Armor Frenzy

Chapter 694: hatchery

Ye Han blinked, turned around and asked, "Xiao Yuan, do you think bugs are afraid of smoke?"

Xiao Yuan was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed: "I'm afraid, I must be afraid! If we light a few more fires, we might be able to smoke out all the bugs!"

Ye Han smirked like a naughty child: "Why do you smoke it out? Next time, we won't even enter the hole, we will put smoke outside the hole and find that one exit is blocked, so we can't kill them!"

Giant insects evolved from insects, and their body size has changed, but they are still earth creatures in essence and still need to breathe oxygen. And after the giant worm swells in size, the demand for oxygen is higher.

Although insects don't cough, the effect of thick smoke is definitely not bad.

"What about this hole?"

"It's all here, let's continue." Ye Han said very painfully.

He just remembered that there are still countless larvae in the lake. The thick smoke can only smoke away the adults, but there is no way to get the larvae in the water.

Of course, this problem is also easy to solve, just pour poison into the water and kill the lake worms.

The high toxicity will definitely cause large-scale pollution of the underground lake and the entire water system, but what is the pollution compared to eliminating the threat of wolves?

It's not too far from the border. If the groundwater system is particularly large, the highly poisonous may spread to the country with the water flow... Well, whether to vote or not, I may have to ask experts in water conservancy or geography.

The flames in the cave hall gradually went out, and the heat wave inside and outside the cave hall was still billowing with thick smoke.

Lifting his legs and stepping into the cave, the charred insects all over the floor were strangely shaped, and when one stepped on it, it broke like a dry branch, and when it was crushed hard, it shattered into slag.

Xiao Yuan said with emotion: "Using shells to deal with bugs is too **** hard to think about, so I will use incendiary bombs in the future."

"Why don't you just use the flamethrower?" Ye Han asked with a smile.

"That thing is too troublesome."

Flamethrowers use liquid fuel, and cylinders are essential, while incendiary bombs use solid incendiary agents, the latter being much more convenient than the former.

Ye Han smiled: "Don't talk about useless, where to go?"

"This way!" Xiao Yuan pointed to a hole.

"Leave a fire team to guard this hole, don't let the bugs cut off the back road." Ye Han said and walked towards the target.

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan agreed, leaving behind a group of people, followed by a few steps behind Ye Han.

Stepping into the passage, Xiao Yuan said again: "Just now, all the bugs filled this place, but now it's better, and I can't see any of them. If I knew what to do with that, wouldn't it be all solved by setting fire?"

Although the open fire in the cave has been extinguished, the smoke will not disperse for a while, and the insects can't hide in time. How dare you come here?

"Let's talk about it next time... How far is this place from the hatchery?" Ye Han asked.

"The straight-line distance is four or five hundred meters. There is a cave hall and two forks in the middle." Xiao Yuan said.

"Speed ​​up, find bugs again, and set a fire for me no matter if they live or die, but they will burn the motherfucker."

There is water in the cave but there is no suitable combustible material. It is a feasible solution to use the method of burning insects to smoke.

"Then we have a happy decision!" Xiao Yuan said.

The road under my feet fluctuated up and down, and a small piece of thick smoke could be seen from time to time on the top of the cave.

The thick smoke and hot air have the habit of running upwards. After the team began to descend, not only the visibility was greatly improved, but the air quality was also much better. The armor automatically disarmed the alarm and reconnected the external air.

The good air meant that wolves could appear at any time. Ye Han immediately ordered the team to be more vigilant, but the worms did not appear as suddenly as he thought.

There were no bugs messing around, the team moved incredibly fast, and it didn't take long to reach the hatchery.

To be cautious, Ye Han did not break into the hatchery immediately, but hid outside the cave to observe the situation.

The hatchery is a large cave hall with iconic stalagmite columns everywhere, but the ground, walls, and any place where things can be placed are filled with dense insect eggs.

The oval milky-white eggs are the size of fists, and they look so cute.

Dozens of wolf worms were busy carrying eggs in the cave hall, looking very diligent.

Ye Han asked in a low voice, "Xiao Yuan, where did the eggs come from?"

"I don't know, I don't care about checking."

"Write down those holes!" Ye Han said, pointing to the holes in the hatchery.

"Captain, are we still going forward?" Xiao Yuan asked quietly.

"Must!" Ye Han said.

At first glance, the busy bugs are irregular. If you look closely, you can see that their actions are very regular. For example, the bugs that leave are empty-handed, and the bugs that enter the hatchery are holding eggs.

Arriving at the hatchery is already deep into the worm's nest, but the holes through which the worms enter and exit must lead to the more important key points of the worm's nest!

The hatchery is very important, but it is by no means irreplaceable. If we can further blow up the delivery room of the insect swarm, it is possible to give the swarm a fatal Xiao Yuan said: "How do so many insects get away? Could it be possible to set another fire?"

Setting fire is very simple, and the smoke can also drive away all the worms in the hatchery, but in this way, 80% of the female worms that lay eggs will be disturbed.

No one knows exactly how the wolf worm lays eggs, but Xiao Yuan, like Ye Han, is convinced that there must be a queen who is responsible for reproduction in the worm nest.

Maybe it's one, maybe it's a group, in short, the entire colony is centered on the fertile female, just like the ants.

The crux of the question is, what does the queen look like, and whether it has the ability to act!

Different types of ants have different queens. Some are too bloated to walk, and must be looked after, fed and protected by worker ants. Some queens are just larger than ordinary ants.

If the swarm composition of the wolf worm is similar to the former, then setting a fire is no big deal; otherwise, if it is similar to the latter, then setting the fire will only scare away the queen.

After scaring the bugs away, it's hard to find them again.

Ye Han hesitated again and again, and finally gave up the previous idea with gritted teeth: "Forget it, just put the nuclear bomb here and kill you!"

Finding the queen is indeed very attractive, but whether it is good to find the queen, or to catch the queen, is there any use other than proving the population structure of the wolf worm? Is it possible that the North can still cultivate wolves like giant ants?

Xiao Yuan asked worriedly, "What if I didn't kill the worms and let them run away?"

"It doesn't matter." Ye Han said, "Three artillery battles can destroy more than half of the cave. I don't believe that the remaining bugs will survive until next spring when there is no food and clothing. It's really not good. one time."

"Okay, listen to you."

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