Armor Frenzy

Chapter 680: Gunshots are orders

Ye Han can't wait to turn into a giant beetle and dig a way to the ground. Ouyang Ping suddenly said, "Chief of Staff, it would be great if we didn't blow up the waterfall." More than ten kilograms of explosives are not just for fun. As long as the blasting point is set properly, it is definitely possible to blow up a passage.

Ye Han sighed: "It's all fried, what's the use of saying this now."

"How about, collect the remaining grenades?" Luo Qi suggested.

"Forget it, how many taels of explosives are in the grenade? It's not enough to dismantle the remaining grenades and bullets!" Ouyang Ping said depressedly.

"Don't think about it, it's useless to complain about regrets, let's move on." Ye Han comforted.

He has never held a political position, but as an officer, mastering the ideas of the soldiers and doing ideological work for the soldiers are essential basic abilities.

There are many fine traditions in the army, such as Double 41, which requires officers to know where their subordinates are, what they do, what they think, and what they need, and ideological and political work to keep up with it in a timely manner.

That is, four know one to keep up.

On the contrary, subordinates need to report to their superiors where they are, what they do, what they think, what they need, and rely on the organization to solve problems.

That is, four reports and one rely on.

There are many similar regulations, so ideological work is not the patent of political workers. Military officers also know a little bit, but they are not so proficient and not very good at it. Break it apart and make sense.

Ouyang Ping said weakly, "I didn't complain or regret, it's just a pity."

"I didn't think about it so much..." Halfway through the sentence, Ye Han suddenly heard a faint gunshot, and he immediately pricked up his ears, "Shh - did you hear the gunshot!"

"Yes, I heard it too." Luo Qi immediately agreed.

Ye Han turned on the radio and shouted, "Which one shot?"

There was no response on the radio, Ye Han's face changed, and he shouted again: "Who shot? Who can hear me and hear the answer!"

Still no response.

Ye Han was in a hurry: "The radio is disabled, hurry up, go back immediately!" After saying that, Sayazi ran back.

He thought that there were so many holes and gaps in the cave that even if the team was scattered, the radio would still be able to connect, but the reality was that the cave blocked all the radio waves.

Ouyang Ping and Luo Qi hurriedly followed, and it only took two minutes to run for more than ten minutes before returning to the hole on the cliff.

The sound of the gunshot became much clearer, and Ye Han called again: "Who fired the gun? Can you hear me?"

Still no answer, Ye Han was completely stunned: "Quick, one person, one hole, call one by one, and call them back immediately if there is any movement!"

The two knew each other and jumped out of the cave together with Ye Han, looking at the entrances of the caves where people could enter, and if they found a mark at the entrance, they immediately shouted a few words inside to see if there was any echo.

The method was stupid, but it worked. It didn't take long for the four groups of people to respond. After getting the response, they immediately told them to go back.

In fact, everyone heard the gunshots, and they were all on their way back even without notice.

Liu Bin was the fastest, and took a soldier out of the hole, and shouted loudly from a distance, "Chief of Staff, what happened?"

"I don't **** know, I can't find anyone on the radio." Ye Han was furious. At this time, he couldn't calm down.

"How many people are still missing?" Liu Bin asked.

"Two groups." Ye Han pointed to a hole, "No one answered no matter how much he shouted with the mark, and there was no gunshot inside."

"What about another group?"

"There's another group...I didn't find the mark, and I don't know which hole to enter." Ye Han was angry: "I said it over and over again, why don't you know how to leave a mark!"

Liu Bin immediately said: "It should be left, everyone will look for it!"

Ye Han shouted loudly: "Let me lie down in the hole and listen carefully to which hole the gun is fired!"

Liu Bin listened, suddenly pointed to the corner of the cliff: "There, there are gunshots!"

"There is this one too!" Ouyang Ping said.

"And this!" Luo Qi also said.

Ye Han was very annoyed: "Grandma, there are four of these motherfuckers... This ghost place is connected to holes, who can enter people?" The hole in front of him with gunshots was only as thick as a watermelon, unless people turned into cats , otherwise don't want to get in.

Liu Bin didn't know what to say now, so he looked around and suddenly found something wrong: "Chief of Staff, where's Xue Ju?"

"There is one of him in the two groups." Ye Han said angrily.

Liu Bin said: "Chief of Staff, I think it's 80% that the two groups have encountered an accident, maybe the two groups have encountered each other... No, there is no sound in that hole... Could it be that they encountered a wolfworm, let the The bug got lost in pursuit?"

Ye Han's eyes flashed: "It's possible, the most important thing now is how to find them... In this way, Liu Bin, you bring a few people to stay here to guard, and I will bring others into the cave to find them."

"I'll take someone to find it..."

"Excuting an order!"


"You, you, you stay, the others come with me!" Ye Han casually pointed to a few fighters, dividing the team into two halves, leaving half to Liu Bin and the other half following him.

The six people, including Ye Han, quickly climbed into the marked hole and moved quickly along the direction of the hole.

As soon as he went out forty or fifty meters, he encountered the first fork in the road. Luo Qi saw the mark left on the wall at a glance: "Go this way!"

"Quick!" Ye Han called out loudly.

The team continued to move forward, and after more than 20 meters, they encountered a second fork in the road.

In this way, the team only advanced 200 to 300 meters, and only encountered a dozen or so on the light fork. Fortunately, each fork was clearly marked.

At the beginning, the radio could still contact Liu Bin, but after a few hundred meters, the radio completely Ye Han, who was running in front, suddenly came to a sudden stop: "Listen, there are gunshots ahead!"

"Yes, I heard it too!" Ouyang Ping said.

"Quick, work harder!" Ye Han pulled a bullet on the bolt with his backhand, and strode with his armored cannon.

The more you ran forward, the clearer the gunshot, but the sound still came from a long distance. After several consecutive turns and a few forks, the gunshot finally became very clear.

After walking a few more steps, the front suddenly became clear, and a huge cave with an amazing area appeared.

The cave that Ye Han and others came out of is located on the wall of the cave with a height of four or five meters. Looking out, half the open space below the cave is half a puddle. There are many corpses floating in the puddle, and the open space is crowded with dense wolves. , there are still wolves coming from the passages around,

Hundreds of wolves surrounded a stalwart stalagmite that was broken dozens of meters away. Ye Han turned his head and saw that two soldiers were crowded back to back at the top of the stone pillar, and the armored guns kept spewing flames representing death.

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