Armor Frenzy

Chapter 679: change course

Liu Bin approached Ye Han and was about to speak, but Xue Ju said first, "Chief of Staff, I'll go with you!" Liu Bin was angry, but before he could speak, he heard Ye Han's displeased voice. : "Naughty, why are you running here to join in the fun, and team up with the soldiers!"

Xue Ju was embarrassed and walked away dejectedly.

Fortunately, Ye Han deliberately saved him face, and his voice was not too loud, so it did not reach the ears of the soldiers, otherwise it would definitely be a big blow to Xue Ju's prestige.

Liu Bin, who was on the side, gloated at the misfortune, and said to his heart that he was fortunately slowed down... Flattering on the leg, right? Let you fight with me!

He never thought that after Ye Han drove away Xue Ju, his eyes immediately turned to Liu Bin: "What about you, what's the matter?"

Liu Bin's heart skipped a beat: "No, so what, chief of staff, we have exactly fifteen people, isn't there one more person in a two-person group, or do you bring two soldiers?"

Ye Han shook his head without thinking: "You and Xue Ju discuss, whoever can bring one more."

"Got it!" Liu Bin quickly turned around and quietly relieved his back to Ye Han.

He knew that Ye Han must have seen through his own mind, and he didn't say it to give himself a step down.

Think about it, except for Ye Han, the chief of staff, there are only two captains in the team, and the three commanders are mixed together, so it is not suitable for the soldiers to be divided into groups. Program.

To put it in a bad way, no matter which team encounters a wolf bug, there are two other people in command of the troops, and the team's command system will not be wiped out by the wolf bug.

The team of more than a dozen people was quickly divided into seven groups, but beyond Ye Han's expectations, everyone found their "other half", only he, the chief of staff, was alone.

There was no way, he took the initiative to come to the door and let him drive away. One of the soldiers counted as one, and who would dare to join the group with the chief of staff?

This result really made Ye Han laugh and cry, and the others didn't know what to do.

Xue Ju said hesitantly, "Chief of Staff, why don't you just pick a group."

"Well then... Ouyang Ping, who is Ouyang Ping with?" Ye Han asked

At this point, it is not appropriate to dismantle the already divided groups. Unless Ye Han acts alone, he can only choose one group to join, and he must also add a certain group in the name of the chief of staff.

Ye Han remembered that when he was a soldier, the most annoying thing for an official was to do these messes, but when he got to this position, he realized that the environment was like this, and many times he really couldn't help himself.

For example, as the chief of staff, he can't always call the two soldiers over. After that, he will let the soldiers go, and his cat will hide behind him. When the soldiers encounter any situation, he must first ask the great **** behind him. .

"Report!" Ouyang Ping stepped forward, "Chief of Staff, I'm here!"

"Who are you with?" Ye Han asked.

"Report!" Another soldier named Luo Qi stepped out of the queue. (Book Friends Xu friendship cameo)

"Okay, it's just the two of you." Ye Han made a decision.

He didn't care who he was with, as long as it wasn't Liu Bin or Xue Ju.

After the grouping, Ye Han took the team to the bottom of the cliff, looked up at the cliff that was almost perpendicular to the ground, and said, "Let's start, try to choose a higher hole, the probability is higher."

"Is it okay to go in the middle?" Xue Ju said, "Maybe it leads to the underground river."

"It's just a suggestion." Ye Han said, "It's up to you to discuss which one you choose."

After finishing the first climb up the cliff.

Ye Han immediately fell in love with the hole with the largest diameter above the cliff. He felt that it was the hole most likely to lead to the way he came from.

With the help of the large and small potholes all over the cliff, you can slowly climb up with your hands and feet. Every time you move, you only move one hand or one foot to ensure that there are three stable support points. Otherwise, you would rather stay still than take risks.

If you encounter a place that is really difficult to get through, take out a saber to help.

The vertical height of the cliff is about forty meters, and further up is the curved dome.

The dome seen on the ground is relatively smooth, but when you look closer, there are many potholes on the dome, and it seems that you can climb it.

However, the potholes on the dome are far less than those on the cliff, and there are few places to start. Moreover, the distance between the cliff and the hole on the dome is more than 200 meters. If you want to climb over, you can only hang your arms under the dome, like a gibbon. Just move it a little bit, and you will fall into the lake if you are not careful.

Thinking of the hordes of giant insects in the lake, Ye Han immediately gave up the tempting idea and moved a few steps into the target.

The diameter of the hole was larger than his previous estimate, about three meters high and two meters wide. Holding a light stick to take a photo, it seemed to be even more spacious inside.

Ouyang Ping and Luo Qi stepped into the cave, Ye Han instructed without turning his head, "Ouyang, make a mark at the entrance of the cave to make it more conspicuous."

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping held his saber upside down and used all his strength to engrave "C4" on the cave wall, and engraved an arrow pointing to the depths of the cave on the side of C4, "Okay!"

"Go!" Ye Han held a light stick in one hand and a rifle in the other, and walked towards the depths of the cave.

The two soldiers quickly followed, and took the initiative to run to Ye Han to open the way.

The soldiers were all kind, but Ye Han couldn't refuse. He told the two of them to be careful, take two steps slowly, and follow closely behind the soldiers.

The terrain under his feet was getting higher and higher, Ye Han was secretly delighted, and felt more and more that this road was very promising. He began to outline the route in his mind, compared his position at this time, and calculated the approximate distance and direction between the two roads. .

Based on his current position, the road when he came should be on the left The straight line distance is about 30 meters!

Although this calculation is all based on feeling, but many years of military career have made Ye Han develop a good military literacy, and the determination of terrain and orientation has become an instinct. I can't say how accurate it is, but at least it can be about the same .

As long as there is a passage leading in this direction, the troops can be led out of the predicament, but while walking, the hole not only starts to deviate to the right, but the uphill suddenly turns into a downhill, and it is farther and farther away from the passage from where it came!

Ye Han was still hoping that this was just a temporary deflection, but after continuing to walk for dozens of meters, he finally found that this hole would be difficult to get to.

Ouyang Ping also found that the direction was wrong and asked hesitantly, "Chief of Staff, are you still going forward?"

Full of hope almost dashed, Ye Han still insisted: "It's only a few minutes, keep walking, what if there is an underground river?"

Ouyang Ping squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and felt that it was more reliable to go back.

It's not just Ouyang Ping, Ye Han actually thinks so too, but what's the use even if he knows where he's coming from? If you can't go, you can't go.

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