Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 505: walking disaster

The six-year orc war finally came to an end. After Orgrim was seriously injured and defeated, most people in the tribe lost their will to fight and let the soldiers of the alliance restrain them.

As for the forest trolls, clans such as Xiezhi, Rotten Moss, and Deadwood left the main force and returned to their territory as early as the retreat. Only small clans such as Burningthorn and Huoshu remained united with Orgrim.

Zul'jin saw something bad in the battle, and led the remaining soldiers of the Amani clan to flee ahead of time, and the tribe's supervisor team had no time to take care of them at this time.

There was no news of the Zul'jin and Amani clans who fled north into the wetlands. When Andrea heard the news, he even had the absurd idea that they would change from forest trolls to swamp trolls.

Of course, not all the orc clans were willing to accept the defeat of the tribe. There were still many clans who fled into the wilderness after the defeat and continued to fight guerrillas with the chasing troops of the alliance countries.

However, most of these scattered clans cannot form a large scale, and the alliance eager to divide the dirty after the war is too lazy to mobilize a large army to hunt them down, and hand them over to the local security and patrol forces in various countries.

Among these fleeing clans, the biggest ones belong to the Blood Ring and Blackstone clans, and the half-disabled Dragonmaw clan barely counts as one.

The chief of the Blood Ring clan, Kilrogg, fled from Dun Morogh and retreated all the way to the south. Because he was always walking through the deep old forest, he failed to catch up with the final battle at Blackrock Mountain, but directly returned to the Black Swamp by bypassing the large forest .

With Orgrim mortally wounded and captured, there is only one final step left in the war between the Alliance and the Horde—closing the Dark Portal.

"Is this the portal of darkness?"

Khadgar looked at the majestic gate standing in the huge pit in the wasteland in shock. The two giant statues standing with swords and the dark green energy vortex that was always rotating in the center made Khadgar swallow a mouthful of saliva.

The southern part of the black swamp, which used to have abundant water vapor, has almost completely lost its vitality, and most of the nearby protozoa have been mutated by evil energy corrosion.

Andrea used the druid's ability to calm animals to attract a crocodile that originally lived near the swamp. Half of the surface of this poor creature turned mottled green, and the corrosion of the evil energy made it look very painful.

Caressing the surface of the crocodile, Andrea tried to inject the pure force of nature into its body.


The crocodile twisted its body and let out an uneasy growl, but remained calm under the comfort of Andrea's animals.

As Andrea advanced to demigod, his physical energy system has undergone a very strange change. The use of light and darkness does not need to switch forms, and the neutral force of nature separates the two opposing energies that repel each other. .

Now Andrea can use different spells of light and darkness with his left hand and right hand respectively, and the natural energy separated from the shadow energy can also be used alone.

"No." Shaking his head regretfully, Andrea stood up from a half-squatting position, "The creatures here are severely corroded by evil energy, and it cannot be cleared in a short time. It seems that a group of druids will be sent Stay in this wasteland and try to restore the ecology here."

Turalyon's eyes often turned to Alleria, the representative of the High Elf team, and his unabashed attitude made Alleria frown.

"Cough~" Noticing the displeasure of the goddess in his mind, Tulayang coughed lightly and took over the words, "Just in time, the Alliance also plans to send troops to build a fortress on this wasteland, and keep an eye on the Dark Portal."

"Druids in your country can use the fortress as a base to conduct research and restore this wasteland."

Under the leadership of Marshal Lothar, the alliance's large troops were successfully dispatched, and Orgrim and other high-ranking prisoners were also brought back to the King City of Lordaeron for trial.

It has to be said that Orgrim's life is very big, because the chieftain of the tribe still has great political uses, the priest of Lordaeron used the holy light to heal his wounds.

Having lost an arm by Lothar and lost a lot of blood, Orgrim still survived tenaciously, but he has not yet woken up from the coma of serious injuries.

As one of the marshal's adjutants, Tulayang led a third of the troops under the order of Lothar, and rushed south with the mages of the alliance to the black swamp to close the gate of darkness.

Including the night elves and high elves, all countries participating in the war sent some troops to accompany the team.

The high elves are led by Alleria and Vereesa, while the night elves are led by Andrea himself, accompanied by his wife Seres.

In fact, it stands to reason that Andrea should follow Lothar back to the Royal City of Lordaeron to participate in the grand celebration banquet.

But Andrea didn't want to quarrel with the alliance's kings who were already blinded by profit, and entrusted the task of contacting the alliance to Niyana Starscar, the ambassador of the Dark Night Republic to the alliance. go south.

Half a month has passed since Andrea and others arrived in this desolate yellow land. The mages headed by Khadgar conducted an in-depth study of the Dark Portal, and the conclusions they drew were mixed.

The Dark Portal can be closed by taking the time to destroy the fel energy conduits that feed it one by one, but there's no guarantee that the Horde will ever be able to reopen it from the other side.

When the countries of the alliance began to quarrel over the disposal of the tribal captives and the subsequent distribution of spoils, UU Reading Lothar argued hard, and finally got the kings of the human countries who were full of dirty political ideas to agree to build a fortress near the Dark Portal. for surveillance.

Now this dry swamp has been given a brand new name—Cursed Lands. The Fortress, which has already started construction, will serve as the first barrier to monitor and defend the Dark Portal in the future.

Due to the rare opportunity to study the Dark Portal and evil energy, Dalaran sent many excellent mages this time. Andrea was staring at a blond high elf with a meaningful smile on his face.

This "high elf" wearing a red robe was looked very uncomfortable by Andrea, and he probably knew that his identity had been exposed in Andrea's eyes.

Krasus, the name of the high elf mage, although even his fellow clansmen don't know where the great magister suddenly popped up.

Beside Krasus was a busy young mage, and all the mages from Dalaran avoided this handsome red-haired man.

According to the rumors that Andrea heard, this young mage named Ronin is still unable to control the huge magical power in his body well, and inexplicable explosions often occur when casting spells, and none of the people who performed the mission with him have a good end , Dalaran mages privately referred to him as "the walking disaster".

‘Crassus and Rhonin? '

The corner of Andrea's mouth twitched, "It's time for you to step onto the stage of history." '

:. :

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