As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 208 The Origin of Machine Soul

Die is the mecha designed by you, so the artificial machine soul technology was born from your hands. After a moment of surprise, Yu Xiao immediately came to a conclusion.

I just put forward an idea. Of course, the credit cannot be attributed to me alone. The entire Omega is working hard for the advancement of mankind. Yuan Zhen made a very untimely self-effacement, but it was completely in line with her Personal style.

Machine Soul, according to your style, you would never call a certain kind of artificial intelligence a Machine Soul. Yu Xiao's eyes gradually became serious and alert.

You're right. I really don't call artificial intelligence a machine soul. You are the most perfect machine soul in the world, so you should know what a machine soul is, right? Yuan Zhen asked with a smile.

Consciousness, living consciousness. Yu Xiao gave the answer without hesitation, Do all butterfly-like mechas carry living consciousness?

The meaning of Yu Xiao's words was obvious. He was questioning Yuan Zhen for grafting the consciousness of a living person onto the mecha!

You're only half right. Yuan Zhen didn't feel uneasy or embarrassed at all, her tone still sounded like chatting, Of course machine spirits have self-awareness, but when they are put into mechas, they don't It must be alive.”

What do you mean? Yu Xiao felt that the woman in front of her was getting more and more terrifying.

This involves the origin of machine soul technology. I never thought about developing similar technology at first, but I got a chance. There was a pilot who wanted to keep her dying relatives alive, and at that time Her mech just happened to lose another pilot.

You know, it is very difficult to find a new person to establish a new synchronization with a pilot who has lost his partner, except for those who are related by blood.

...So you thought of the machine soul. Yu Xiao picked up the pause that Yuan Zhen left intentionally. He knew that the other party did it deliberately.

Correct answer. Of course, the process is not as simple as you think. Omega has launched unprecedented cooperation in the biological and digital fields, and it took great efforts to get a result that can barely be considered a success. But you have already seen the sample. Now, she has become a part of you, hasn't she? Yuan Zhen's smile made Yu Xiao feel extremely uncomfortable.

Because Yu Xiao quickly understood who the original sample Yuan Zhen was referring to was the broken machine soul he found after controlling the scorpion in the Silent Cemetery - he had no power at all to save a machine soul covered in trauma at the time. Absorbing the opponent may be a relief for the machine soul.

But looking back now, Yu Xiao can find that the machine soul has many inherent flaws in its design, and is destined to be worn out, lost, and eventually destroyed in synchronization with the pilot again and again.

If the machine soul hadn't been determined enough, the pilot driving the Scorpion would have encountered Chasing the Bunny long ago.

She is not the sample you are talking about. She was a living person before she became a machine soul. After becoming a machine soul, she is also a living consciousness. Yu Xiao retorted firmly to Yuan Zhen.

Sorry, I respect every life, especially those that pass through my hands. It's just that I have been dealing with various projects and experiments all year round, and using professional vocabulary is my occupational disease. Yuan Zhen rarely put away his smile and put on a A serious face.

The credibility of these words coming from your mouth is quite low. Yu Xiao did not let down his guard. He still could not understand the thoughts of the woman in front of him. It was even difficult to tell whether she was serious or joking.

I'm just clarifying my personal views. It's normal for you to have doubts about me. Yuan Zhen didn't care about Yu Xiao's opinion of her at all. But I'm not as cruel as you think. As I said, I'm not as cruel as you think. The consciousness loaded into the mecha is not necessarily alive.

What a joke, can a dead person be turned into a machine soul? Yu Xiao's doubts almost overflowed from his pupils. He always felt that Yuan Zhen was not a scientific leader, but more like some nonsense bastard.

The brain is the carrier of consciousness. If the brain loses its activity and stops moving, then consciousness, a soul composed of countless neural activities, will also dissipate.

If Yuan Zhen can reawaken the dissipated consciousness, then she must have mastered the method of burning consciousness into electronic components from the biological level. The exaggeration of this technology is tantamount to directly pushing human beings into the sea of ​​suffering from the body, reaching the point of The point where consciousness is immortal!

Dead people certainly can't, and technology that cannot be popularized is destined to be just a work of art with no practical value. If every time you build a mecha, you need to stuff a person's brain into it, then even if humans drive the monsters off the planet, Eventually, everyone’s brains will be put into a machine and coexist with the clockwork for some benefit.”

Yu Xiao fell into a brief silence. He knew that his guess was different from what Yuan Zhen had done. The other party's words had completely negated Yu Xiao's idea.

You mean, these machine souls are not made by the consciousness of living people?

Individual prototypes are, and all participants in the experiment have signed voluntary agreements. It has been witnessed by many parties. More than 80% of them are Omega's own people.

Then what exactly is the machine soul you are referring to? Yu Xiao was surprised by Omega's dedication, but also had a vague premonition.

He suddenly felt that this matter might have something to do with monsters, and Douzi seemed to play a key role in it. Otherwise, why would Die's projected image be exactly the same as Douzi?

Hmm... How should I put it? I originally wanted to tell you the scientific name of the machine soul, but I still found a more popular name, a blank consciousness that can be mass-produced. Can you understand this statement?

It sounds like copying someone's brain after formatting it as a hard drive, but in my opinion this is still very cruel to the brain whose memory has been erased. Yu Xiao can certainly understand Yuan Zhen's statement, but it's just that He still couldn't accept it.

Then you can rest assured that of course we have not completely erased the memory of that prototype brain, nor have we used it as some kind of breeding machine. On the contrary, the owner of that brain has gained real freedom and has also completed her most important task. duty of.

She? Yu Xiao noticed Yuan Zhen's choice of words.

At this moment, his heart was completely twisted into a knot, because some unknown premonition was rising from the bottom of his heart, giving him a strong hint!

It seems that you didn't know what happened on the main battlefield when you were in Duyue Mountain... Yuan Zhen's eyes showed a little surprise for the first time, as if it was a kind of surprise to find something that was not what she expected. What a strange experience.

The next second, Yuan Zhen kindly told Yu Xiao the correct answer.

Now the prototypes of all machine souls come from the consciousness of the same brain, and the owner of that brain is Douzi.

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