Armor Frenzy

Chapter 695: 1 withdraw and withdraw

Xiao Yuan made a gesture to the soldier behind him: "Come on, try not to disturb the bugs."

"Yes!" A soldier stepped out of the crowd and walked cautiously to the front of the team.

The soldier was carrying a huge backpack behind him, which looked particularly incongruous.

In order to hide their whereabouts, the team stayed in the cave all the time, and Ye Han at the front was seven or eight meters away from the entrance of the cave.

The soldier moved forward slowly with his back against the rock wall. When he was only about five meters away from the entrance of the cave, he simply lay on the ground and climbed forward a little bit until he reached the entrance of the cave. Then he took off his backpack and pushed the nuclear bomb together with his backpack. to the outside of the cave.

No matter how large the hatchery is, it is just an underground cavern. No matter how small the nuclear bomb is, it is enough to destroy the underground space near the entire cavern. Therefore, there is no need to send the nuclear bomb into the cave. Destroy the hatchery.

In fact, putting it in the hole can destroy the hatchery, but Ye Han felt that the nuclear bomb exploded in the hatchery, and the power spread more evenly.

When the soldiers returned, Ye Han decisively ordered to evacuate, the team returned to the original road at the fastest speed, and returned to the fork in the departure after a while.

Seeing the empty fork in the road, Ye Han couldn't help frowning, and shouted on the radio, "Xue Ju, answer me!"

"Chief of Staff, I'm here!"

"What time is it, why haven't you come back yet?"

"I ran into a bug, I'm going back!"

"Look at your luck... how far is it?"

"It's not far, it's coming soon!"

"Did you bring incendiary bombs?"

There was a moment of silence on the radio: "Bring it!"

"Use incendiary bombs, it's a good thing... throw it where there are most bugs."


When the communication was stopped, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but say, "Captain, did all the bugs we run away from go to Xue Ju's place?"

"It's really hard to say." Ye Han pursed his lips, "Send a fire team over to help."

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan immediately called a few soldiers and gave a simple command, and the soldiers quickly jumped into the fork on the left.

A few minutes later, Ye Han heard hurried footsteps, and after a while, Xue Ju returned with the team.

"How is the situation?" Ye Han asked.

"No problem, the cannonball is in the cave."

Ye Han nodded: "Withdraw!"

Xiao Yuan made a gesture to Xue Ju: "You go first!"

Xue Judi was rude and walked back with the person. After Xiao Yuan ordered the fire team to cut off, the two soldiers using grenade launchers fired seven or eight incendiary bombs at the fork in the road. The incendiary bombs fell on the broken corpse. The corpse burning in the high temperature immediately emitted a large amount of smoke.

This time, the passage was completely cut off, and several soldiers caught up with the team and quickly evacuated.

The topography of the hole in the direction of the underground lake is relatively high, and the thick smoke quickly catches up with the team from behind, and the visibility drops rapidly, but Ye Han just laughed and scolded without pain and didn't say anything.

The loss of visibility is not a big problem. The passage is filled with thick smoke, but it has the effect of driving away the swarms of insects, preventing the insects from going around the front of the team and blocking the way.

Not long after, Ye Han led the troops back to the underground lake, and there was still some distance away when he heard the sound of intense gunfire coming from the direction of the underground lake.

Ye Han secretly screamed, and immediately shouted: "Liu Bin, answer me!"

"Chief of Staff, I'm here!"

"Are you still in the underground lake? What's the situation?"

"It's nothing special, just a bunch of bugs popping out all of a sudden, and it'll be fine right away."

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "I see, we'll be there soon!"

The sound of gunfire made Ye Han uneasy, and immediately ordered the team to move forward at full speed, and returned to the hole on the cliff in a short while.

At this time, the sound of gunfire had become sparse. Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking down, ten automatic machine guns were lined up, shooting in the direction of the cliff.

Looking at it with a probe, Ye Han saw that many holes on the cliff had insects rushing out, and all the holes that had insects had a common feature—smoke was coming out!

Ye Han suddenly realized that this was the reason why the bug hit the muzzle!

There was no time to wait for the worm to die slowly, so Ye Han called Xiao Yuan to his side and told him to block all the holes.

The soldiers poured out of the cave and threw incendiary bombs into all the holes where the bugs could be seen. Flames billowed on the smoky cliff, and the thick smoke gradually filled the entire underground lake.

After sealing all the openings and everyone left the cliff, Ye Han asked, "Xiao Yuan, where's the nuclear bomb? Throw it into the lake for me... Don't throw it here, go up first, there is a hole on the top... Others, retreat!"

Everyone grabbed the ropes and climbed up the dome one by one, and the unrelated people immediately retreated to the ground, while Ye Han, Xiao Yuan and others rushed to the hole with nuclear bombs and threw them into the lake after setting the time.

The final mission was completed, and everyone retreated to the ground.

After more than 20 minutes, the last player withdrew from the hole.

When we entered the cave, the sun was still shining brightly. At this time, it was sunset on the west mountain.

However, the nuclear bomb was about to be detonated, and no one was in the mood to enjoy the beautiful sunset. After Xiao Yuan's soldiers activated the self-destruction device on the spacecraft, they all sat on the armored vehicle.

The number of reinforcements was so large that the armored vehicles could not fit in, so we could only make do with the roof of the vehicle and leave the nuclear explosion area first.

Ye Han was the last to get into the car, and before getting into the car, he threw two incendiary bombs into the cave himself, blocking the passage for the wolf worm to leave the cave.

The convoy slowly drove towards the highway, and Ye Han turned on the satellite communication device: "601 calls Tiangong, please answer when you receive it!"

"Tiangong received it, 601 please speak."

"Our department evacuated Area 1 and detonated the nuclear bomb in half an hour!"

"Tiangong understands, 601, an hour ago, the satellite detected a distress signal, and the signal was located about six kilometers southwest of your department."

"A distress signal?" Ye Han repeated in surprise, "Are there any of us in that direction?"

"No, the signal is very brief, only seven seconds in duration."

"Has the satellite scan found anything?"

"No, the signal is in the valley area."

"601 understands is over."

Ye Han, who took up the line, was puzzled and couldn't figure out what the signal was about. Using his brain to analyze it carefully, the known conditions were pitiful.

Seven seconds, an hour ago, six kilometers.

Ye Han suddenly felt that he had overlooked something, but after thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out. He couldn't help but ask, "What were we doing an hour ago?"

"At the fork in the road, not long after the meeting, I was planning to send a cannonball to the worm's nest." Xiao Yuan replied casually.

Ye Han suddenly became clever. An hour ago, wasn't that the time when the missing person's battery was exhausted? Could it be a distress signal from a missing team member?

But how did he get out? Could it be that another route to the ground was found?

Ye Han immediately found the map, carefully checked the terrain in the southwest, and said decisively: "All attention, turn to the west!"

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