Arcane Lord

Chapter 651

“No, thank you. I just want to lie in bed right now. Remember, after eight hours, whether you rest or not, you have to wake me up. Also, for you For the safety of your life, don’t touch these things on the table, otherwise you may be killed by the out of control magical energy, or turn into some strange form.”

After that, Andre put the two Put away the most dangerous spell book, blinked a bit sore eyes, yawned, turned and walked towards his bed in the basement.

For two consecutive days and two nights, he was highly concentrated and exhausted all his energy and physical strength. Although he was already a half-element life, as long as his physical fitness did not enter the extraordinary realm for a day, he still needed to eat and drink Lhasa , Need rest, sleep, no way, physiological needs.

Portia greedily glanced at the colorful potions and scrolls on the table, and couldn’t help licking her lips. She didn’t know if it was because of an occupational disease or the crab meat was too delicious.

Fortunately, she seemed to quickly resist the temptation brought by the magic item, her sight was not at all staying for too long, lifts the head yelled at Andre’s back: “Hey! Yours pet cat came back last night. she let us tell you, plan all goes well, tonight will let you see the results! “

” know! “

Andre head Without turning back, he waved his hand and went into the dim stairs. Within a few minutes, there was a slight grunt in the basement.

“Aha, I finally fell asleep, it’s time for me to work now!”

Portia threw the plate aside excitedly and rubbed his pants Rubbing his greasy hands, he quickly jumped off the table, cautiously picking and choosing among a pile of magic potions, and after a while, he found two bottles of deep blue potions.

Watching the faint halo emanating from the glass bottle, she drew a beautiful arc at the corner of her mouth, muttering to herself in a voice that only she could hear: “Awesome, there is Two bottles of healing potions. I want to threaten the best thieves in Warren. Linguistic intimidation is not enough. I am not an idiot who knows nothing about magic potions.”

“roar! roar! “

Just when the big breasted Lori was triumphant, the black cat didn’t know when she quietly appeared behind her, and let out two low growls, as if despising the other party’s stealing behavior.

“Go away, you annoying black charcoal head.”

Pushing away the huge head of the panther, Portia quickly stuffed the potion into her own pocket without a trace. Give anyone an opportunity.

The proud big cat looked at the halfling with contemptuous eyes, taking advantage of the other side’s inattention, picking up the crab from the plate, turning and running, rushing out of the hall and disappearing into the backyard in the blink of an eye.


Portia can’t believe that a leopard is so smart and shameless, and more importantly, as an excellent thief, she was stolen by wild beast from in front of one’s eyes. food!

extraordinary shame and humiliation!

She feels that her dignity and IQ have been seriously challenged!

Can’t bear it!

Absolutely unbearable!

Nothing can arouse the anger of halflings more than stealing food. I saw that Portia’s slightly fat face turned red in just a few seconds, following the entire old warehouse. Hear her shrill scream.

“Fuck!!! Eggs!!! Smelly cat! You are dead today! I will peel off your skin to make a pair of boots!!!”

“roar! roar ! roar! “

The Panthers obviously did not eat this threat, and immediately responded with a provocative roar.

As the so-called fire star hit Earth, since the two proud and arrogant guys refuse to bow their heads, the result is naturally predictable.

Mable, who was hammering iron, only saw a vague silhouette dangling past him, and there was a sound of jumping in the backyard.

Looking at the messy scene in the yard, he shook the head with a wry smile, and muttered in a low voice: “Oh my God, come and help someone to stop the two of them, otherwise it won’t take long for the whole house to be possible It was demolished.”


When the halfling fight against the Panthers was staged in the old warehouse, it was located in a dilapidated wood house in the wharf area of ​​Warren City, terrifying the conspiracy. It’s brewing…

“Let’s talk about it, what can I do if you come to me in such a hurry? The ugly story is on the front. If it involves the secrets of the guild, I will not reveal it in one word.” The man wrapped up and down in the cloak said in a hoarse voice at a moderate pace.

He looks a little thin, giving people a feeling of weakness, but as long as you look closely, you will find that his hands are very special, especially the knuckles, which are about twice as thick as normal people. Anyone with a bit of fighting knowledge knows that a hand like this must be stable and strong, and with no difficulty can choke off the opponent’s neck.

Another man in a white shirt leaned forward slightly with a shrugged smile on his face: “Hehe, Ulic, you don’t have to be so cautious. We’ve been working together very happily before? Yes. I know that in the whole city, besides me, there is no longer an impossible person to satisfy your morbid desires.”

“Sick? No, Casimir, compared to you, a man in a cloth The devil of skin, my little hobby is nothing at all. I tortured only the flesh of the victims, and you sacrificed their souls to hell. Stop teasing the circle, I was really busy the past few days, I have no time to spend with you.”

The man called Ulic sneered and slapped the table, expressing his impatience, and at the same time called out his nickname.

Actually, the two in this room are not unknown people. The former is the number one killer of the underground guild. He is known for cruelly torturing prisoners, the bloody madman Ulic.

As mentioned accidentally in the conversation, this guy is an out-and-out metamorphosis. Because the sensory organs are different from ordinary people, he can hear many sounds that others can’t hear, especially It is the fact that the prisoner’s screams will also change slightly according to the degree of pain, which makes him especially fascinated. He must listen to it every once in a while, otherwise he will immediately suffer from insomnia.

On the other side of Ulrich’s seat is the well-known captain of the devil-Casimir Kitz. Behind him is a young and beautiful woman who was summoned to the material world not long ago. Demon.

There is no doubt that the two of them appear here for only one purpose, and that is to obtain information.

After all, demons are not reckless demons. Generally speaking, they do not like to break existing rules. Instead, they use loopholes in the rules to give full play to threats, intimidation, and deception to force the enemy to Compromise at the negotiating table. As for violence, generally only compelled by circumstances will use it.

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