As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 215 Decisive Battle Plan

The Watcher League has survived all these years, what else can we not resist? Bai Ying was somewhat unable to accept Yu Xiao's statement.

According to the deciphered content, the next beast tide will appear in two weeks. The reason why the giant beast Leviathan has the power to create a beast tide is because it is using its body to eat away at the energy of the planet. This is what I am talking about. The giant worm found in Mt. Totake is exactly the same.

And the next attack will be the 'Day of Destruction' set by the mastermind behind the scenes. By then, it will not only be the behemoth Leviathan in the depths of the boundless sea that attacks humanity. Wormholes do not appear out of thin air, only those Wormholes can be created only through the cracks in the planet eroded by the giant beast Leviathan, and the next attack will cover the whole world, and eight wormholes will appear simultaneously around the world.

And then we have to face a main force that is no longer composed of level 4 monsters. What will come out of the wormhole will only be level 5 monsters, one after another. They will easily crush the current ones. Some mobile armored legions then advanced inland along established routes, destroying cities one after another, wiping out all population centers and turning all continents into scorched earth.

The whole process will not take more than a week. Humanity's existing defense power cannot resist this level of attack. Even if it can be blocked, according to the deciphered content, the interval between attacks launched by the giant beast Leviathan will evolve to once a day. This planet will still be completely destroyed.

After Yu Xiao finished explaining the specific situation, Bai Ying's courage to even enter text was about to disappear.

Now she realizes that the root of all problems is the living mountain range located deep in the boundless sea. If this tumor cannot be completely removed from the planet, not only humans, but all living creatures on the planet will be destroyed in two weeks. Ushering in the end!

Is this attack really sure? The Alliance has experienced a major failure like the 'Disaster of the Endless Sea'. It is very difficult to solve the morale problem. After several minutes of calmness, Bai Ying finally Accepted all realities.

The questions she raised were very realistic. Even if most people would not know that mankind was about to end, the major failures left over from history alone would be enough to become a mountain standing in the way of the Alliance.

This is why we launched a general offensive while the heat for the successful defense of the Fourth Line of Defense Islands has not ended. The Silent Cemetery closed the wormhole before, and then successfully resisted the largest beast tide in history. The confidence of most people in the alliance has been gained. promote.

That's why the Alliance needs to strike while the iron is hot, spend all its savings, and equip every combatant and mecha with all technology and equipment at any cost to further boost morale.

Fight against the odds. If you don't win, you will perish. Bai Ying already understood that this was the alliance's last ditch effort. If this battle failed, the Watcher Alliance would officially disintegrate without waiting for the next beast wave.

“If we don’t win, we will die. You are right, we will bear everyone’s fate and fight the final battle with the giant beast Leviathan.

Although monsters are also evolving, Omega has also made major breakthroughs in many technologies. In addition to the newly developed terminator mecha, Omega has also developed a new strategic-level energy weapon that can withstand the catalysis of beast blood. The function controls the intensity of the reaction, which means we have fire support. Yu Xiao, who had experienced life and death many times, was already prepared.

Energy weapons that can effectively control the reaction intensity, are you serious? Bai Ying suddenly felt that he saw a glimmer of hope.

This is the field that humans are really good at in the history of war. In terms of cost and destruction efficiency, mechas are completely incomparable to various weapons of mass destruction that can be mass-produced through assembly lines.

If it weren't for the obstacle of animal blood catalysis, humans would not build mechas at all. They would just think about how to create more powerful weapons.

I have read the reports from Omega and War Factory. It is true, but time is limited. Weapons made using this technology have not yet been mass-produced, but War Factory is already manufacturing them around the clock.

Then we do have a certain chance of winning. Bai Ying grasped the hope that was enough to regain his courage and cheered up his spirit.

This operation will be a full-scale attack. Different combat units have their own responsibilities. Mechas have been the main means of fighting monsters for decades. We still bear a lot of responsibility. If the new weapons fail If we directly kill the monster Leviathan, then we mechas must be prepared to withstand its wrath and block the movement of the giant beast Leviathan.

Yu Xiao had already learned the specific battle plan from Yuan Zhen, and he and Die, as representative mechas, would be at the forefront, so Yu Xiao felt that he needed to tell Bai Ying the truth clearly.

I believe in the alliance's tactical arrangements, and I will do my best to implement them. Bai Ying has figured out the whole story, and she is also mentally prepared, And you are the one leading the charge, we can definitely do it. .”

Of course, we can do it. Yu Xiao knew that Bai Ying would not back down.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just before the two of them had time to say anything else, the parking rack located on the right side of Die made a huge noise!

The crimson mecha jogged a few steps in the hangar.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the sigh from Meng Changqing.

Is this really the smoothness of movement that a mecha can achieve? It's almost like controlling my own body! Meng Changqing said while carefully looking at the electric shock fist of the new mecha, and his heart was full of joy.

It seems that the neural synchronization between the Meng brothers and the new mecha is going smoothly... Liu Xing watched the crimson mecha move around with a satisfied smile.

So they have passed the test drive test? Bai Ying asked tentatively.

Of course, their synchronization rate with the new mecha has reached 97%. This is their first time on the machine, which shows that they have a very good compatibility with this mecha. Liu Xing looked a little proud, But there is still a gap compared to you, Bai Ying. Your 100% synchronization rate with Die is basically a precious case that cannot be copied.

Why can't it be copied? Bai Ying actually knew that it would be better to ask Yu Xiao, who had already mastered the authority of the Omega database, about this question. But if she didn't ask at this time, the other party would probably suspect that she was absent-minded or knew. There's a little too much stuff.

Die is a prototype, so it has its own consciousness, but this will lead to the problem of how the mecha consciousness and the pilot can get along with each other, and both parties must work together.

“So in order to allow most pilots to quickly adapt to the new mecha, the built-in consciousness of the Terminator Mecha actually does not have the ability to think independently. They only exist as co-pilots that provide massive computing power.

In other words, these consciousnesses are more like programs in human skin?

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