Arcane Lord

Chapter 739

Staring at Bobby, who is lying on the ground, twitching and struggling, Cecil just feels cold all over.

Although his goal is to kill the other person, he can see with his own eyes that Giles without the slightest hesitation kills his neutral servant, a sad emotion suddenly surges in his heart. .

Perhaps it is because of empathy, or it may be because of worrying about his future…

In short, Cecil quickly adjusted his state and disguised himself from head to toe, completely afraid A little bit of emotion was shown, for fear of stepping into Bobby’s footsteps.

“hmph! Useless waste!” Giles De Champney licked the blood from his fingers, without even looking at the corpse, turned around and looked at Necromancer. “Let’s talk about it, do you think we still have a chance to seize the mage tower hidden underground in the city?”

Cecil pretended to think about it for a few seconds, and immediately replied it cautiously : “Yes, I think there is still a chance!”

“oh?” Giles raised his eyebrows in surprise, scarlet’s eyes shot twice. “Let’s talk, I’m listening, what new plans do you have?”

“No, master, it’s not that I have any plans, but in Warren city, someone invited me to join their plan. One is enough Let this city fall into the big plan of consigned to eternal damnation!” As he said, Cecil took out a parchment full of weird symbols from his arms.

Undoubtedly, this is not a common surface language commonly used by human society, but a purgatory language from the demons. Each character exudes a strong evil aura. It is said that an ordinary person who is not determined, As long as you look at it, you will immediately be affected, slowly becoming evil, authoritarian, and cruel.

However, for the same evil vampire, it is completely unaffected. Giles just used a zero-level “reading magic”, and quickly understood the content recorded above, and followed The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared.

“hahahahaha! Interesting! So interesting! Someone wants to summon the Great Demon ghost projection in this city! How can we be missing from such an interesting thing…”

“You mean… we accept the invitation?” Cecil asked uncertainly.

“Of course! Why not?

To know that according to the strict class of the devil, the Great Demon ghosts that can have the noble title are usually located at the top of the pyramid. Hell fiends, legendary creatures, once they appear on the material plane, even just a projection is enough to cause a terrible disaster.

We weren’t monitoring the Mage Tower before.


As long as the other party can summon successfully, then the mage tower must consume the normally accumulated energy to fight against it, and we can take advantage of their both sides suffer and seize control in one fell swoop.”


As an evil and chaotic high-level vampire, Giles doesn’t care if doing so will cause a large number of deaths of ordinary persons, let alone whether the powerful supernatural power will raze the entire city to the ground.

The only thing he wants is the mage tower hidden in the ground. For this reason, the entire Sardinian Islands will be destroyed.



The whole body is shaking uncontrollably!

If he had not become a member of the undead, Cecil would dare to guarantee that he would be brow beaded with sweat at this moment. He could hardly imagine how crazy it would be to be a deep in the material world summon. Hell purgatory.

This is the culmination of the devil’s journey into Dao Transformation!

They are like the great nobles in the material world. Generally speaking, they are not a controller or a city, or a commander of certain military fortresses. They are cruel, vicious, cunning, and scheming. The best of them can even be In just a few hundred years, a kingdom that advocates order and kindness has become a hotbed of militarism.

In addition to the excellent mind, the combat power of the infernal purgatory is also terrifying. The red scales covering the body can make it immune to magic weapons below +2. Ordinary weapons have not waited to approach. , Will be melted into a pile of molten iron by the flame halo surrounding the body.

In other words, the ordinary human army, no matter how large it is, cannot cause any damage to it.

The Spiritual Qi that is trembling in fear will automatically radiate around their bodies. Even Fifth Level fighters cannot guarantee that their will will not collapse in the next second.

In fact, since knowing the underground guild’s purpose of contacting him, Cecil gave up his intention to cooperate with him, but absolutely didn’t expect that his temperamental master was crazy enough. Want to use the other party.

Hesitated again and again, he still took a deep breath, and reminded very cautiously: “Master, according to the information I got from Gerald Jenkinson, it was Casimirki who planned this summon Now, he has always been very cunning, and I am a little unsure if this is a trap.”

“Trap? hmph! What is the trap? Anyway, we will not lose any money. I will take care of this personally. , You stay obediently and honestly in the tomb and continue to resurrect the corpse. In order to ensure that there is no accident, a large amount of cannon fodder is not necessary. Remember, don’t go out most recently. I will send a few more people to help tomorrow.

After that, Giles turned into a cloud of white mist and quietly left the tomb along the underground river.

He can’t wait to meet Casimir Kitz to discuss the details of the cooperation.

After all, the sooner you get the Mage Tower, the sooner you can develop and grow in this area where the Church of the Gods cannot reach, establish your own power, and let the elders of the family see their own abilities.

Although the vampire aristocracy does not have the drama of the human aristocracy fighting for inheritance rights, the cruelty hidden behind it is not bad at all, especially for those direct descendants who do not show sufficient value, the best ending It is a plaything in the palm of others.

Gills doesn’t want to be someone else’s plaything at all, so he never enjoys blood, sex, and all kinds of narcotics like his own kind, but is very keen to chase after it. Power and power, in just seventy years, he has evolved from a newborn vampire to an advanced vampire, and even mastered the power of magic.

The entire upper city catacombs, thousands of skeletons, zombies, and ghouls are all part of a huge plan.

But Giles obviously doesn’t know yet, Andre has already begun to build an interplanetary Transmission Gate, intending to summon clusters of Fire Element to completely clean the undead in the tomb.

Of course, Andre also didn’t know that the vampires already had plans to join forces with the demons. It can be said that after some fighting, the two sides once again returned to the initial starting line…

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