Razafam came back in a carriage to return to the castle for lunch. Of course, the Riezerator has already been notified at Ordnance, so Turi, the Corinna and the Gilberta firms have finished their fancy stitches and are ready to leave.


Me and Hannelore boarded the carriage with their escort knights.


“How can I get Ferdinand to approve his marriage? Ferdinand-sama, who I know, has a lot of people I have heard from Heishitze. Isn’t it the best for Rosemine to give Ferdinand a challenge? ”


Hannelore thinks with a serious face, but I don’t feel like having a Dunkerfelger-style marriage like Clarissa. I don’t think Ferdinand would ever want to marry me, and I don’t think he would be laughed at the nose and challenged. Also, I think it’s better to create a laboratory in Ehrenfest, Ferdinand’s Gedullich, rather than a political marriage that he hates.


…… Must consult with Ferdinand before filling the strange outer moat!


Suppose that Hannelore moves, it is decided during this lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Aub. Before that, you have to talk to Ferdinand and devise countermeasures to pass the information to resist political marriage.


If this is the case, Dunkel Ferger’s momentum may cause Ferdinand to be reluctantly married to a political marriage. Hannellore has already forgotten that he should have pierced a nail to stop Dunkel Felger’s runaway.


…… I ’ll be Ferdinand ’s friend on my own!


“Please contact Leonore, Ferdinand. I want to talk to you before lunch.”


I ask Leonore who is on the carriage as an escort knight. Originally it is a request that depends on the side service, but there is no help for it because the riser is not on board.


“I’ll send you an old nand, but I think everything is too fast.”


“If you say it’s hard, you’ll be sure to take your time.”




Ferdinand prepared a room near the cafeteria where luncheons were held. There seems to be not only Ferdinand and his entourage but also my male aides. Clarissa, who was mobilized to hear opinions on the hospitality of Hannelore and Dunkelferger, is also with him.


“What is hard, Rosemine? What did you do?”


“I haven’t done anything in particular, but it turned out to be a big deal and Ferdinand-sama got married …”


“Be calm, I’m too excited. The complexion is …”


I grabbed Ferdinand’s right hand, stretched to measure body temperature.


“If you keep it, you may get married to me. Ferdinand, please run away now!”


“… I don’t know what that means. Explain the context clearly, using magical tools to prevent eavesdropping. It doesn’t really mean anything to talk about”


Ferdinand frowned lightly shakes his left hand. Immediately, Hartmut created a place where he could talk using range-designed eavesdropping witchcraft. Yustox, who has finished preparing tea, instructs his entourage to get out of the range of the witchcraft. Although the surroundings are surrounded by close friends, there was a space where only two people could talk in no time.


Talk to Ferdinand during sewage while catching the closeness of the aide while talking to them at the edge of their sight. It started from the point of being misunderstood and supported by Ferdinand, until the story of political marriage came out.


“… I was told that I wanted to talk about my true desires, but as soon as I expressed my true hopes that I’ve taken away all the confusing duties and wisdom, Hannerole-sama and his aides are with Ferdinand. I told him I should marry me, suddenly I’ll open my hand.I don’t know why, don’t you think so? “


“It’s hard to give you power and leave it alone, so I just realized that I needed someone who could control you. I don’t know anything.” 19459002]


Ferdinand, who was just listening to the story and became a very tired face, scorned me, saying, “You are the only one who doesn’t understand.”


“You may have been amazed at the library plan, but everyone changed their opinions because your opinion was dangerous. The border gate is outside the border gate, the noble house. Think about the fact that there is a transfer team heading to the dormitory of each territory, and that it is a specification that requires permission of Aube and can only be transferred by a small number of students despite the fact that a large number of students move every year. “[19459002 ]



“It’s the worst if you think about the defense of the territory, such as making a library as you wish, and setting up a transfer team to allow you to go freely. If not, it doesn’t mean that those who use it afterwards will not abuse it, and it is natural that the long-standing Dunkerfelgar cadet should be wary of this idiot. ”


Talking about the fulfillment of romance and the marriage of a political affair, it seems to be completely different if you are wondering if you are tired of “doing nothing wrong …”. I hurry and make excuses for unexpected beating.


“I don’t think I can easily do it just by telling my ideals that I thought I should do this. From the topic that I’m concerned about Ferdinand, I wanted to be distracted. ”


“What are you saying that you’re proud to marry Prince Sigiswald’s easiest to do? Even if the detour you speak without thinking, you really want to make it happen Hannelore told me that it was possible if I thought, things are not limited to the transition team, and it is natural that the surroundings think that they will not be able to realize that they are not suddenly surprised.


“Wow …”


It seems that it was tough because I didn’t think about difficult things.


“This is the person who wants to hold his head. Although he has created a lord cadet that looks perfect at first glance by repairing the virginity of the maiden, thinking about throwing away everything for such ridiculous reasons. Did you not understand that you were told at the feast that you had to repair the outside and the exterior? ”


“Uh, I felt so troublesome that everyone told me that it was a hearing or a hearing …. I wonder if I was thrown out of the reaction.”


“Too stupid”


After Ferdinand said in a bitter tone, he began tapping the temple.


“Anyway, I don’t do anything before Hannerole-sama goes out of control, Ferdinand-sama will be separated from his Gedulrich again. I ask my adoptive father to study Ehrenfest. We will negotiate to make a place, so Ferdinand will take measures together so that he can return to Ehrenfest … ”


Ferdinand pinched his cheeks to obstruct my words.


“It was quite good information. I appreciate it.”


“It’s not the behavior of a grateful person”


¡Ferdinand grabbed Ferdinand while holding his cheeks, and Ferdinand turned his eyes toward the door. I also turn there. Angelica, who was escorting outside, glanced out.


“Looks like time, Rosemine”


“Ferdinand, I want Ferdinand, who has put up with me so far, to put my wishes first. So don’t lose what Dunkel Ferger or adoptive father says. “Never win the path you want.”


If you survive this lunch, Dunkelferger will return to the territory. Ferdinand stood up and reached out to me as I cheered my fist and cheered.


“Don’t plan. I’m a principle that I can’t win and won”


Fernando laughs with a face that seems to be planning a lot of bad things. This is absolutely fine. I became happy.


Although I was very cautious about Hannelore’s behavior, the lunch itself proceeded very gently. Hannerole was pleased with the elaborate cuisine of the Ehrenfest chefs as “it is very delicious” and the guests of Dunkelfellgar were also satisfied.


The main topic during the meal was the story of the knights of Ehrenfest being scolded by the knights of Dunkelfelgar at the training ground, and praised with “Dunkelfelgar knights were very strong” Villefried was excited and talked.


…… Is Villefried brother participating too?


After that, there was also a talk about after-meal schedules. While I was watching the temple, Hannerole had tea with my foster mother, Villefried and Charlotte.


“I wanted to see the temple of Ehrenfest different from other territories, but there is no way without time”


Although Hannelore unfortunately said that, just going back with a cavalry would be the last time considering the time to return to Dunkelferger. I don’t have time to go by carriage.


“I wanted to be able to invite Hannelore, but …”


Ferdinand was dismissed, saying, “There is no time to go to the West Gate,” and Melchior, who seemed to be struggling to remove the spear in the morning in the temple, said, “Because we entered the battle site yesterday, It ’s a little difficult, ”he said.


“Does not only Rosemine and Melchior, but also uncles head to the temple?”


“That’s right. I have to return Rosemine to the castle in time, and some of the temples at Ehrenfest were my side-serving.


“There was a voice that I wanted to train until the time of departure …”


Will the Knights of Dunkelfelgar become handheld? Ferdinand glanced to the adoptive father for the words of Villefried.


“I didn’t have much time with Aub, who invited me to thank Dunkel Ferger, so I’d like to spend time with Aub at the end … How about Aub?”


“Thank you very much for that thought”


The meal was over and the post-meal tea was carried by the time when Ferdinand entrusted the knights of Dunkel Felgar to the adoptive father who had a little smile.


“Aub Ehrenfest, do you know what the central person is like? There is no information here, but what do you get at Ehrenfest?” [19459002 ]


Departure at midnight, battle until dawn, I became an aub and I slept with medicine for two days, leaving the center to Ehrenfest without using the magical tools directly connected to the center. I’ve blocked here to prevent Dietlinde from coming back to Ahrensbach, but I don’t have any information about what the center looks like.


I looked at my adoptive father to see if Hannelore was also interested.


“When I contacted Ehrenfest with Dunkelfelgar Knights, my father was still at Dunkelfelger.”


“I don’t know the situation in the center well. Was it two days ago? When I received letters from Khartomut and Clarissa, I contacted them through the Knights of the Aristocratic House.”


The adoptive father told me that I had rescued Ferdinand and that there was a battle with Lanzenave. Since it was not an emergency, it seems that he did not use a direct contact tool.


“What about the royal family?”


“I’m telling the central knights, but they are not coming yet, but the Arensbach and Lanzenave people haven’t come yet. Asked if it was appropriate to contact Dunkel Felger. “


It seems that such a cruel question arrived yesterday morning when he was busy defending his foundation. Apparently, the foster father seems to have postponed the answer that the priority is low. I understand that feeling.


“I don’t know anything like that? If now the central is not in crisis, I thought it would be enough for them to return. Is there anything that could be answered towards the future? ”


“If you’re aiming for Glutlith Height, Dietrinde has decided to go to the Aristocracy”


When Ferdinand says that with his natural face, the adoptive father changed his face a little, and said, “Contact the royal family immediately”. Ferdinand conquered the movement by raising his hand lightly, “Okay, Aub”.


“If you think about the safety of the royal family, it’s best to stay in the central palace. As long as the Glutlis Height doesn’t pass over there, the state is the least human damage. I can think “


Ferdinand gets up with a signal to Yustox, telling him that he doesn’t need to say anything extra.


“Please contact Prof. Hirschur immediately and gather information about the current status of the aristocracy. Ahrensbach closed the dormitory and the dormitory was removed, and the new dormitory was the lord meeting. If possible, please contact Dunkel Ferger to inform the royal family and ask Dr. Rufen to explore the aristocracy. “


If there is no change in the center, the Dietrinde must be moving around. Maybe you are praying with a spear to get Glutlisheit. If that’s the case, it’s acceptable that there is no movement in the center.


“… Rossemine, Melchior. No time. Go to the temple.”


Melchior and I stand up and the aides start moving.


“Sir Ferdinand, is it better to go to the aristocracy right away because there is no time?”


“As long as there has been no contact from the dormitory to the royal family, there will be no immediate movement. There will be various preparations before going over there, and the state of the temple and downtown. I went back all the way to see the royal family.


In the words of Ferdinand, I think of a face in the nobility’s house. I looked back just before leaving the cafeteria.


“That ’s my foster father. Please check Mr. Solange’s safety in the Aristocratic Library. I’m worried.”


The entrance to the foundation from the temple was in the temple library, so it seemed to the foster father that the Aristocratic Library occupied an important position. “I will contact Hirsur and Dunkelfelger immediately,” he undertakes.


When I left the cafeteria and everyone created a beast on the balcony, I was unable to touch the magic stones for my own beast.


“That’s Ferdinand, I …”


“Take me to Angelica”


“… Yes, please, Angelica”


I get on Angelica’s beast and head to the temple.


…… I wonder if I can’t become Aub or Zent.


Cannot be compounded because the magic stones are scary. I can’t send Ordnance. I can’t ride a beast. Fatal as an aristocrat.


…… It’s not something that can be cured right away.


Still, it’s almost time to return to Ahrensbach, where an aub is needed. My fingertips are getting colder than I can say.


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