Lecture starts immediately from the next day of the social gathering. In Ehrenfest’s dormitory, everyone was preparing immediately after breakfast and studying to the last minute. The winning condition issued by the Grade Improvement Committee is “Aim, get the fastest pass! Or many excellent!”


First graders opened their eyes to the appearance of senior students with full-throwing pitches from the start of the lecture. Charlotte is struggling with a first grader, but because he doesn’t know last year’s aristocratic house, he’s always delayed by one step.


While watching the first grader, I hand a letter to Richarda.


“Richarda, please submit this visit request to Dr. Solange while taking the morning lecture. We will have to go to first year registration”


“A clever princess”


After passing the meeting request, when I look through my own review notes that summarize only the parts that are easy to forget, Charlotte inflates my cheeks and sees me.


“… Your sister can afford”


“Because I had a preparation period of one year …. Charlottes lamented that the preparation period was short, but I was able to study geography and history in the children’s room last year and this year. “Even if you aim to pass the fastest all-in-one pass, it should be much easier than last year’s first year.”


After I arrived at the dormitory of the Aristocratic House last year, I said that I was beaten in almost no time. Ask several times. Last year, even the death phase was floating, but this year’s preparations are complete, so the second grader’s look is not bad.


By the way, the goal of this year’s second grader is “Everyone must pass a high score”.


“It’s almost time. Everyone, please go out to the entrance hall.”


You must move to the second and half bells. All the study tools are put away with Richard’s voice and everyone gathers in the entrance hall with a confident but nervous face.


After confirming the cloak and brooch and giving notes to first graders, first graders and second graders began to walk to the central building, and third graders and above began to walk to the specialized building.


This year, first graders will practice in the morning and have a lecture in the afternoon. Second-year students are studying in the morning and practical skills in the afternoon, just like last year. Morning lectures are history and law.


“The first year of Charlotte is the first practical skill. Please handle the magic and do your best”


“Yes. Will your sister and brother aim to pass the first day of the class? We look forward to all passing the report”


The second graders headed for the auditorium, with great enthusiasm for Charlotte.


“Never leave the auditorium until we come to pick you up”


After entering the auditorium with the attention of the aides, look for seat 10 as in the previous year. Every territory has a desk and a place to sit, so there is no mistake.


“Rosemine, Villefried. Good evening”


Listening to students gathering from each territory one after another, I heard a familiar voice. The soft sound that still remains young is that of Hannerole.


Looking back, there was a Dunkel Felger organization with a blue cloak. The lord candidate Hannelole is at the forefront, but rather than being led, it appears to be firmly guarded.


“Hello, Hanellore”


“Does Ehrenfest aim to pass this year again?”


Everyone smiled with a memo in their hands and smiled as if Hannelore looked at something smiling. “Everyone was surprised by Ehrenfest last year that passed the first day,” said Villefried, “I hope I can do it this year.”


I also smiled and added words.


“I was embarrassed at last year’s awards ceremony, and I received a word from the teachers saying that it passed early but did not accompany the results, so I thought I should do my best this year … We decided to aim for passing the first day with a high score. ”


Dunker Felgar students, including Hannerole, rounded their eyes. And then, Hannelore slowly distributed his gaze to Ehrenfest with a surprised expression and smiled at me.


“… Lose Mine seems to be able to achieve it. I look forward to this year’s Ehrenfest”


…… I ’m expected by Hannerole! ? 】 If you do n’t feel embarrassed by Hannerole as a book committee member together!


As soon as I thought about meeting Hannelore’s expectations, my motivation increased more than ever.


“I will do my best to meet Hannelore’s expectations. I wish Dunkerfelger’s success.”


“Thank you, Rosemine,”


Refraining from seeing the blue cloak moving toward his seat, I began to concentrate on reviewing my weakness notes.


First of all, history. History is more detailed and deeper than last year’s content. There are many things to remember, but it is not so difficult because it is an addition to last year.


Listening to the general flow in first and second graders, and becoming a specialized course for third graders or more, it seems that you will learn people who worked in each perspective and their achievements.


“I’m nervous. Last year, I was the only one who passed the passing grade”


Philine said that while preparing stationery. It seems that he recalled last year’s history that only one teacher was called and that he was just passing the score.


“It’s okay because I’ve also studied Filine this year. Hey, Villefried brother”


“Do not talk to Rosemine. The names of successive kings are likely to spill from the ears.”


“Everything is just a long and similar name”


Jürgenschmitt’s history is said to be the era of King XX, and is distinguished by the name of the king. I remembered that it was somewhat similar to the era. There is no detailed year, and it is a lump in the era of XX King.


The name of the king was long and difficult to remember compared to the original name of the Reno era, but it was easy because there was no detailed year. Just keep the flow down.


“Now, please come to take one test paper from each territory.”


Philine goes on behalf and takes out the paper. This is the most exciting and fun moment. Come on from anywhere! It feels like a hero confronting the enemy.


…… Do not come if you are not confident! I feel like that.


The test was complete and confident, so it was a quick end. Everyone at Ehrenfest seems to have solved without much effort. Compared to last year, the complexion of Filine and Rhoderich is much different.


“I’m done”


Since all of the tests were completed by Philine’s voice, which was carefully reviewed with serious eyes, we will ask the teacher to score.


If you submit everyone’s exam form, you may study the next exam. While reviewing the law, the voice of “Ehrenfest, all passed” reverberated in the auditorium.


↑ Raise your face from the reference book or memo and exchange glances with “Yeah!” We want to pass all the next in this condition.


There were other territories that all passed, but Ehrenfest was the first.


…… Next is the law!


History study was not that hard, but the law was pretty hard for me. It was hard to understand, not to remember.


The law applies to all Jurgenschmitt nobility, including royal families, and appears to be written in the “Law Book”. The content we learn is a transcript, and the “Law Book” is a magic tool in the center.


The law only determines what to do across territories or common to all territories. As for the contents, most of them are the rules when moving to another territory due to marriage and the rules set by the successor. In particular, the details of when the lord died without a successor being determined.


However, to be honest, Jürgenschmitt’s law is quite vague and rough. There are many items such as seeking the king’s judgment and making decisions at the lord meeting. In other words, I often wanted to scream unintentionally, “Nothing is decided! Law for what?


According to the priest who taught me, it is very difficult to delete even a law that has not been in place for a long time, once it has been written in the “Law Book”. Therefore, it seems that there are quite a few parts that are ambiguous.


A long time ago, there were kings who were dissatisfied with the king’s judgment about anything, and in order to reduce consultations as much as possible, it seems that they gradually increased the number of laws. That era moved without problems.


However, as the times changed, the law gradually became unfit for the situation. Nevertheless, it must be obeyed as a law. The king of the new era has no choice but to do away with the law, but there is a noble family who does not want to erase it because it is customary.


After that, over several decades, trivial inter-territory questions and answers always began to ask if the law should be removed.


In the end, the law itself was decided vaguely, and each time, it was less labor intensive to decide in detail through discussions. Since then, it seems that people who want to make detailed laws can be asked to say, “Do you not know the turmoil of law removal?”


If we continue to be confused for decades, I think it’s OK to make a new one, but it will take more time to wait for the king’s discretion as to which items to leave, which items to erase, It seems that it was not easy because the king’s work would be huge and there were many things to think about.


…… The ambiguous law that I have worked on.


When I asked Jurgenschmitt’s comment on the law, “I’m going to take more time if it ’s ambiguous,” said the priest, “It would be better for those who have power to have fewer parts,” he said. I see.


Although it is a law that does not understand the significance of existence, it is relatively easy to learn because it is rough. It’s okay to remember that it’s universally decided that never changes, that there is a little range at the king’s discretion, that it is decided between lords, and that the lord can decide arbitrarily.


…… It’s light and light, considering the Reino era that has gone through the library law and patent law tests.


When all of them submitted and were waiting for the scoring while studying tomorrow’s classroom study, they saw teachers fighting forward. The law teacher Fraulerm complained that “It was funny that everyone could answer so quickly and that it was a high score”, and other teachers who scored praised him as “There is nothing particularly wrong” ing.


Even though Ehrenfest submitted first, even if the territory submitted to No.3 and No.3 was passed, Ehrenfest did not pass yet. I’m sure I’m getting more anxious. Filine opened her mouth small.


“Rosemine, Villefried …”


“It’s okay if you don’t have such an anxious face, Philine. We aren’t cheating. You just need to be impressed.”


“Yes. Both Filine and everyone worked hard for a year. Isn’t it natural that the results are good?”


When I said so, the voice of “Ehrenfest, all passed” reverberated in the auditorium.


Although it took some time for the results to come out, of course all passed. It seems that the performance was good this year because Fraulerm screamed that it was a “high score”. Originally, detailed results were not informed, so I was a little glad to see that everyone scored high.


Everyone has passed, so get ready to get back to the dormitory. There, a group of Drevanchel, wearing a green cloak with a slightly pale hue like Emerald Green, stopped.


“It’s amazing this year, Villefleet”


“Oltvin. I’m glad to give up, but all the Drevanchers have passed”


Watch from one step down that Villefried and Ortovin are celebrating each other’s good fights. Everyone seemed wise, probably because they heard that Drevancher was a land that produced many excellent civilians.


“I haven’t given the top of the classroom for the past 20 years or so, but Ehrenfest has done well, but Drevanchel can’t lose that easily.”


…… It seems that it wasn’t clever but really clever.


If you want to keep the lead for about 20 years, you will have to work on the whole territory. With a confident smile backed by history, Ortovin begins to talk about his territory.


“Oltvin, you have to go …”


“Oh, I understand. Villefried, let’s do our best together in the future”


Ortovin, who was called out by a student who was quietly behind him, stopped speaking. Then he heads the Drevancher organization with his emerald green cloak.


“It’s good to have someone to work hard on”


Villefried, who had forgotten Drevanchel with a clear face, shook the masquerade cape.


When returning to the dormitory for lunch, the knight apprentice and civilian apprentice had already returned. Both seemed to have passed the school year when they had a classroom lecture in the morning.


“I can afford this year”


“Yeah, I don’t feel like losing”


As far as I am happy as the Grade Improvement Committee, the teams are in great contact.


“Princess, Mr. Solange gave a visit request. When the lecture started, I was surprised that the visit was the first time. The first year registration date seems to be a lunch break the day after tomorrow.”


“Can I change my costume at that time?”


I would like to put on a new outfit early, but Richarda thought a little.


“… When you change outfits, you must speak to Dr. Hilsur, and Dr. Solange is busy with the first year registration? I think that there is not enough time for lunch break alone. It ’s better to stop at the magic power supply and change clothes after the princess ’s free time. ”


“I understand”


As Richard said, changing clothes is not something that must be done in a hurry. Just supply the magic power and return the chief magic stone.


After discussing the achievements together and finishing the exciting lunch, in the afternoon we encouraged the first graders of Charlotte and sent them to the exam, and our second graders headed for practical skills.


As in the previous year, classes were divided into classes, and practical skills were performed, so the number of people was much smaller.


“It’s been a long time”


When I saw Villefried rejoicing reunion with senior lords from other territories and arguing, “I would like to meet you again this year,” I realized the lack of interaction. I remembered everyone’s face and name because I finished the class fastest and only once. Maybe no one remembers my face.


…… I’d rather have a little more interaction. Exchange with the library?


This year, I am prohibited from entering the library until the lecture is finished. If you are asked to choose between the library and other students, I will choose the library without hesitation.


…… I read books at the library. Mr. Villefried is a person who makes many friends through exchange. Yeah, it ’s a perfect division of roles.


This is the right place for the right person.


I am not without any interaction. I have a wonderful friend named Hannerole. My important mission is to deepen interaction with Hannelore and make friends who like books.


…… Since I made a friend who loves books in the first year, I hope to increase two in the second year.


“Now we are reviewing first graders today”


Four people, Hirsur, Fraulerum, Primvale, and Luffen, stood in front of it.


It was confirmed that things that were done in the last year’s practical skills, such as handling of beasts, deforming staps, and launching funnels, are properly worn.


“Please take out the beast.”


Everybody puts out a beast to the voice of Fraulerum. Whether there is a difference in the time until completion is whether you are used to it. Some children can get out quickly, while others take a little time to make shapes.


My lesser servant is a bit special, but there are a number of schoolgirls who have got a similar ride-on type beast. Mostly, it is a Schmir type because the Hilsur knight who showed a model was a Schmir type. Everyone has the same reins, not handles.


“I did it”


Hannelole’s beast, who breathes lightly, is also a Schmir boarding type. Although it is small for myself, Schmir’s face is very cute. Perhaps I really love Smir.


…… Hannelore-sama seems to be able to talk to Reiserator.


Both of them love Smir and they look good on cute things. Surely Hannelole must be a girl who is good at embroidery and sewing.


After confirming that everyone had created the beast, the next step was to transform the starp. Rufen stands in front and the other teachers are scattered to keep an eye out so that the students can be seen.


“Now, get out the stap!”


Loufen’s loud voice rang in the hall. At the same time, Bac and everyone take a stap.


…… With a coat of arms, many!


I thought it was only Villefried who was happy to make an unusual stapling with a coat of arms, but it seems that boys have a coat of arms. Some have a tact-like stapling with a coat of arms like a picture, while others have a three-dimensional form like Villefried.


“You have a very surprised face, but what did you do, Rosemine?”


“I was surprised that the crested starter was very popular”


“I didn’t know that because I finished the lecture right away? I made it popular”


Villefried said so well. I knew somehow that Wilfried’s Stap was a trowel and that it became popular with heraldic staps, but I didn’t know it had such a wide impact.


“There are few women”


“Oh, some women were trying to challenge, but Hannelole-sama said she couldn’t put it on because she might marry another territory. Here are lord candidates and senior nobility, Do you often get married to other territories? ”Everyone seems to have stopped thinking about the future.”


…… I wish I could make it look like a kimono’s crest.


The maternal crest that existed in the Reino period was inherited even after the surname changed after marrying “from mother to daughter, from daughter to granddaughter”. If you accept it like that, I think that even a woman can put a crest on it.


…… I don’t want to put it on, so don’t worry.


Maybe you can tell Charlotte about the maternal crest so that she can give advice when creating a stap for a freshman and when a woman has a face that she wants to put on her crest.




¡Everyone shoots a red light in sync with Rufen ’s voice.


Deformation is understandable because it is necessary for practical training. But I was wondering why Rohto was taught first.


…… Because rescue signals are not something you use so often, right?


I think it would be enough to have one magical tool that gives a relief signal in case of danger. The priest gave a quick answer to my question. “If you don’t know the funnel, the treasure thief will be even more dangerous.”


It seems that I didn’t think of it because I started to have a stap from the first year, and the fact that the treasure thief was lost recently. It was said that a roth was indispensable when the third graders who were divided into specialized courses were given a stap, and not only the knight apprentice but also the civilian apprentice participated in the treasure stealing Ditter in making and operating magical tools.




In line with Rufen’s shout, everyone chants “Messer” and transforms the starp. When you say “Ryuken” and release the deformation, then you say “Stilo” and a pen, and “Baimain” to make a mixing stick.


Regarding the deformation, everyone was able to handle it safely, although there was some variation in time.


“Yeah, everyone seems to have been practicing seriously. I’m going to go to the next stage without any problems.”


HIRUSHUR slowly moved forward as Rufen looked at the students with a happy smile. Then start talking about the next exercise.


“The next practice will be the basis of the formulation. In the second grade, the recovery drugs, ordnance, and the magic stone for the marriage are necessary for everyone.” [19459002 ]


So saying, Hirshur laughed.


From now on, it seems that magical power will be used by the third graders or more that are divided into specialized courses, so that recovery medicine is required for each practical skill. If you can’t prepare yourself for your recovery, you say you are in trouble.


And Ordnance is essential for communication between nobility. If there is only one, you won’t be able to contact anyone if you don’t get a reply. For this reason, it is common to have multiple ordnances.


“This time I just teach you how to make it, so even though it’s a magic stone for a wedding, I make it with a crap magic stone.


HIRSUR smiles while saying so.


“It may be early for the second year, but it doesn’t matter if you use it to apply for an escort for dating or graduation, not a courtship. Some people were dedicated to their lovers. “


Speaking of that, I remember that there was such a scene in the love story that my mother wrote, and in my surroundings, a girl with a shining “lovely” aristocratic romance story Yes.


There is a temperature difference between the boy ’s “what is it?” Thin reaction and it is a little interesting.


…… Mom’s love story, seems to be quite acceptable to girls.


laughing at the number of potential customers.


Hirschur stated the materials to be prepared and was told to prepare each at the collection area around the dormitory.


“The next formulation will make a recovery pill. Don’t forget.”


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