As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 216 The road ahead is lost

Compared with the previous three generations of mechas, the most obvious upgrades of the mass-produced terminator mecha are reflected in the power furnace and nerve core.

The energy operation mode used by the power furnace has changed from nuclear fission to controllable nuclear fusion, achieving almost permanent energy endurance. However, how much power the body can exert depends entirely on the heat dissipation system and the upper load limit of the body itself.

The neural core is a newly added equipment that uses blank consciousness as the existence of the artificial machine soul, so that the pilot no longer has to worry about neural synchronization problems, and the connection efficiency between the pilot and the mecha is strengthened, allowing the pilot to truly control the image. He can control the mecha with his own body.

Except for these two points, each legion has modified various mass-produced terminator mechas to varying degrees according to the characteristics of its own war zone. For example, Qian Country, where the Black Sky Legion is located, is relatively advanced in electromagnetic technology, so this war zone The terminal armor will be equipped with such technology.

On the other hand, the Terminator Mecha is also equipped with the latest energy weapon technology, which is the inevitable result of the large-scale development of strategic-level energy weapons by Omega and War Factory. With this high-energy weapon, mechas no longer need to consider how to enhance traditional firepower, and the battle time with monsters will be greatly shortened.

Taken together, the terminator mechas of all major legions will be more inclined to mid- and long-range combat, because the advantages brought by energy weapons will make the mechas more powerful in terms of firepower configuration, and the enemy-killing efficiency will be much higher than in close combat—— Except for berserkers like Xing Tian who mastered black technology.

These mechas can be understood as giant soldiers equipped with various types of super-large-caliber guns and cannons.

In a sense, this war has finally escalated in terms of scale and technology into a thermal weapons war that modern humans are more familiar with. Of course, the intensity of the opponents humans face has also undergone a qualitative change.

Whether the mechas and monsters are evenly matched, or one is stronger and the other is weaker, no one can tell before the battle breaks out.

Bai Ying was lying alone on the bed in her dormitory, and all she could think about was the various information Yu Xiao and Liu Xing told her.

Her emotions were so complicated that she couldn't describe them in a few words. Her brain was overloaded due to too much information, and she couldn't sort out all the problems at once.

Am I really ready... Bai Ying looked at the ceiling without the lights on, feeling confused.

She is not afraid of death, especially dying in battle. This is the last common fate of almost all those who went to the front line during the war. Those who survive will remember the souls who died on the battlefield and carry on with their will. Go forward until peace comes.

It's just that everything happened too suddenly, starting from the restlessness of the giant beast Leviathan, Xing Tian's awakening, the birth of the new wormhole, Yuan Zhen's appearance, the beast tide in the Fourth Line of Defense Islands...

Bai Ying seemed to have spent less than a month living a magnificent life, going through many hardships, gaining a lot, and losing a lot.

In confusion, Bai Ying gradually raised his hand, slowly relaxing it and clenching it with the help of the last ray of light on the horizon.

She wanted to hold Sato Yuo's life, Douzi's life, Xingtian's life, the life of the entire legion, and her own life.

Has Douzi arrived safely on the Ouliya continent? According to Yu Xiao, Omega has been monitoring Douzi's whereabouts at all times. I don't know what she will think about and be scared if she is alone there...

Bai Ying knew it was time to sleep, but she was afraid of falling asleep. She was afraid that the boundless reality would extend into her dreams like a rising tide, slowly submerging the island of peace in her heart.

Die is still there, it is her shelter. If Bai Ying cannot relieve the pressure in her heart, Die's mood will also be affected.

So Bai Ying sat up from the bed, walked to the closet, took out his favorite silver technical jacket and put it on himself, then went out alone and walked straight to the hangar.

She didn't want to take the elevator, but kept walking along the corridors and stairs, passing many places where many people would usually gather.

But now it was rest time, and except for a few guards left in each area, Bai Ying couldn't get the noise she wanted to hear.

Anxiety and confusion took advantage of the opportunity to swell and expand in her mind, making Bai Ying's pace become more and more rapid, as if these pressures had penetrated into the air, trying to make everything around her unrecognizable. Abominable.

When Bai Ying finally arrived at the hangar after spending nearly twenty minutes, her forehead was already covered with beads of sweat. The room temperature was obviously still a bit cold, but Bai Ying felt as if she was on a stove.

How did you come?

A familiar voice reached Bai Ying's ears, and she knew she was in the right place.

Bai Ying looked up. The black giant was looking down at his tiny self with his red eyes, but it didn't feel oppressive. On the contrary, it made people feel at ease and relaxed.

I can't sleep, my head is a mess. I don't know what I'm thinking or what I should do. Bai Ying directly expressed her thoughts. As she spoke, she walked to Xing Tian's palm that was stretched out on the ground. Then with Yu Xiao's help, she climbed onto his shoulder.

When the field of vision became wider, Bai Ying's mood was slightly soothed and calm.

Xingtian, will you ever be like me? You just feel like something is pressing on your back. You think about it day and night, but you can't find a chance to breathe.

If I said yes, would you believe it? Yu Xiao hesitated for a moment and chose to ask Bai Ying.

It did happen when he was a human in his previous life. At that time, he was just an ordinary person, and his life was like an unreasonable knife-wielding robber, asking for endless things from him.

During that time, the only thing Yu Xiao wanted was money. He once believed that money was truly omnipotent. With money, he would be free from many worries and life would not have to be so embarrassing.

This idea lasted until he traveled through time and disappeared. After all, he no longer had money, but he had to work hard for evolution points. At first, it was just for the machine soul module that materialized the machine soul. But now that he can clearly afford it, he has lost interest in buying it.

He will no longer have a human body. Even if he changes back to a human appearance, his body is still composed of the unknown substance he is now. Even if someone cuts his head with a chainsaw, it will only break the saw teeth. Just break.

Yu Xiao has accepted the reality that he can no longer live an ordinary life, and this has directly changed his outlook on life.

Just like now, Bai Ying thought that he didn't need to sleep but standing awake on the parking rack was a kind of punishment. But for Yu Xiao, this was a peaceful moment of rest, enough for him to think carefully about what happened in his past and present lives. thing, and then wait for the arrival of a new day.

I... believe that although you are not a human being, you must have your own troubles and difficulties.

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