Arcane Lord

Chapter 416

“Oh, really didn’t expect. You already have such a powerful army unconsciously. I am afraid that only a few of the nobles of Linton City have the personal power of a few dukes. Huh? Also, is this a test, my lord?” As he said, an excited expression appeared on Uruz’s face.

As a person who has learned marching and fighting with teachers since he was a child, he is best at arranging troops, especially longing for commanding a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses to fight a fate-determining war.

But it’s a pity that the tribe he belongs to is too weak to raise enough professional fighters. In the end, he can only watch thousands of sand thieves rush into the oasis to burn, kill, and looting. In ten minutes, more than five hundred tribal soldiers were defeated. Fewer than two hundred people barely survived, and their relatives who escaped through the desert, looking for shelter.

Now that this ideal is finally possible, Uruz can no longer remain calm, his eyes flash with a strange look, and the whole person is like an unsheathed sword, emitting dazzling eyes. The rays of light.

“Hehe! You tentatively treat him as a test. After all, I need to know whether your combat philosophy can bring victory, because in a real war, any twists and turns are better than nothing The last victory came more convincing. I believe that as a commander, you should know this best. Besides, I’m very glad that you finally agreed to call me the lord.”

After all, Andre stared at Wu Luz’s pair was a little red, representing the eyes of the god bloodline, while waiting for the answer without saying a word.

Because he knows that he must give the opponent enough time to think, and he also hopes to get a commander who is closer to his own tactical thinking, otherwise it will be very troublesome to cooperate in the future.

Uluzi not at all noticed the flash of expectation on Andre’s face, lowered his head and thought about the military knowledge he had learned, simulating the battle process over and over again in his mind, and estimating what The formation can ensure that this elite private army can exert its maximum combat effectiveness.

Time passed by, and I don’t know if it was due to excessive use of the brain. A layer of sweat soon appeared on his forehead, and his mouth kept muttering something quietly. He completely forgets everything around him, immersed in his own world, unable to extricate himself.

Andre was not in a hurry, leaning lightly on the mast, letting the sea breeze blow his fiery-red hair, silently looking at the calm sea in the distance.

Suddenly! The place where the sea and the sky meet seems to have faintly appeared a large vague two spots, just like the distant stars in the night sky, which have been flashing slightly.

He did not dare to neglect, and immediately activated the long-sighted ability of the “Captain’s Blindfold”, and instantly discovered that a fleet of dozens of warships was closing in, and it seemed that he was planning to encircle Arcane’s Eye. , And all the banners of the Bacaro City Navy were hung on the masts. You don’t need to ask to know that the other party came for yourself.

“Damn it! How did they find out where I was parking?”

After the cursed of gnashing teeth, Andre quickly shouted at the sailor on the lookout: “Quick! Ring the alarm! Call everyone up! Level 1 battle preparation! A large number of battleships in Bacaro City appeared on the port side! We are in big trouble!”

This sentence not only woke up the vigil The sailor, and also pulled Uruz back from deep thought, and asked in shock: “What’s the matter? I seemed to hear a fleet appear just now, where are they?”

Andre didn’t have time to do too much. Explain more and pointed directly to the distant sea: “Did you see those light spots in the distance? They are all oil lamps hanging on the bow and stern of the ship! That is the direction of the enemy fleet! Now go to the cabin and take you down All the people who can move scream, we must set sail immediately, or we will die if we are encircled!”

“Oh… my god! How many ships are these? Are they crazy? In order to attack us, he even ignored the danger of sailing at night!” Uruz exclaimed in disbelief.

Not only him, including the lookout hand, all the crew members who have not yet rested showed shocked expressions, yelling on the deck one by one, and after a while, they took the entire ship Everyone screamed, and in less than ten minutes, Arcane’s Eye set sail again, moving towards the opposite direction and proceeded at full speed, trying to escape the enemy’s encirclement.

It’s important to know that although the accuracy of ballistas and catapults is really worrying, once the number is enough to cover the shooting, even the city wall built with stones will be smashed, even more how built of wood. Into a sailing boat.

Although the wood used for shipbuilding is basically not much worse than the iron plate after the water is removed, but as long as it is wood, it is afraid of fire, especially stone bullets coated with hot glue, maybe one or two It can be extinguished with sand, but if there are more than a dozen of them, it is almost equivalent to directly declaring Arcane’s eye number to death.

After all, like such a big battle, if there is no wizard in the fleet, Andre will not believe it if he is killed, so he doesn’t even mean to fight back. He just turned around without saying anything.

Faced with enemies whose number and strength are several times or even ten times more than that of himself, if he is still stupid and rushes forward, he is a fool. He has no hobby of self-masochism, let alone hitting rocks with eggs. habit.

The Eye of Arcane is a typical Galen ship. In addition to the huge scale sails hung on the three main masts, there are also spinnakers hung between the bow, stern and masts. Far from being comparable to this World’s elliptical hull and most sailboats with only two masts.

In the absence of big waves, the speed of running out of seven or eight knots is completely fine. If you don’t consider that the mast may break and the hull is seriously tilted, it will be fine to run more than ten knots.

What about other ships?

If you go higher, it will not exceed three knots. Even if you add the oars, you can break through five knots in a short time. It is a dream to catch up.

As Arcane’s Eye entered a state of rapidity, in the blink of an eye, the Bakaro City fleet, which was in a semi-encircled formation, was thrown away. Some rude sailors even stood at the stern and took off their pants. He patted his white buttocks hard, laughing loudly at the other person who could only follow behind and deflate.

“hahahahaha! Like the great arcane eye of a sneak attack! Let’s eat shit!”

“Yes! I really want to see the expressions on their faces now, I believe it must be very exciting!”

“Long live Captain Andre! Fortunately he found out in time, otherwise we will be in bad luck!”

All the crew members were celebrating their escape and cheering loudly at the same time. The lookout hand also hung a pink flag specially used to insult people at the top of the mast, unscrupulously venting the dissatisfaction of waking up from sleep.

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