Arcane Lord

Chapter 650

Learning magic is never a boring thing, especially the wonderful magical energy, guided by incantion and gestures, forms a variety of incredible physical phenomena, even impossible at all The supernatural phenomena explained by science, anyone who is a little curious can’t help but want to figure out what is hidden behind these spells, and what is the magical energy everywhere…

Create flames out of thin air , Strong acid, lightning, sound waves, ice…

Summon all kinds of strange things…

Forcibly change the mind and soul of a person or even a group of people , Make its acknowledge allegiance to one’s own will…

Resurrect dead creatures in the form of undead…

Create an Illusion Technique that can deceive all sensory organs…

Impervious to sword and spear’s protective force field…

The ability to change all known material forms…

Finally, there is to discover all the secrets in the world The means of…

Magic is all-inclusive, almost omnipotent. The ancient wizards seem to have completely let go of their ideological constraints, and created thousands with imaginations like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies There are tens of thousands of Arcanes, only you can’t think of it, and they can’t do it without them.

Many times Andre always has an illusion that the magic civilization destroyed by the gods is far more advanced than the 21st century Earth, at least Earth has not yet colonized the sky, and ancient magic The civilized Floating Void City can already carry out interplanetary teleportation, spreading its reputation to the entire universe, and the worlds conquered and colonized by them are simply countless.

It was these great pioneers who made the phrase “knowledge is power” no longer an empty abstract concept, but a real entity in the profession of the mage.

Perhaps theocracy is inherently in conflict with mortals who desire to pursue the truth. This is true on Earth and the same is true in the foreign world. When mortals’ civilization develops to a certain level and they know more and more, theocracy Will feel a huge threat.

The only difference is that the controller of the theocracy on Earth is just a group of insatiable gods, while the gods of Olaer continent hold the power of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

The former is gradually being swept into the garbage dump of history, and it has become people’s talk and jokes after dinner, especially the various dark histories, which can be said for three days and three nights. The latter directly used all their power to completely obliterate the threat. Now, except for a few scholar mages, almost no one remembers the oldest human empire.

While lamenting the splendor of the ancient magical civilization, while feeling sorry for the destruction of such a splendid civilization, Andre finally completed more than 20 new spells before the last trace of energy and physical strength was drained. Of learning and transcription.

Looking at the several Fifth Level Arcanes that had just been transcribed before him, an unhealthy blush appeared on his pale face, and his eyes were filled with unprecedented satisfaction.

As everyone knows, except for the zero-level trick that apprentices can play with both hands, the magic is divided into nine levels, Fifth Level happens to be stuck in the middle, and it is also a huge dividing line.

If you say that a Level 2 spell equivalent to firearms among thermal weapons, then the three Level 4 spells are equivalent to bazookas, but starting from Fifth Level, it rises from individual weapons to missiles. Class of tactical weapons ranks.

For the mages who master this kind of power, the laws and ethics of the world will lose their binding force from now on, and the only thing that can restrict them is self-restraint in addition to stronger power.

Gently stroking the complicated patterns of arcane flashes on the pages of the book, Andre took a deep breath, muttering to himself: “Strength…this is the strength I am after…it is wonderful It feels. But it’s not enough, I need more…more…I have to learn all the magic in this world…Use my own way to uncover the mystery hidden behind the illusion…”

“Hehe, can you solve the mystery hidden behind the illusion, I don’t know, but I know if you don’t sleep, I’m afraid you will die soon.” I don’t know where Portia emerged from, the thief Smiled and blinked.

I saw that she was holding a large plate of tender and delicious crabs. Ka-cha snapped off one of the tongs and started eating with keen interest pleasure.

Halflings are a race that likes to enjoy. They have no resistance to food and wine. As long as conditions permit, they can even eat for a whole day continuously. This is how many smart halflings are Eaten alive into a round meat ball.

Of course, due to frequent activities, Portia has maintained a pretty good figure. For the time being, there is no need to worry about getting fat, but once her weight starts to increase rapidly, it means that she will never be able to become An excellent thief.

Andre lifts the head, glanced at the bright sunshine outside the window, immediately closed the spell book, and shook the head with a wry smile: “Is it already noon? Didn’t expect time passed so fast, I She closed her eyes all night.”

“One night?”

Podia’s mouth twitched slightly, and he shook the crab tongs in his hand.

“No, no, no, you didn’t close your eyes for one night, but two days and two nights to be exact. You know? The concentration and madman you showed when you were studying magic are still scared. I didn’t eat, drink, sleep, or even go to the toilet for more than forty hours…

God! I don’t know what words to use to describe that kind of madness, don’t all mages Are you all like you, are they all monsters?

Sorry, I used the word monster, but I can’t help it. Apart from monster, I can’t find any other words to describe it. Your previous state.

How is it?

Are you feeling hungry, thirsty, wanting to go to the bathroom or sleep now?”

Find big breasts Lori stared at herself with a mixture of curiosity, surprise and weirdness, and Andre suddenly had the urge to press him to the ground, fiercely violently.

Fortunately, he finally held it back, just stretched out a finger to poke the other person’s forehead: “On the contrary, I want to use spell to seal your mouth now so that I can Clean your ears.”

“Aha! Don’t be angry, I invite you to eat crabs. You know this is a spider crab unique to Sardinia. Ten of them cost half a Gold Coin, Fiona I just bought it in the morning, and the fresh ones are very fresh.”

Seeing that there was a flash of irritation in Andre’s eyes, Portia immediately gave up the questioning and shifted the topic to eating.

She is witty and doesn’t want to compete with someone who hasn’t closed her eyes for two days and nights. After all, anyone who hasn’t rested for so long will inevitably have a bad temper. At this time, anyone hits the gun. To be extremely unlucky.

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