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Chapter 746: suggestion box

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This sleep, Lu Huaian slept very soundly.

Once the talent market in Bohai City is implemented, the follow-up work will be better carried out.

After all, in several big cities, Bohai Dingzhou is the completion of the talent market that he took over, which is a very impressive achievement.

If other provinces want to become a talent market in the future, compared with other companies, their chances of winning will be much higher.

By the time he woke up, it was already afternoon.

Watching him go downstairs, Shen's mother, who was teasing the child, got up quickly: "Are you awake? Are you hungry? I've warmed your meal for you, and Lei tea. Which would you like to eat?"

He raised his hand and looked at his watch, it was half past two, neither too early nor too late.

Now that I have eaten, I can't eat at night.

Lu Huai'an smiled: "Then let's make tea. It doesn't need to be hot, just cold."

"How about that, I'll warm you up a little, warm, okay?"

When the weather is hot, young people like to drink hot, but the taste of cold tea is not very good.


Lu Huai'an saw it when the tea was brought up, "Mom, you made it with your own hands."

"Yeah." Shen's mother threw him a large handful of fried peanuts, grabbed another, and ground it finely on the table next to him.

Red-skinned peanuts are eaten directly, and they will be a little oily when soaked in Lei tea.

Therefore, it has to be slowly and carefully ground, and the skin is torn off, so that the taste will be full of fragrance.

She remembered Lu Huai'an's little habits clearly.

Lu Huai'an drank the tea full of warmth.

He didn't rush upstairs to see Hou Shangwei's results, but squinted his eyes and savored it with enjoyment.

Very satisfied.

Shen's mother next to him happily watched him drink, and added more when he finished drinking.

After drinking and going upstairs, Hou Shangwei was still busy with his notebook.

"How's it going?" Lu Huai'an walked over and saw that he had written a lot of content in his notebook.

Hou Shangwei looked up to see him and smiled: "It's only a draft now, I'll have to sort it out carefully..."

"Yeah." Lu Huai'an didn't rush him. Seeing that he was studying the map with his head down, he reached out and picked up the notebook.

I have to say that Hou Shangwei really understands his point.

For each piece of land, he made a rough division according to the surrounding environment and suitable direction.

Build factories here and build high-rise buildings there.

Then make a rough estimate based on the surrounding situation.

Use this to find the best value for money.

There is no problem with this idea, but the process may be a little complicated in the early stage.

Lu Huai'an nodded, approving: "Well done."

It's good, it's exactly the same idea as him.

"I'm thinking, if we get our thoughts straight, we'll be more sure of getting the land later."

Instead of blindly running to shoot, after shooting and then thinking about what to do.

In the past, when they bought land, what they wanted to do, they went to buy land only when they had to buy land.

This is actually quite passive. Before, there were vacancies everywhere, so I didn’t worry about not being able to buy them.

But now that development is being carried out everywhere, the land will not change, it will become less and less.

What if I can't buy a suitable land in the future?

Lu Huai'an snorted and nodded, "I really have to plan ahead."

"I made an estimate, and it will probably be sorted out at night." Hou Shangwei frowned slightly, and was reluctant to leave: "Mr. Lu, can you ask Xiao Xu to run for me and help me go to the hotel to repay the fee?"

He was originally going to change the hotel, but the hotel he is staying in is a bit noisy at night, and his new hotel has been booked.

But he doesn't want to leave now, his thoughts are disrupted, and if he wants to enter the state again, he is afraid that he will waste a lot of time.

"Okay, it's okay, I'll let him bring your luggage over." Lu Huai'an patted him on the shoulder and let him continue to work: "I want to go out, you can just stay here, I'll let Brother Mao arrange it for you. room."

The Shen family gets along very well, so there is no need to worry about embarrassment.

Although a little embarrassed, Lu Huai'an convinced Hou Shangwei in the end.

Let him work in the study by himself, and Lu Huai'an came out directly.

After making arrangements for Xiao Xu's side, Lu Huai'an was still thinking about it, and when he was about to go out, he received a call from Gong Hao.

"I've arrived at Bohai." Gong Hao's voice was a little low, saying that he couldn't explain something on the phone, so he could only say it face to face.

"Huh?" Lu Huai'an was surprised, he just arranged Xiao Xu out.

Forget it, he paused: "Stand there and don't move, I'll come pick you up."

Anyway, there is still a car, so it's not like he can't drive it.

He really didn't expect that Gong Hao would suddenly run over.

After receiving it, Lu Huaian was surprised in the car: "What's wrong? Is there anything urgent?"

"Well." Gong Hao took out a document from his bag with a solemn expression: "I received news today that someone has reported several of our factories in a row."

Tsk, Lu Huai'an frowned, "Is it pollution again?"


It's all trivial things, and some are even fake.

Mainly because of this kind of bombardment and indiscriminate treatment, people are a little overwhelmed.

"For example, this blueprint we bought before, he reported that we didn't have the information to use the blueprint of a state-owned enterprise... and this, didn't we donate to the primary school, this person reported that the quality of our primary school was not good enough..."

The quality is impossible to pass, and they went to the site to see it when it was built.

All procedures are compliant, and even the construction cost is slightly higher than the usual teaching building, because all the best materials are used.

"You also know that the teaching building at that time, after it was built, didn't taste very heavy."

The glass is also very good. At that time, many people's home windows were covered with paper.

Lu Huai'an nodded calmly and took a deep breath: "You put it away first, and I'll take a closer look when I get there."

It's inconvenient to drive here.

"Okay." Gong Hao neatly put everything away and explained: "Because things are a bit complicated and messy, and there are people reporting it on Bo Hai's side, I think that you and Assistant Hou are here. Come over and discuss with you guys together and see how to deal with it."

This method is sinister enough, no matter whether it is true or false, it is to pick out the mistakes first.

Even if it is to investigate and verify, it will take a certain amount of time.

"But in this time period, we have no idea what they want to do."

If you are afraid, you are afraid. If you are led by the nose, you will miss a major event.

Thinking about it, Lu Huai'an couldn't help but chuckle: "It's a little courageous."

According to his current status, the one who dares to come up and flirt with the tiger's beard is really bold and fat.

"That's it."

Thinking of this, Gong Hao couldn't help but sigh deeply.

The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light.

Kind of tricky...

After arriving, the suitcase was not taken upstairs, and was thrown in the living room casually.

Mother Shen wanted to make tea, but Lu Huai'an said no, and went straight upstairs.

Seeing them coming in, Hou Shangwei was a little surprised: "Manager Gong..."

Why is he here?

"Something is wrong..."

The three sat down and talked about the matter, Hou Shangwei's face was also a little dignified.

This is obviously coming from them, he said solemnly: "This, it feels like a random pick..."

There is no specific scope, and no precise direction.

You can't even figure out the other party's intentions.

Lu Huai'an lit a cigarette and said slowly, "What's going on in Nanping recently?"

"No...what's going on..." Gong Hao pondered attentively, hesitating: "Well, we are all doing things step by step..."

The talent market has entered a normal state, and now they don't need to intervene every month. How to arrange it before can be done now, and there is no need to worry about it.

They still get the money they deserve, and they have special talents, and their group has the right to choose.

This is already good, and it doesn't prevent Lu Huaian from running around.

"As for pollution, aren't Chen Yizhi and the others dismantling the equipment here... The factory is also rushing to work, preparing to finish..."

After all, to replace all the equipment at the rear with new ones, the old ones have to be removed.

The factory has to be stopped, and the orders already being made must be completed in one trip.

Otherwise, in batches, the clothes are likely to be uneven, and it is not easy to cross at that time.

"So, it doesn't exist because we don't care about the pollution, and the other party is not satisfied..."

Lu Huai'an lowered his eyes and slowly flipped through the documents.

Indeed, as Gong Hao said, the reports were all trivial matters.

Some are fake, some are innocuous.

Even for some things, they are willing to cooperate with the investigation, but the above may not be willing to send someone.

But if you let it go, you are afraid that you will lose the big because of the small.

Casually flipping through it, Lu Huai'an snorted and threw the thing back on the table.

Gong Hao frowned and looked at him hesitantly: "We are too passive now... This, should we check or not?"

"Check." Lu Huai'an pinched out the cigarette and said coldly, "Everyone has come to the door, so we must cooperate."

Not only to check, but to check with great fanfare.

Show their attitude and let everyone know that their Xin'an Group is the most law-abiding.

"By the way, we set up a supervision department and asked reporters to take a picture, saying that all the assets under the name of our Xin'an Group are willing to accept everyone's supervision."

"This..." Gong Hao felt that it was useless.

Lu Huai'an hummed, and he also knew that it was useless: "It's just like that."

That's fine, Gong Hao nodded said that he would make arrangements when he went back.

"Also..." Lu Huaian paused with his fingers on the armrest of the chair, and said solemnly, "There seems to be a space under the stairs in the office, right?"

That empty space was when Guo Ming was there, in order to carry out the image project, he planned to promote it to various companies.

Gong Hao quickly reacted and nodded: "Yes, we haven't done it before, so no one else has done it, and it's still empty now."

"Use it." Lu Huai'an smiled, took out a pen, and scratched on the paper: "Find someone to make something like this... It looks like 1.23 meters... Don't be too wide, make it like a mailbox ... the red box."

What are you doing with this thing? Putting such a thing, it's still red, and it doesn't match, right?

If it is really useful, put it in that position, and it is not conspicuous enough...

Gong Hao was inexplicable: "This..."

What is this for?

"Write three words on it, suggestion box." Lu Huai'an smiled and said meaningfully: "Don't write the name of our group, and don't do anything superfluous, understand?"

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