If the central senior aristocrat is sitting because the royal family has not graduated, a higher-grade person should be sitting. So I think the little figure in the front is a prince.


…… But I haven’t heard any information about the royal family coming in.


When I saw the person who looked like a prince, I tilted my head. If it is such an important story, I think that it has been heard, and it looks quite small with a glance.


In addition, the little figure was wearing red and white clothes, which are the precious colors of winter, contrary to the dress code of the noble institution, which was stipulated as a costume based on black. Even with a black cloak in the center, the color is very conspicuous. Since Anastazius was also dressed in black, the royal family should not be violated.


“This is the seat of Ehrenfest”


As in last year, a four-seat table was prepared at regular intervals in the hall, and we were guided to the seat of Ehrenfest. Villefried is the table on the left and Charlotte is the table on the right.


Brünnhilde pulled the chair and I sat there. The civilian Haltomut sat next to him and the side service and the escort knight stood behind me.


Did Hartmut hear that royals will enter?


When I asked Hartmut quietly and quietly, Hartmut shook his head.


“No, I haven’t heard …. Not only Villefried and Charlotte, but many other people are surprised, so there is a high possibility that they are unfamiliar royalty.


Apparently it wasn’t only I wasn’t informed, and gently stroked my chest. I felt that there was a lot of information that I hadn’t been informed about because I was in the castle for a short time.


“… However, I’ve heard rumors about the royal family who will be baptizing at the Noble House last year. It’s the son of the third wife, the brothers of Prince Sigiswald and Prince Anastazius. …. If the rumors are correct, you should have finished the baptism this fall. “


“Is this a baptism this year?”


“Yes. The Ehrenfest nobility will be presented at the beginning of the winter social circles, but the royal official will be the spring lords’ conference.


The reason is that the figure sitting in front is small. I thought it looked small because it was far away, but it was just right after the baptismal ceremony.


However, when I heard the information about Hartmut, I couldn’t understand anything.


…… Then why is the prince who just finished the baptismal ceremony here?


I leaned my head, but when all the territory candidates were ready and the hall doors were closed, the central clerk opened his mouth and introduced and taught the little prince sitting in front. gave.


“This is the 3rd Prince Hildebrand. I finished the baptism in autumn and was recognized as a member of the royal family. The king ordered me to be in the hospital and came here. ”


To summarize the various explanations, there seems to be a rule that noblemen must be enrolled in the aristocracy. If not, graduates will go to the aristocracy.


According to the practice, Anastazius, who had just graduated, should have been to the Aristocratic House, but now he seems to be very busy as a royal family. It is said that he plays a role in filling the land given for marriage with magic power and pouring magic power on the royal magical tools that stopped moving.


…… I wonder if there is no time to go to the Aristocratic House because I want to marry Egrantine soon with land and a new home.


Probably the resurrection of magical tools is more important than the representatives of the aristocracy. The king seems to have chosen to work an adult Anastazius, and as a royal family staying at the aristocratic house, a white arrow appears on Hildebrand who just finished the baptismal ceremony. Even though Hildebrand stays at the Aristocratic House due to his king’s order, he doesn’t attend lectures before entering school, so he seems to be basically in his own room.


…… If the royal family doesn’t go to the aristocracy, isn’t it necessary to receive a complaint or for an emergency?


Last year, I took the Schwarzs out of the library for measurements, and when there was a turmoil with Dunkel Ferger, I was immediately contacted Anastazius and remembered that I came to arbitration. After that, Anastazius would have been listening to Solange and me.


…… There are so many people here. I don’t know what it is. The royal family is hard. …… Even so, because the children before entering the aristocratic house are mobilized, the lack of labor of the royal family is also serious.


After the explanation from the civilian is over, we will greet and greet like last year. The first place that stood up was Klassenburg. After Egrantine graduated, the lord candidate disappeared, and it seems that a man with a physique that seems to be in the upper grades is heading to the royal family.


Greetings to Hildebrand, greetings to a higher territory than me, and the lower ones come to say the same as last year.


Next to Klassenburg, followed by Dunkelferger and Drevancher, and after the 9th place greeting, Ehrenfest was the turn. Villefried and Charlotte rise up and I get them down from the chair and head for greetings.


“Rose Mine, Charlotte. I’ll go”




Villefried escorts us and walks in front of the royal seat in front of me at my speed. When I hit before that and crossed my hands in front of my chest, it was a first-time greeting, hanging my neck.


“Prince Hildebrand, God of Life, please allow me to pray for blessings in a rare encounter with the rigorous selection of Evilive”


“Forgive me”


The young voice said Hildebrandt with bluish silver hair and bright purple eyes and a cute face. I wonder if the boy is cute, but Hildebrand, who just finished the baptismal ceremony, looked quite young when he was in the aristocratic house.


And, unlike Anastazius, which looked majestic, the word “Nikonico” is rather a rather welcoming atmosphere, so the word “cooler” and “more dignified” gets farther away. The gentle and soft expression felt a little relaxed in front of the royal family.


With the permission of Hildebrand, a blessing with magical power on the ring. I watched Villefried and Charlotte and carefully put a little magical power so as not to overdo it.


The chief priest has been reminded many times not to give the blessing left to the feelings of the graduation ceremony.


…… Okay, perfect.


Villefried’s greeting continued as he was relieved to be relieved to be given a blessing of the same size as the two.


“I’ll see you for the first time, Prince Hildebrand. From Ehrenfest, Wilfried, Rosemine, and Charlotte attended this place to learn how to be a nobleman appropriate for Jurgenschmitt. Please give me a place to know. “


Hildebrand, who was listening to our greeting, shouted, “Please raise your face.” Looking up at the voice, Hildebrand looks at Charlotte after seeing them in turn.


“I have heard that Ehrenfest’s lord candidates are the best and the best, and all the territories are getting better. The king is also expecting. Do your best this year.”


I was told that I was in a childish high voice. I feel that I am working hard so that I don’t mistake the words made by people, not the ones I thought. As a temple chief, I was able to memorize all the rituals, and I can see how hard Hildebrand learned to speak to the lord candidate.


I would like to call out, “It ’s amazing. I ’m doing my best.” However, anything is too ridiculous against the royal family. I just stopped saying thank you.


“I’m sorry”


The greeting with Hildebrand ended without incident. Last year I remembered that Anastazius said “Who is the saint”, and I felt a little beaten and moved on to the next greeting. It ’s Krasenburg.


“This year’s goddess of time, the threads of Drefanguaa have joined together, and this is what you can see. This is Charlotte. My sister, I entered the first year of Ehrenfest. “Know-how”


Charlotte greets for the first time when Villefried urges in greetings to Klassenburg. Villefried himself didn’t make the first meeting and I wasn’t told to greet him, so it seems like he was the one who greeted last year. Perhaps it is not a senior aristocrat but a lord candidate.


… Which is it? I can’t ask you anything, let’s ask Hartmut later.


Later, when I asked Hartmut, I was not a senior aristocrat but the son of the second wife of the present Aub Klassenburg. I said “I greeted you last year” and I laughed with a smile and turned into a devil.


… I can’t remember anybody who has just been greeted once and has never been involved.


“If you have not been introduced again by Mr. Egrantine, you may not have interaction with Mr. Egrantine himself. I don’t have it. “


…… That’s right, I don’t have much interaction with Nikolaus.


The reason why the lords and senior nobility beat the second wife is because of the factional balance, the reason that the first wife cannot have a child, or the purpose of increasing the number of children. Regardless of her birth, it is not uncommon to have little interaction with her half-brothers unless they were baptized as the first wife.


Next to Klassenburg is a greeting to Dunkelferger. Heading to the table for Restiraut and Hannerole, Villefried greeted on behalf of the event, and Charlotte gave the first blessing.


“Thank you, Hannerole, for lending me a good book of Dunkel Felger. Please tell Aub Dunkel Felgar that I thanked you.”


I was surprised because I didn’t expect the lord to deliver it to the lord meeting, but thanks to that I was grateful that I could read it over time. I blinked slowly.


“I’m really surprised that the book arrived from Aub? My father likes to surprise someone, so I’m often surprised …. Rosemine is not in trouble.


Hannerole shook her hair, which could be light pink or purple, and laughed as if in trouble.


Apparently Aube Dunkelfelger said he would bring a book to the lord meeting to surprise me, and Hannerole was worried that it would not be annoying. Aub Dunkelfelger is a little funny, but I think she is a very good person because she lends a book that seems to be a treasure of that territory.


“I lent you a book and I don’t have any problems. I was very entertained. I brought Ehrenfest’s book to thank Hannerole. I will give it to you. ”


“Thank you, Rosemine. I am looking forward to it.”


When Hanellore and the two were having a fun conversation about the book and laughing at each other, Restiraut saw me with suspicious eyes.


“Did Ehrenfest read that book?”


“Yes, I was overwhelmed by the depth of Dunkelferger’s history”


…… In the battle madness that keeps fighting until it wins, I was convinced that the persistentness of Dr. Rufen who wanted a ditter was backed by history and that it was hardcore.


“Huh, yes. It’s different from Ehrenfest, which has only about 200 years of history.”




Gently pull the restirout’s sleeve and lick Hannelole. I smiled at the cute red eyes that looked anxious to see if they were offended.


“It’s true that Ehrenfest and Dunkelfelger have different lengths of history, and the age and thickness of the books are very different. I want to read more of Dunkelfelger ’s wonderful books.”



From there, when I tried to express my impressions about the contents of the book borrowed from Dunkelfelger, she was lightly drawn by Charlotte and told Villefried, “Let’s talk slowly when lending or borrowing a book.” I wouldn’t be able to talk carefully in the greeting, “he said.


…… Oh, yes. It was in the middle of greetings.


Talking with friends I haven’t seen for a long time was a good place to chat. I made a promise with Hannerole, “Let’s have a tea party,” and moved from Dunkelferger to Drevancher.


“Mr. Villefried, Rosemine, congratulations on your engagement. I was surprised to hear from the father who returned from the lord meeting.”


Drevanchel’s lord candidates were Adolphine who became the highest grade student this year, his classmate Orto Vinh, and two other lord candidates. Adolfine is the representative.


The wine-red hair that draws waves in the chest has a very beautiful luster, and it looks as if it uses Linshan. When I noticed it and looked closely at the students of Drevanchel, everyone had shiny hair.


Adolfine touches her hair and laughs with a smile.


…… Maybe Linshan was analyzed?


Maybe the linsian distributed at the tea party was analyzed. The way of making itself was so easy that I thought that I would go out soon, but it was faster than expected.


…… Drevanchel, maybe a scary territory with more mad scientists than expected.


Villefried and Ortovin are having a pleasant exchange beside me looking up at Adolphine and crying with a throat.


“Villefleet, I’m looking forward to this year”


“Oh, Olvin, let’s show the results of Gevinnen’s practice”


Talking about social games among men, what is turned to me is Adolphine’s meaningful smile.


“Lose Mine-sama, the civilian who headed for the lord’s meeting was excited and returned. Is there a magical tool that can be used by the commoner in Ehrenfest? “Drevancher’s civilians changed their eyes when they heard it”


“It’s not enough for Drevangel to change eyes.”


I laugh and run away. If you’re involved, you’ll be able to analyze everything.


“I didn’t see the mysterious paper at the Aristocratic House, and it wasn’t announced in the territorial competition, is there any reason?”


“No, especially because I thought it wasn’t something that would be announced in a territorial battle?”


…… Because the commoner makes it, Ehrenfest does not think that it is a magic tool! I can’t say anything.


“Your territory is surprisingly difficult to understand. I was really looking forward to the start of the Aristocratic House. Rosemine, please make friends this year”


…… Do you need a lot of information? Suddenly, we were able to consult with parents.


laughing with a smile and saying, “Thank you very much”


Adolfine then stops looking at Charlotte and compares it with Ortovin.


“Charlotte is a freshman? Let ’s be friends”


“Thank you very much”


… Yaba! ”I feel like Charlotte has been spotted by some really bad guy! Help me, priest!


I moved to the next, trying to protect Charlotte from Adolfine’s gaze as much as possible. After finishing the 4th and 5th greetings, 6th place Ahrensbach.


Arlensbach’s lord candidate was Dietrinde alone, and there was no small child who came to the star-knot ritual of Elder Lamprecht. It was about the same size as me, and it doesn’t seem to be this year’s entrance.


“Since the ritual at the end of summer, I’m fine, everyone, how are you? How are you spending Aurelia, married to Ehrenfest?” I was worried. Hey Martina? ”


Dietlinde looked back to a girl that I thought was a little like Turi. Considering where you stand, it must be Dietrinde’s side serving.


“Another bride had contacted my parents, but my sister did not have any contact, so I was worried …”


I feel a little sad when Martina, similar to Turi, looks sadly.


“Aurelia enjoys life at Ehrenfest. We ’ve made a new veil and we ’ve had tea together. Hey, Charlotte?”


“Yeah, you were a peaceful and calm person”


Charlotte, who had attended the dyeing competition, laughed and agreed.


In contrast to Martina, who felt relieved, Dietrinde blinked the dark green eyes, saying, “Aurelia is so quiet …?”


…… Why do you tilt your head?ア ウ Aurelia was so confusing no matter where you looked?


I feel like there is a difference between the Aurelia we know and the Aurelia that Dietrinde says, and I tilt my head a little.


“That’s right, I wasn’t surprised at the starknot ritual, and I didn’t say any congratulatory words. I would like to congratulate you. I congratulate you on your engagement.”


I felt very mysterious when Dietrinde smiled and said congratulations. I feel like I am truly blessed. The smile was so friendly and friendly that I wanted to ask what the attitude was last year. It is incomprehensible that the smile that was aimed at Villefried last year is also aimed at me, and it is uncomfortable.


“Erenfest’s lord candidate and I are cousins. Let’s keep together.”


After Ahrensbach, 7th, 8th, and 9th were well-intentioned to be wary of Ehrenfest, who had moved up all at once. Last year, it was n’t even on the teeth, but this year there was a roundabout dislike and restraint.


…… Sorry, but such a roundabout taste doesn’t lead to Villefleet! , And even if I get rid of taste, I don’t weight myself!


After finishing the greeting to the upper territory, the greeting from the lower territory begins. This was also troublesome. In particular, in the 11th, 12th and 13th place, you can clearly see that the hostility is hidden in the smile. “There is no chance that it will last for a long time,” or “It ’s ugly when it ’s good,” or “Is it possible to finish the lecture again the fastest this year? They say in noble language.


Of course, if it is said to the subordinate territories, it will be related to the securities, so with a smile, agreeing with “Yes”, saying, “It is not a coincidence, it will last for a long time” deep.


“Thank you for your encouragement. Please look forward to the results.”


¡Flebert Turk Ludyger came to say hello when he was having a funny battle with a smile. It still looks like a big Villefleet.


Charlotte, who first met Lüdiger, compared Vilfleet and Lüdiger several times and rounded the indigo eyes. I am surprised that they are similar. However, as long as the color of the eyes is the same indigo, Charlotte is more similar to Rudiger if it is just the color. Even if Rudiger and Charlotte are lined up, they will pass by brothers and sisters.


…… That’s natural, but only one person has a different system.


It seems that he noticed such a line of sight. Rudygar whispered after smiling, crossed his arms and dropped his neck.


“Villefried, Rosemine, Goddess of the time, Doreffan Guar’s thread crossed, and it became possible to see this, and Charlotte, the god of life, was rigorously selected Please allow me to pray for blessings in a rare encounter. ”


“Forgive me”


Charlotte receives Rudygar’s blessing and exchanges greetings. Later, Rudiger turned up and saw Villefried.


“Ehrenfest was the land, and I heard that lord candidates were taking the lead for the people, and in the same way blessed the directly controlled area at Freibert Turk, and the yield increased.”


“ It was quite courageous to go to the temple, but at Ehrenfest we were able to increase the yield by filling the land with magic, and we could afford some more, ” After telling her words, the wife of the lord said she was willing to try it from the other end if she could do it.


…… Luddiger’s mother is an adopted father’s sister. A little convinced.


It seems that there are many things that have become easier due to increased yields and increased tax revenues. Rudiger smiles happily.


“I was glad to see a little hope in the eyes of the nobles who were dark, but above all I was grateful for advice. My mother was also happy.”


Due to political change, the lord was convicted as a territory assembled on the enemy side, and there were probably many other disadvantages.


Because it is a mother from Freibert-Tark, I heard that Aureliasbach’s Aurelia was hit hard, so it seems to have a great influence on marriage and harvesting.


Unlike me, who rushed into the temple without knowing anything about the library room, in the present situation where the temple is enshrined, make sure that you know the shrine that you are staring at, and often participate in shrines It was possible. I am impressed by the fact that the person who drowns in the freighter turkey is in a state of biting.


“I would like to continue to build an unchanging relationship with Ehrenfest”


Rudiger said that and struck my reaction.


“ Villefried, who taught me how to do the Ehrenfest, told Rudygar how to try Frabel Turk at a tea party, and turned a similar appearance.


“… That’s right. Your cousins ​​are next to each other. Let’s keep going.”


When I said so, Rudiger and Villefleet, who had been waiting for a reaction to close their breath, exhaled as if they were in relief.


Thus, I finished the greeting and ate.


The recipe of Ehrenfest was introduced, so the taste of the soup was delicious unlike last year. The sweets were still a lump of sugar.


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