“I can’t make a promise!”


Dermuel said clearly to close his tight eyes and squeeze the pain. Go to the spot and cross your hands in front of your chest.


“I am a knight, so if you are ordered by my boss, I can’t stay silent. So … forgive me to close my eyes.”


If you do not know, you cannot report. So, as always, I do n’t want to know. I whispered to Dammell’s tough decision.


“Never leave this workshop. I pray that I won’t destroy myself with curiosity”


“I’m sorry”


Leave a few Dermuel and Gray Priest in the workshop. Lutz and Gill went out with the gray priests and children, holding a knife and a sword to mow the Trombe. I go out with everyone and move towards the girls’ wing.


“Someone call me Virma, Delia, and Dirk from the girls’ wing.”




“I will go!”


Runners run into the girls’ wing while running so that several children get involved. Immediately Vilma and Delia holding Dirk came out. Delia’s face is a little tense.


“It’s been a long time, Delia. I’m glad I was fine”


“Thank you for your attention. I am fine with Dirk.”


Delia broke her face as if relieved.


“Delia, Dirk is a predator. Because of his magical power, he was not aimed at the Gama, but by the Earl and the Lord of the Temple. The Count is still alive, so the Lord of Dirk


Delia suddenly changed her complexion.


Count Gamaguel is still alive to seek out various criminal charges and deal with the county’s territory. I don’t think that the lords who are primarily concerned with political transactions will be thinking of abandoning their eating contracts. While the Earl is alive, his contract with Dirk will not be destroyed.


“And Dirk hasn’t yet been given magical tools to drain the magical power that builds up in his body. Let’s reduce it a little so that it doesn’t increase too much. Please give me it. “




Gill gives Telia’s fruit to Delia and Delia holds it to Dirk. Dirk’s magical power, which had been rooted by the temple chief in spring, did not seem to increase so much, and when the seeds began to come out, the fruit growth almost stopped.


“This is okay. Dirk can come back.”


“I’m sorry”


Delia strokes Dirk’s head as if relieved. Dirk became much bigger just by changing one season. Kamil is surely getting bigger too. Narrow your eyes with nostalgia.


“Oh, Vilma. I have a request. I want you to draw a picture of the chief …”


“I’m sorry but I can’t do that. I don’t know the face of the priest.”




Vilma, who has a trauma to the blue priest, seems to have never seen the face of the chief priest when he visited the orphanage as much as possible.


No, it was unexpected that Vilma didn’t know the face of the chief priest, but when I think about it, I’m satisfied. Convincing me, I suddenly turn pale.


“I invite the priest in my room, so …”


“It’s still impossible to go to the nobility area. I’m sorry.”


It would be difficult for Vilma to go to the nobility area, which can be said to be a nest of blue priests. However, I don’t think there is any blue priest trying to reach out to my side serving as the temple head.


“Will it be impossible for me to welcome you so that I can’t let anyone out?”


“… I’m sorry. Rosemine, can you let Rosina do the drawing? If you draw based on Rosina’s picture, you can do it.”


I shined my face on Vilma’s help boat, saying so unfortunately. The taste of the art lady is amazing.


“Let’s ask Rosina!”


While laughing with couscous, Vilma took Dirk and Delia back to the orphanage.


“Is everyone ready?”




I hold a knife and look around everyone in Trombe. It seems to be ready. As Lutz whispered, I picked up a tau that had grown halfway through the magic of Dirk that Gill had.


You can see that the magical power inside you is sucked out and flows.


I stared at the seeds of tau, where the seeds were growing. As the seed grows steadily, the skin grows harder and begins to heat up when the seed is full.


“I will go!”


Threw it properly on the soil. The next moment the seeds scatter, they are picked up by a gray priest and moved me backwards.


Back observing everyone’s struggle behind, I found that I was used to it since last year, and that everyone’s movement is no longer wasted.


④ Pick up at the star festival, and harvest all four tau fruits left on the soil of the workshop. The kite I was preparing was full.


I look around and look at the children who are flushing their cheeks.


“Let’s make paper now. Let’s spend this winter deliciously and warmly”




Dispatched to Gil and Lutz, I recovered Dermuel who was walking like a dog whose whereabouts were not fixed, and returned to the director’s office of the orphanage.


“Thank you for waiting. Let’s go back to the room”


Returning to the temple head room, I immediately asked Rosina whether he could draw a picture of the priest.


“I don’t see Vilma. The drawing of the chief is relatively easy. It has a very easy-to-draw face.”


Rosina drew a picture of the chief and the priest with a pen, laughing and laughing. Very good. A simple view of the head of a priest and a profile seen from the front can be seen at a glance. It can’t fit in the word taste.


“It’s amazing!”


Monica shines the dark brown eyes and looks into Rosina’s painting.


“Monica, please send this to Vilma. Based on this, ask Virma to draw a picture of the Priesthood.”




Monica leaves the room, holding Rosina’s drawing as if to hug her chest. At the same time, Franc, who was going to hear the appointment of the priest, returned.


“Rose Mine”


“Fran, what are the plans of the chief priest?”


“It seems to be a sudden visitor.”


…… Calling a book while keeping it in check-in. Hey.


I met Lutz, got a letter board, and the black feeling that had been scattered a little bounced back.


“That’s why I wanted you to wait while reading a precious book in the library. How about it?”


“Let’s go now!”


Suddenly black emotions disappeared in an instant. I stood up and smiled at Fran.


“Fran, where is the key to the valuable book?”


“Here it is”


I took Franc and an escort to the library room with a bouncy gait. What makes me happy about the temple head room is that the library is close.


I opened the library room with a key that was allowed to be managed by me, and I turned to a bookcase with a key that contained a valuable book.


Facing a rare book that I had never seen before. What kind of books are stored as valuable books? Just thinking about it makes my heart throbbing. I threw my key into the excitement and tension.


Bookcase opens with a click.


There was a large book with 5 books on it.


“Fran, today I need only one book. Please bring it to the reading desk.”


It is difficult for me to carry a large book about 60 cm high. I shined my eyes and tried to get Fran to the reading desk.


“… Rosemine, this doesn’t seem to be a book”




It was not strictly a book that was lined up in a lockable bookcase. A box imitating the shape of a book, with a lot of letters inside.


I take a folded letter all at once. It’s a parchment letter that is different from the plant paper we make.


When I opened it, it was a letter without the name of the sender.


“This is …” Love Letter “! Fran, is this something I can read?”


“Since Rosemine is the head of the temple, you must first read it and report it to the chief.”


Hidden here may be the secret partner of the temple head. There are quite a few hidden letters. What should I do. I’m really excited.


“Now let’s go through the eyes”


Since the letter was old enough to the bottom, I flipped over and started reading from the bottom.


An unnamed girlfriend who has sent a letter to the temple chief appears to be a good lady and has been raised as a trace daughter. However, the younger brother was born and the magical power of the child was high, so it seems that the trace was decided to be a younger brother. Her self-esteem and her mumblings, all denied until now, were spelled out.


It seems that her father was married to another territory by her father, who was worried that there would always be a conflict if she had a brother. My father and mother were crazy about my brother, and it was written that only you can rely on.


…… I think you’re mistaken for an unnamed girlfriend, you, and someone you rely on.


It seems that he has sent letters frequently even after getting married. What exactly was this unnamed girlfriend for the temple master? I think that he was an important person because he was hiding a letter carefully. Is the priest unable to marry and secretly soliciting thoughts?


…… I thought I was a greedy and blurry old lady, but in fact there may have been a part I loved.


As I read letters one after another, Monica came to the library looking for me. Fran hits her shoulder and raises her face.


“Rose Mine-sama was requested by Vilma”


“What is it?”


“I’d like to see the Priest directly and draw”


The opinion and opinion changed 180 degrees. The progress that Vilma wants to come to my room is very pleasing, but I can’t help thinking of it in the drawing of the chief priest.


“… Well, let’s go to pick up Vilma. After this, there will be a priest. We will go to Orphanage with Fran, Monica and prepare to return to the room first and meet the priest. Please give me this. “


When I went to pick up Vilma at the orphanage, Vilma smiled embarrassedly.


“I was surprised to see Rosina’s drawings. I have never seen anyone with such a perfect arrangement.”


“A perfect arrangement?”


“Yes, it’s a surprisingly neat face for drawing. Christine wants to put it on the side as an object of creation and as a subject of appreciation.


Apparently, according to this standard, Priest seems to be so beautiful that Vilma wants to be a model of painting and Christine who was an art maiden wants to put on the side. …… Fun, I don’t understand well.


“Sure, I think the chief has a well-established feature. But it’s basically an expressionless and chilly atmosphere. Even when it seems to me that the sculpture is moving. Rather, I feel that the franc, which has become a little richer since I served the side, is a refreshing, calm, transparent, beautiful beauty. ”


When I was little, I think that Franc was probably a cute boy like a girl. I don’t usually feel much because my body is solid, but sometimes when I’m surprised or laughing, my face sometimes looks young.


“Rosemine, it ’s too much complimenting Franc.”


“Is that right? The Priest has a well-organized face, but I think it’s the individual’s sensibility which I prefer …. But the side serving of Uchi than the serving of the Priest Is absolutely cool and cute. I can’t give it up. “


“Well …”


Brigitte whispered while looking down at Vilma and Monica laughing with couscous. … discovery, silent supporter. It looks like Brigitte.


“Come back, Rosemine,”


When I returned to my room, Rosina was waiting with a fesh peel with a slight expression on her face.


And in the room, the chief has the same feshpeel. Fran had a table and writing utensils near the chair where the chief would sit, so that the chief could write music.


“Rose Mine, sorry for the sudden visitor wait”


“No, I was reading something very interesting, so there was no problem at all. Once you’ve read it all, you can lend it to the priest.”


Dependent of Fran, she prepared paper, pen, and ink in front of Vilma, and when I answered with a smile, the priest smiled a little.


“Let me give you a song”


The priest holds a feshpeel. As I looked sideways as Vilma began to run a pen on paper, I wondered what to sing.


What do you think is interesting when the chief priest speaks?


…… The chief is lacking in kindness and love. I hope to be friends with love and courage.


I chose a famous anime song and sang it with Hamming.


When I sing a bit, the priest lightly raises his hand and stops. Then, play the main melody and add arrangements so that the priests flow.


Rosina, who was watching it tingling, gently raised her hand.


“What did you do, Rosina?”


“That ’s the priest, what do you think playing like this?”


When Rosina plays with her own arrangement, she adds something to the score while stroking her chin, as if he was impressed.


“If you want an ensemble, this is also good”


After that, Rosina and the chief of the priest are actively exchanging opinions and finishing the song. It’s too advanced to know what’s going on.


Admirers and two escorts, who are watching the situation of two people, admire only Wilma, running a pen on paper with serious eyes.


“By the way, what kind of song does this come with?”


My heart bounced on the question of the chief.


“… Well … I want to know your happiness, or I don’t want to end without knowing, I need love and courage …”

“Hum, a song that sings love”


…… No! completely different!


¡I keep a flat expression, restraining the balloon. It is the result of the daughter education. Who imagined that a song popular with children would become a love song?


rosina and the chief priest decide what kind of lyrics suits the song. It was already finished with something completely different from the original song.


“Let’s do this”


The chief priest who said so plays through a song. A bright but calm tone begins to flow, and the song of love dedicated to the earth goddess Gedulich is spoken from the god of life, Evilive, with the low-sounding voice of the chief priest.


A song that is based on mythology, but a love song, because Evilive is the goddess of earthly goddess Gedrulich who wants to know your happiness.


The voice of the chief priest seems to permeate into the ears gradually, and the original song is the original song, but the goose bumps stand up in the whole body.


Sometime, if the priest sang a love song, I thought that it would not be inconvenient for the girl, but that was proved.


Vilma forgets to run the pen and stares at the priest with a light eye. Rosina was friendly to the priest from the beginning because it was an object to understand music, but she had a completely enchanted face.


Monica and Nicolas are also dyed cheeks, and Brigitte is looking at the priest with a surprised face.


As I was impressed, it wasn’t just the women who looked at the priest. Fran and Darmuel looked at the priest as if impressed.


…… Isn’t the Priest’s feshpeel concert really dangerous?


I saw a sketch of a beautiful priest with a Burma brain filter, and I was really worried that it would be safe to hold a concert.


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