Becoming a Saint by Leisure Reading

Vol 2 Chapter 113: Taiping Academy

As Chen Luo stepped down from the high jade platform, he was no longer seen in the images transmitted by the array.

Ye Dafu's voice came from the high platform.

"Is it powerful? Is it majestic? This is my big brother!"

"Don't think that there are only dead men in my line of King Jing, and I will recognize my elder brother!"

"I'm not afraid! I'll kill you!"

Ye Dafu waved at Chen Luo while shouting at the surrounding Wang Sun Guizhou.

"Brother, mighty! I asked my father to send a team of dead men to you!"

"Would you like to marry me at King Jing's mansion! I have a lot of princesses! You can wait three years for the oldest!"

Ye Heng rolled his eyes.

Too embarrassing for the royal family.

He gave Hou An a wink, Hou An stretched out his hand, and a bold and upright strike landed on Ye Dafu's body.

Ye Dafu immediately seemed to be strangled by the throat.

The great Confucian supernatural power · Three keep his mouth shut!

The platform finally fell silent.

Chen Luo naturally heard Ye Dafu's words, but he ignored it.

He knew that Ye Dafu was kind, and he pulled King Jing's mansion behind him.

But, it's so embarrassing.

Forget it, can't hear, can't hear.

At this time, Chen Luo was in a good mood and had a clear mind.

You Qi was followed by two great Confucians who were in a positive mood, one left and one right followed by Wen Xiang and Fourth Senior Brother.

It's just staring at people.

Very steady when walking.

Even if he asks Ye Heng to get down from his seat now... he doesn't dare!

Float away, calm down.

Chen Luo quickly returned to his position as an earl who was at the back of the aristocratic seat.

Sending Chen Luo here was a sign of his attitude. Yan Baichuan patted Chen Luo on the shoulder and returned to the position of the prime minister on the high platform, but Song Tuizhi didn't leave and was still standing beside Chen Luo.

"Little Junior Brother, have you decided what to do next?" Song Tuizhi asked suddenly.

Chen Luo heard the words and nodded lightly. When he said "Martial Dao" on the high platform, he had already decided. In the next issue of "Daxuan Minbao", he will start to publish "Meridian Theory", and gradually release the information about the twelve serious meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians in the text that he has absorbed, so that all people who have given birth to the red dust can start. practice.

As for the Qi nourishing environment of the acupoints, Chen Luo intends to take a break for the time being. On the one hand, the reason why he can open the meridians quickly is that he takes advantage of the richness of the red dust. For others, the red dust that needs to be consumed to open the meridians needs to be accumulated for a period of time.

On the other hand, the seven hundred and two acupoints in the human body contain too complex and redundant information. He is the master of literacy, and he naturally grasps it with one click, but to tell this information, it requires a long learning process, not to mention the danger of rushing to fill the acupuncture points.

From "Sucking Stars**", Chen Luo found that the internal energy in this novel is essentially a method of studying the law of red dust qi running in the meridians. Different running methods will bring different effects, which will also involve different orifices with different functions. . Perhaps internal strength is the correct way for normal people to practice "Qi Yang Qi".

For example, Zuo Lengchan's Frost Palm in "The Swordsman" requires Frost Infuriating Qi. According to Chen Luo's guess, if you understand Frost Palm, you will be able to master the operation of the meridians that convert the red dust into Frost Infuriating Qi. Knowledge of laws and related orifices.

Of course, the higher the level of internal energy involved, the more meridians and acupoints involved, the more red dust energy that can be accommodated after cultivation, and the greater the potential.

Therefore, for people other than him, if you want to practice martial arts, mastering one internal skill is a basic score, mastering multiple internal skills is an improvement score, and exploring more acupoints other than internal skills is an additional score, which can be improved. Practitioner's limit.

No wonder this realm has seven hundred and twenty orifices, but only one hundred and eight orifices are needed to advance.

Seeing that Chen Luo knew something, Song Tuizhi didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Lin Huang Lei's Wu Lei finally began.


According to the restrictions of the demon clan, the one-on-one battle was adopted, with three people on each side, one defeated and the other continued to fight. It is a failure until all three of one party end.

Chen Luo glanced at him, he didn't know the three people sent by Wenchang Pavilion, but even he could feel the **** murderous aura on those three people.

Ji Zhong, who had already recovered his strength at this time, narrowed his eyes, leaned over to Chen Luo, and said, "Young Master, they are from Taiping Academy."

"Taiping Academy?"

"The only Northern Territory academy among the eight great academies in Daxuan." Ji Zhong said, "Did you see the three-inch short daggers on them?"

Chen Luo took a closer look and found that each of the three had a short, palm-sized dagger on his body, either tied to his arm, tied to his thigh, or pinned to his waist.

Chen Luo asked in confusion, "What is that?"

"Taiping Blade!" Ji Zhong said, seeming to remember something, "The Taiping Academy's unique technique 'Opening Taiping' can instantly increase the body's aura of righteousness, but the price is that the body can't hold it, and it will explode in an instant. Using the Taiping Blade, It can absorb the blood in the body and make room for righteousness.”

Chen Luo was shocked: "What about after that?"

"If you can't release the Haoran Righteous Qi in your body in time, your body will explode and die."

"If Haoran's righteousness is fully released, he will die of blood."

"The method of 'Opening Taiping' has already been made public, but only Taiping Academy will allow every Confucian scholar to practice."

"Taiping Academy does not focus on self-cultivation, governing the country, or pursuing the principles of heaven and earth. They have only one purpose."

"Open Taiping!"

Chen Luo looked at Ji Zhong: "Do you know them?"

Ji Zhong shook his head: "My enlightenment teacher is a student of Taiping Academy. I have seen him 'kai Taiping'."

Chen Luo froze for a moment and patted Ji Zhong's shoulder lightly.

At this time, the players of the demon clan also came out, and it was three wolf demons.

Chen Luo recognized at a glance that the last one was the wolf demon who sat on the throne of the demon clan like Bai Qingqing. After listening to Wei Yan's introduction, it was called Greedy Qu.

The first scholar who appeared on the stage was about 20 years old, with a striking scar on his face from the left eye to the right jaw. Facing the wolf demon in front of him, he was arrogant and upright, shouting: Wind!

The white grass is folded in the north wind!

Suddenly, a strong wind blew across the entire high platform, and the figure of the scholar also disappeared in the strong wind. The wolf demon stood firm in the wind, moved its nose slightly, and suddenly flew a leg to the left.

In an instant, the Confucian scholar was kicked out from the void, and the whole person flew in mid-air, and the wolf demon quickly caught up, hitting hard from top to bottom, and smashing the Confucian scholar onto the ring.

Scar Confucian spit out a mouthful of blood, trying to get up, the wolf demon stepped forward again, and put a heavy knee on the opponent's heart, and Scar Confucian was knocked off the ring, unconscious.

Chen Luo's eyes were solemn: He had heard Wei Yan say before that, under the Confucian scholars of the human race, the barbarians and even the monsters would be at a disadvantage, but he didn't expect the disadvantage to be so obvious.

"Under the Confucian scholar, to deal with the demon barbarians, the human race needs to form a formation." This is Song Tuizhi's voice that sounded in Chen Luo's ear, "Cover, containment, defense, sneak attack, ten Confucian scholars against ten demon barbarians, there are only five The odds of winning. Therefore, the formation of Confucian scholars, the minimum is 'one shi'"

"What about one-on-one?"

"Nine dead!"

Chen Luo was silent.

The injured scholar was carried away, the wolf demon smiled provocatively on the stage, hooked his finger at the second scholar, and the scholar rushed to the ring, at this time the remaining wind on the stage blew away the hanging in front of him. With long hair, everyone realized that it was actually a woman.

She is not good-looking, with single eyelids, freckles all over her face, and a pair of eyebrows like blades. She rushed to the ring, pulled out two short swords from between her thighs, flashing blue light all over her body, and rushed towards the wolf demon.

"Fighting Confucianism!" Ji Zhong blurted out.

"What do you mean?" Chen Luo asked.

Ji Zhong explained: "One of the Confucian scholars is somewhat similar to the martial arts of your son. They refine the poems that enhance the body and incorporate the power of the poems into their bodies to make their bodies stronger and more agile. They mainly focus on close combat, so It's called the Confucian of Fighting."

Chen Luo nodded and looked at the stage again.

The female Confucian scholar obviously caused a lot of trouble to the wolf demon. The wolf demon was forced by the woman to retreat in circles, and some injuries continued to appear on her body. Seeing that he was about to retreat to the edge of the high platform, the wolf demon suddenly turned his head and bit a broken sword in the woman's hand. At the same time, the wolf's tail behind him rose, blocking the other broken sword. The broken sword stabbed in the wolf's tail, as if it had stabbed steel.

Talent Hex · Steel Tail.

The wolf demon suddenly slammed forward and slammed into the female scholar's body. The short sword in the female scholar's hand was instantly released, and she was knocked back a few steps. .

Talent Hex · Xiaoyue.

Being roared by this "Xiaoyue", the woman's great Confucian soul stagnates, the wolf demon has already approached the woman's great Confucian at this time, and the **** mouth bites at the woman's throat, the woman suddenly returned to her senses, her body quickly retreated, and at the same time. , pulled out a three-inch short dagger from between his thighs and stabbed him in the chest!

At the critical moment two figures appeared on the ring, greedy and curvy stood in front of the wolf demon, and the third student from Taiping Academy grabbed the hand of the female scholar.

"Lu Nianfeng, let me go. I can still open Taiping!"

The man named Lu Nianfeng shook his head slightly: "Kai Taiping is not used here, let's go."

The female scholar was stunned for a moment, then glanced viciously at the wolf demon opposite, and walked off the ring.

Lu Nianfeng turned around, looked at Greedy and bowed his hands: "Thank you. We lost this game."

Greedy Qu looked at the Confucian scholar who seemed to be the most polite among the people who fought with interest, and licked his lips: "There is an ultimate move but it is useless, it is a draw! Next time, I will fight you."

That Lu Nianfeng nodded, blue light flickered all over his body, and suddenly two antlers slowly grew out of his hair.


"Double Cultivation of Demon and Confucianism!"

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