114 – Not enough effort! Not enough!!

On the way back to the academy after leaving the imperial palace.

Kyle let out a deep sigh as she remembered what had happened.

Those who dared not achieve it with noble efforts, but tried to become stronger with drugs.

They said they would catch them all and imprison them in the Imperial Prison, but some jumped out.

Even the reason I missed it was completely unacceptable.

“… Fuck.”

I feel like I’m in a bad mood. Stress rises rapidly.

I believed it at best, but to say ‘I couldn’t stop it because of the monster’.

‘It’s a shame because it’s just me.

Lea and Leah are absolutely not violent.

It is said to be extremely strong, but he does not wield it relentlessly.

Still, she would have raised her fist if she had heard the news.

It’s already a situation that’s pissed off enough, but the emperor suddenly tries to turn the happiness circuit.

The roiders were west, so Jon Nassen headed west.

So if those roiders go south, John Nasendo go south? With the content.

No matter how fast the muscles are, the brain is absolutely not a muscle.

As a person like him, of course, John Nassen also does what he thinks.

Otherwise, I cannot be in a position to lead the people there.

The power roiders that got in the way were removed with their own hands.

I went home believing that the Empire and the Alliance would take care of the rest.

If you say you missed them all, ‘I went south, so please go south and catch me!’

Could you go south and catch them just because you’re crazy?

Even if they go to catch them, they will properly show their disappointment to the Alliance and the Empire before that.

And you already know how to show that disappointment.

“You worked really hard today.”

The man in his carriage talks to him quietly.

I wondered if Yulica was going with me on the way back.

Fortunately, this time someone else took her place.

‘Better than Princess Yulica… It’s a bit more comfortable. It’s rather uncomfortable.’

It would have been a little easier if I just attached an imperial knight or an agent from the Ministry of Special Affairs.

The man who is riding in the carriage now, simply accompanying him to see him off, is Logan Stefan.

Yes. The emperor had attached this person who was at the top 10 of the empire to see him off.

Yulika was rather similar in age. But not Logan.

I don’t know exactly, but I’m definitely over 40. This is for sure

There is nothing more embarrassing than being treated with respect by such a person.

“Can I ask you a question?”

A question is good, but can you just say it casually?

It’s very inconvenient to hear such a thing from someone the same age as your uncle.

“Yes, tell me anything.”

“Maybe. Maybe it is With this incident, John Nassen will come to the Empire again….”

Why are you asking such a question all of a sudden? The moment I think of it.

Come to think of it, this man named Logan Stefan is a person who has visited John Nassen several times.

I probably didn’t head there simply because I was bored with the top 10 empires.

If a strong person like this had visited, the people in my hometown wouldn’t have let go.

When I take a quick look at it, I can see the pity on my face.

Exactly. That expression was that of someone suffering from something.

And it was obvious without looking at what he was suffering from.

“I don’t think so.”


Aren’t you overjoyed? Listening Jon Nassen sadly.

Because of this, you want to say, ‘Oh, I can actually come.’

“Yes. It probably won’t move for a while for any reason.”

At this time, there is a very cheerful festival in Jon Nassen.

And for the monsters living around, a very terrible disaster movie unfolds.

The ‘hunting festival’ is where you hunt monsters for three days, but one important point here.

Monsters must be caught with bare hands. Tools should not be used.

And the weak are excluded. You must catch strong monsters.

In that way, you can figure out your level of training.

In addition, if there is something lacking, I train intensively in that area.

It was a hunting festival, but at the same time, it was also an evaluation of oneself.

‘So, who would want to move from their hometown?’

Perhaps the reason Lear and Leah rushed back was because of the hunting festival.

The other day, when he said he dealt with an ogre with his bare hands, the rivalry in their eyes burned.

Obviously, when I go back, ‘Kyle! Brother! Sister! I caught an ogre with one hand!’.

“I am very fortunate. I’m so glad.”

Logan didn’t know that, and repeated that over and over again with a relieved face.

It was a very clear indication of how much I suffered when I went to John Nassen.


It feels like stepping on poop after going there with a happy heart. Damn it

Grumbling, Kyle headed straight to the gymnasium.

When you’re so annoyed, it’s best to relieve yourself with exercise.


The moment you open the door and enter, Kyle’s face contorts once again.

I wondered who was exercising until this late, but it was none other than Ian.

Even next to him was Leto whimpering while doing barbell dead.

“… What, until this late hour?”

“I was working out.”

Well, there’s definitely no sign of cheating.

It tells us that the muscles that are wriggling in full swing are never in a state of rest.

Although Leto is not very heavy, he is doing his posture well.

“It’s okay. Working hard is a good thing.”

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John Nassen is infinitely merciful to those who work hard and those who exercise.

Even Kyle could not be free from the John Nassen Law.

“Kyle. I have one favor to ask of you.”

It’s obvious what you’re asking. I’ll ask you to do sparring again.

Originally, he would have told me not to mess around and to exercise calmly.

How are you talking about sparring while you are still below the level?

But today, for some reason, I didn’t feel that way.

I’d rather do Ian’s favor. It’s true that I’ve been working hard lately.

By the way, I’m in a really bad mood today, so I want to loosen up a bit.

‘Because he’s the main character anyway, he kills the growth modifier. If I do it in real life, I’ll never know.’

Yes. It is something that cannot be ignored forever.

He’s the main character of a novel, so it wouldn’t be bad to treat him once.

“Okay. Let’s stick together today.”

“I keep getting out of balance while doing squats… What?”

Ian actually wanted to ask about the barbell squat posture.

The answer that came back was to start sparring, which is surprising.

“Wait a minute, Kyle. Really? Are you really going to spat?”

“Not if you don’t like it.”

“No! Absolutely don’t like it It’s okay to do it right now.”

The confrontation between Kyle and Ian happened so suddenly.

The decision was made so hastily that it was Ian who took up a wooden sword rather than a real sword.

However, both of them didn’t give a damn about that part.

If you reach a certain level, even a branch will become a sharp sword.

“Let’s do this, Ian. Your victory condition is if that wooden sword touches me.”

It was a very embarrassing condition from the listener’s point of view.

If Ian was in the past, I would have frowned at the situation saying I couldn’t accept it.

But now Ian was different. No reaction whatsoever

In just one month, people have completely changed.

“What are the defeat conditions?”

On the contrary, he even asks about the conditions for defeat in a calm manner.

“The moment you think you’ve lost yourself.”

“Okay. Do that.”

As soon as the words were finished, Ian raised his sword.

It’s like a thunderbolt. Leto, who was watching from the side, stood up in amazement.

However, facing the attack, Kyle only slightly twisted his body to avoid it.



Rather, Ian took a direct hit from Kyle’s counterattack and stepped back.

Even calling it a counterattack is ambiguous. All I did was punch it with my fist.

Even so, it was Ian who was fiddling with my chest, as if the shock was quite big.

“It’s not the end, is it?”

“Of course.”

This time, a slash attack. The wooden sword is drawn diagonally from top to bottom.

Even though it is a wooden sword, you can feel something terrifying in its path.

Even Leto, who didn’t know much about swords, felt that energy.

The problem is, there are things more terrifying than that gruesome attack.


Kyle was able to hit the wooden sword with his hand, even if it was a blunt weapon.

Precisely strikes the blade and disperses the energy that has been gathering.

Thanks to this, Ian’s sword, which had lost more than half its strength, staggered and got tangled in the air.


Ian let out a drool and looked at Kyle as he returned the sword.

I know, but there is no corner to enter. Even if you can see it, you can’t do anything.

I know it too accurately. I am reading everything myself.


As Kyle flicks his hand, Leto, who has been watching the situation, looks worried.

If there’s one thing I learned from working out with Lee Ahn recently, it’s that Ian has great pride in his skills, and his pride is strong.

It is the nature of these people that they cannot tolerate being insulted.

And Kyle’s hand gesture was enough to be taken as such an insult.


But for some reason, Ian seemed unconcerned.

I could feel the coolness in his sunken eyes, but it wasn’t anger.


Ian, who has been fully seated, delivers another blow.

It’s faster than before. More powerful And sharper!

Even if it’s not a real sword, even if it’s just a wooden sword.

It is equally dangerous. It is at a level that can be used for lethal purposes.

As it flew so dangerously, Leto involuntarily stood up once more.


However, the next scene unfolded was Ian stretched out on his seat.


Ian sighed and moved on.

Looking at the main character, Kyle was in the middle of a conflict.


I am worried. Really worried Should I say this or not.

I feel like a real idiot when I do it, but my mouth is itching to go crazy if I don’t do it again.

‘I think I know why they always say things like this in shonen comics.’

I finally understand the feelings of the people who said this and the characters.

I wasn’t trying to be cool, I wasn’t boasting that I was great.

I’m just really stumped. These words seemed to come naturally.

After finally making up his mind, Kyle tutted and clicked his tongue before opening his mouth.


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