Even if it is said that love will be fulfilled, it will be a problem. First of all, I am not in love. In addition, he wants to return Ferdinand, who had been headed to Ahrensbach as soon as possible, to Ehrenfest.


…… If I say, I don’t want to be misunderstood by Turi!


“That ’s Hannelore. Like my nobles, my words do n’t seem to be trusted, but I ’m not really thinking about Ferdinand.”


HANNEROLE slowly tilted his head, blinking my eyes.


“At the feast, I heard that Rosemine was declared to save Ferdinand-sama by turning the royals and gods to enemies …”


…… Giyaa! Turi ’s eyes are brilliant! wait! ‘It ’s not wrong, but it ’ll be misunderstood when you hear it!


The Turi holding the mouth so that it doesn’t speak loudly trembles. Unpalatable. If you don’t understand this misunderstanding alone, you’ll be scared just to think about what kind of information is going to and from the family in the downtown area. The eyes of Corinna, who continues to sew with an attitude that I can’t hear our story, are shining with curiosity. There is no doubt that Benno and others will be out of the cylinder.


“Surely I said so. I’m not going to deny my word. Ferdinand is as important to me as my family is. But what about feelings about family and love?”


I have the awareness that Ferdinand is especially important compared to others. Just as important as the family in the downtown, the side servants of the temple, the Lutz and Gutenberg. But I don’t think it’s love.


…… Nothing God has danced or danced …


“If Hannelole is like a family or someone who is as important as the family is poisoned and falls down in other areas, it will not be possible to help whatever they turn to the enemy. Please think that it is the same. ”


“… When I fall into a situation where my family can’t do it on my own, it’s meaningless for me to do anything. I ca n’t imagine… I ca n’t do it very much. ”


Hannarole struck with a little distant eye when he was about to escape the crisis on his own, or to suppress the surroundings that burned up more than necessary.


… No. It’s difficult to empathize because we don’t understand Dunkelferger’s standards and common sense that he won’t be helped by the behavior of Hannelore that we showed in this battle.


“Dunkel Ferger seems to be different, but I’m not going to choose any means to protect my family, and I’ve lived that way, so it’s as important as my family. If the existence becomes a crisis, it will come, but it is not love. “


A convincing color appeared on Turi’s face. However, it is not possible to tell whether the persuasion is for an explanation that you are not in love or for a family that goes out of control.


“So who is Ferdinand-sama for Rosemine? Isn’t that a marriage partner?”


In Hannelore’s words, I think of Ferdinand as a marriage partner. Even without romantic feelings, Villefried and Prince Sigiswald are candidates for marriage. Similarly, Ferdinand could be considered as a candidate without romantic feelings.


…? Isn’t Ferdinand a really good property?


“I don’t have any romantic feelings, but Ferdinand-sama may be the most ideal partner if I think of a marriage of politics. He was known as a family, and he was kind and friendly, and he was always in the same position as a doctor, so he managed his physical condition and medicine. You can rest assured just by looking at them and talking to them … “


“That’s Rosemine. That’s … isn’t you thinking about Ferdinand?”


Hannelore saw me with a very mysterious expression. My aides have the same face as Hannelore. Isn’t family love a concern when thinking from the nobility?


“Since Ferdinand-sama is on the side, I feel relieved and I’m beaten, but I don’t have a sweet atmosphere like lovers, and my heart doesn’t throb.”


“Is that so …”


Hannerole is still not convinced. It looks like I’m just mistaken. It seems to have a stubborn love filter.


“And it’s ideal for me to help me rush towards what I want to do like my father and to protect me from everything, regardless of my status.” The most important thing is the promise with the father, and what I want to protect is Ehrenfest, so Ferdinand, who accepts the royal life and goes to Ahrensbach, is not my ideal. My ideal is high. ”


When the father declared his ideal and the ideal was high, Turi seemed amazed and looked at something disappointing. By the way, I feel that my gaze is like “Mine is still a child”. But for now, my father is the most ideal. I’m not vomiting lies.


“Of course, regardless of the ideal, Ferdinand-sama is important. And I take great care of my promises with my family. I want to go back to the festival. ”


When I expressed my wishes, Hannerole said, “But what about Ferdinand’s feelings?”


“Even Arnsbach was riding a cavalry, and he was very important to Rosemine.”


Fernando seems to be thinking about me in the eyes of Hannerole. He is a surprise filter owner.


…… Ferdinand-sama? No. No, no.


“I don’t think Ferdinand has any romantic feelings. The ride at Ahrensbach was only necessary to support me, who had just become an aub in a special place of battle. I think I just took the most reasonable action. ”


Exactly, when closing the border gate, I needed only my presence to hide that Ferdinand himself was the holder of the book of Mestionola. Even though there was a guardian behavior at that time, I didn’t feel any romantic feelings.


…… It was like a desk when drawing a magic circle!


“Of course, Ferdinand has already refused to engage in engagement unless he wants to follow someone like me who causes troubles one after another.”


“Eh ??”


Hannelole was the only one who raised his voice, but the aides saw me with surprised faces. Turi also has rounded eyes. I don’t think it’s surprising. Marriage with Ferdinand has a lot of interest for me, but it is not particularly beneficial for Ferdinand and it only adds to the trouble.


“Before the engagement story with Villefried was raised, there was a secret talk from Aub. Ferdinand, who had disliked every time the marriage story went up, had already been refused. I don’t feel like impressing me with an unwilling engagement, and if possible, I would like Ferdinand to be with the person I wanted. “


Hannelole dropped his shoulders when he stabbed a nail that he wouldn’t need to further boost the marriage relationship with Dunkel Ferger.


“Is that so? I’m sorry. I’m sorry that my ignorant knows the circumstances … I didn’t think I was already engaged in engagement with Aube.


For the time being, it seems that you understood that the love between me and Ferdinand was not established. It’s bad that it seems like you’ve broken your dream, but you have to solve the misunderstanding early. By the way, Hannelole who returned to me must turn his consciousness separately before saying, “Who is, after all, who is Rosemine?”


…… It’s hard to say that I was out of the mouth to talk with you!


“That’s right, Mr. Hannerole. If you don’t fulfill love, can you help me with my wishes?”


“What do you mean?”


Hannelore saw me with a clear face.


“I thought I had no choice but to marry the royal family as Ehrenfest ’s lord candidate, but in Hannellore, both Aub and Zent exist as options.


“Naturally, it’s Rosemine who decides what to do with the foundation gained by the real Ditter. It’s not something someone else can do unless it is taken away as well.”


Hannelole said that the king would basically only approve and not take up. If the king really doesn’t want to be recognized as an aub, he can only appoint someone to lead the central knights and take away the foundation, or move the foundation as a Zent and exchange the force.


Hannelole said that the king who doesn’t seem to be able to pick up the foundations from me would not be able to take away the foundation from me because he had a central knights for the fact that Lanzenave and Dietrinde headed without having Glutrice Height It seems to be thinking.


“What I am most convinced is that Rosemine brings Glutrice Height to the royal family through marriage. Isn’t it important to bring Glutrice Height to Jurgenschmitt instead of the royalty? I think Zent should choose the right king to suit him, at least if the courtship witchcraft is easily pulverized, it is not suitable for the king who supports Zent. ”


It seems that Zent candidates are desirable for husbands when women become Zent, ​​so that if women’s Aube does not welcome lord candidates as husbands, they will be in trouble during pregnancy and childbirth. The opponent who can’t balance the magical power so that the magical tool of courting becomes gold dust seems out of the question.


“I think at least the child can’t hope. Rosemine isn’t hoping for such a future?”

“That’s right”


I don’t really feel it, and I can’t imagine it, but I think I want a child. I want to raise my children so that they can return the love from the Reno mother, the Mine mother, the noble mother, and the three loving mothers.


“If you don’t want to marry the royal family, what kind of future does Rosemine want?”


Amongst the companions who were listening to the story, Leonore asked that question with a serious face.


“It’s not realistic to trade with the royal family to save Ferdinand, accept the royal courtship magical tool given by Aub, and become Aub Ahrensbach. We have acted optimally according to it, but if Rosemine’s path changes, we will not be able to take the same action as before. Please tell me, Rosemine! “


Reeserator also asks Leonore’s words.


“Lose Mine, I will work with you regardless of whether I choose Aub or Zent. It doesn’t matter if you have romance.”


I smiled with the help of Hannerole.


“I want to be the best librarian! Because I am taking a civilian course for that,”


“… Eh?”


I advocate my wishes to those who are poker like unexpected. Regardless of whether it will or will not come true, you will express your wishes. That’s what I am demanding now.


“Become a librarian working in a library and find books that users want, repair old materials and revive them, study magic tools, and connect libraries with libraries in other territories. I want to do something like that. ”Solange, who lives in the Aristocracy Library, is my ideal future.”


“Are you Solange …”


Leonore asks to hold a confused head, perhaps because it was an answer other than an option.


“I think it would be best if I could go to the library and read all day long. I ate delicious rice with my family and good friends, read my favorite book, and read it in the other library. I want to live a life of searching for books that never happen.I do the minimum obligations associated with my position, create a library where I can read books as I like, manage books, I would like to increase the literacy rate to increase the number of people who can write books, so that both ordinary people and nobles can enjoy reading. “


Turi turns to a staring eye, saying, “No matter how much it has changed,” But that’s right. My hope has not changed since then. If you don’t choose, your country will be destroyed, or if you are ordered, you will have to obey, or you will be stuck with a lot of complicated and cumbersome duties.


“I would like to build a library if possible and live in the library as a librarian of that library.”


The face of the aristocratic side is completely unexpected, or “I was seriously aiming for a library city”, but everyone wanted to hear my wishes.


“… Does the construction of a library be an aub?”


I put my hand on my cheek, looking at Leonore trying to get an answer that covered my understanding from a confused head.


“I can be either an aub or a zent because there is only a small difference between my plan being a library city or a library state …”


“It’s not trivial at all”


“It would be Aub to think that reading to the common people would be fun, and the simple establishment of the library” Network “would be Zent. It may be easy to come and go with the same transfer team as the border gate. “


It is the easiest way to set up a library network, but transfer teams across territories can only be set up by Zent. The large is also the small, and the library national plan may be better if you become a Zent anyway.


“… I thought that marrying Sigiswald wasn’t a bad way to do so. It might be a good idea to get as much royalty as you want after gaining the royal position. Considering a trade-off, I mentioned that I wanted to be a third wife, so the third wife has the least responsibility for office work and socializing. The library plan seems to be the most advanced. ”[19459002 ]


When I realized that I could do it in any position, I became a little better. I have the book of Mestionola. Who can marry a library plan? Like when I talked to Ferdinand, I was relieved to talk about my plan to make Jürgenschmitt a library state.


“Speaking of which, I told Ferdinand about my desires, but if Arensbach, who wouldn’t be crushed after committing a treason, I could remodel it into the library city that I wanted, Zent was told that it would be bad for Jurgenschmidt, but wouldn’t Zent be better to expand the library plan as widely as possible, Leonore? ”[19459002 ]


As for the aides, Zent is better served than the Lord becomes Abu, isn’t it? And I ask Leonore, who has the most aristocratic feeling among his allies. Leonore looked around everyone and smiled.


“I think Ferdinand’s words are correct”


“What do you mean, Leonore? Do you mean that aub is better than Zent?”


I don’t understand the meaning. As he leaned his head, Hannole, who met Leonore and whispered once, gently grabbed my hand.


“Rosemine, I, now, Rosemine is convinced that it is best to marry Ferdinand”


“Huh? Hannelole, Ferdinand, the key, I just told you …”


… That? ♪ You were convinced a while ago? Why is your opinion suddenly opposite?


Moreover, for some reason, Hannerole’s eyes were not made as glittering as the heat of love unlike the previous one, but they are serious.


“You may have changed your feelings before and after your engagement with Villefried. And if you don’t have love, are you an important person for Rosemine? Ferdinand is about Rosemine. It ’s enough to give you happiness. ”


“From my point of view, Ferdinand cherishes Rosemine, even if he doesn’t have the same love. There is a chance of winning.”


…… Eh? What happened to Leonore? What is winning?


“For Rosemine, Ferdinand has no love, isn’t he an ideal gentleman, but is he an ideal partner for political marriage?”


I asked with a serious face Leonore and I whispered. I told myself. Not wrong at all. Hannerole smiled with a smile.


“Let’s think together about how Ferdinand-sama would like to marry him. If you were a family, you could be a couple.”


…… So, right? Not! I think the family and the couple are completely different!


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