies, but unfortunately suffered a betrayal and was defeated!"

   "The ancestor Liu Changsheng died in battle, he had to melt into nothingness, melt the darkness, and become this wild land, and his soul, fell across the wild, and became countless sacred willows!"

   "So, these sacred willows seem to be scattered all over the wilderness, in fact, they are the souls of the ancestor Liu Changsheng!"

   "It is rumored that if one day, if there is a sacred willow, then the ancestor Liu Changsheng will be reborn and return..."

  Ps: The plot needs, write an extra chapter (4000 words chapter), ask for support, ask for votes


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