Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 682: good water drowning

Andrea didn't want to fight a long, all-out war with the Zandalar, so Rastakhan and Zul had to suffer a heart-wrenching loss once and for all so they wouldn't dare to think otherwise.

After returning to the country, Andrea ended her vacation early, and summoned senior commanders such as Shandris and Jarod to inquire about countermeasures.

"Lightning strike?"

Jarod rubbed his chin and pondered, "It's not impossible. Now the main force of Zandalar is fighting the Pandaren in Pandaria. If we can destroy this army at once, it should make Zandalar feel bad. bone."

Andrea tapped the table lightly with her fingers and fell into deep thought. After a while, she raised her head and asked Shandris, "How is the formation of Suramar's Fourth Flying Fleet? Is it possible to complete the most basic patrol tasks?"

Shandris nodded, "Simple patrols are fine, but their training level is not enough, and their performance in actual combat should be very bad."

"That's enough for now."

Andrea sneered, "Secretly transfer the Fourth Fleet to the mainland, and let the fleet patrol around the moonlight forest."

Garrod's expression moved, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, "I see, I understand what you mean."

It's convenient to talk to smart people, Andrea smiled and gestured to Garald, "Then let's do this, I'll leave it to you, Garald."

"no problem."

Shandris watched Jarod turn and leave the office with question marks in his head, "...what charades are you playing?"

Andrea chuckled and shook her head, "You'll know in a few days."

Originally, Andrea planned to wait until Celes gave birth smoothly before launching a war, but the so-called plan could not keep up with the changes.

Ten years after the Zandalari killed G'huun, Rastakhan finally couldn't help the restlessness in his heart and jumped out.

Although neither the God-King nor the Prophet directly targeted the Night Republic, their true intentions to stir up the troll empires everywhere are clear, especially the long-term persuasion of the Drakkari trolls.

During the vacation after the Draenor War, Nawaz was once again transferred to Sandara City to command the Northland Army, and to sit in Northrend with Governor Roddick.

The orcs who also lived in Northrend also felt the aura of the undercurrent, and Goel stepped up the scouts' investigation, trying to find out the undercurrent's help.

However, because of Orgrim's serious illness, the war chief can't spare much time to pay attention to relevant information.

With the idea of ​​exercising and inspecting newcomers, Gouel temporarily handed over the work of coordinating intelligence to Jolin.

In May 25, the situation in Pandaria continued to heat up.

Seeing that the situation could not be resolved for a long time, Zandalari sent more troops from the island into Pandaria.

Although the Pandaren are also an ancient empire, their combat ability is still a bit worse than that of the Zandalari due to differences in life philosophy and domestic policies.

If it weren't for the Four Heavenly Gods working hard to maintain the battle situation under the offensive of the Loa, the Pandaren who lacked the experience of fighting outside the Great Wall would have been defeated by the continuous reinforcements from the Zandalari.

The Zandalari gold fleet occupying Doom Island gradually broke through the Pandaren's sea and air defenses and landed on Zhuojin Beach. At the same time, they sent their own gold fleet to rush towards Thunder God Island.

The main reason for putting the main offensive force on Pandaria is to get the support of the Mogu Empire by awakening Thor.

Although the Zandalari are secretly hostile to the Night Republic, Rastakhan and Zul know the strength gap between the two sides. If they want to overthrow the Night Republic's dominance in Azeroth, they need to be strong and powerful. reliable ally.

The alliance between the Zandalari and the mogu empire dates back more than 10,000 years, when Thor was still alive.

Thor is well aware of the Zandalar's purpose, and these trolls want the secret of eternal life from him.

But in fact, there is an egg secret. Thor can live forever only because he semi-permanently transformed his body into the body of a titan creation.

The allies with their own ghosts are fooling each other. Thor is greedy for the ever-changing spells of Zandalari, and wants to penetrate the mysteries of giant magic through in-depth contact. As a mortal race, the Zandalari want to obtain the mystery of immortality from Thor. .

The contemporary **** king Rastakha Xiong is very talented, and even got the approval of Rezan, who often couldn't remember the names of the **** king and the prophet, and used his own power to help Rastakhan prolong his life.

But as a mortal, there is a limit to how long life can be extended. Neither Rastakhan nor Zul wanted to die so early.

As long as Lei Shen can be awakened, Zandalar will not only get a powerful helper, but also get the secret of eternal life from the resurrected Mogu emperor, so why not do it.

It's a pity that Pandaria has been closed for too long, and the Pandaren are not obliged to tell the enemy about the information. Rastakhan and Zul know nothing about the situation on this continent.

With a longing for eternal life, Zuer personally led the golden fleet to land on Thunder God Island.

However, what appeared in front of Zul was an abandoned palace that had already collapsed, not to mention Thor inside, and there was no Thor with a horse face.

Not reconciled, Zul used his prophetic ability to dig out a Thunder God guard with only a stone head left under the ruins, and got an important piece of information from him.

Lei Shen's body is not buried in the Throne of Thunder, but in the real and false tombs in the Kun-Lai Mountains.

Having regained his confidence, Zuer left Thunder God Island and returned to the front line of Zhuojin Beach, broke through the crumbling defense line of Zhuojin Village, and entered Kunlai Snow Mountain to search for Thor's tomb.

Zul, who was about to "success", didn't notice that the pandaren's defense against Zhuojin Village had weakened to a certain extent, which was the most important reason why the Zandalari were able to break through the defense.

With Qingri Peak and Baihu Temple shrinking their forces one after another, Zuer sent his men to capture the treasure house of Mogu'shan, and at the same time led his troops into the Emperor's Valley in the snow mountain.

After searching the seven tombs, Zuer stood in the Emperor's Valley in a daze with his mind full of question marks.

Facing the snowflakes all over the sky, Zuul's shielded prophetic ability finally began to play a role.

"Not good! We've fallen into a trap!"

Zuer, whose face changed drastically, hurriedly urged his mount, "Retreat! Get out of this valley!"

"Hehe~ Don't you think it's too late to leave now?"

The banter coming from the air made Zuer's heart sink, and when he looked up, he saw a night elf floating not far away.

"Andrea Moonshadow!"

Andrea snapped his fingers to dispel the wide-area mind misleading spell, and Zuer and others were horrified to see that the entrances to the valleys that were originally empty were filled with hideous stone mogus.

At the same time, the flying fleet divided into three directions and surrounded quickly approached from the sky, and Zul's troops who stayed at the mouth of the valley to watch were wiped out by the stone mogu long ago.

There was a golden thunder in Raiden's eyes, and the Great Guardian stared at Zuul majestically. It was he who blocked Zuul's prophetic ability before.

"Mortal, I am Lai, the Great Guardian of Azeroth. Are you ready to pay a heavy price for trying to get your hands on a power that does not belong to you?"

As the sky was obscured by shiny thunderclouds, UU Reading crackling thunder descended into the valley in an orderly manner.

Ryan raised his right hand high, absorbing all the lightning in the dark cloud into his hand.

"Zandalari trolls, the Thor you are looking for is just a failed agent who stole my power. Now that I have regained my own power, you should be able to guess his ending, right?"

The thunderstorm across the sky illuminated Zul's pale face, and the exits of all the valleys were firmly blocked, and Zul could not find any way out after exhausting his prophetic ability.


Andrea looked coldly at the Zandalari army covered by magic cannons and thunderstorms, and the screams in the valley were endless.

"Why do you all trust your prophetic ability so much? The ability to see through the timeline is meaningless to existences whose strength level is higher than yours. Those who are good at water will drown, 'Prophet' Zuer."

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