As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 209 Survival of the Fittest

In the next minute, Yuan Zhen demonstrated to Yu Xiao her strong inductive ability as a leader in the field of scientific research. She described the situation on the main battlefield in the most concise and accurate language, without missing any key information.

Douzi is a hateful child!? After hearing Yuan Zhen's description, Yu Xiao could no longer restrain her inner emotions.

Although he had already guessed that Douzi's identity was unusual, no matter how hard he thought about it, he would never associate the innocent-looking Douzi with the terrifying demon that once created the Trouble in Hell!

A few years ago, when we were wearing radiation protection suits to clean up the battlefield, I was no less surprised than you are now. Yuan Zhen didn't mind sharing what she saw and heard. On the contrary, she wanted to know more about Yu. Xiao's reaction after hearing about these experiences.

That's a cub that survived two nuclear strikes. Although it doesn't look cute at all, compared with its mother, this cub is already quite tall. Mild.

However, its vital signs are also quite weak. Omega spent a lot of resources and manpower to save the life of this cub. You must know that we have been doing research on the corpses of monsters before. We can capture a cub that has not yet been captured. The people at the Monster Research Institute were so happy that they worked overtime for a month.

But this excitement did not last long, because we soon discovered that although the artificial environment could maintain the cub's vital signs stable, it could not allow it to continue to grow. In other words, if it breaks away from the abomination, There is absolutely no possibility of growth within the mother's body.

I don't believe that the beans cut out from the belly of hatred are in the shape of human babies. Yu Xiao was dubious about Yuan Zhen's words, but this was just his rational resistance to suppress the excitement in his heart.

In fact, Yu Xiao had already devoted himself wholeheartedly to Yuan Zhen's narration, and even felt like he was there.

Of course not. Its original form was just a five-meter-long little abomination, with its bald head accounting for two-fifths of its entire length, and its six limbs were also very miniscule.

I know what you are thinking. Yes, after confirming that we have collected enough samples and data, we believe that the research on the monster cub should not stop at this stage, not to mention that it cannot grow up. This is stuck. Objective reasons for our research progress.

So with the consent of the Watcher League, we conducted some relatively radical research measures on the cub, including translating, editing its genes, and even injecting some genes from other organisms into the cub's body.

...You are crazy. Just hearing such an understatement from Yuan Zhen's mouth made Yu Xiao feel that her body was shaking slightly!

Omega's behavior is tantamount to holding a torch and wandering around a barrel of explosives. If you are not careful, even a fleeting flame may ignite gunpowder that is enough to destroy human civilization!

The progress of science and technology is often accompanied by huge risks. If you go right, it will be a historic leap. If you go wrong, it will accelerate the demise of mankind. But if you don't take this step, then human beings will only die in frustration in the path they have drawn. Circle.”

Even you, the founder, have this idea. No wonder Omega is so radical and crazy in the eyes of many people. Yu Xiao was not kidding at all.

Then I'll take this as your recognition and praise of Omega. Although Yuan Zhen heard what Yu Xiao meant, she didn't mind at all.

However, Yu Xiao knew that if Omega had not adhered to the philosophy of its founder Yuan Zhen, mankind might not even be able to reach this step today.

It is related to the survival of human civilization. Sometimes there is no conflict between caution and boldness. Even if one wrong step leads to an abyss, we cannot stop moving forward.

Those who dare to make such a decision either have extraordinary ability to withstand stress, or are heartless to the point of being inhuman.

Fortunately, our clumsy approach worked. The monster cub seems to be extremely compatible with the genes of any species. However, because its own genes are extremely powerful, the genes of many species have been fused after fusion. It was immediately eliminated.

Since then, I have known that monsters are the final product of the law of the jungle. Any genes that are unnecessary in their eyes will be eliminated, and hatred is the best among them, and its children have also inherited this excellence. gene expression.

So at the last step, I volunteered to inject my own genes into the body of the monster cub, so I got a gift from the Creator, an innocent child.

Hearing this, Yu Xiao couldn't even speak. He couldn't imagine what kind of mentality Yuan Zhen had in injecting her genes into the body of the monster cub. In his opinion, this was simply not human. Something that can be done!

Don't show that expression. Science is a very pure thing. If you really pursue the truth, you will make the same decision as me. Yuan Zhen had already read Yu Xiao's emotions in his eyes. Thoughts, But a darling like you cannot understand the cruel competition of biological survival of the fittest.

It's just that luck and misfortune are just two ends of the scale. When my genes were expressed in Douzi, I found that Douzi's side as a monster seemed to be hidden. What's more terrible is that Douzi's body has reached a certain stage of development. Then it stopped growing.

We tried various control variable methods, but we still couldn't find the reason, so I finally decided to give the beans to Sato Yu, who had just lost his pilot partner at the time.

I don't understand why you did this. According to Yu Xiao's idea, even those of them who specialize in scientific research can't find the reason. Can giving it to Sato Xiong solve the problem?

There is nothing difficult to understand. First, since the control variable method is useless, let the random world disrupt all the variables. Second, if Douzi's monster gene will not appear again, then she should go to normal human life, rather than being trapped in Omega’s isolation chamber.”

To put it nicely, if you really want Douzi to live a normal life, then why did you give her to a serving pilot?

There are still two reasons. First, if humanity is going to be destroyed in the end, then it will be the same to anyone. On the contrary, as a pilot, Sato Yuu can provide better protection. Second, the people I can contact Among them, only Yu Sato is the one who best meets the adoption criteria.

“Pilots are all elite human beings who are one in a million, at least in terms of physical and psychological quality, and Yu Sato is the only one among all the pilots who has lost all his relatives. He needs a psychological sustenance.

Of course, I must admit that I never thought that Sato Yu would let Douzi be Haojie's co-pilot. This is far beyond my expectation.

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