After the prayer ceremony, the meeting for the lord meeting is busy. We talked about the situation in the downtown area with the owners of major stores such as Printemps Shokai and the guild manager at Italian restaurants, and what kind of improvements have been made with the last year’s reflections and the lines accepted this year.


In addition to that, Printan Shokai will talk about printing and publishing related requests and minimum lines. Submit to the mother who attends the lord’s meeting as a print clerk, and rewrite it with the aristocratic perspective.


After the talk with Shitamachi, I went back to the castle and had a meeting with the adoptive father.


“In talks with Dunkel Felger, the line that Ehrenfest could never give up was here, and Hartmut said that it would be up to this point, depending on the negotiations. In the future, negotiations with other territories will be much easier. “


Talked with the Printemps firm about details such as borrowing materials, printing, selling, translation royalties. I would like to start with my knowledge and change little by little according to the way that fits here.


“And then, business partners, but Ehrenfest is basically difficult to accept more merchants from other territories, and according to the commercial guild, you don’t want them to increase.”


Last year we accepted 8 firms from the center and Klassenburg. The total is 16. We are making efforts to respond by creating a luxury inn, but it seems that 20 is the limit to respond properly. When merchants are pushed to their true limits, they will not be able to deal with any kind of trouble, so they are asked to do that.


“But when we negotiate printing with Dunkel Felger, we ca n’t increase the deal.”


The adoptive father frowns that it is difficult to refuse Dunkelferger even if others refuse. I nodded greatly.


“I also told the merchants in downtown. And I was wondering if there was a good idea, but by issuing a new paper, I reduced the number of merchants in Krasenburg, Benno from the Printemps Shokai suggested that a merchant be included ”


“What does it mean to reduce the number of merchants in Krasenburg?”


Talked to my adoptive father, I told Benno’s opinion.


“We have already reported that the Klassenburg merchant who left the deal and left his daughter at Ehrenfest. Because the Plantin Chamber protected it, she is still safe, but she is ready for the winter. Protecting a non-human being for more than half a year is very difficult at Ehrenfest. ”


Since it will be a problem if the snow lasts long, we have to prepare food for one season in consideration of the reserve. The amount of food and straw required will change greatly even if only one person is added.


“Ehrenfest will be safe if you leave the merchant, or you can take it back to the next year, or you can get information about new products if you do well.” As trouble has already happened, it is necessary for the merchants in Klassenburg to take some action: to limit the number of merchants to avoid leaving merchants to leave behind, and take measures to reduce the number of trading houses to deal with. “Donkerfelger merchants could be put in as much as the reduction in Klassenburg”


Last year, we accepted 8 firms from the center and Klassenburg, but if the center continues to have 8 and 6 Klasenburg that caused the problem, 6 Dunkelfergers can be put in.


¡Benno said with a powerful smile about how to secure the frame of Dunkelferger while overcoming the trouble of Carlin and applying pressure over there. It seems that one of Carlin’s cases has been left behind.


“The final decision is the adoptive father, so every territory is equally good to have 6 firms, or Drevanchel, all 5” The limit of 20 accepted at Ehrenfest is left to the foster father to decide what to do with it. ”


“… I understand. Think about it.”


The reason we have to limit is that there is no other acceptable town. There is a limit in the downtown area of ​​Ehrenfest.


“Is it still not possible to accept merchants in Greschel? It would be much easier if we could accept in other towns.”


“Ent Vickeln has been applied for, but not immediately”


“Well, how about selling Rinshan’s manufacturing method at a high price instead of being able to trade this year? Drevanchel seems to be studying various things, but researching plant paper and fitting paper I think Rinshan has the least impact on the profits of Ehrenfest. ”


It is ideal to send as many different trends as possible, arrange the town as soon as possible, develop Ehrenfest trade as much as possible, and increase traffic. However, at Ehrenfest, where there were few people who originally accepted other territories, there are a lot of problems, and honestly, it is difficult to develop trade at once.


“I heard it was impossible to cover the entire Jürgenschmidt with Ehrenfest, and I heard that there was already a problem with soaring vegetable oil in Ehrenfest. I think it ’s not bad, because Ehrenfest’s new business is printing and publishing. ”


I want to dominate the printing industry at Ehrenfest for a while, even if I give Linshan somewhere else. Even if the early printing industry was carried out in Germany, the center of printing and publishing would eventually move to a place where many people gathered, as it was in Venice as the capital of books. Still, I want to keep Ehrenfest at the center of printing and publishing as much as possible.


Regarding the price when selling Linshan’s manufacturing method, I will tell the adoptive father the market price derived from the profits so far. I also added that the manufacturing method was found in other territories and would not sell if imitated.


“Let’s consider. What happened, what happened to dispatch Italian restaurant chefs during the lord meeting?”


“When I asked Otomar Shokai, I got the answer that three people would have no problem in this season. It seems that it is possible to sell recipes that chefs thought. I exchanged it for my recipe but it was very delicious. ”


In addition to exchanging my recipe with Ilze’s new recipe, I asked Frida if I couldn’t get a Dunkel Felgar lore. It was delicious when I put it in Kathalkar, so it was decided to purchase it with the sake called Vise.


“Yes, I’m thinking about buying and selling new recipes. It’s important to keep the number of cooks right now.”


If you can’t respond to the transaction, you will be served by cooking, and you will end up selling recipes or selling Linshan’s recipes, depending on how much money your partner can give. Since many people ask for contact, the cook must have the same number.


If you don’t have enough food on your side, you can rake up from the Ehrenfest nobility by contacting Gibe. But cooks can’t do that. I must be able to make my recipes to a certain extent, and be able to press the drums to be fine.


Last year, I heard that it was hard because there weren’t enough chefs, so I asked Frida to put effort into chef education. This year is ready.


“There may be a lot of courtships for Charlotte this year”


The adoptive father distorted his mouth, which seemed a little less interesting. If Ehrenfest is not transient and will continue to transmit the fashion, it is natural that there will be territories that want to have a relationship.


“If you have multiple applications and you have a choice, please respect Charlotte’s will as much as possible.”


Looking at me to say something, the adoptive father, who opened his mouth for a moment, turned his eyes down and slowly said, “I understand.”


A detailed meeting continues until the very last departure from the lord meeting.


The first person to move on the transfer team was the side servant, and this year Norbert, who oversees the side service, headed to the aristocracy. Melchior also moved away from the north, so the area where the lords and lords of the main building spent was completely closed, and they were devoted to the lord meeting.


Next moves are part of the knights and civilians.


I went to the transfer team to see off the civilian. This is because Khartomut has grown up this year and will be attending as a print writer with her mother.


“I am close to Rosemine, and I know best about Rosemine’s book.”


So I asked Hartmut, who speaks great English, to help my mother. There were many low-ranking civil servants who could talk with the commoners, so when negotiating with other territorials like the lords’ meeting, the mother said that there was a senior aristocrat, Haltomut.


“Thank you for your mother’s assistance. Because Hartmut is excellent, I expect it.”


“I will do my best to meet Rosemine’s expectations”


“It’s okay because there are so many carefully selected materials. I’m very happy with the publication of the book. Please leave it to me, Rosemine”


My mother is very involved in this negotiation because she is deeply involved in purchasing manuscripts from other territories for the love story printed in Haldenzell. It will be fine if you leave it to me.


When the civil servants head to the Aristocratic House, the last is the lord and wife. While greeting the father, an escort knight, Villefried, Charlotte, and Melchior are greeting the lords.


“Let them supply magic power during absences”


“Yes, my father. I practice a lot”


Villefried and Charlotte laughed as they saw Melchior laugh with a smile.


“When I first supplied magic, I was so tired that I couldn’t move, so it was difficult to practice a lot, Melchior”


“It is better to increase the amount that can be handled little by little.”


Melchior looked up to his parents in an uneasy way of saying the two, but in the same way he was told to be “too careful” and strengthened his face.


“If you listen to Bonifatius well, there’s no problem. Be careful not to let Ferdinand do too much.”


Adopting a nail to the priest who became a Spartan teacher on his own basis, the foster fathers headed to the aristocracy in a transitional position.


“As Rosemine is taking two courses at the same time from this year, it would be better to prepare as much as possible. If you return to the dedication ceremony, you will not be able to socialize at all.”


In a word from the priest, it was decided that life in this year’s castle would be centered on studying in advance of the lectures of the third grade of the Aristocratic Academy. Sparta education starts immediately after my foster father told me not to do Spartan education on my own standards.


…… The priest chief is good at kneading with a plausible face.


文 There is no problem because the lecturer course has already been studied. It seems that lectures that are known only to lord candidates are more difficult. Charlotte, who heard that I would study lord candidates, was lightly eye-catching.


“My uncle, I want you to teach me with my sister”


“I ask, too. I can’t prepare for lord candidates because I have no resources at all.”


Whether the Villefried and Charlotte wanted to prepare together, the head of the priest lightly looked after and hit the temple to think a little.


“Since they will match Rosemine’s speed, they will basically be on tour. If so, allow entry.”


”The priest gave permission, saying that it was a preparation for putting me into the dedication ceremony and that I would not teach Villefried until I understood. Melfleor, who saw Vilfleet and Charlotte, shining on the permission, said he wanted to visit.


“Uncle, let me see”


If I ask Melchior to give me an immediate answer, the priest dislikes disturbing my schedule. Villefried and Charlotte, who have already been in contact for years and know how much to say, probably don’t want to have the first meeting of Melchior anyway. He looks down at Melchior with a deep fold in his eyebrows.


“I promise to be quiet so as not to disturb my older brother or older sister”


“… I’ll pick it up when it gets in the way”


While speaking in a cold voice, the priest gave permission. When I looked at Melchior who was innocently happy to be with everyone and relaxed my expression, the chief exhales lightly in a troublesome manner. In the area of ​​giving permission even if it is troublesome, the priestess thinks that the human being has become very round.


…… If you were an old priesthood chief, you were dismissed with a single “distraction”.


Just as a lecture at the Aristocratic House is performed without the entourage, it seems that the collateral is not allowed to enter the lord candidate’s preparation at the castle. The priest dismissed his entourage to put each escort knight in front of the room, so that the others would be in the way, so that when the bell of 4 rings, they would be picked up.


“Speaking of which, who can’t be transferred to the center, who is the teacher of the lord candidate? Is there a teacher who can teach the lecture?”


Thus, when it comes to lectures only for lord candidates, it is strange that there is a teacher to be taught. To my doubt, the priest leaned while preparing a number of magic stones.


“I was a royal family, or a former lord candidate who married a royal family. There used to be a number of teachers, but what are they doing now?” [19459002 ]


The number of royal families should have drastically decreased due to political changes. It seems that the priest knows who he will tell.


“You can see that if you go to the Aristocracy. Today we will start by dividing the magical attributes. If you can’t do this, you can’t move on to the lord cadets.”


It seems that it is a common issue for third graders to separate the magical attributes. It seems that the magic power for each attribute is combined or divided.


“Adaptive magic is easy to handle. Don’t you know it?”


According to the explanation of the priest, there are many attributes that junior aristocrats do not have, so it seems difficult to both combine and separate magical powers. People who have only one attribute are often good at separating their own attributes.


“Since senior aristocrats and lord candidates have many attributes, it is relatively easy for everyone to master the attributes they have. However, their magical powers are usually mixed together. Struggling to separate the attributes from each other. ”


It is said to prepare magic stones of each attribute, touch them, understand the sense that only the magical power of that attribute is pulled, and create magic stones that do not mix the magical powers of other attributes as much as possible.


“If you can fully control your magic power, you can create a magic stone with a pure attribute that fills only the magic power of that magic stone. Yes, if you are a dexterous person, you will be able to repaint the magic stone. “


It seems that it becomes possible to divide the magic stones obtained by hunting monsters according to their attributes. While touching the magic stone, I will separate attributes from my magic power.


“Mixed. Try again.”


Three people have to try again and again. The compression of magic power has hardly progressed yet, and the amount of magic power is small, and Charlotte who is not used to handling dropped out most. Villefleet worked hard, but ended his practice because he felt sick.


“Recover pills and restore magic power. There is magic after dinner.”


Yes, Villefried whispered small and reached out for the recovery medicine that had been hung on his waist belt.


“Lose Mine should concentrate”


I concentrate on the magic stone while being angry by the chief priest. It is difficult to adjust the amount and the attribute because the senses are completely different.


…… Isn’t there any way to separate the mixture?


Magical power becomes easier to handle if there is any image. I think desperately while speaking.


… Separation, separation … Centrifuge? Speaking of which, I learned from paper chromatography and high school creatures.


As a result of thinking about such things, I finally learned how to separate magical powers by waving my hands and using different magical powers for each finger.


“Rose Mine, what is its waving motion?”


“Separated image inside me”


“… not beautiful”


Although it was extremely unpopular with the chief priest, it is no problem because it is now perfectly divided.


Suppose that the magic power supply after dinner that day was difficult, Charlotte began to visit the part of the skill that uses magic power from the next day, and actively participated in not using magic power.


“If you learn the separation and synthesis of magic power, the next step is to saturate the magic stone with magic power to make gold powder, but this has already been done many times, so I don’t need to teach you [Practicing Entovickeln]


It seems that a small garden containing the same magic stones used for the magic of the foundation is also made in the lecture to create a miniature garden town. The enemy here is a blueprint. In order to create a town just like the image, you must have a blueprint.


“When building a city, it is often the case that you make small changes while using the old buildings. It’s hard to prepare a blueprint.”


The blueprint can be helped by a civilian, but it is a big witchcraft, so you can’t fail. It seems that the lord must have enough knowledge to confirm that the blueprints are correct.


And we were all trained to write blueprints. The first challenge is my ideal room.


“I am good at blueprints”


Talking so, Villefried started to design his room with a thrilling look.


Charlotte seems to reproduce his current room as it is, and is enthusiastic about drawing furniture and other objects in detail. Melchior says that it will be designed together, but considering the rattling of the lines, it seems difficult to complete as a room.


…… Is it an ideal room?


The first thing that came to my mind was the large amount of books and the space surrounded by books. I feel like I’m dead and I feel like a subtle feeling, and I sing involuntarily.


“Rose Mine, is it so difficult?”


“There was a room that came to mind in the ideal room, but I was wondering if it could be said that it was ideal because I was so surrounded by books that I could imagine where the book would fall and die.


“… For now, let’s finish the blueprint by tomorrow”


The day’s lecture was over, with the assignments being overwhelmed.


Four bells rang and everyone moved to the cafeteria for lunch. The grandfather who is working alone seems to be hard, but it seems that Rosemine is cooperating with the temple work and cannot take the best.


“I’ll do my best to meet my grandfather’s expectations”


While having lunch, my mind fills up with the ideal library that was the subject. Making a room where books don’t fall even if an earthquake occurs. That is more important than anything else.


The door of the cafeteria opened when I was thinking. A voice says that there is a person who wants to act as an agent.


“It seems that there is an urgent call to the lords’ meeting. Ferdinand, please head to the Aristocratic House as soon as possible.”


Last year, there were no shortages, but there was no call to the lord meeting. The expression of the chief priest becomes strict at a stroke in an emergency call. The priest finished the lunch quickly, while Yustox gave instructions to the side servants attached to the priest and several knights at the castle.


“I’m very sorry, but I’ll leave you.”


“You can leave this to me. Please go.”


“Excuse me, Bonifatius-sama”


The priest leaves the cafeteria quickly. It became so busy that I could hear the voices of those who went and walked across the hallway. That noisy makes my heart noisy.


The harsh expression of the chief priest looked very similar to the expression when confronting the chief of the central knight in the Aristocratic Library, and anxiety was growing.


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