Arcane Lord

Chapter 740

I don’t know when, people always associate the night with a lot of terrifying things, such as crime, and crafty plots and machinations. It seems that after losing the sun, each The evil forces lurking in the darkness will all come out to launch terrifying attacks.

Of course, the city of Warren current state of chaos, even during the day, few people dare to go out, once into the night, the streets is everywhere fierce fighting, heard screams and screams.

It can be said that since the scavengers expanded the battle line to the entire Lower City, in just one day or so, at least more than 300 people died, and the injured were three times the former. According to this World The ordinary medical level, coupled with the hot high temperature, can never survive more than half.

We need to know that the entire Warren city has only 20,000 to 30,000 ordinary residents, and the number of slaves is impossible to exceed 50,000. 3% disappeared in more than 20 hours. It is estimated that when the turmoil is over Later, at least one third to half of the population will die, and the rest may have to usher in a major purge.

In other words, the terrifying underground war will consume almost 10,000 lives, and there are definitely no lack of innocent ordinary persons.

If you stand above the city at this moment and use Spirit Vision to overlook the night scene, you will immediately find that crying souls can be seen everywhere in the streets.

Some of them died of gang fighting, some died of hunger, and some died of disease.

Because of the shackles of some powerful force, thousands of souls cannot go to the world of the dead and wander helplessly in the material world.

Pain and despair are enveloping the city of Warren at a terrifying speed. Even people who can’t see the soul can feel it. From time to time, there will be some strange illusions in the surrounding air. Maybe you can maintain this state as long as For more than ten years, all souls will be slowly transformed into ghosts, and Warren City will also become a ghost town that has changed in the story of the bard.


In a secret building belonging to the underground guild, Casimir Kitz is personally presiding over the sacrifice ceremony. Thousands of lighted candles are arranged in a circle. There is also an inverted triangle inside. Hundreds of panicked and helpless souls are forcibly confined in the middle, unable to move even if they move.

As a low and evil incantation read from his mouth, the flame at the top of the candle suddenly began to beat, followed by the ground slowly cracking, and the dark red lava emerged, and those poor souls It was squeezed into a silver translucent liquid in an instant, slowly disappearing in this world.

These lavas seem to be alive, quickly forming a monster with huge bat wings and a height of more than five meters.

It first looked at the surrounding situation left and right, then glared at two yellow eyes, and shouted: “Casimir! Why summon me?”

Casimir Don’t dare to neglect, immediately one-knee kneels the ground, raising his hands frantically replied: “The great Earl of Hell, the fortress of war-the master of Campbell, the master of lies and conspiracies, the Great Demon born in the flames, Nim Wuku! Your servant needs help, and you need the guidance of Supreme wisdom!”

“Help? Are you in trouble?” The monster frowned frowned formed by the lava, the tone is full of impatience.

“Yes, master, I met the half-elf mage who summoned you on the Transcendence thirty years ago. He forced me to participate in a dangerous game, and the opponent was beyond imagination. In desperation, I can only ask for your kind help.” Casimir didn’t dare to hide anything, obediently and honestly recounted the current predicament.

Since Demon brought back Andre’s battle information, he completely gave up his plan to collide with it head-on, especially the blue flame that feeds on anger, it is really hard to help people want How far to hide.

“You mean…Orlando Watts?” Earl Nimuku’s face changed slightly, and his eyes shot out a terrifying cold light.

As a Great Demon ghost in a high position, he will never forget the experience of being teased and humiliated by a mortal 30 years ago, even though that mortal is a master of Level 9 Arcane Master, the seeds of hatred still cannot avoid taking root in deep in one’s heart.

After returning to hell, he quickly figured out the identity of the other party through the devils’ huge intelligence system in the material world, and secretly swore that he must find the place back whenever he has the opportunity.

Casimir solemnly nodded: “Yes! That’s him! This terrifying mage seems to be plotting to plot something, and at the same time force me an enemy.”

Laughed of the indifferent expression of the Earl of Nimuku, said in a playful tone: “Since it is Orlando Watts, then you are definitely not his opponent. It is a very wise judgment to ask me for help.


To be exact! It’s pretty good!

It seems that you have grown up a lot through exercise over the years, and you no longer like to be brutal like before.

Let’s talk about it, who is the opponent that makes you feel headache?

With the wisdom of that half-elf mage, it must be impossible to do something meaningless.

Although Campbell Fortress is being besieged by the demon army, but I can still spare a little time and energy to participate in this fun little game and see what Orlando wants to do.”

“Master, my opponent He is a young mage. He seems to have a special bloodline that can release a weird deep blue flame, and he can recover from the flames. Although we have not had a head-on collision so far, according to him and others Judging by the results of the battle between the two wizards, my probability of winning is basically zero.

After all, facing an enemy who is calm, smart, good at observation and analysis, and will not die as long as there is fire, anyone Everyone feels a little tricky, and I am no exception.

Unless you are guaranteed to fight in a place where no flames will be generated, even if you successfully hit it hard, it will eventually become useless.”

Casimir did not conceal his fear of Andre, openly admit his shortcomings, even in his eyes, it is best to never confront such a person head-on, try to hide in the dark to disturb the situation and use the power of others To achieve the goal.

I have to say that Casimir’s choice was very wise. I don’t know if it was because of the influence of the devil. He became more and more good at controlling the situation and using various contradictions to provoke hatred and opposition.

In many cases, you don’t need to do it yourself. You just need to say a few specific words on a specific occasion, or reveal some news, and the enemy will soon start killing each other.

In fact, the underground guild proactively proposed an alliance under his bewitching, and at the expense of a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, he helped to lay down an array of restraints in every corner of the city, so that all the dead souls Unable to leave.

It is precisely with the power of these souls that he tore a crack while making the hell orb and contacted his master…

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