Arcane Lord

Chapter 325

As a traverser, Andre is full of curiosity about this incredible world, all kinds of strange things, unfathomable Arcane, divine technique, and now he has seen it with his own eyes A person who has an almost endless lifespan and will never age, naturally has the urge to find out.

According to the knowledge of the previous life, he knew that aging is actually a physiological phenomenon caused by the death of a large number of cells and the beginning of abnormal organ function. Its essence is that due to unknown reasons, more and more cell damages. As a result, the weak balance of the body is broken, and eventually it will slowly age and die.

Normally, the theoretical lifespan of mammals is five to seven times that of the growth period, which means that the longest lifespan of humans is absolutely impossible to exceed two hundred years, because genes determine the maximum number of cell divisions , When it reaches the maximum value, all cells will lose vitality completely.

But this woman named Zoe Bracken clearly violated this law.

Even in the 21st century, where the biological and medical technology is highly developed, a woman over a hundred years old can’t lift herself up to her 30s. Perhaps the face and body can be The diet and exercise methods are maintained, but some parts will still have very obvious aging characteristics, such as the skin on the neck will become loose, the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes will be very obvious, etc.

You have to know that in this world, there is no plastic surgery technology. Everything is pure and natural, so it is very valuable for research. If you can figure this out, you can crack the secret of eternal life.

Although Andre is still very young now and does not need any spell to extend his lifespan, but he wants to keep his body under twenty-five forever.

After all, once this age is passed, human learning ability will begin to decline drastically. This is why when choosing apprentices, most mages will not choose children over fourteen years old.

“Well, when the auction is over, I will help you to introduce it. As for whether it can be achieved, it depends on Zoe’s mood.” After that, George shook the head helplessly.

He has seen a lot of mages brimming over with talent, and he understands how terrible the mages are for mysterious things. If he doesn’t agree, then he will definitely adopt other methods.

“Thank you! In return, I agree with these conditions except for the last one in principle. As for the specific details, when the time comes, I will discuss them slowly.”

What, you have to pay the same price. Andre understood this long time ago, so after making excessive demands, he will naturally compensate the old man in other ways, even more how the conservatives’ conditions are not harsh. Except for the rented one that allowed him to have a relationship with more than forty noble women and give birth to offspring a bit too much, the rest are basically in the category of what they need.

George obviously didn’t expect that the other party would agree so happily, with a hint of surprise and doubt on his face involuntarily.

“Are you sure you don’t need to look again? Especially with regard to the trade war that has broken out, we need you to gain enough military exploits on the sea in order to suppress the arrogance of the Kyrgyz Bruce special main combat faction. In addition. , Why reject the last one? I promise that the women selected by each family are very beautiful, and they don’t need to take any responsibility. Isn’t it a wonderful enjoyment?”

Andre smiled Shrugged: “Sorry, although the beautiful lady is very attractive, there are two points that I cannot accept. First, the result of this mandatory arrangement is really uninteresting, and secondly, I did not leave my offspring to be raised by others. Habit, so I don’t have to mention it again.

As for naval battles, you don’t have to worry about it. I will take a boat out to sea after a while to capture the merchant ship in Bakaro City and sink it. Their warship. Oh, yes, I have one more thing to ask you, if it is convenient, can I get some bronze, sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter, the more the better.”

Currently Olaer continent Naval battles are still in the era of primordial weapons such as bows, ballistas, and kerosene. Once they are close, they can only cut each other with scimitars. There is no skill at all. In addition, most of the ships are bloated. Between the fourteenth and twelfth centuries on Earth, the tall poop easily caused an unstable center of gravity.

Want to gain absolute advantage in this protracted war of attrition, it is impossible to use some knowledge and methods of previous life.

What he has to do is to transform a long and narrow Galen sailboat, and then cast a batch of artillery and muskets with bronze, so that people in this world can feel the formidable power of the giant ship’s artillery.

Of course, this thing can only bully an ordinary person who has no supernatural power. Once there is a wizard on the enemy ship, a combination of flying + Fireball can completely eliminate the advantages of guns and artillery. .

In fact, if conditions permit, Andre would like to build an iron-clad battleship to directly crush the opponent with unmatched power.

However, it is a pity that technological progress has never been achieved overnight. It involves many basic industrial systems in all aspects, such as steelmaking, and the smokeless gunpowder and thunder mercury in chemical systems. According to At present, Linton City, which has almost no basic industrial system, wants to build an armored battleship is simply a dream.

Don’t talk about the iron armored battleship, just relying on the steel extracted from the hand-crafted workshops in the suburbs, the production of guns and artillery is unqualified, otherwise he would not choose to use bronze, a special alloy that has been eliminated.

Don’t think that steel must be higher than bronze. In the history of Earth, the use of bronze artillery lasted until the 19th century. Even the Napoleonic guns used during the American Civil War were cast in bronze. .

The reason is very simple. Bronze has very good metal ductility. It has a low melting point, is easy to smelt, and is not easy to explode. Moreover, the quality of steel at that time is not good enough, so it is not surprising that it is popular.

“Bronze, sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter? What do you want these things to do! Especially bronze, which was obsolete more than two thousand years ago. No matter what you plan to cast, I personally recommend You change to steel.”

George doesn’t understand at all, what else can bronze do now? The thing is soft and heavy. It can be used as a weapon. It can’t pierce steel armor. Similarly, there is no way to withstand the attack of iron weapons, otherwise the bronze ware will not be quickly eliminated after the invention of steel smelting technology, and it will disappear completely in less than seventy years.

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