115 – Not enough effort! Not enough!!

Three times, just three times. The number of times exchanges were exchanged. Only three times.

If it was like the others, the number of times would have been less than the warm-up level.

But after only three times, Ian realized the gap between himself and Kyle again.

‘As expected, it’s still a long way off. I’m far, far away.’

If I was my old self, my pride would have been hurt and I would have rushed once more.

It’s clear. It would have stayed that way. He couldn’t have admitted defeat.

That petty pride, pride, yes. Because of them

“Are you going to do more?”

Ian shook his head at Kyle’s question in front of him.

I definitely knew my level. I also desperately realized the height of the mountain I wanted to climb.

If I had been myself in the past, I would have gritted my teeth and tried again, but not anymore.

I know that is foolish. I know that it’s just arrogance, that it’s a stupid person’s arrogance.

Ian stood up from his seat and exhaled.

It feels like the heavy weight he has been carrying on his chest has decreased a bit.

I don’t think it’s too bad for being defeated.

‘It’s not like I didn’t gain anything at all.’

I was able to know more specific and detailed information than


Where am I standing, and where is my opponent standing?

How much more do I have to work to get there!

“Thank you for hanging out for a while, Kyle.”

“It was nothing.”

Kyle thought as he looked at Ian who quietly withdrew.

As expected, he is the main character. If it had been a different supporting character, I would have run again with evil.

I couldn’t admit my defeat, and I couldn’t throw away my pride, and I would have repeated foolish things.

To think that he had grown up in such a short period of time and had an eye for the next.

‘I’m sure the people of Jon Nassen would clap if they saw it.’

Applause for those who show desirable changes.

For those who couldn’t, a beating containing regret.

It is precisely because of this manner of behavior that all of John Nassen are human beings.

“Next. Leto.”

“… Yes?”

“What are you doing? Don’t stand in front of me.”

“You mean me too? I’m not saying anything….”

“It’s not an opportunity that just comes. Stop talking and hurry up.”

Then Leto stood in the middle of the outdoor arena, hesitant.

You can clearly see what will happen just by looking at it.

“I don’t eat it. What are you so nervous about?”

“I don’t eat them. But isn’t that right, Kyle?

Ooh. Do you do well without hesitating what to say now?

Until now, it was frustrating because I kept not showing it through actions and words.

“Today is different. I won’t use my hands or feet. You just have to stand there.”

“It’s not like throwing something or anything like that.”

“If you throw it, can you dodge it? I don’t think I can.”

Leto said no to Kyle’s words and drool.

“I made it clear. To just stand still Oh, don’t worry about anything. Because this side will just stand still.”

“What are you talking about….”

Without finishing his words, Leto froze in place.

At the same time, even Ian, who was standing quietly behind, became very nervous as his complexion suddenly hardened.

Something unusual flows from Kyle, who is looking at Leto.

Something that makes your spine run cold just by looking at it, something you want to run away from right away.

But it was also something that I couldn’t even lift a finger.

‘What, what.’


It’s like watching lightning strike like crazy. It seems like a huge fire is in front of you.

It feels like I am facing something grotesque that I cannot dare to resist as a human being.

Only then did Leto understand.

Why did Kyle tell him to just stand still?

She’s not going to write anything, so she just told me to hold on.


‘The situation was just right today.’

When I think of the past, anger still burns.

What the drug lords missed, the reason was that they were blocked by monsters.

No matter what it is, it’s a sound that explodes inside. That’s why the clothes are reversed.

Thanks to that, it was very comfortable to draw emotions. It was very natural.

Because just thinking about it makes my annoyance and anger soar!


Unlike Ian, who didn’t express himself and held on, Leto was having a hard time.

Unlike Ian, who struggled with monsters and wandered around, but got used to it.

It was a natural result since he lived in the Grand Duke’s family where the best working conditions were created.

‘I thought this was possible in any shonen manga.’

Did you say it was to live, or was it some kind of pressure?

Anyway, there was a scene where the opponent’s momentum changed drastically and he endured in front of him.

Because it’s a manga, I thought it would be possible because it’s a manga.

No matter how frightening a person may be, how can the same person be immobilized?

I wondered if I would be paralyzed to the point that I couldn’t even move.

‘But voila. It really happened.’

I still remember the situation at that time clearly in my head.

That scene was more terrifying than any nightmare, more terrifying than any catastrophe.

When the newly imported equipment was actually nothing more than a stand.

Baron John Nassen, I still remember the look on his father’s face.

“It was an ineffective device. Thanks to this, I wasted time and lost muscle.”

There was no such thing as a demon.

No, rather, the demon will see it and run away without looking back.

What kind of people are there? Crying out that someone worse than Satan is here!

In front of him, not only Kyle, but also Lear, Leah, and the people in the castle who were exercising together.

As if it had been promised, they all stopped ironing and looked at Baron John Nassen.

Those Jon Nassen people, who never stopped training under any circumstances!

To that extent, the expression Baron John Nassen was making, the momentum he was exuding, were not human.

I knew it right then. What I saw in cartoons wasn’t just fiction.

It is possible to kill a person with the look in your eyes.

“Turn off, turn off….”

It was not difficult to reproduce similarly to the situation at the time.

Like it or not, after all, you are John Nassen’s person. Because he is the son of Baron John Nassen.

“Huh, huh….”

Hold on, hold on. Leto. If you’re a man, hold on tight with both legs.

You’re used to the pain of the body now. Then your heart can be hardened too.

The less fear of pain, the less courage you have.

I must have gotten immune to the pain without realizing it while being beaten enough.

If so, you can endure this fear without pain.


Take a sneak peek at Leto’s situation. It’s holding up better than expected.

I thought I would pass out right away with crab foam. I thought I was going to sit down with my legs shaking.

Even while his eyes are constantly shaking, he manages to give them strength.

I even thought about putting on a more serious expression in this state.

I think you just have to imagine not being able to catch those roiders.

But if you do, you could end up with a really ugly situation.

Let’s do this. Yes. This was enough for a normal person to endure.

We must protect Leto’s dignity. It is a bit wrong to force black history here.

Slowly return the distorted expression to its original state.

I try to put aside the union work and Mathieu’s words that were filled in my head.

Cleanly cleans up even the vicious roaring energy.

“… Huh! Ugh!”


Only then, Leto sat down and let out a rough breath.

Ian, who was standing in the back, also returned to his normal state of expression, which had been getting tired of being blue.

“How are you, Leto?”

“Eh, yes?”

“Did you stand still until I finished?”

At Kyle’s question, Leto just stared blankly at him.

Was I standing there? It must have started like that, but I can’t remember.

I have no feeling in my legs. No, I don’t remember anything from a moment ago.

It looks as if it has been cut into a bunch by something sharp.

The unconscious oblivion of a person thrown into extreme fear and fear.

That was what influenced Leto.

“Now, I’m not sure. Kyle. Was I, was I standing?”

“It’s difficult if you can’t remember. I should have caught it. Body and mind.”

“That… how….”

“Actually, I endured well. Quite a lot. Right, Ian?”

Ian nods slowly.

As he said, Leto persevered. It was ‘barely’, but I endured it anyway.

“It is still not enough. Push harder So, so that I can maintain my composure in any situation, whatever happens, do all the exercises first, and then solve it.”

I wanted to ask why there was talk of exercise, but I held back.

If that happened, it looked like Kyle’s spicy fist would fly.

“There is not enough effort. Even if it is insufficient, it is too insufficient. Ian, do you agree?”

“… Admit it. I will have to work harder.”

“You too, Leto. If you can’t do it like Ian, at least your mind should be alive. Isn’t it?”

“Yes, it seems so.”

It seems like they did everything they could.

Since Kyle was saying that again, I had no choice but to agree.

Because the level Kyle has achieved is very high? Because he’s a very strong man? No, that’s not it.

“Actually, you know. I feel very bad. Seriously, I think I’m going to do something with my eyes wide open. That’s why I want you to work twice, no, three times harder than you do now and make progress that much faster. I think that would make me a little happier.”

Unfortunately, even our saintess is doing 15 push-ups.

What if boys are still acting like this? These idiots

If it’s not 3 weeks, but 3 months, then you should make some definite progress.

That’s the biggest sincerity you can show to a trainer.

Looking at Kyle, who is smiling but not laughing at all.

Ian and Leto nodded their heads nervously.

It was the moment when she saw a demon in Kyle, who always seemed to be kind.

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