Ascend Another Day

Chapter 331: Fake it

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Suddenly, there was a strong wave of supernatural powers in front of them, and everyone became nervous. Hu Zhuojun hurriedly lowered his voice: "Shut up! There are heretic cultivators!" Xu Ying showed surprise. Tyrannical, I am afraid that he is a master in the heavens and myriad worlds

"There were three people who shot, and they used immortal techniques. Could it be that they were Qi refiners who have the inheritance of immortality in other worlds? This inheritance is extremely powerful"

As soon as he thought of this, a Demon Race Qi Refiner immediately sped up his speed and walked towards the direction where the wave of supernatural power came, and said in a low voice, "Go first, I will save people."

Several other Demon Race Qi Refining Soils hesitated for a while, and followed them one after another, saying: "That heretic cultivator is extremely powerful, you can't handle it, wait for us"

They left quickly, leaving only four people beside Xu Ying and Hu Zhuojun

Hu Zhuojun hesitated for a moment, looked at Xu Ying and the other four people, and said: "Go along this direction for half a day, and you will be the Zhenwu Temple, where you can rest your feet, there are two gods, the turtle and the snake, guarding, heretics and evil cultivators dare not go there. Wait for us there." She flashed her figure and followed.

Hu Zhuojun restrained his breath, hid his tracks all the way, and went straight to the wave of supernatural powers. Suddenly, she felt something in her heart, and when she looked back, she saw Xu Ying sneaking behind her.

Hu Zhuojun was startled, and hurriedly lowered his voice: "Didn't I tell you to wait for me at Zhenwu Temple?" Xu Ying followed her and explained: "I don't know the way. And I still owe you money

Hu Zhuojun said angrily: "So let you follow them! They know the way!" Xu Ying said shyly, "I still owe you money..."

"You even gave up your life just to pay back the money." Hu Zhuojun was furious.

She planned to personally send Xu Ying to Zhenwu Temple, but this place was far away from Zhenwu Temple, half a day's journey away, sending Xu Ying there and then coming back to save others would definitely be too late.

Hu Zhuojun raised his right hand and slowly clenched it in front of Xu Ying; his small fist was clenched and he said fiercely, "Follow me, don't run around, don't shoot, you can only watch me fight the enemy later, you know?" ?" Xu Ying argued: "I'm very good... "Boom!"

Hu Zhuojun knocked on his forehead with his fist, and said fiercely, "These enemies are not the ones you met on the front line, they are even more powerful, understand?"

Xu Ying was furious: "She knocked my head again! No one dares to knock my head! It's better to kill this little witch... But I still owe her money, and she seems to be concerned about my safety, so she knocked my head..."

He was a little embarrassed, it would be fine if Hu Zhuojun was extremely vicious, but the key point was that she was a kind witch, even if she was knocked on the head, it would not be easy to kill her, which made him feel very difficult.

Hu Zhuojun walked forward cautiously, lest Xu Ying would be lost, and looked back from time to time, but saw that Xu Ying's behavior was even more careful than hers, and his actions were silent.

She secretly praised in her heart, "Although Ah Ying is young, his sneaky ability is not weak, and he must have done bad things!" The two walked forward quickly, without making a sound.

On a disconnected mountain cliff, a young man in a light blue gown stood facing the wind. Looking down at the battle below, he saw four demon qi refiners besieging a girl in a pink skirt.

Those four demons, two males and two females, were extremely powerful in their cultivation, and each of them was refined into a primordial spirit. Their physical bodies were strong, and when they fought, they were full of demonic energy, and their fighting will was amazing. Even if they were seriously injured, they would not retreat.

Their fighting style is like that of demon gods. When their kung fu is running, they have multiple heads and multiple arms. The girl in the pink skirt has also cultivated into a primordial spirit, and with one against four, she has the upper hand.

What she uses is the method of immortality, and her supernatural powers are not comparable to those of these demons. Her supernatural powers can easily break through the defense of the opponent, but the opponent cannot break her immortal supernatural power at all.

"This place is very famous in the Demon Realm. It is called Daoqiguan. It was originally called Daoqiguan. It is said that this is the gateway to open the wisdom of the Dao."

The young man on the cliff said leisurely, "The immortal masters of my generation broke through this barrier and opened the way to enter the demon realm. The immortal masters fought **** battles, eradicated heresies, and established peace for all generations. I did not expect that all these years have passed , Dao eliminates the demonic leader, and the demonic way has made a comeback.”

Not far from him, a young man in blue looked around, but seeing the scene of immortals emerging from heaven and earth, there were traces of battles between gods and demons everywhere.

Rifts are everywhere on the ground, and residues with magical powers emerge from the rifts, emitting beautiful but dangerous colors.

There are also mountains that seem to have been split by an axe. Walking through the cracked mountains, some mountains have a large hole that is transparent from front to back. The walls of the cave are very smooth and can accommodate dozens of people walking side by side.

Looking from a distance, there is light shining in the cave, which is the imprint of some Taoism. This is an arrow feather shot through the mountain, leaving the road!

There are also all kinds of gorgeous rays of light in the sky, and from time to time there are heaven-shattering fluctuations, but they disappear immediately after the explosion, which is extremely scary.

"Uncle Wu Bing, the demons can't kill all the qi refining soils. Our Fire Cloud Sect united with the seven immortal sects to enter the Dao Weeping Pass to eliminate demons and defend the Dao, but it's just a drop in the bucket."

The blue-clothed boy looked into the distance and said, "Only by killing the Demon Realm's lair can we eradicate it from the root!"

That young man, Wu Bing, looks like the blue-clothed boy is not a few years older, but he has profound cultivation, he is old but I am not old, but his actual age is seven or eight hundred years older than the blue-clothed boy.

Wu Bing smiled and said: "There are many masters in the Demon Realm. It is not so easy to eradicate the Demon Realm. The real masters in my Taishi Great World all go deep into the hinterland of the Demon Realm, and meet with the Demon God and the powerful of the Demon Dao. Jiang Fu, you Hurry up and practice, you have reached the level of cultivation, and you are qualified to go deep into the Demon Realm!" The blue-clothed boy Jiang Fu's eyes lit up, he looked down at the girl in the pink skirt, and shouted: "Senior Sister Yunyi, hurry up, someone is coming!"

While speaking, the demon qi refiners who were on the same boat as Xu Ying had already rushed to kill the pink skirt girl Yun Yi.

Although Yun Yi is highly skilled and bold, but the people who come here are not weak in cultivation, and they are all good at cultivating the primordial spirit, so she was in a hurry!

In particular, these eight Demon Race Qi Refining Soils comprehended all kinds of magnificent Taoist phenomena in the sea of ​​fire, and displayed their supernatural powers, and they saw fire dragons and phoenixes flying out in all directions, attacking Yunyi!

Yun Yi connected several tricks, but was defeated steadily! Wu Bing said: "Jiang Fu, you go and help Yun Yi."

Jiang Fu was already eager to try, and immediately sacrificed to Yuanshen, Lin's sound fell from the sky and landed beside Yun Yi, and said with a smile: "Playing with fire in front of my Fire Cloud Sect is just self-immolation."

His Dao elephant flew out and turned into a banner of scarlet fire, filled with the majesty of the immortal way, rolled away with a whirring sound, and collected the fire dragon of a demonic Qi refiner into the banner. The next moment, the devilish qi refiner was rolled up by the Chidi flag, and he was turned into ashes together with his soul! Wu Bing praised secretly, thinking: "Jiang Fu's talent is indeed much higher than that of Yun Yi."

While speaking, Jiang Fu beheaded another person, against the siege of the other four demon masters, Yunyi's pressure suddenly eased, and he also beheaded an opponent.

At this moment, a young girl suddenly jumped out, her palms flew, and she stabbed Jiang Fu and Yun Yi at the same time.

The woman's dress fluttered like patches of blue clouds, her white palm passed under the floating blue clouds, and with a chirping sound, the peak of her palm pierced through the Chidi flag and was printed on Jiang Fu's chest

Jiang Fu vomited blood and fell backwards, terrified in his heart: "She broke my Xianju Chidi Banner!"

The Fire Cloud Sect is a well-known decent sect in the great world of Taishi. The founder of the sect studied under the Chi Emperor and passed down many immortal sects. This world has a profound background, unlike the world of Yuanshou, which has experienced several major cleansings, the great world of Taishi has not experienced major cleansing, so the immortal family's methods have been handed down.

Jiang Fu thought that these demons would be unable to decipher them with his magical powers, but he didn't expect a girl from the demons to break the Chidi Banner that he had worked so hard to forge casually.

The figure of the demon girl spun around, strands of tied hair flew up, and grew in the wind, each strand of hair was like a sharp sword, flying up and down, stabbing at Yunyi!

Yun Yi retreated quickly, but the girl's primordial spirit was hidden behind her, and a palm was imprinted on the back of Yun Yi's heart. Yun Yi vomited blood, her breath was sluggish.

That girl was Hu Zhuojun, and she severely wounded the two "evil cultivators" qi refiners when they met each other. Xu Ying ran to those demon qi refiners and helped them up.

Hu Zhuojun was about to kill Yun Yi and Jiang Fu, when suddenly he became alert, and he used his kung fu, raised all his true energy and struck back! Her soul flew over, about eighty feet high, and also slapped her behind with a palm. Go! "Boom!"

A dull sound came, Wu Bingxin blocked the blow with his hands, his breath fluctuated slightly, he couldn't help being surprised, and said: "Witch, your realm is not high, but your cultivation is very strong. You must be a famous teacher in the Demon Realm."

Hu Zhuojun retreated a few steps, his heart sank, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Ah Ying, you take the others away, I'll come and finish it off" "Okay"

I Xu Ying readily agreed, and immediately said to those demon qi refiners who were lucky enough to survive, "After sister Zhuo Jun dies, let's go first." Those demon qi refiners said angrily: "If you want to go, you go! We swear to sister Hu Coexistence "Your surname Xu, you don't show loyalty, so we and Senior Sister Hu have misjudged you!"

Wu Bing stepped forward, and Baizhang Yuanshen appeared behind him, standing in the void, and said with a smile: "Even if you want to leave, you can't leave. full of mortals

Unable to comprehend the truth, Xu Ying's several demon race qi refiners around him heard it, and suddenly their minds were in a state of chaos, the Taoist phenomena in their bodies lost control, and each one was vomited blood by their own Taoist phenomena!

Behind Wu Bing, Yuanshen pointed at him, showing that the situation was light and calm, but this finger contained the mystery of the Taoism of the Immortal Family. There were immortal runes floating around the fingertips, and said with a smile: "I am in the realm of Ascension, If you use all your strength, you will be ridiculed by the magicians. If you can take my finger, I will let you go."

This pointing out seems simple, but in Hu Zhuojun's eyes, it is incomparably mysterious. Every move of the fingertips contains countless changes, making it impossible for him to avoid or resist!

With a loud shout, she summoned all her mana, her soul and her body acted as one, and she gathered all her strength at the tip of her finger to meet Wu Bing's finger!

At this moment, everyone around Xu Ying shouted loudly, raised their spirits, and at the same time stretched out a finger to meet Wu Bing's blow.

Xu Ying also yelled, sacrificed his three-inch primordial spirit, and joined in. Wu Bing caught a glimpse of this pocket soul, and sneered: "It's just a trick!"

The breath of the crowd was fierce, and they were united as one. They knew very well how terrifying a finger of a qi refiner in the ascension stage was, and it was simply not comparable to those of the qi refiners of the heavy building stage who had cultivated into primordial spirits.

{With this finger, they are sure to die!

However, at the moment when the fingertips of the two sides met, Wu Bing's face suddenly changed drastically, and the expression of Baizhang Yuanshen standing in the void also changed drastically.

His fingertips exploded, and the terrifying force crushed him, directly blasting his right hand and Yuanshen's right hand into fly ash!

With a cry, he flew backwards involuntarily, crashing into the cliff of the broken mountain that he stood before with a bang, and immediately the fingers of Hu Caojun and others exploded in his body!

Although the strength of Hu Zhuojun and others' cultivation is not too strong, after all, they are supernatural powers of different species, Wu Bing was shaking like chaff, and a dozen blood holes were blown out of his body

Hu Zhuojun also didn't expect them to be united, and they would have unexpected results, and they could severely injure the masters in the ascension stage. He couldn't help but turned around in surprise and joy, and shouted: "Go quickly!"

Everyone hugged her, picked up a few wounded, and left in a hurry.

Yun Yi and Jiang Fu were about to chase them down, Wu Bing hurriedly raised his hand and said in a trembling voice: "Don't chase!"

The two were puzzled, Wu Bing was trembling all over, he managed to pull himself off the cliff, endured the pain, and said: "Among them, there is a great master hidden, the power of his soul is so frightening that he even killed me. The power to suppress it! I suspect... Chu Tiandu, the disciple of Xiao Tianzun, is hiding among them!"

Yun Yi and Jiang Fu's complexion suddenly changed, the little Tianzun of the Demon Realm was famous and unfathomable, even the gods were extremely afraid of him. Chu Tiandu, a disciple of Xiao Tianzun, is one of the most dazzling stars of the younger generation in the Demon Realm. He has repeatedly intercepted and killed young talents from the heavens and the world, and has achieved great fame! Taishi, Yuanshi, Jianwu, Yongkang, Long Xing and other young experts from the big world once went deep into the Demon Realm together, trying to hunt and kill Chu Tiandu. Chu Tian was under heavy siege, not only did not die, but even injured several people, which made him more famous than before! Wu Bing suspected that Chu Tian was hiding among those people just now, taking advantage of his underestimation of the enemy, and let himself be defeated. Big loss! "Jiang Fu, you send a signal to tell the other seven immortal sects that Chu Tiandu, a disciple of Xiao Tianzun, has appeared at Daoqiguan!" Jiang Fu immediately activated his supernatural power when he heard the words, but seeing his mana gushing out, he transformed Make a rainbow bridge and hang it in the sky, which can be seen from thousands of miles away! The order of the imprints of Taoism on the rainbow bridge can convey different messages.

At this time beside the long river of Daoqiguan, a burly young man raised his head and looked at the Hongqiao bridge, his bearded and tiger eyes suddenly showed joy: "Chu Tiandu, how dare you step out of the bridge?" Appearing in the hinterland of Daoqiguan! Well, I, Shen Baiyu, have been looking for you for so long! "Everywhere in Daoqiguan, people raised their heads one after another, and they all showed surprise when they saw this Hongqiao. "Xiao Tianzun's disciple, Chu Tiandu, appeared at Daoqiguan?" This is a big deal, please inform Mr. Changming immediately!"

The tortoise in Chutiandu came out of its shell. Li Pingsheng must be notified of this news. He has been brooding over his defeat in the battle of Chutiandu! He raised his head and looked at Hongqiao in the sky with doubts on his face.

Although he is a demon qi refiner, he understands the secret of the Dao image branding of the Fire Cloud Sect, recognized the message on the Hongqiao, and said in amazement: "I came to Daoqiguan, and I was discovered so quickly, but this Hongqiao The position of the upper finger seems to be wrong. It actually said, I am over there!" He looked into the distance, where the demon girl Hu Zhuojun led the crowd, and Xu Ying pretended to be a demon to confuse her.

I'm sleepy, I don't have a good rest, and my coding speed is greatly reduced. I'm going to catch up on sleep and update it at night.

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