Arcane Lord

Chapter 415

In fact, if it’s just a ghost, it won’t make a Fifth Level Specialized Mage show such an expression. With the powerful destructive power of Level 3 Arcane, it can be completely killed. The other party, but if you add a king character, the meaning will immediately become completely different.

As everyone knows, most undying creatures have no wisdom, only relying on the instinct to be hungry and incomparable, and the incomparable hatred of the living, there is never the possibility of evolution.

But there are always so few freaks in the world, or miracles pieced together by countless coincidences, even the lowest skeletons, corpses, ghouls, etc., may evolve into independence Consciousness and wisdom.

Some of them are strengthened by external forces, such as a powerful spellcaster using spell to strengthen, and another example of accidentally encountering a certain magical item. In short, their power comes from Acquired, not birth That moment is different.

There is another kind that is particularly special, that is, at a specific time, a specific occasion, and a specific person, due to some strong negative feelings or places where negative energy is particularly concentrated, it is transformed into one of the dead. In an instant, he gained incomparable power and finally became the king at the top of his class.

There is no doubt that the guy who claims to be the king of ghosts—Navid Rustam is such an out-and-out lucky guy.

If Mante hadn’t summoned him to the material world and happened to be around the battlefield full of blood and killing, then he would be impossible to absorb so many negative emotions, and at best would only be transformed into the lowest ghost. Aimless wanders in Soul World, maybe one day he can find a gap to other planes, maybe he can only continue to wander for a lifetime.

It can be said that in an extremely coincidental situation, Navid went from a humble sailor to the ghost king, and the whole process only required a small error, such as Mant sent him before the conversion was over. Back to Soul World, if the corresponding summon is another relatively kind soul, then nothing will happen.

But unfortunately, the so-called destiny is that no matter how hard you work and how hard you work, you will never compare to the lucky few. Some of them are born in the homes of powerful and powerful people, and some have things that ordinary people can’t match. Innate talent, it’s not just fortuitous encounters that are constantly growing and growing at an amazing speed, not to mention that there are traversers like Andre who have their own cheating system.

No way, destiny is not fair at all. It is like an invisible hand, placing everyone in a specific position. No matter how you struggle or escape, you can only end up with courage and courage. Embrace it.

You must know that even Goddess, who has the priesthood of destiny, could not peek into the mystery. He split himself in half thousands of years ago in a rage, that is, the current Goddess and Goddess of doom, not to mention Humble mortal…

As Gruul recalled the truth of the matter, the dim cabin instantly became depressed, and the two wizards who had lost the means of self-protection looked at each other like this, speechless for a long time .

I don’t know how long it took. Zebrun opened his mouth to speak, but he didn’t know what to say. In the end it all turned into a sigh, praying silently, hoping that he could escape alive. Get out.

At the same time, Andre, who is far in the Eye of Arcane, is sitting on the deck, asking Uruz about the situation of the Kamla Desert. Although he already knows something in the books, he I still want to know the real situation, especially local specialties, systems, customs, population, technological level, distribution of animals and plants, geographical features, etc.

The head of the mercenary group was obviously also very happy that someone was interested in his hometown. They almost knew everything and talked endlessly. The two quickly got to know each other.

“So, your people, the staple food is the fruit of a plant called the date palm?” Andre asked with a look of surprise.

Although on Earth, he heard that a generation of residents in the Middle East and North Africa used to feed it in ancient times, but it was a bit unbelievable to hear that the desert residents of this World also eat this.

Uruzi nodded with a smile explained: “Yes! It’s the date palm. It has a very sweet taste and rich nutrition. The soldiers of our tribe grew up eating it, so there is only one picture. A strong body.

The shape of the date palm tree is a bit like a coconut tree, which can reach up to 35 meters in height. All the leaves grow on the canopy. At the fruiting period, the canopy will be densely covered. The packed red dates look very beautiful from a distance.

If you are going to the desert one day, please have a look, otherwise you will regret it.”

Feeling the cool sea breeze at night, Andre smiled happily: “hahahaha! Thank you for your reminder, I will definitely go to see the desert atmosphere there in my lifetime.

You know, I was half a year ago , The biggest dream is to travel all corners of this World, from the polar regions in the north to the archipelago in the south, and then from deep and unmeasurable seabed to Boundless Starry Sky, to experience all kinds of different humanities and scenery, and enjoy a period of time. Wandering life.

But destiny always likes to make fun of people. The more you want to get something, it just keeps you from getting it. Perhaps the reason why dreams are so precious is 99.99%. People who are not able to achieve this in a lifetime.

I like to explore the unknown, experience the freshness brought by different identities, different professions, and different countries and regions. I prefer to pursue the secrets hidden in Arcane and unlock the hidden secrets of the universe. There are countless truths, so I don’t like to be bound by rights, responsibilities, and money at all, so I have been looking for a few trusted and capable men to exercise power, manage the industry, and command the army on my behalf.

I believe that after saying so much, you should be able to understand what I mean, right?”

“Yes, the reason why you recruited me was to make me your private army Commander.” Uruz said very indifferently.

When he heard the other person without the slightest hesitation, he said what he thought in his heart, and Andre’s eyes instantly revealed a hint of satisfaction: “You are very smart and sharp. I have more than three hundred and fifty people under my hand. Well-equipped and well-trained cuirassiers, two-thirds of them already have a fighter level. Each is equipped with at least two heavy horses and three light horses. They can not only ride and shoot at long and short distances, but also Initiate a charge.

In addition, I have Barbarian heavy armored infantry in their early 500s. All of them are elite fighters who have emerged from the tragic fighting. They are currently undergoing queue training while working with the border forest. The surrounding monster tribes are fighting.

Now tell me, if it were you, how do you plan to organize and how to use them to maximize their combat effectiveness when fighting the enemy?”

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