Let the main ship descend to cooperate with Bai Ying's remote control of MS-03?

Sato Yu was not the only one who thought this idea was risky. Most people at the round table were opposed to it, and if not opposed, they would never support it.

With all due respect, I think this is a very dangerous decision. Who can guarantee that the monster we are about to face will not have anti-aircraft capabilities? Don't forget the situation the fleet encountered when it passed through the erupting Totake Mountain. Black Sky The acting commander was the first to raise objections.

Strictly speaking, the eruption of Mount Totake is a natural disaster. The volcano is not a monster. So far, we have not encountered a monster that can pose a threat to the fleet sailing in the sea of ​​clouds. Dr. Miki did not intend to give in.

There's no telling whether we will encounter them in the future. The monsters we encounter now would have been like natural disasters even a year ago. We need to mobilize all the major legions to jointly exterminate them. The person who spoke this time was Yu Sato.

When he thought of the magic bats he had encountered in Black Point City and the bloody water he encountered in Chonggang County, he became worried about the scene that everyone was going to meet next.

Pilots who can pilot mechas to fight against monsters will still feel scared, let alone those who have never faced off against large monsters.

We don't have to go too low, as long as we can give MS-03 a radius of one thousand meters. Seeing that everyone's opposition was so strong, Dr. Miki began to try to find a compromise plan.

One thousand meters? Bai Ying's remote control range is only five thousand meters in total. If you want to have one thousand meters of flat space for movement on the ground, you must at least let the main ship descend and hover at a position of four thousand meters. Another one. One person stood up and objected, This height is enough for ground troops to parachute and land in the traditional way. If the monster is locked with the naked eye, the outcome will be difficult to predict.

Please listen to my explanation first... After receiving objections one after another, Dr. Miki couldn't bear it anymore. I understand everyone's mood and thoughts. They are just worried about whether there will be a new kind of monster that will knock us out of the sky. Come down.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

No monsters in the past have shown anti-air capabilities. If they follow the basic laws of biological evolution, then the evolution direction of the monsters will definitely be towards destroying mechas and cities. This is the main enemy they have to face.

What Dr. Miki said is well-founded. According to the rules summarized by the Monster Research Institute, monsters are indeed speeding up in how to destroy mechas efficiently and increase the intensity and area of ​​destruction.

None of the recorded monsters have shown strong anti-air capabilities. After all, conventional human firepower is not painful to monsters, and mechas are not meant to fly in the air to fight monsters.

What’s even more interesting is that humans have never seen any monsters with the ability to fly. The Monster Research Institute speculates that this is because most of them come from undersea wormholes, so they have obvious characteristics of amphibious creatures on land and sea. However, The sky has always been an area that monsters have never touched.

Combining these reasons, the transport ships developed by the major legions have not had a history of being shot down by monsters. Except for the thrill when passing through Doue Mountain this time, they can be considered absolutely safe at other times.

Therefore, the low-altitude hovering plan proposed by Dr. Miki is actually feasible according to this idea, but he did not expect that everyone around the round table would be so resistant to his plan.

The fundamental reason is that this beast tide has brought too many surprises to mankind. The strength of the monsters has undergone a qualitative change. Even the second-generation mechas, which were the backbone of the major legions in the past, have been replaced by new monsters. It can only be used as a snack in front of you.

The level 3 monsters that were supposed to be the main force of monsters have now almost become minions, and seem to be just cannon fodder used to give orders to the level 4 monsters.

The rarity of level 4 monsters has dropped rapidly. They were supposed to be elite troops and now they have become the main force of monsters.

What makes mankind even more troubled is that the strength of these newly emerged level 4 monsters far exceeds the standard that people originally set for them, and begins to approach another level of strength, so much so that the energy radar is detecting it. When it reaches level 4, the light spots emitted by the monster almost fill up half of the radar screen!

This attack launched by the giant beast Leviathan to various places is obviously a shifting iteration of the monster. In the past, humans had to pay an extremely painful price when experiencing this kind of time node.

The dozens of second-generation mechas buried in the boundless sea are bloody proof.

But the situation the alliance faces this time is even worse than any before: resource shortages, public opinion doubts, the scarcity of third-generation mechas in major legions, and the frequency of monster attacks has increased significantly...

If the Disaster of the Endless Sea is a disaster created by humans themselves, then the attack launched by the giant beast Leviathan today is the real end of the world!

The Fourth Line of Defense Islands are the front line of mankind's resistance to the end of the world. Once the alliance is overwhelmed here, it will only be a matter of time before the world falls.

I wonder, Dr. Miki, if you have ever heard of an old saying from the East: Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. After a moment of silence, the acting commander of Black Sky was the first to express his opinion.

He knew that Dr. Miki's ideas were based on facts and rules, but the war point that mankind was currently at was a time of drastic changes, and any situation that was considered impossible before could now occur.

The world is gradually becoming unfamiliar.

Dr. Miki's brows were knitted together tightly. He wanted to tell everyone that the probability of monsters evolving anti-aircraft capabilities was extremely slim, but he swallowed the words back.

Isn't it this minuscule probability that everyone is worried about? As long as the probability of its appearance is not zero, how can Miki pat his chest and assure everyone that the main ship is safe?

I don't think there is any need for everyone to dwell on this matter for so long. Just as the smell of gunpowder on the round table became stronger, Yu Xiao finally stood up, Before Bai Ying woke up, didn't we already vote to send the advance guard? What is the plan for the troops to land? Now I just want to add one more member to the advance team, but I have already demonstrated to you the safety of my solo landing, so it is better to implement it according to the original plan.

If you are really eager to let Bai Ying use her ability to remotely control mechas, then you should let me go down first to contain the monsters that may cause damage to the main ship. Then you can release MS-03. It’s not too late.”

After hearing Yu Xiao's words, everyone swallowed up the words they had prepared - even the person involved who risked his life said so, and they were not qualified to point fingers.

What's more, the plan given by Yu Xiao is one that takes into account both parties.

Okay, that's it. Dr. Miki also made the final compromise.

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