Even if you live in a castle, unless you call, you only meet the lord family for dinner. Breakfast is served in each room, and the lords and wife’s lunches are often eaten together, so they are not eaten together.


Therefore, this dinner time is the only time for conversation.


“Father, I will return to the temple from tomorrow for about a month”


“…… Is the restaurant tidy up? What is there?”


Gilvester looks at me with an eyebrows. I found myself looking for something interesting with dark green eyes.


“There are many things we need to discuss with the creators to improve our printing technology. We will report as soon as new technology is available”


“Fum, I understand”


頷 I’m crawling with mysterious face, but I feel like I’m coming to the temple with an appropriate reason, such as a visit on the way or a state of sight.


“Father, please be sure to contact us in advance if you come to visit.”


“I know”


ending the meal, swallowing the tsukkomi that you never knew.


After finishing the good night greeting, I will return to the room, but at this time I will head north with Ville Fleet.


“Rozemine slumber”


During the meal, Villefried, who was always grumpy, rubbed me with dark green eyes that looked like Gilvester. I don’t understand what it means to be sloppy and I tilt my head.


“… Which area is sloppy?”


“If I say sloppy, it’s sly!”


I don’t understand why it’s not the answer. When I looked up at my brother Lamplecht, he was lightly giving up his shoulder with a troubled face. It seems that it cannot be explained here.


“I’m very sorry, Mr. Villefried. I’m away for about a month, so please feel at ease. Then take a rest.”


When I arrived north, I went up the stairs. “I don’t know at all!” I heard a whispering voice, but it was ignored. I am busy.


When I returned to my room and took out the paper, I made it a bullet to finish it during the month of returning to the temple. Then list what you need to bring back to the temple.


“… I want a writing board. Paper is wasted”


My writing board has been taken home by my family as my luggage. Lutz said that Turi is using it now.


I don’t think I’ll let you use a non-decorative calligraphy board made by cutting wood. Considering that it may have been disposed of as unsuitable for the lord’s adopted woman, Turi should use it, but I want my own writing board.


… I’ll be disliked because I’m busy, but I’m going to order Benno.


My eyes that sighed, huh, was the cupboard where the books were cleared by Richarda. It ’s too hard to be able to read it over there.


When I was looking at the cupboard with a soft, unsophisticated eye, Richarda coughed with a cohon.


“Please take a rest today, Princess”


“… Yes”


Good morning, tomorrow morning, get up early and read.


The next day, I woke up early in the morning. When I tried to start reading immediately, the cupboard was locked and didn’t open. Relentlessly, if he waits for Richard to come, he is told that he will not have enough rest. In addition, as soon as I finished breakfast, I was driven to the temple by Richarda.


‘The princess forgot to make a promise when he started reading? Ferdinand Bachama told you.’


…… Wow, Priest!


I headed to the temple on a carriage while sharply sharpening my lips and holding a black emotion in my chest. Brigitte and Dermuel are also together.


“Come back, Rosemine”


“I just returned, Fran”


Returning to the temple head room with Fran, who was picked up.


“I was told that I would stay at the castle for a while, so I was surprised when I heard from Rosemine about the return of the priest in the daytime yesterday”


“Yes, I was surprised when I was told to come back to the priest.”


Demanded frustrations that started without reading books. The books he has accumulated are books in the library of the castle, so you can’t take them out of the castle. You can read it only after you return to the castle.


“Lose Mine-sama, you seemed to be very interested in it, did you have anything?”


“I was entrusted with reading by the priest. I had to come back with reading. I need more music and recipes.”


I was left with anger, and I was astonished as Franc said.


“… Is that so? The priest has gathered donations and has been told to contact the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce, and it is time for them to arrive.”


I am also surprised by the words of Fran. Certainly, the donations were collected and I wanted to give Benno as soon as possible, but I didn’t think that the priest was making the arrangement.


“If you are replaced, head to the director’s office. Nikola is preparing and waiting for sweets.”


“Yes, I’m looking forward”


When I laughed a little, Fran exhaled.


Monica gets dressed and Franc confirms the amount of money collected, and I move to the orphanage’s director’s office.


I opened the door of the hidden room, exhaling lightly, saying that the room I was used to was calmer.


“Monica, please lightly clean it and put your writing utensils here.”


“I’m smart”


franc has a sensible face, but when he looks at the hidden doors, his face is slightly stronger, so we leave Monica to clean the hidden rooms.


“How are Fran, Gil and Vilma doing?”


“Gill is waiting at the gate to meet the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce. If there is a story in Vilma, would you call me?”


“I want to ask Vilma for a picture, but it’s good after the talks with Lutz and others”


Benno and Lutz came while listening to a report from Francs about what happened during his absence. There seems to be a lot of work related to the small temple, and Marc seems to be in charge at the store.


“Lutz, please come here. The side serving is Gil, and the escort is Dermuel.”


I jumped into Lutz the moment I entered the hidden room and closed the door. Lutz seems to have been fully anticipated and will take it with no surprise.


“Lutz, Lutz, Lutz! Listen a little, if you were a priest, it would be terrible!”


“… Ano, I’m really busy now”


“I’m too busy! I had a tea party to collect donations and continued to laugh and laugh, and if I made more money, I was given a special witchcraft training by the priest. It ’s hard to get harassed by me ”


Lutz shook my eyebrows in my appeal and became a stern expression.


“What is the harassment of the chief priest? What did you do?”


“You can’t read the book one after another by putting up a series of books that you haven’t read before me, showing them one after another, and adding a watch.”


“… That’s amazing. Is it lifeless or scared later?”


Lutz looked at my face while making a frightened voice and dragged his face. Lutz is the closest to seeing my runaway when the book was taken up. Ah, after a loud voice, I stroke my head slowly.


“I have to put up well. Yeah, great.”


“Yeah, I’ve stopped patience anymore. I decided to make raw paper because I’m so sorry.”


“I don’t know the connection!”


Lutz yells, but the connection is not so important. The important thing is to make a raw paper and let the priest know it.


“Let’s make it, right?”


When I’m hugging Lutz and inviting, Benno opens his eyes and drops thunder.


“This stupid! Do you know how busy this is !?”


“My raw material requires raw paper! Is Benno knowing the struggle to collect money among nobility?”


Gur! And when I shouted, Benno was astonished. Don’t miss the moment when Benno’s momentum stopped, I fold. The anger with the book is not shaken by the lightning of Benno.


“You only have one chance to make money. Depending on whether you have raw paper, the amount of money you collect will change like an idiot. Anyway, Lutz borrows one month.”


“Hey, don’t decide on your own”


When I declared clinging to Lutz, Lutz played my forehead. I sharpen my lips while holding my bounced forehead.


“Lutz makes what I think? Is that a premise, can I break it?”


“That’s not good …”


“I want to lend Lutz, but this is also difficult”


While Benno scratched his head, he ran out of money to collect the necessary supplies. It seems that there is not enough money left over from Rosemine’s workshop, and it seems that time has been spent discussing with the guild head and how much it will bear.


“It’s okay for money, Benno-san. I’ve collected donations for the time being, so I’ll give them later. The initial expenses were collected.”


“… what is it?”


The money plan is the most troublesome for merchants. And what is taking the most time now is the sharing of expenses, and since that problem has been solved all at once, it is natural that Benno should be stunned.


“Okay, Lutz lends. If you have the money, it’s easy to place an order and it’s easy to buy and catch the necessary supplies. If you need it for the next money plan, do it exactly.”


Benno glanced and looked at Lutz and me. I got permission from Benno to do it. Do not hesitate to do it.


“And then. This is a gift of thanks to Rosemine for creating connections to senior nobility. Need it?”


When Benno quickly moved his chin, Lutz carefully took out the square object wrapped in the cloth from the bag.


“Please pay me”


laughing with a mischievous smile and holding out a wrap with the gesture that Lutz had in mind.


I left a little away from Lutz and picked up the packet that was presented in front of me. Unwind the cloth gently while tilting your neck to a hard square.


“… Writing board!”


A gorgeous calligraphy board that has been finely decorated and painted with a varnish-like luster for use by aristocrats. With his eyes shining and looking at the new writing board, Benno laughs a little and gives up his shoulder.


“Turri uses your writing board. I thought it would be necessary. I made the writing board based on the rose mine studio emblem and the back based on the knight’s emblem. I decided the pattern and engraved the emblem of the lord here instead of the name. “


Benno explains each design while pointing at the writing board. Lutz pointed at the iron brush attached to the writing board.


“This iron brush should be used in the same way because I ordered Johann and used the same weight and length as before”


“I really wanted the writing board. Thank you, Benno-san, and Lutz.”


laughing softly with a letter board that fits in my hand. The face relaxes naturally with the joy of being given the right thing at the right time. I’m glad that I was watching and thinking about myself.


“Where are the donations collected?”


“It’s up to Fran, so you have to leave. Really I want to replenish a little more Lutz, but since I’m at the temple in January, is it okay tomorrow? Ufufun”


Having a letter board in my hand made me feel very moist. I get out of my room and speak to Fran.


“Please give donation to Fran and Benno. Benno will tell you how the donation was used, so please give us a clear and detailed report on how it will be used.”


“I’m smart”


There is a detailed report, and if you know how your money was spent, it may be easier to collect the next donation.


“That’s the story with Benno. I think it’s hard to prepare a small shrine, but thank you. Rutz and Gill want to hear about the workshop, so stay here.”


“I’m sorry”


Benno puts his wallet with three or more large coins in his pocket, and returns home while being guided by Monica.


I decided to listen to the progress of the workshop at the table.


“Gill, what about the workshop? Is there a thin paper that could be used as a raw paper?”


“You can make a thin paper of Nikonyoki wood, but you can’t make it thin with plain paper. It’s difficult unless you look for other trees”


“… After all”


Trombe seems to be able to make fairly thin paper. However, if this is used as a pattern, it will be quite expensive. It’s not so easy to use. Forin can easily be harvested in this area. Forin is the best price and felling amount, but it doesn’t seem to be raw paper.


If only the illustration of the chief priest is this time, I think that even if it is the base paper of Trombe, there will be profits. If you want to complete the raw raw paper, you can’t spare the money. I decided to make a prototype of raw paper for the time being with Trombe.


“How about waxing with an iron made by Johan? Isn’t it uniform even if you change the type of wax?”


“It wasn’t uniform, and when I tried cutting it on a file made by Johann, it cracked the wax and cracked and wasn’t useful.”


The cracks are caused by the thick or hard wax. After all, it seems that you have to put resin such as pine resin to give flexibility. … how much was it? I don’t remember the details.


“Rosemine previously told me that when I drew wax to protect the Virma painting, it wouldn’t matter if it was a little bumpy or the shape of the cloth was fine, To make raw wax paper, the fabric must be noticed … ”


“Never use it”


In the Reno period, cooking sheets were used, but cooking sheets cannot be made. I can’t even imagine a substitute.


My mind comes to mind the roller machine used by the craftsmen who make wax base paper. The wax is drawn while sandwiched between two rollers, so it can be drawn evenly and thinly.


“Maybe it’s best to make it with a roller … Is it possible to make such a machine, Johann?”


I can explain that this is the case, but I can’t make an accurate design. Rather, it is something that must be made through trial and error. I don’t know if Johan, who needs a detailed blueprint, can do trial and error.


“Lutz, I’d like to talk to you once, so call Johan from the blacksmith workshop tomorrow.”


“I understand”


“I want to see how much thin paper I can make now, so I will go to the workshop.”


When I stood up, of course, two of the escort knights moved. However, it is honestly difficult to come to the workshop.


“… I wonder if they are waiting here because there is a product secret.”


“I can’t do that. I can’t afford to have a escort for Rosemine.”


I narrowed my eyes to Brigitte’s words.


“Now, only Dermuel will do. If you are Dermuel, you will feel sorry for anything you see,”


“… Rosemine, do you trust me?”


I close my eyes lightly with a steep expression with a sharp eyebrows and a bitter voice of Brigitte.


“I am grateful to Brigitte who came with me in the downtown area where everyone refuses to be dirty and smells, and I think I work very well. But this is a different story.


Brigitte leaned slightly to say that he was not sure.


I know my feelings for my family and I want to support you. However, in addition to the profit and loss account for business, when a noble fence is involved, information cannot be passed unconditionally.


“I trust, but Brigitte is an aristocrat who owns the land. Even if I know the information that makes money, I still can’t tell if I can keep my family quiet. On the other hand, Darmuel is not an aristocrat with land and has a family in the aristocratic town, so it is easy to hold down when something happens. “


“… I’m smart”


Brigitte saw me with a fearful face at the same time. And turn a little sympathetic gaze toward Darmuel.


“What is weakness, Rosemine?”


“Now it’s still a secret. Fufu”


I went to the workshop with Lutz and Gill as an escort, with Dermuel smoldering. As usual, gray priests and children are making paper.


“Thank you for your work, so please continue.”


‘I say that, and I have Gil bring me the Trombe paper, which is thinly squeezed for raw paper, and check it. After all, Trombe paper is excellent. It is completely different from the Folin paper.


“… The quality is totally different. I can’t help it. Let’s do it.”


So, when I looked at the tau that was kept in the corner of the workshop, Lutz glanced at Dermuel.


“Is it good?”


Honest story, not good. This is because it is better that there are few people who know the secret. However, if escorts are to follow, I think Dermuel is the least dangerous and good for the elimination method.


“Dermuel, what you see is absolutely not good. To anyone else, father, priest, and adoptive father, can you promise?”


Darmuel shakes his gaze as if confused.


“If Dermuel stumbles, I may scramble. An important secret that can be tampered with and frustrated by an adopted father.”


“Huh? Is that the lord?”


Dermuel, who was messed up by Jilvester during the prayer ceremony, became a compassionate face that seemed to cry.


“You will be silent. Dermuel?”


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