Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 506: Terenas' Chain Meter

After months of hard work, the Dark Portal has finally been demolished.

A huge explosion was triggered from the center of the gate, and the evil energy vortex stopped operating under the explosion of energy. Now, the khaki-colored rocks behind the gate can be directly seen through the central door frame.

Shocking cheers sounded, and the closure of the Dark Portal marked the official end of the Orc War. The tribes that remained in Azeroth and hid in Tibet had no way to go home, and sooner or later they would be successfully wiped out by patrols from all over the place.

In the forest north of the Black Swamp, now renamed the Swamp of Sorrows, Kilrogg witnessed the scene where the way home was cut off.

After a long silence, Kilrogg silently turned around and led the remaining warriors of the Blood Ring clan into the depths of the swamp, temporarily taking root in the area closest to the Dark Portal.

The Dragonmaw clan escaped fast enough that Zuluhed and the others retreated across the gate before the Alliance pursuers arrived.

According to the scouts that Prism placed near the portal of darkness, a group of familiar black dragons followed them into the portal.

Most members of the Blackrock Clan were arrested together with Orgrim and other senior generals, and now the one who claims to be the Blackrock Clan and hides in the depths of Blackrock Mountain is actually the Blacktooth Clan of Red Blackhand.

Although Orgrim came to power through the orc tradition of Mak'Gora, Red always held a grudge against the enemy who killed his father.

Seeing that Orgrim was captured by humans, he immediately jumped out as the orthodox heir of the great chief, and ordered the orcs who had fled near Blackrock Mountain to return to the leadership of the Blackrock clan.

Many of the orcs of the Six Gods and No Owners really believed in the big cake he drew. Now Red's fake Blackrock clan occupies the upper half of the Blackstone Mountain building, and the Black Iron Dwarves who live in the Blackrock Abyss are temporarily in the same river.

Andrea was quite surprised when he first heard the news. In the original history, the Blackstone orcs fought against the Black Iron dwarves with the support of the Black Dragon.

Logically speaking, the current Blackrock clan should not be able to wrestle with the Black Iron dwarves who have a big boss behind them, unless...

‘N’Zoth instructed Ragnaros to release the water, deliberately providing a base for the remnants of the old tribe to recuperate, so that they can continue to stir up the wind and clouds of Azeroth in the future? '

In the original history, Nefarian of Ragnaros was in the final analysis subordinates of the ancient gods, and the struggle between them was more like a factional struggle within the ancient **** system.

The two sides did not fight real fire in the Black Rock Mountain, but let their respective slaves hone their combat effectiveness in the non-stop war.

As for the lives of the Dark Iron dwarves and Blackrock orcs... what was that? Isn't it just a number for the boss?

Seeing that the Dark Portal was destroyed with his own eyes, Andrea's work in the Eastern Continent basically came to an end.

Notify Fandral to dispatch a group of druids from the Cenarion Council to station in the unfinished Watch Fort, while monitoring the movement of the Dark Portal, while restoring the miserable ecology of the Blasted Lands.

Although the Dark Portal cut off the fel erosion from Draenor after the Dark Portal was closed, the vitality of this land was almost cut off. Even if the druids worked hard to recover, there would be no immediate results in a short period of time.

I don't know whether it's due to the correction power of history or their personalities. Turayang and Rhonin fell in love with Alleria and Vereesa, who led the high elf rangers to the cursed land to check the situation.

Vereesa was a little curious about the humans that she had little contact with before, and her relationship with Rhonin was not bad, but Turalyon's side was more sad.

With Aurelia's appearance and talent, no matter where she goes, there will be no shortage of suitors. Turayang is just a pair of countless big pigs, and was soon completely ignored by Aurelia.

Vereesa didn't really have a male-female affection for Luo Ning. This girl was lively and outgoing by nature, and she accepted most of her advances to humans.

Before parting with Li Reza, Alleria was specially reminded by her mother, seeing that Vereesa had more and more contact with human beings, the elder sister of Windrunner decisively took her younger sister to bid farewell to the alliance.

Tulayang took the opportunity to say, "It's just right, it's almost time for me to return to Lordaeron to report on my duties, let's go together..."

"no need."

Alleria refused with a cold expression, "We plan to go north on a night elf ship, General Turalyon, let's bid farewell here, Vereesa, follow me."


Vereesa said goodbye to Luo Ning and the others with a smile on her face, "Goodbye, little Luo Ning, I will listen to your adventure stories when I have a chance."

Although Vereesa is still a little childish under the doting of her two sisters, she is several hundred years old after all, and Luo Ning can only be regarded as a junior in front of her...

The Third Fleet of the Night Republic originally planned to go north and return to Suramar, and it would not be a big problem to send the high elves along the way.

But Turayang couldn't let the night elves send him to set off together. He still has a task assigned by Lothar. He needs to go to the old site of Stormwind first, and investigate the ruins with Gavin Ladd, who returned to his homeland first. Clear the remaining orcs around.

Andrea stepped into the portal and looked at Turayang and Luo Ning and shook his head helplessly, "Oh, it's a crime." '

After all, the night elves are just visiting troops for the alliance. Even if Niyana argues hard, under the strict defense of the iron **** Terenas, the night elves can't get much benefit.

However, this was in Andrea's expectation. The goal of this Eastern Expedition was not to obtain substantive benefits, but some intangible benefits.

Although under Andrea's intentional concealment, the army of the Night Republic did not fully reveal its full strength, but the physical combat power and spellcasting strength displayed by the night elves in this battle alone has already made Terenas and others The king is under a lot of pressure.

For a long time, humans have been sitting on the fertile territory of the Eastern Continent. The high elves have been secluded all the year round, and the night elves rarely cross the sea on a large scale to gain a sense of presence. Many humanists are arrogant and think that humans are already the world among the mortal races. Invincible.

This war with the orcs slapped them in the face, which made many people who floated to the sky realize that human beings are not as strong as they thought.

Even Dalaran, known as the magical kingdom, is still a younger brother in front of the high elves with amazing arcane power, and the physical abilities of human beings are far inferior to the orcs who have been beaten with chicken blood and the night elves under normal conditions.

After teleporting back to Lordaeron, Andrea first learned from Niyana about the decision of the alliance countries to deal with the orc captives.

"A prisoner of war camp. UU reading"

Andrea smiled sarcastically, "Sure enough, it still appeared. '

The construction of the orc prisoner-of-war camp was actually a conspiracy prepared by Terenas long ago. Its purpose was only to use the heavy maintenance cost of the prisoner-of-war camp to drag down other human countries whose overall strength was not as good as itself.

In essence, it has the same effect as a certain bald eagle forcibly creating enemies for the X Covenant and forcing its allies to pay for its own military expenses.

Gilneas, Stormgard, and Sylud all expressed strong opposition. The wealthy Kul Tiras was neutral. Terenas, who had just won the war, overcame their objections vigorously. In Dalaran, the Kingdom of Stormwind, The proposal was passed by a majority vote with the support of Alterac and Alterac.

"The Kingdom of Stormwind should be Terenas who promised to support them in rebuilding the country. Dalaran probably got some kind of promise, Alterac..."

Andrea nodded his forehead with his finger, "Hasn't Barov seen Terenas' ambition yet? At this time, he dared to stand on his side and seek skin from the tiger. '

Alterac, there is no king now.

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