Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 683: The time has come, the whole army strikes

The so-called prophets are just people who have the talent to see the timeline, and the future timeline they can observe is actually extremely limited.

Even Velen, who has led the people to flee for tens of thousands of years, can only see the future for a short period of time, and because of different human choices, the direction of the future will be ever-changing.

People with prophetic abilities are easily bound by future images.

For example, when they see that a relative will die in front of them in the next three days, their first subconscious thought is to save them.

But saving this relative may lead to the death of more relatives. The question is whether to save or not.

As the saying goes, the less you know, the happier you are.

Prophets who have insight into the future often fall into the choice of the future timeline and feel at a loss. Velen has also learned to interfere with the future as little as possible after experiencing the painful experience of saving A from B to J, or saving B from C to Z.

Compared with Velen, who has tens of thousands of years of experience and wisdom, Zul's life is only a few decades, and he is probably still at the stage of being complacent about the ability of the prophet.

As the great guardian who was empowered by Aman'Thul himself, the power of time mastered by the father of the gods was also instilled in Raiden.

Although Raiden can't freely shuttle between timelines like the Bronze Dragon, it is still very easy to interfere with Zul's predictive effect in a small range.

Thinking in another way, Andrea can easily guess Zuul's mode of action.

People with prophetic abilities would subconsciously take a peek at the future before making any decisions. For example, before Zur entered the Valley of the Emperors, he would definitely check to see if there was any danger in the valley.

Once the safety of the future period is confirmed, Zul will continue to implement the plan without hesitation, but he does not know that the future he sees is deliberately presented after being interfered by Raiden.

When the blown snow and dust in the valley gradually dissipated, Andrea suddenly felt a sense of alertness in his heart. Some kind of high-level existence suddenly descended on the Valley of the Emperors.


A strong wind was brought in to blow away the remaining floating objects in the valley, and Andrea saw the humanoid Loa who was comfortably absorbing the soul at a glance.



The **** of death, Luo Abangsandy, spread his hands cynically, "Long time no see, night elf demigod, I just came here to collect the reward as agreed, it shouldn't hinder your plan, right?"

'Agreement? remuneration? '

Andrea narrowed his eyes, weighed things up and stopped Raiden's attack, nodded slowly and said, "Forget it, the situation in Pandaria is already clear, you'd better go back and inform your 'employer' to withdraw from this place as soon as possible." continent."

"Of course, of course~"

Bwonsamdi bowed nonchalantly and saluted, "Thanks to your help, I collected a lot of high-quality souls this time, hehe~ I'll go back and tell Rezan's little friend that his plan has failed."


Bwonsamdi vanished with a faint wave of energy, leaving only the soulless corpses of a large number of Zandalari trolls, including the Zandalari prophet Zul.

Raiden asked with some dissatisfaction, "Andrea, why did you stop me? The primitive **** took away the soul of the prophet just now, in case..."

"I know."

Andrea comforted with a smile, "Don't worry, the Zandalari are not our life and death enemies, I just hope to take this opportunity to hurt them, even if Zul can be resurrected by chance, his ability will be greatly reduced due to the loss of his original body .”


Andrea interrupted Layden's continued questioning, and said meaningfully, "Lai, do you still remember Odin's 'Reaper' Hela?"

Seeing Raiden's momentary stupefaction, Andrea shrugged his shoulders with a smile, "So, Bwonsamdi will still be useful in the future, so let's save his life for now, and treat him as a favor this time." Bar."

As a **** of death Loa who knows how to protect himself wisely, since Bwonsamdi dared to appear in front of Raiden, it proved that he was already prepared to escape when his face was torn apart.

Rather than making a move against Bwonsamdi when he is not sure that he can keep him, it is better to sell him a favor temporarily, and it will be much more convenient to ask him for help in the future.

With the Zandalari main force led by the Prophet Zul buried in the Valley of the Emperor, God King Rastakhan, who received a message from Bwonsamdi, immediately ordered the entire army to retreat, and brought the remnant army back to Zanda through the golden fleet that had not yet been attacked. La Island.

Pandaria is far away near the South Pole of Azeroth, far from the Arctic continent of Northrend.

The Zandalari, who had personally experienced this humiliation, would not brag about their failure, and could only retreat to their lair silently to lick their wounds.

However, even though they have recalled their main army, the Zandalari's support for Gurubashi and Amani has not stopped.

The frost trolls of Zul'dak were annoyed by Zandalar's persuasive lobbying. Driven by a strong desire to survive, the contemporary Drakkari chief sent people to obtain the connect.

The Drakkari troll revealed all the information about the Zandalar envoys. Nawaz quietly rushed out of the ground through the tunnel dug by Anubrekan, taking advantage of Zandalar's ignorance of the situation in Northrend. Eliminate tens of thousands of Zandalari "envoys" in one fell swoop.

The plan to demonstrate the strength of the Zandalari Empire was frustrated one after another. Even the night elves did not officially send troops to fight the Zandalari face-to-face. God King Rastakhan was somewhat autistic, and his ambition inevitably suffered a major blow.

The Gurubashi trolls are still fighting the Stormwind Kingdom in full swing in the Twilight Forest area. As far as the situation is concerned, the jungle trolls who have won the support of the Zandalari and temporarily united together temporarily have the upper hand.

However, what they were facing at this time was only the soldiers of one country of the Stormwind Kingdom. Seeing that the situation was not good, all countries in the alliance began to deploy troops to send support to the south.

In the Eastern Plaguelands, UU Reading relied on more than 200,000 rotten moss zombies as the vanguard, and the Amani and Zandalari coalition forces clashed with the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade.

Of course, this cannot avoid the diplomatic activities carried out by King Kael'thas behind the scenes. The Sun King is now trying to persuade the Forgotten, but this group of free undead who do not want to have too much contact with the living has not responded yet.

Although the war in Pandaria did not reach Loken's ears so quickly, Raiden and Andrea accelerated their original war preparations in order to avoid long nights and dreams.

The three night elf flying fleets scattered and attacked. Except for the second fleet staying in Pandaria Valley of Eternal Blossoms, the first and third fleets went to Uldum in the south of Kalimdor and the barren land in the middle of the eastern continent respectively.

In July of the 25th year of Hermen, Seres was about to give birth, and Andrea gave up going to the front line to command in person, and took the post of Anaxis as the central coordinator.

Under the command of Andrea, the three flying fleets successively carried "passengers" and took off from their respective passenger loading points, all aiming at the Northrend continent and moving at full speed.

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