“The old man who was simmered in the hot water by Gabriele’s bowl, treated coldly by Veronica, and lived with hate, has been hardened with hatred. He has tasted the fall of Raisegang. I know that, but I understand that feeling … “


Gaze Reisegang breathes slowly, returning to us. Then, he looked around everyone, including the aides in this room, and said, “Unlike five years ago, the aides of the lords’ family are only related to the people of Rizegang.”


“We have been protecting the Rizegang long before Ehrenfest became the current Ehrenfest”


Talk about the history of Reisegang. For Ehrenfest, where the winter is long and the north of the territory is covered with snow and ice, the land on the south side of Reizegang was a valuable food warehouse. From the ancestral generations, the land has been opened up with magical power, farmland has been expanded, and even if Abu changes, he has been protecting a vast food vault through famine and marriage.


“To protect Raizegang, show the order of Aub. That was our way of life. I was going to show the order to Veronica when my grandfather died.”




Villefried looked wide open when he couldn’t believe it.


“When Reisegang hates grandmother and is jealous …”


“There are few people who are overwhelmed and do not have bad feelings, but anyone who responds is the lords’ family. “You should show your order, regardless of your mind.”


Unlike the great-grandfather, who has been enjoying cold treatment of daughters and grandchildren from the state of being a princess of another territory from the state of being at the top, Gibe Reizegang has been cold-treated since birth. .


It seems that he thought he should look straight ahead, show his order and go up again. He was planning to make his foster father revenge the second wife from Rizegang, or to marry the next lord, the daughter of Rizeggang, and to make a connection as before.


“But the situation turned around. Veronica was dropped before the grandfather died, and at about the same time, the baptism of Karsted’s daughter Rosemine was held. I was adopted by the lord on the spot. ”


Talking about the blessing light I gave to everyone at the baptism and adoption with Aub, the great-grandfather rejoiced that it was a blessing to Raisegang, and the glory of Raisegang again! It seems to have started to get well.


Since I became an adopted woman, I am qualified to be the next lord. Villefried’s reputation at that time was not good, so most aristocrats seemed to think that adoptive father would make me the next lord and make Villefried a spouse to connect their blood.


The relocation of civilians working in the castle and the neighborhood of Villefleet has been carried out, there has been a major reform of the children’s room, and the sale of new books and toys led by me and the chief priest, etc. It was so obvious that Gibe spending time in a distant land.


“If Rosemine is the next lord, it will be the birth of a Raisegang lord who does not mix with Gabriele’s blood, which has been purchased from Ahrensbach. The raisegang system that had been put together has begun to move to become a back shield. “


However, the attempted kidnapping of Charlotte occurred, and I fell into a situation where I had been awakened for two years after being immersed in Jureve. If there is no shrine to carry, there is no revival of Reizegang. The great-grandfather who heard the story of the attack shouted, “Isn’t there a god !?” and lost his consciousness, and he did not wake up for a while.


“Ehrenfest changed rapidly while Rosemine was sleeping”


On behalf of the Veronicas, the Rizegang system gradually began to take on important posts, and the air of Villefried and Charlotte competing for the next lord was created. The Raizegang system, which has been integrated into “Lose Mine-sama as the next lord”, cannot be stopped gradually if I do not wake up.


“When I was about to give up, I was informed of Rosemine’s awakening, and I was in the winter social circle.”


My great-grandfather screamed loudly, saying, “It ’s the gods’ control! I ’ll definitely make Rosemine the next lord! ”


There is no objection to the next lord coming out of the clan. Gibe Reisegang gathered the Reisegang series again during the winter social period.


“However, Grandfather’s hope has returned to a blank page with the engagement of Mr. Villefried and Mr. Rosemine. Not only that, but the daughter of Reisegang will be the first wife of the next planned lord. The situation reminded me of the past ”


Ehrenfest is now moving up. Attention has been focused on territories that have never been seen before. “Then the princess of the great territory will come in again and the first wife, Rosemine, will drink boiling water. When I became the first wife of the next lord, Mr. Rosemine, who should have worked hard, will suffer a disadvantage, ” the great-grandfather imagined himself, angry at will, Gabriele who originally bought it and the hatred to be directed to Abu at that time with Villefried It seems to be aimed at adoptive father.


It seems that in order to avoid such misfortune, I must be the next lord. He says he will be stubborn when he gets older, but he sleeps on top of it and is trapped, so he seems to stick to his thoughts and not to change. I think the great-grandfather is a bit too runaway, but there are still many people who are sympathetic to the great-grandfather.


“Grandfather’s hatred of Ahrensbach who knows the fall from the top and long-time cold treatment is hard. Can you pay that hatred to Villefried and Rosemine?”


Watching Villefleet as Gibe Reizegang tries. Villefried, however, gave up his shoulders without showing any particular attention.


“I don’t know if I can hate, but I can only meet and talk. I’m not going to repeat that history.”


“You will be saved”


…… Even so, I hate hate … My great-grandfather is like a ghost or a demon.


Gibe Reisegang looks back on his side to set the date and time of the visit before he gets busy at the prayer ceremony.


“Speaking of that, doesn’t Reisegang hold a prayer ceremony similar to Haldenzell?”


I hear that every Gibe wants to imitate a prayer ceremony that is said to be a miracle of Haldenzell in the winter social world. When I asked what happened in Reizegang, Gibe shook her head quietly.


“The stage is lost in Reizegang, so you can’t do it like Haldenzell”


“Is it the Reizegang that broke the stage?”


I opened the scriptures to find out how to make the stage, and I remembered various things that happened, and when I broke my eyebrows unintentionally, Gibe denied with a grin.


“No, Reizegang was not destroyed, but lost in a long history”


Raisegang changed its headquarters one after another to improve convenience in the process of developing farmland and expanding it. Since it was so old, there is no literature left, it is completely unknown where the original headquarters is, and it is unclear whether it is broken or not.


“Is it all right?”


“If you are in the north, like Haldenzell, it’s a matter of life or death whether you can thaw the snow. That’s why Gibe, who broke the stage in spite of the north, was deep blue. Raisegang is in the south, so even if there is no magic team to call spring, it will not have much impact on agriculture. “


Unlike Haldenzell and its surroundings, the presence or absence of a magic team does not seem to be a very serious problem. If the amount of harvest increases, it would be better to have it.


“There is no problem with Rosemine’s Little Holy Grail. Raisegang can serve as a food warehouse for Ehrenfest again this year.”


“It’s time for the visit of Rosemine, great-grandfather”


Brünnhilde said so. If you look closely, the senior aristocratic aides are only those who have drawn the great grandfather’s blood.


“Brunnhilde, Leonore, Haltomuto, Cornelius brother … all the great-grandfathers are the same. It feels strange.”


“If you are an aristocrat, blood is connected somewhere. The blood of Veronica-san says the great-grandfather, but both Villefried and Charlotte are drawing the blood of their lords. Even if it ’s not so dark, it ’s mixed with the blood of Raisegang. ”


When Cornelius said so and gave up his shoulder, Leonore laughed a little.


“For the great-grandfather, the blood density is most important. That’s why I wanted Rosemine to be the next lord.”


“… Do you feel frustrated that my neighbors, like my great-grandfather, will not aim for the next lord?”


When I asked, the aides were all together and gave up their shoulders. The expression clearly says “It’s safe to stop.”


“I think Rosemine should do as he wants, so I will help as a side serving so that Ehrenfest will be moistened by the fashion that was born.”


Brünnhilde laughed because he could not stop where he tried to hold down Rosemine. Next to that, Haltomut sang many times.


“As Bruce Hilde says, I will do my best to make you look like a saint no matter what Rosemine is doing”


I was laughing refreshingly and told me that I should leave any mistake, but why isn’t it acceptable? Unlike Brünnhilde’s reliance, he is driven by anxiety.


“… what? You should have been told the same thing, but it sounds a lot different in Brünnhilde and Khartomu”


Talking about such a story, I saw Villefleet and Charlotte waiting as I moved down the corridor at the Lessers.


“Brother Villefleet, Charlotte. Thank you for waiting. What were you both thinking with difficult faces?”


“I thought it was difficult to get the cooperation of Reisegang because I was drawn and raised by my grandmother, but when I heard about Gibe Reisegang, We were talking that it would not be difficult to bring it to a cooperative system if we managed to do it. “


Charlotte put his hand on his cheek with Villefried’s words in a troubled face.


“But I’m not completely sure how to put the words, what to do, and how to get rid of the former Gibe Reizegang …. Is there a good idea for your sister?


I open my mouth as I move into my grandfather’s room.


“I don’t have a good idea. It’s the same thing I’ve talked to Gibe Reizegang. Just tell me what you want to do and what you want to do, not humanitarian.”


No matter how much my grandfather asked me, I wasn’t going to be the next lord or couldn’t be. I can only say “Please give up”.


“I don’t think I can do anything from the very beginning because my great-grandfather does something about hatred and anger. I just declare to my great-grandfather that I’m not going to be the next lord.”


“I’m impressed with the level of that split. If that is said to be the star of the hope of Raisegang, then the former Gibe Raisegang may be headed to a much higher level. I’m worried. “


In the words of Villefried, I recall the scene that my grandfather fell in front of me and became a little trauma.


“… That’s a problem. Then, if you can get involved in the printing industry and free up the library, you can’t really say that the second wife would be more happy.” [ 19459002]

“I have never heard of such a real thing!”


Villefried yells at me, “I really do.”


“Your sister, it’s not convinced by the nobility of the Rizegang”


“I know, so I’m always hiding the real intention”


Occasionally, I just peeked into my face, but I was sighed by Villefried and Charlotte.


“Be careful with the words, Rosemine. I’m sure it would be a problem to go up high during this visit.”


“It’s right”


And I arrived away where my great-grandfather was spending, and put it inside. When I thought that I was sleeping on a bed in a large and luxurious room, there was a great-grandfather who sat on a chair after changing clothes. Is it because you feel better than last year?


“Oh, oh, Rose Mine. Welcome to Raisegang. It will be the gods’ responsibility to see it again.”


A great-grandfather who is very pleased with Daegu, but Villefried and Charlotte are in a state of sight. The side serving is lightly hitting the shoulders, but just paying for it.


“My great-grandfather and my brother and sister are also together. Will Wilfried and Charlotte are there, but do you see them?”


When I spoke, my great-grandfather blinked my eyes several times, and finally I noticed.


“Thus, as I get older, my eyes are very difficult to see, and the surroundings of the sparkling Rosemine are very difficult to see. I was very sorry.”


The great-grandfather greets him, saying plainly. That line of sight doesn’t match them. I can’t tell if I really can’t see it or I can ignore it.


A seat was recommended, me, Villefleet and Charlotte arrived, and tea and sweets were brought. It was difficult for great-grandfather to take a bite as a poison, and the side service recommended a bite instead.


Drinking tea and picking sweets is a tea party. My great-grandfather praised my recipe, and at the wedding of Mr. Lamprecht, Hugo showed me how to make it and taught me that the taste of the dish has improved dramatically. Cattle curls are very soft and easy to eat, and they are a favorite.


“If you have a cattle curl mixed with a little fruit juice, you can taste the taste of the season”


“Is it a seasonal taste? It’s good”


The great grandfather lightly closes his eyes to Charlotte’s suggestion and talks about seasonal vegetables and fruits made in Rizegang.


“Gibe Reisegang, I have a story …”


Vilfleet started speaking in a relaxed atmosphere, but the great-grandfather does not respond to Villefried’s voice at all. Because it does not move lightly with your eyes closed, you do not know whether you are not hearing, you are not hearing, or you are sleeping. This is formidable. Just listening to the story seems to be a pain.


“Great grandfather, great grandfather”


“What is Rosemine?”


In response to my call, my great-grandfather who moved his shoulders in a hurry looked at me slowly.


“Great grandfather, can you hear me?”


“Yeah, I hear a pretty cute voice”


…… Is it impossible to hear it? Then there is no help for it. I can only talk.


“My great-grandfather, I will not be the next lord. I do not want to be.”


When I declared what I had to say the most, my great-grandfather stopped moving for a while, then slowly raised his hand and pressed his ear.


“… Mu? … Oh, I’m very sorry. It’s a disappointment to hear the recent voice of Rose Mine like you are far away,”


I repeated once more to my great-grandfather who apologized for missing my words.


“My great-grandfather, I will not be the next lord. I do not want to be.”




The great-grandfather suddenly shouted and laid down on the table. It doesn’t move as it is.


… My great-grandfather sang! ?


“Oh … yeah !?”




“That’s why I told you to choose a word! It’s too direct”


“ Beside us who are upset by the great-grandfather’s figure lying on the table, the great-grandfather’s side service came in and said, “Okay, it’s usual. Please calm down.” Give me.


“I just woke up because I was just a little too excited. Please wait for a cup of tea”


“Even if you say that …”


There is no way I can drink tea in this state. I thought so and looked around, and Villefried was unexpectedly calm.


“Is this always the case … Even if I say so, it’s bad for my heart”


“My brother Villefried looks pretty calm !?”


To my words, Mr. Villefried lightly raised his eyebrows.


“Because I’m used to dealing with those who suddenly fall down. Look, I’m more calm than those around me.”




Brünnhilde and O’Telier were beginning to put tea back on us on behalf of the side servants who carried and nursed great-grandfathers.


“If he loses consciousness at the tea party, I will act like a side serving here. I will give up the customer and clean up after that … Charlotte. Is it the first time to see such a fall? ”


“No, it’s okay. I must get used to it quickly.”


Charlotte, who is looking at the great-grandfather who is carrying a bad face, said so.


“There’s no need for Charlotte to get used to it, because Rosemine is taking measures to prevent him from falling down”


Brünnhilde laughs saying that while replacing tea. When you are drinking tea, you can see the side serving lightly shaking the great-grandfather.


“Please get up. You are still in the middle of a tea party with Rosemine.”


“Muu ……”


[It takes time to get up, but unlike when I lost consciousness, I suspect that it might be “deadly pretending” from the state of getting up soon.


“Oh, sorry, sorry.”


“Pre-Ghibe Reisegang, there is not much I should say”




Every time I try to talk to my great-grandfather who has returned to his consciousness, he falls down five times. The great-grandfather’s entourage could not be stopped at all, so we continued talking.


“Mu, I’m very sorry”


“You’ve noticed, great-grandfather. Well, how far have you spoken before?”


“Engagement with permission from the king”


Hartmut will give you an answer right away.


“Oh, yes. Is the great-grandfather objecting to the decision of the king?

“… Of course, I’m going to do that. I’m just thinking of Rosemine’s body.”


“Don’t worry, ex-Ghibe Reisegang. I promise Rosemine will end up Raisegang’s suffering”


Great grandfather looked at Villefleet for the first time. It seems that he has chosen to confront rather than avoiding it like a traditional turn. At that moment, a chilly air that can’t be concealed even if you hide the hatred fills the scene in an instant.


The smile disappeared as if the expression fell off from the face of the great-grandfather who had been smiling happily. No expression, but no expression, the hate that survived deeper suffering and humiliation is transmitted.


I found Villefried sighed. The hands on the table are trembling with pressure. I reach out and touch Villefried’s hand. For a moment, after a violent Villefried looked at me, he whispered slowly.


“Because I got engaged with Rosemine, who draws the blood of Raisegang, I want to get along well with Raisegang. There is no lie in that feeling.”


“What happens if a princess comes in from the territory?”


The great-grandfather asks with a drowning voice.


“When I was in the same position as the first Gibe Greschel, I adopted the child and my father before accepting the princess of the great territory to guarantee the status of the lord candidate.”


“There is a backlash from the great territory”


“My father undertook to undertake. I will not make the same mistakes as my ancestor Aube.”


“… Is Abu ready?”


After saying so quietly, great-grandfather stopped looking at one point. I don’t know if the great grandfather is quietly looking forward to Villefried or his past.


When waiting for the great-grandfather’s reaction, “Today is around here …”, the grandfather’s side was urged to leave the room.


We leave our room quietly, telling you time to spare. The great-grandfather who looked at the last looked at one point and did not move. However, it seemed to cry quietly.


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