Ascend Another Day

Chapter 330: God sees the sun and the moon, Dao heart asks the devil

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"There are also immortals in the Demon Realm? This Demon Immortal has such a long name."

Xu Ying was startled, looked at the big tomb in the sea of ​​flames, and thought, "Where will the magic fairy ascend to? Could it be that there is also a fairy world in the Demon Realm? But the magic fairy's ability should not be high? It must not be as good as the fairy world." Immortal."

As soon as he thought of this, he saw the demon **** propping up the boat, and the boat was swept by the turbulent fairy fire around the fairy tomb, like a leaf in the waves, it might be submerged in the wind and waves at any time!

Xu Ying's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately felt the incomparable power of immortality coming from the immortal tomb of Zhenjun Erlang!

He closed his eyes, and he could even vaguely feel that there seemed to be an incomparably stalwart figure sitting upright in the tomb of Huo Haixian, with his hands in mudra, exuding an unworldly divine light, as dazzling as a great sun!

Endless fairy fire revolves around the fairy tomb like flowing water. It is the fairy fire formed by the person's own fairy way after death, guarding the tomb and the corpse!

There is still such power after death, how powerful this person will be in life is simply unimaginable!

Xu Ying opened his eyes, and saw that the boat they were on was shuttling through the fire stream around the fairy tomb, passing through the huge fire waves.

The fairy tomb in the sea of ​​flames distorted the surrounding time and space, causing the ship to fall into the fairy tomb. The demon qi refiners on board screamed and turned pale. But that demon **** seemed to be used to all of this, he was familiar with the road, adjusted the sails, and fought the waves of fire. After a while, he escaped from the whirlpool of flames formed by the fairy tomb. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Ying looked back and saw that the fairy tomb was getting farther and farther away.

The demon girl Hu Zhuojun quietly looked at Xu Ying, and suddenly smiled, "Why didn't you turn pale with fright like the others?"

Xu Ying said honestly, "Maybe it's because of my dark face, I can't turn pale with fright."

Hu Zhuojun chuckled and said, "Your words are very interesting. I saw you staring at the fairy tomb all the time. Have you never been here before?"

Xu Ying said, "I've never been here before. I'm a Qi refiner on the other side of the sea of ​​fire."

He pointed to the great world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Hu Zhuojun was stunned, and said with a smile: "It turns out that you are a qi refiner from your homeland. No wonder you haven't been here. The homeland was originally a lost land, but it was recovered in recent years. You think you are a qi refiner from your homeland. Could it be that you are from the front line?"

Xu Ying said in surprise, "How do you know?"

Hu Zhuojun was triumphant, and said with a smile: "It's not long since the homeland was regained, and there are not many powerful qi refiners. Only a few ancient lineages went there to teach their unique skills. You haven't seen the fairy tomb, and it's my demon clan who are refining qi again. Sergeant, you must be a disciple of the frontline soldiers, so you can easily guess your origin."

Xu Ying admired her very much, and praised: "Sister Zhuo Jun is really smart."

"Naturally!" Hu Zhuojun puffed out his chest proudly.

There is a huge fire wave in the sea of ​​fire, setting off thousands of miles of flames, like a rainbow bridge, and the demon **** drives the ship to pass under the fire wave.

Xu Ying asked: "Who is Erlang Zhenjun in that fairy tomb?"

Hu Zhuojun shook his head and said, "I don't know either. It is said that when the sea of ​​flames appeared in this fairy tomb, it had already appeared. I don't know what happened to the immortals in the fairy tomb."

The demon **** said in a low voice: "I've heard something about it. It is said that this Erlang Zhenjun became a saint in the flesh, cultivated to a very high level, and became an emperor. He has cultivated the third divine eye, and there is an eye between his brows, which can penetrate the world and the darkness. , see all the heavens and worlds, and see through all the changes of supernatural powers."

Xu Ying was engrossed in hearing this, and suddenly his heart moved slightly: "The eye of Zhenjun Erlang is similar to Naihe and Cangwuzhiyuan. If you can practice such a divine eye, it can be in the heavens and worlds and the underworld at the same time. Wouldn’t it be possible to gain insight into the world and the darkness, and see all the heavens and myriad worlds?”

He suddenly thought of Wei Xu's giant eye, and his heart skipped a beat: "Where did Wei Xu's eye come from?"

The demon **** who punted the boat said: "It is rumored that his combat power is unparalleled in the world. He is the most powerful God of War in ancient times, the God of War! He also has a **** dog called Xiaotian, which can swallow the sun and the moon. It is an ancient alien species."

He sighed, and said: "Unfortunately, that is already a rumor in ancient times, and no one can verify the authenticity. However, the immortal in the immortal tomb is still alive after death.

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There is righteousness, and violent riots occur in this sea of ​​flames from time to time. Every time at this time, incredible power erupts in the fairy tomb, suppressing the riots in the depths of the sea of ​​flames. "

Xu Ying said in surprise: "So, in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, there are other things to suppress? Let me see!"

He came to the side of the boat and looked into the sea of ​​flames. At this time, the sea of ​​flames erupted, and a burst of flames shot into the sky. The huge fire wave almost burned his head into ashes.

Hu Zhuojun hurriedly reached out and grabbed his collar, pulled him back, and complained: "You little Qi practitioner, why are you so courageous? I don't know how you survived on the front line!"

Xu Ying scratched his head and asked tentatively, "Is it possible that it's because of my superior strength?"

Hu Zhuojun spat, and said, "What realm are you? What kind of exercises do you practice on weekdays? What supernatural powers do you practice?"

Xu Ying was full of pride, and said: "I have already cultivated Yuanshen, do I practice Taiyi innate skills and supernatural powers on weekdays? There is nothing to learn, I learn very quickly!"

When Hu Zhuojun heard that he had cultivated into a primordial spirit, he didn't dare to underestimate him, and said, "Taiyi Xiantian Gong? I haven't heard of it. It's very famous, and it's probably a bluff. Show your primordial spirit and let me see."

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, quietly suppressed the breath of heaven in the primordial spirit, and then sacrificed the primordial spirit.

He went deep into those demonized territories these days, communicated with the demon gods enshrined in many villages, and also understood the magic way, and his attainments in the way of magic gradually deepened.

From the perspective of his breath, his primordial spirit looks no different from the primordial spirit of ordinary demon qi refiners.

However, when he sacrificed the primordial spirit, many demon qi refiners on the boat roared with laughter, only to see that Xu Ying's primordial spirit was only three inches high, pitifully small.

While laughing, they offered sacrifices to their primordial spirits. The short ones were more than ten feet tall, and the tall ones were fifty or sixty feet tall. They looked like gods and demons, majestic.

Xu Ying's face turned red when he heard their laughter, feeling ashamed.

Hu Zhuojun was vicious, glared at those qi refiners, and shouted: "Why are you laughing? He is a qi refiner on the front line, and he fought **** battles to protect the people in the rear. What qualifications do you have to laugh at his weak primordial spirit?"

Those demon qi refiners didn't dare to laugh at Xu Ying anymore, and a few of them were very ashamed and stepped forward to apologize to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was a little stunned, and thought: "There is something wrong with these demons! Why don't they have the demonic nature as rumored? Could it be that they are acting for me?"

Hu Zhuojun said to him: "You don't want to be as knowledgeable as they are. You are studying at the front line, and it is already very remarkable to be able to become a primordial spirit."

Xu Ying humbly asked for advice: "Sister Zhuo Jun, is my soul really small?"

Hu Zhuojun hesitated for a moment, and said: "The primordial spirit of a Qi refiner is as tall as the body when he first completes the cultivation. The so-called cultivation of the gods and the body, the spirit and the body are the same, so that the spirit and body can be unified and exert a powerful attack power. Your primordial spirit It's three inches tall, so it's really a little bit smaller... oops!"

She quickly smiled and said, "It's a little too small, but it's not unusable!"

Xu Ying murmured: "It turns out that the primordial spirit is as tall as the body just after cultivation."

His primordial spirit was not a little smaller, but too small, and he looked malnourished. No wonder those demon qi refiners laughed out loud.

Most of the demon qi refiners on the boat were very friendly, and someone wanted to teach Xu Ying how to practice Taoism and how to preserve Taoism. The demon **** who was driving the boat also said: "You have relatively few opportunities in the front line, and you haven't seen anything. The world. This sea of ​​fire is the great world, and the entire sea of ​​fire is a huge Taoist phenomenon. If you can comprehend it, you can comprehend the unworldly supernatural powers!"

As soon as this remark came out, many demon qi refiners on the ship shook their heads and said, "God, who can comprehend the Dao phenomenon of this sea of ​​fire? Ah Ying, don't listen to him."

The demon **** who punted the boat shook his head and said, "I remember, someone made a vision of the sea of ​​fire."

He was deep in thought, and said: "I have seen that kind of vision before, it was a boundless sea of ​​fire, I was driving on the sea in a boat, and the wind and waves were raging. Jing\\/\\/华/\\书/\\ /Ge...First.Launch.Update.New~~Suddenly there is another sea of ​​fire rising in the sea of ​​fire. Its shape is like a furnace, and the sun and the moon are in that furnace of flames...

The scene was so spectacular that

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Although tens of thousands of years have passed, the robe is still fresh in his memory.

Hu Zhuojun pulled Xu Ying aside, and whispered: "Don't listen to his nonsense. This sea of ​​fire has infinite details. If you want to cultivate the Taoism of the sea of ​​fire, you will definitely not be able to. If you want to get the Tao, you have to look at the details. For example, you Look at the flames soaring into the air over there, turning into phoenixes and roaming around, you will be able to comprehend this kind of Taoism, which is a remarkable supernatural power! And over there, the flames form a fire dragon Taoist image!"

She stretched out her fingers, but saw that in this vast ocean of fire, there were indeed various strange scenes such as fire dragons, phoenixes, snakes, golden crows, etc., which were very extraordinary.

Even the sun, moon and stars flying out of the sea of ​​flames are also amazing Taoist phenomena!

Xu Ying plucked up his courage and said: "Sister Zhuo Jun, I want to learn something difficult. I want to comprehend this vision of the sea of ​​fire!"

Hu Zhuojun angrily said: "Listen to people's persuasion and eat enough. If you don't listen to persuasion, you will starve to death, you bastard! I don't care about you. I spent money, so I have to take the opportunity to earn back!"

She sacrificed her primordial spirit to observe the Taoism in this sea of ​​fire.

Other Demon Race Qi Refiners also seized this opportunity to observe and keep their thoughts.

It would take three to five days for their ship to cross the sea of ​​fire and go to the other side, so they seized the time to study and practice.

Seeing this, Xu Ying imitated the example, and sacrificed his exquisite and pocket-sized Yuanshen, and flew into the sky to observe the various changes in the sea of ​​fire.

Although he found the memory of the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace from the memory of the first life, it was only a brief memory, and he had never had a deep understanding of this magical power.

When he came to this wonder of the universe at this time, he naturally had to seize the opportunity and study it to his heart's content.

The demon **** who punted the boat was shocked when he saw his soul sacrificed into the sky, and was about to warn him of the danger, but saw a wave of fire engulfing Xu Ying's soul, and after the fire wave passed, Xu Ying's pocket soul was completely intact hurt!

This boy looks like the weakest of them, but in fact he is the strongest of them.

The demon **** was in doubt, and the more he looked at Xu Ying, the more he felt familiar, but he still couldn't remember when he saw him.

Xu Ying raised the primordial spirit higher and higher, taking an overview of the vision of the Eight Desolation Refinement Sun Furnace, and suddenly flew to the front of the Great Sun to observe the Dao phenomenon of the Great Sun.

He even followed the great sun and moon, and checked the geography of the star's surface!

Not long after, his primordial spirit descended to the surface of the sea of ​​flames, swam with the phoenix dragon to observe every detail, and followed the tens of thousands of miles of flames into the sky to observe the Taoist phenomena.

Unknowingly, they drove on the sea of ​​fire for four days, and the coast ahead had appeared. Everyone retracted their souls, and Xu Ying also put away his pocket souls, and returned to the twelve-storey building.

At this time, his primordial spirit had already reached the second floor, and his cultivation base had also improved a lot. He was full of energy, and although small, he was very energetic.

Without using Nuozu Cave Heaven, this pocket primordial spirit is his strongest means.

"Have you realized the supernatural power?" Hu Zhuojun asked.

Xu Ying felt a little guilty, and said with a smile, "I realized a little bit..."

"You've realized what a fart!" Hu Zhuojun scolded, "I told you, I don't seek greatness, but seek refinement. Why do you go to comprehend the sea of ​​fire? Why don't you realize the fart? If you listen to my advice If you are younger, you will definitely be able to realize some powerful supernatural powers in the past few days!"

Xu Ying defended: "You never said that you don't seek greatness, but refinement..."

Hu Zhuojun stretched out his hand, knocked him on the head fiercely, once, twice, three times, and shouted: "I'm doing it for your own good, but you still dare to talk back! When you get to the shore, follow sister, don't run around, be careful not to be caught by bad guys." go!"

Xu Ying touched the bag on his head, and thought: "No one dares to hit me on the head, not even Immortal Master Penglai. Do you want to kill this girl... Well, it seems that she has no malicious intentions, but cares about me very much..."

These devil qi refiners looked like good people, making it difficult for him to attack.

Finally, when the boat landed, everyone jumped off the boat and landed on the shore, waving goodbye to the demon **** one after another.

The old demon **** also waved his hand, grabbed some coins, and the coins melted away, turning into pure incense, which was absorbed into the robe.

He watched Xu Ying and others go away, and there were new passengers.

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Passengers boarded the boat, so the boat sailed into the vast sea of ​​flames.

"When you comprehend the vision of the sea of ​​fire, don't sacrifice the Yuanshen too high. If the Yuanshen flies into the air and is too far away from the boat, my boat will not be able to protect you."

He told the new passengers, "You can't chew too much. If you observe the dragon, phoenix, snake and crow in the flames, you can comprehend extraordinary supernatural powers. Over the years, I have only seen one time when someone can comprehend the strangeness of the entire sea of ​​flames." elephant…"

His ancient memory unconsciously recalled the scene tens of thousands of years ago, the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace rose slowly from the sea of ​​fire, the sun and the moon flew out of the sea of ​​fire, and the sun and moon also flew out of the Sun Refining Furnace.

He remembered some details. At that time, he was holding a boat on the sea and looked up. Next to the huge solar refining furnace, there was a small figure floating.

The figure turned its head, and to him, its face gradually became clear.

"That young man has amazed the world."

The ancient demon **** turned his to look in the direction Xu Ying left, and said silently in his heart, "However, that happened more than 40,000 years ago. That boy should have died, right? Now, there are A person who looks exactly like him is coming to the ancestral court again. I don’t know what will happen this time?”

"Ah Ying, hurry up and keep up! Slow down!"

Hu Zhuojun turned his head, glared at Xu Ying, and urged, "We have to leave quickly, this area is not safe, there are often heretical monsters haunting and hunting me down."

Xu Ying hurriedly followed her and said, "Sister, heretic devil? What is it?"

Hu Zhuojun whispered: "Those guys are some evil cultivators. They are entrenched in the heavens and worlds. They are evil qi refiners under the evil heaven. There are many demons behind them, and they often come to this place to lie in ambush and look at the past qi refiners. Beat the killer."

Xu Ying was stunned: "Evil cultivator? The evil cultivator she is talking about should be a qi refiner from the heavens and all realms, right? Wait a minute!"

A question suddenly popped up in his head: "Who is the devil?"

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