Arcane Lord

Chapter 324

“Oh? Even the conditions were written in advance. Are you so sure of taking me down?” Andre asked with a smile while watching the ridicule on parchment .

Relying on the discussion of wine just now, the distance between the two of them has suddenly increased a lot, so they are less scrupulous and more casual when talking.

However, he knew that the old man in front of him actually used special conversation skills, first breaking the unfamiliarity through some innocuous small talk, and then slowly developing feelings, and finally achieving the goal of making friends.

In his last life, Andre also learned similar tricks, so he was not affected at all, and he also deliberately cooperated with the other party in acting.

I have to say that his current age is very deceptive, at least in the view of George Mantel, a teenager under fifteen years old, no matter how smart, is impossible to have a rich life. Experience, as long as I play the emotional card, one day I can tie his money to the conservative war chariot.

Just when this traditional aristocrat of rigorous schemes and deep foresight wanted to say something and so on, a burst of enthusiastic cheers suddenly came to mind in the hall. Only one person in his thirties, dressed in black The woman in the sexy dress walked to the front desk and leaned slightly.

“Ladies! Gentlemen! Welcome to the monthly boutique auction! I am Auctioneer Zoe Bracken and I am honored to be of service to you in the next few hours. Thank you!”

tone barely fell, the scene instantly remembered the thunderous applause.

She is like a blooming rose, and her whole body exudes the unique charm of mature women, coupled with the charming figure set off by the tight dress, it instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

Andre is keenly aware that this woman who calls herself Auctioneer is quite not simple, especially the kind of charm that is different from ordinary people, which is definitely not what an ordinary person can have.

Out of caution, he lowered his voice and asked the old man next to him: “Do you know this person?”

“Of course! No one in the upper class circle of Linton didn’t know him. Ibracon. How is it, tempting, isn’t it? When I was young, I was fascinated by her, even if I think about it now, I still feel a little moved.” George stared at the front desk obsessively, with a deep sigh.

“When you were young? My God, wouldn’t she be at least sixty years old!” Andre couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Be aware that the woman at the front desk does not have any special bloodline features all over her body, she is completely human, and there is no wrinkle on her face, neck, corners of the eyes, etc., and she has a plump breast His hips are still full of elasticity, and many youngsters sitting in the front row have red faces and are obviously a little uncontrollable.

George shook the head and explained with a wry smile: “No, Zoe Bracken is more than sixty years old. To be precise, she is one hundred and three years old this year. The reason why there is no sign of aging, The reason is that when she was young, she rejected the pursuit of a powerful mage. As a result, the mage flew into a rage out of humiliation and placed a powerful curse.”

After hearing these words, Andre grew up surprised. She closed her mouth and muttered to herself: “Curse? You mean curses make her live long and never grow old! Damn! I want one such curse too!”

This is not make a fuss about nothing, but there is really no way to calm down.

After all, this involves immortality!

The current president of the Mage Association, the archmage who specializes in change, Boris, tried almost all the known methods in order to extend his lifespan, but in the end he found nothing, otherwise I saw it at first The way to escape death, you won’t get excited like that.

Called a genius once in a thousand years, Necromancer Ulysses has only found a way to survive that many years of research, and the side effects are very serious. Every time the soul transfers , The mage level must start from scratch.

Where is this woman in front of you?

Just with a curse, she has gained almost eternal youth and a long lifespan, which is so jealous.

“haha, trust me, you don’t want yourself to be entangled by this curse. That mage used the lives of thousands of slaves for a bloody ceremony, cursing her for having something that all men can’t resist Charm, but you can’t be touched by a man, otherwise the man will die instantly, the deadline is the sum of the remaining lifespan of a thousand slaves.”

Speaking of this, George’s wrinkled old face Above, there was a trace of fear, obviously recalling something.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality and continued: “When I was young, I saw a young nobleman who wanted to be strong, but just tore off Zoe’s coat, he was caught on the ceiling. The falling chandelier directly smashed to death. I heard that in recent years, in order to alleviate the depression and loneliness in her heart, she has begun to like women. It is…hey…”

“The remaining lifespan of a thousand people? Doesn’t she have to live to be over ten thousand years old! My God! I’m afraid it’s not much different from immortality.”

Andre couldn’t imagine what kind of magic ceremony could actually be produced. Such a terrifying effect, but from the point of view of taking other people’s lifespan, it is inextricably related to the necromancer Arcane.

He finally understands how terrifying Laureta Bottons mentioned the hidden power of Linton City. Just such a magic ceremony requires at least a Legendary mage above level 20 to do it. get.

According to a few words in some ancient books, when the ancient magical civilization was at its most prosperous, an evil genius invented a Legendary magic. Every time it was cast, it could take all of the magic in a large area of ​​a city. Erasing all the creatures, and then blessing the victim’s remaining life on him, is just like this curse.

Although it is impossible to tell whether the person casting this curse is a Legendary mage, there is one thing that Andre can 100% confirm, that is, the person who did this thing, the mage level will never be lower than 17, and The accomplishments in the spell ceremony are absolutely culmination.

Perhaps seeing the frantic inquiring in Andre’s eyes, George hurriedly lowered his voice and warned: “Don’t try to hit Zoe’s attention! Let’s not talk about the horrible and deadly thing on her. Curse, the shelter of the Whale Business Group alone is enough to make many people worry. If you like beautiful and mature women, I can help you find a few, but it is better to give up this one.”

“Hehe, I think you have misunderstood. I am not interested in this lady herself, but the powerful curse acting on her. By the way, you should be very familiar with her, can you introduce us after the auction is over Get to know, I want to spot the hair and blood on her body and take it back to study.”

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