Arcane Lord

Chapter 175

Eunice felt cold in her neck, followed by an indescribable fear emerging from the bottom of her heart, especially where the silver snake’s head stayed, which happened to be the gap between the vertebrae. The venom can be injected into the nerve center in an instant, and the blink of an eye can cause brain death.

But she doesn’t even dare to move now, and even lifts the head to have the courage to take a look. The terrifying magical energy radiating from the archmage inadvertently is enough to make sensitive people asphyxia.

“Remember, the incantion is Ebrian-Dyson-Apodur, as long as you recite it by singing incantion, no matter where this Teflin is, the silver snake will Kill it with toxins, and any attempt to remove or destroy the silver will have the same effect.” Boris didn’t mind Eunice standing by and directly said the incantion that activated the magic item.

Perhaps in his eyes, a trifling, a semi-demon slave, is not much different from an ant, and there is no need to guard against it. Even if the other party knows about this fatal incantion, it’s okay. Can it still be read out? ?

Although Andre doesn’t want to use this method to control a person, he can’t defy the will of the archmage, so he has no choice but to nodded: “Remember, thank you very much for your kindness, although I don’t think there is This is necessary.”

Boris smiled and waved his hand: “You are too young to understand the greed and cunning of human nature, even human beings themselves, even more how a demon bloodline Teflin. When dealing with servants, the first thing you have to do is not to grant favors, but to make them understand that you can control their life and death. Don’t worry, I will bring this half-demon back to the mage tower for a good training, at most One month later, she became a qualified demon-born warrior.”

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Eunice with cold eyes, and the latter was so scared that she couldn’t help being beaten up cleverly, cowering Kneeling on the ground, trying to show his most humble side.

“Well, I will leave it to you. I hope that the profession of Demon Warrior will not disappoint me too much.” Andre obviously doesn’t want to discuss more about dealing with people, because as a major A traveler in the explosive age, he knows how to deal with interpersonal relationships better than most of Olaer continent.

In fact, in this land full of barbarism and ignorance, civilians and slaves basically have no culture and simple ideas. As long as they can be protected from wild beasts and monsters, even With higher taxes, tyrannical lords, and stricter laws, these people will still obey the rule.

As for the nobles who were brainwashed by feudal thoughts, let alone, nepotism is a normal thing. As long as the rewards and punishments are not too partial, all feudal knights, soldiers and officials will still be obediently and Allegiance to the lord honestly.

It can be said that in all known systems, apart from the purely ancient slave system, there is no system that can clearly distinguish the relationship between people than the feudal system. Class, and once this class is established, it cannot be changed for a long time.

As there is a saying, nobles are nobles not only because of the nobility of bloodline, but also the monopoly of knowledge and military force. With Andre’s current mage and Baron identity, whether in power In terms of social status, it is enough to make a large group of people work for it.

But he himself doesn’t like the awe that power brings, instead he likes to cultivate feelings in some gentler ways.

Because the loyalty gained in this subtle way can really stand the test. Those relationships that rely on money and power to maintain are relatively too fragile. When they really encounter difficulties, I’m afraid none of them are reliable.

“Devil warriors, like Dragon Vein warlocks, activate the special energy contained in their own bloodline in order to achieve the effect of returning to the ancestors. By then, the demon characteristics of Teflin will become particularly obvious.” With that, Boris pointed Eunice with his finger.

“For example, the horns, tails, hooves, etc. will become more like demons. The pure bloodline will also grow a pair of bat-like wings. Of course, you don’t have to worry too much about her becoming outright Demon, because this form is usually manifested by the ability to transform, it can still be maintained in a normal appearance.”

Hearing the description of the president, Andre probably understood what the demon-born warrior was about. To put it bluntly, activating bloodline energy is almost the same as becoming a warlock.

The only difference is that the former is more inclined to enhance physique and power, while the latter is to improve the casting ability as much as possible. The mage only distributes the energy ratio, and the final result depends on Individual Differences.

When thinking of Eunice’s transformation into a succubus not long ago, he couldn’t help but explain with a wry smile: “Master, I’m afraid you don’t know yet. I have seen it with my own eyes. When in danger, he turned into a succubus with a height of 1.8 meters or more. Will it cause side effects if activated?”

“Succubus?” Boris’s old face was hard to hide. Surprise. “I thought it was a lie that you deliberately made up for the sake of more benefits.”

“It’s a pity that I am a guy who lied for petty profits in your eyes. “Andre patted his chest, deliberately making a sad expression.

Boris laughed and shook the head: “hahahaha! If you see what the common mages in the association do after completing the mission, you will immediately understand how my suspicion came from Well, let’s stop here for small talk, 1 month later I will hand this Teflin to you intact, hope she can protect your safety in the next turmoil.”

“Don’t worry, I swear you will get what you want in a year.” Andre bowed deeply.

He is very clear why the archmage in front of him suddenly cares about himself so much, everything is to get the spell that escapes death through Devouring Soul, so without the slightest hesitation made a guarantee.

“Very good!”

The promised Boris showed a satisfied expression, turned around and looked at the dying Cole with cold eyes, and muttered to himself. “Let me take a look now, who is the man who has been hiding behind the scenes and trying to subvert Linton City…”

tone barely fell, he quickly took out from the long-distance running full of pockets A piece of copper came out, chanting incantation quickly, and a few seconds later, an invisible cylindrical energy stand wrapped the surroundings.

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