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Chapter 747: share 1 happiness

Suggestion box?

"Understood." Gong Hao was stunned, but quickly reacted: "You mean..."

He thought about it carefully and felt that this method was really good.

However, Hou Shangwei was a little confused: "Then if the above asks..."

"Don't explain." Lu Huai'an raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled: "That corner was originally reserved for us."

Sun Hua wouldn't ask, he just said hello when he turned around.

If the leaders above inspected it in the past and happened to see it, it would be said that they were Xin'an Group in order to collect everyone's opinions.

Usually, no one explains and doesn't need to say anything.

"This method is good!" Gong Hao's eyes lit up and he smiled broadly, "I'll arrange it now!"

This person has reported so many errands, and if he doesn't get a response, there will definitely be something else.

Lu Huai'an snorted, and smiled deeply: "Don't he like to report? I'll let him report enough."

What's the point of reporting, isn't it? Write a letter.

The suggestion box is here. If you have an idea, you can only report it by writing a letter.

As long as you write a letter inside, you can always find some clues, and sooner or later you can find someone out.

"Of course, if the content he reported here is true, he has to change it quickly." Lu Huai'an thought about it and looked at the stack of documents: "Especially in more important places, such as sewage equipment, it must be done as soon as possible. Intend."

Can't someone knock on the door, only to find that the fence has not been repaired.

"Okay, I understand."

Gong Hao raised the corners of his lips and smiled happily.

I have to say, Lu Huai'an's method is really powerful.

He couldn't stand it any longer. For these small problems, just pick them up!

Now he just wants to get back to Nanping, and quickly tidy up the suggestion box!

Knowing what he was thinking, Lu Huai'an couldn't help laughing: "Don't rush to leave, just in time, Assistant Hou and I are discussing the development of Bohai side, when he finishes sorting out the information, we will have a meeting together to discuss it. ."

"Okay." This was indeed a serious matter, and Gong Hao readily agreed.

But he won't forget about the suggestion box.

When Hou Shangwei was dealing with the matter, he called back and asked his assistant to get the suggestion box right away.

This box is not difficult to find. It happens to have a large box mailbox. It is a postal service. It has been banned in two places, and there are two empty boxes left.

The assistant bought it directly and used it to paint it red.

Don't say it, write three words on the suggestion box, and stand in the corner under the stairs. It's quite like that.

I don't usually hit the eye, at least it won't get in the way.

But as long as you stay in the hall for a while, you will always catch a glimpse from the corner of your eye.

The word is also quite clear, the key is that the location is relatively remote, and it is also convenient for others to send anonymous letters.

After putting this suggestion box in, the people in the office also asked a question.

Assistant Gong Hao is also very interesting, saying that their Xin'an Group has recently received a lot of suggestions from citizens, so in order to spread the word, they specially set up this suggestion box.

In this case, other people can mention any opinions and suggestions, and it is absolutely safe to mention them as they want.

After everyone listened to it, they agreed, and felt that they valued everyone's feedback, which was really good.

However, some people went to tell Sun Hua that it was actually a little inappropriate for them.

After all, this suggestion box is in the office. What if someone misunderstands it?

If Xin'an Group wants to release it, it should be released at the entrance of Xin'an Group's headquarters.

Sun Hua was about to hold a meeting at the time, without lifting his eyelids: "Xin'an Group is headquartered in Beifeng."

Absolutely not. Someone here in Nanping wants to make a comment, so they have to make a special trip to Beifeng, right?

Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning was still in place.

Although some people still felt that this was a little inappropriate, they stopped talking.

So, the suggestion box was just put there.

No one said what this thing was for, and no one said who built it.

All in all, if you have an opinion, just write it, and the leader will read it and give feedback when you have time.

Lu Huai'an also stated that if someone "miscasts" in the future, it is not a letter to them from Xin'an Group, they will definitely send it to the office.

In this case, the others have nothing to say.

On the Bohai side, Gong Hao didn't plan to talk about it on paper.

"These plans are just documents. I think if you want to confirm the specific situation, you'd better go to the site to see it."

Lu Huai'an quite agrees with his point of view.

Therefore, these days Hou Shangwei followed them around while tidying up.

The entire Bohai City was divided into four pieces by them.

Across the river, Bohai itself is divided into two sections.

As for Lu Huaian and the others, it was further subdivided.

"This is the first section. There are many factories here, so the environment in this section is not very good, and it is not suitable for living."

Therefore, if you cannot buy land to build a house here, the investment is of little significance.

The other three sections focus on education, companies, light industry, etc., and the investment is more meaningful.

"Then in the second section, there is a large area for landmark buildings. I heard that construction is already underway."

Therefore, the surrounding area is not suitable for building houses. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the place close to the airport: "Near the airport, the height of the building is limited."

As a result, their options are greatly reduced.

Lu Huaian pointed to the third and fourth sections: "These two places are more cost-effective to invest."

In particular, there is a piece of land here. It is located in the middle of a large supermarket and enterprise group. It is really a golden treasure. It is rare that the area is not small.

"Don't say anything else, take this piece of land first." Lu Huai'an tapped on the table with his fingers, and said firmly, "While no one is coveting it now."

Hou Shangwei nodded and pondered: "It's just that when we went to see it yesterday, there are supermarkets and various stores here. They are still under planning and have not yet begun to be built."

"Don't worry about him."

Speaking of which, many places are still paddy fields.

Bohai was originally just a small coastal city, and it was only a small circle that developed.

That's why we need to engage in development. What was behind in the past does not mean that we will be behind in the future.

Gong Hao thought for a while, then sighed again: "Alas, we're still a little tighter now."

If it wasn't for the construction of a headquarters, a new laboratory, and a talent market, they would have bought all the land that Bohai looked up to!

How wonderful that would be!

"Dream it, it's more realistic." Lu Huai'an hit him mercilessly and sneered: "Earth, there's no end to it, Bohai likes it, Beifeng likes it, Beifeng likes it, and Wuhai likes it. ?"

The country is so big, is it possible to buy all the good land?

"I don't have the money to develop it if I buy it. Sigh, let's forget it." Gong Hao thought, shook his head, and sighed: "I still have to work hard to make money!"

Just work hard to make money!

With money, the chicken can produce the egg.

Looking back, looking at Chen Yizhi, who is only going to spend a lot of money, Gong Hao couldn't help but get angry.

After he returned to Nanping, the first thing he did was to see the equipment.

Good guy, Chen Yizhi didn't do anything this month, so he concentrated on dismantling the equipment. This equipment is about to be installed, and he hasn't restored it yet.

Chen Yizhi was quite amused. Seeing him, he waved his hand happily: "Brother Hao! Here we go! Just in time, there are a few documents for you to sign!"

Just look it up, it's all about money.

"Hey..." Lu Huaian was really used to them so much, how could other companies be willing to spend so much money to support a laboratory.

"That's not because they don't want to support it." Chen Yizhi understood it quite well, and said in a plausible manner: "They can't afford it."

"..." Why did you rob him of what he wanted to say? Gong Hao had nothing to do with him, so he could only weakly urge them to speed up: "The order for the parts factory here is almost completed, and these equipment will have to be replaced in two days."

Chen Yizhi nodded happily, and said neatly, "Don't worry, we're almost done with our research!"

It has to be said that these people have different brains.

A few of them researched this equipment over and over again, disassembled it, installed it, and disassembled it, and they really made a name for it.

"Tsk, the principle is actually quite simple, but..."

After receiving the call, Lu Huai'an's head was big: "Yizhi, alright, alright, as long as there is something to gain..."

Don't tell him these professional things, he doesn't understand at all, okay?

Chen Yizhi closed his mouth angrily and sighed, "I don't want to share my happiness with you."

"..." Well, quite happy.

Lu Huaian repeatedly stated that he supports all their actions.

So, the next day, Chen Yizhi and the others started to make some changes to the new equipment.

Hearing the news, Gong Hao, who went to the scene specially to see it, saw them cut a brand new pipe into two pieces as soon as he arrived.

He almost didn't mention it in one breath, his eyes widened: "You guys, what are you doing!?"

This is brand new equipment! Newly imported from abroad!

Forget about researching and researching it Now it has been cut into two pieces, what else is there to study? Can you put it back on! ?

"Oh, it's alright, we found that this set of equipment is still used by others, and its performance has not been maximized." Chen Yizhi looked at the drawing and said lightly: "Don't worry, President Lu agreed."

Heh, I usually call him Brother Lu, but when it comes to this, it's President Lu again.

Gong Hao closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said carefully, "Can you really pretend?"

"Really." When Chen Yizhi saw him approaching, he raised his eyebrows: "Don't believe me? Do you want me to disassemble that set of equipment and show it to you, and I can put it back on right away."

"...No, no, no!" Gong Hao quickly stopped him, persuading him not to: "You guys are busy first, ah, that set of equipment doesn't need to be touched, get this set right first!"

I am really afraid of him, this is his ancestor!

If it is broken, where can he go to get a set of equipment!

Lu Huai'an was quite calm, let him not worry: "Chen Yizhi doesn't brag, trust him."

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