As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 175 Technology Convergence

Dr. Miki and the director of the war factory were very excited. In their eyes, Bai Ying was simply a walking precious specimen!

They saw the hope of achieving technological breakthroughs in Bai Ying.

Prior to this, Omega had encountered insurmountable obstacles whether it was remote control technology or driverless technology.

The biggest problem with remote control technology is transmission delay and signal transfer. These two problems are entangled with each other and together form a mountain that technicians cannot dig.

The reason why the mecha needs pilot control is because its drive network modeled after human nerves can only be controlled by the human biological brain, and Omega discovered that the transmission delay of simulated nerve signals is much greater than the nerve signals sent by the real brain.

Even if Omega has made a breakthrough in materials science and greatly increased the transmission bandwidth, the performance of analog signals can only be described as sluggish. Correspondingly, mechas that have received analog signal instructions are also visible to the naked eye. stiff.

The role of biomass signals is irreplaceable, and the pilot must control the mecha through direct contact.

In terms of driverless technology, the difficulties encountered by Omega are not as desperate as remote control. The bionic interactive intelligence that was born after several iterations is the product of this project.

Different from remote control technology, unmanned driving technology is more like using artificial intelligence to simulate the consciousness of a pilot to control the mecha. However, the premise of this technology is that the mecha must be controlled by a pilot.

Essentially, the driverless technology records and annotates the pilot's brain neural activity, and observes the mecha's corresponding actions in response to the neural signals, thereby forming a set of plans that cannot be deconstructed.

It looks smart, but it's actually a stupid idea.

However, Omega will not let the artificial intelligence just memorize it by rote. As the number of times the pilot controls the mecha increases, the artificial intelligence collects more data, and there will definitely be many recorded neural signals. repeat.

At this time, artificial intelligence will automatically classify and organize these records, compare the actions taken by the mecha, and greatly optimize and streamline the code in the records, so that the mecha can accurately recognize instructions.

This is like the brain giving the body a command to twist the neck, but the human body opens its arms, bends the waist, closes the eyes, yawns and stretches while twisting the neck - in addition to twisting the neck, No other actions are necessary.

But it is impossible for the brain to do this series of actions every time it asks the body to twist its neck. Sometimes there will be one more, and sometimes there will be one less. Therefore, artificial intelligence will compare, streamline, and eliminate irrelevant options among multiple repeated records, and finally accurately find the one A command that only makes the neck twist.

In a sense, unmanned driving technology is successful. Although it does not allow the Pilot to step out of the mecha, when the Pilot is unable to perform at its fullest due to injuries or other reasons, artificial intelligence will replace the Pilot. A makes partial response.

The biggest problem is that the bionic interactive system requires time and experience. The longer the pilot drives the mecha and the more battles he has experienced, the more mature the unmanned driving system will be.

What’s even more troublesome is that the deep learning of the bionic interactive system is almost customized. Each mecha and pilot has a unique combat idea and style. The data accumulated in this area can only be used for optimization and updates. The algorithm cannot be copied and used by other mechas.

When something is not universal, no matter how perfect it is, it will not be able to bring qualitative changes to the industry or the era.

Dr. Miki remembers that her mentor Yuan Zhen once evaluated these two technical routes. In her opinion, the problems encountered by the two routes overlap in many dimensions, and perhaps new solutions will be found after integrating with each other.

It's just that the development of these two technical routes has nothing to do with Yuan Zhen himself. Others are in charge, and Yuan Zhen has more important projects to complete.

Have you really been found by your mentor... Dr. Miki sighed silently in her heart. Although she still didn't know how Bai Ying achieved remote synchronization with the mecha's nerves, MS-03 was indeed made by Yuan Zhen. This shows that remote synchronization is something that people can design and control in terms of underlying logic!

Even if Bai Ying is just an example, it definitely has extremely high research value!

What is the farthest distance you can remotely control a mecha? The person in charge of the war factory asked a very practical question.

I can't give you an accurate answer. This kind of synchronization only has a very abstract sense of distance in my mind. After all, I didn't design this mecha. I have no documents or instructions to refer to.

Then let's make an estimate. The person in charge of the war factory immediately made a concession.

A three-dimensional space with a radius of five thousand meters? Bai Ying squinted slightly, feeling the strange perception coming from the depths of her mind - but this expression and tone were faked by her.

Her farthest control radius is actually 5,520 meters. The control delay and perception will attenuate as the distance increases. The fluctuation range is from 100% to 80%. After the distance is exceeded, it will Losing control”.

These specific data were accurately recorded and monitored by the Deep Mark bionic interactive system, but Bai Ying discovered that the Omega staff on the ship did not seem to be qualified and authorized to read this information.

And this loss of control is very intriguing.

At first, Bai Ying just thought that the mecha would freeze in place after exceeding the distance, just like an electric toy without a battery.

But after asking Shen Hen, she discovered that losing control simply meant that the mecha was no longer under Bai Ying's control. Both Die and Shen Hen could continue to control the mecha's actions.

Even if he takes the initiative to run back within Bai Ying's control, he will be fine.

From this perspective, MS-03 may be regarded as an awakened mecha to a certain extent, the youth version of Xing Tian.

The radius is five thousand meters, which is quite a distance! Dr. Miki could no longer suppress the excitement on his face and almost raised the corners of his mouth.

According to his idea, the Pilot could even sit in a thousand-meter-high independent aircraft and control the mecha in this way. This would not only ensure the Pilot's own safety, but also eliminate the need to worry about the overall performance of the mecha being severely degraded due to local damage. !

Then can you return to the state of controlling mecha combat within three hours? Dr. Miki can't wait to realize his idea.

I can do it now. Bai Ying smiled confidently.

Do you want Bai Ying to remotely control MS-03 to land with Xing Tian? Sato Yui immediately guessed Dr. Miki's idea, We don't have an independent aircraft for Bai Ying to use, and she doesn't know how to fly a single aircraft. .”

No, Miss Bai Ying does not need to fly the aircraft. Dr. Miki had already made a plan.

Just let the main ship lower its altitude.

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