Arcane Lord

Chapter 174

To some extent, the Mage Association is not suitable for interference in politics, whether it is these people who want to overthrow the rule of the current aristocracy, or whether they plan to find a family to avenge. Or the summon demons will come to massacre. As long as the status of the mages can be guaranteed unshakable, then most mages can remain neutral.

As there is a saying, the smarter the person is, the more selfish they are, especially the wizards who use slaves and apprentices to experiment or live Dissection. Most of them are evil camps. There are very few people like Andre who still barely stay in the good camp, let alone kind, even the neutral camp is rare.

Normally, the more in-depth a person is in Arcane research, the more his camp tends to deviate toward evil.

Because in the process of magic research, living experiments are absolutely unavoidable. Even if you use evil humanoids such as goblins and kobolds to replace the same kind, it will inevitably become ruthless after a long time. After all, it is also a life of wisdom, and if you don’t be cruel, you can’t stick to it.

The reason why Andre still stays in the good camp is mainly because he insists on distributing the prey to the poor families in Gushan Town, and has not harmed a good person so far, otherwise he has participated in the gang Operating this point will soon leave the camp of goodness.

The distinction between good and evil on Olaer continent is somewhat similar to the law on Earth. Whether a person is good or evil depends mainly on what he does. As long as he never does bad things, even if he thinks about it all day Killing, setting fire, and destroying the world cannot be classified as evil either.

In contrast, if a person is full of thoughts about doing good, but he is accidentally deceived and killed an ordinary person by mistake, then this person may immediately fall into the evil camp.

So, the standard of good and evil does not depend on thoughts, but the consequences of their own actions on society.

As a traverser, Andre never thinks how kind he is. If the situation is critical and an innocent person must be killed to make him live, then he will definitely without the slightest hesitation to this person Kill.

Similarly, if he doesn’t endanger his own life and core interests, he doesn’t mind giving some help to the disadvantaged groups, especially the lonely elderly and children without fathers and mothers.

Human nature has always been a very complicated thing. It can turn good people into bad people at certain times, and it can also transform bad people into good people at certain times.

At present, Andre is in a relatively friendly period. On the one hand, he does not fully understand this World, so he dare not act rashly. On the other hand, no one has violated his core interests, but he has violated the interests of many others.

But this kind of false kindness may not last long. As Linton City begins to fall into unprecedented turmoil, he will soon show his fangs, devour those weak forces, and let himself It swells up quickly in order to deal with emergencies that may occur at any time.

Avoiding the temple personnel who were checking the battle traces and corpses on the front lawn, the two quietly passed through the secret door and came to the dim dungeon.

As soon as they walked down the stairs, they heard the sound of the whip falling on the person, as well as screams and curses.

Obviously, Eunice is doing her favorite thing, which is to lash the captives.

At this moment, she is waving the whip with red light across the whole face, the eyes of the two scarlet release excited rays of light, the skin above and below the whole body is showing pink, and the sweat runs down the gully of her neck and chest It kept slipping off, the soaked coat clinging to the skin, revealing a sexy figure that was protruding and curving. The tail swayed vigorously from side to side, and the seductive red lips even gave out faintly discernable moans.

Seeing that this half-demon is getting more and more unbelievable, and a hand reaches into his clothes to knead his huge twin peaks, Andre hastened to stop him: “Enough! Stop it now! “

“Lord…Master? Sorry…I…I didn’t find you coming!” Eunice shivered in an instant, stopped beating, cautiously lowered her head.

Boris squinted his eyes and looked up and down, then smiled and asked, “This is the Teflin you captured on the pirate ship last time?”

“Yes, master.” Andre slightly nodded.

He didn’t expect at all. Eunice’s sadism is so serious that she can be so excited to have sexual desire, it is too hard to believe.

“Very good, the bloodline concentration is very high. With a little stimulation, you can become a qualified warlock, a good assistant, and a good bed partner. But you better have a Psychologically, all creatures with demon bloodline are a bit emotional and capricious. For them, betrayal is easier than eating and drinking.” As a great mage, Boris hardly needs any Arcane. With no difficulty, he can sense the energy intensity of a creature within the body. He can see that there is a lot of unactivated energy in the bloodline of the half-demon in front of him, and it can become out-of-pocket as long as it is activated. Warlock.

Andre smiled bitterly and sighed: “Hey… you are right. She has a very good innate talent for casting spells, but her tactical mind is really not very good. On the contrary, she is quite good in melee combat. Don’t worry about being emotional. I have already concluded a blood contract with her.”

“Good at close combat?” Boris raised his eyebrows and glanced at You with a surprised look. Niss. “The demon warrior should be a good choice. As long as the energy is converted into physique and strength as much as possible when activating the bloodline, the rest is estimated to be able to obtain a few Innate Ability. Finally, I have to remind you, Blood The contract is not safe, so you need to add another insurance.”

Speaking, he took out a metal silver snake from his arms and beckoned to the half-devil: “Come here!”

Eunice didn’t dare to disobey the order of the archmage, and walked closer with her head down.

President Boris did not have any mercy, and put the silver snake directly on her neck.

In an instant, the silver snake flashed a bright light and quickly wrapped around Eunice’s neck, forming a delicate collar that looked very beautiful.

But Andre can see that this very terrifying magic item, the two black shine fangs in the snake’s mouth, can kill an elephant in three seconds with just one bite .

Perhaps Tefrin has a strong resistance to natural toxins, but in the face of alchemical poisons, there is no courage to try it, because the latter is not limited to destroying the body, but rising To the soul level.

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