Becoming a Saint by Leisure Reading

Vol 4 Chapter 339: Reinforcement arrives!

As Zhang Ruoyu's tongue burst into thunder, the mighty righteous formation rose again, covering Taiping City.

In the world, the only formation that can weaken the physique of the barbarians is the Great Wall of Righteousness. Taiping City is far away from the Great Wall, and naturally it cannot be blessed by the protection formation.

Those who open peace carry the light on their backs and face the darkness.

This magic circle blocks the aftermath of the war, and protects the wounded and people in the city.

Said to be the common people, it is probably the human race and the relatives of the academy who escaped from the barbarian plains.

Therefore, Taiping City never relies on the city wall.

Taiping students, first in the field!


Wang Xuance in the canteen of the college heard the dean's voice, dropped the noodle bowl in his hand and ran out, suddenly grabbed Wang Xuance's neck collar with one hand, he turned his head, it was Lu Nianfeng. It's just that at this time his face has lost the gentleness he usually has, but a look of war.

"Those who are less than two years old in the academy, stay in the city to protect the formation!"

"The rest, come out!"

As soon as Lu Nianfeng finished speaking, countless figures in the dining hall stood up one by one.

"That's right, juniors and juniors guard the formation with peace of mind and watch the brothers and sisters kill the enemy!"

"Don't steal the meat from my bowl, little brat, I'll eat it when I get back!"

"Let's go, just comprehend a war poem by Mr. Wu, try the power of the barbarian!"

In a few words, more than half of the people in the canteen had disappeared, and there were more than 100 people left, all of whom had just entered school this year.

Suddenly, a student shouted: "Not good!"

The others looked at them quickly: "What's wrong?"

The shouting student beat his chest and stomped his feet: "Second-year senior and senior sister also followed, and we are the first-level students standing stupidly!"

The others reacted immediately and glanced left and right, didn't they?

Is there such a thing as bullying newcomers?

But at this time, they could no longer follow, and the Taiping City formation could only be controlled by Taiping students. Everyone looked at Wang Xuance. Among the new students, Wang Xuance faintly became the leader of everyone.

Wang Xuance gritted his teeth and stomped his feet: "Go! Go up to the city wall, guard the formation!"


Outside the city, the barbarian army stopped ten miles away from Taiping City.

Since the attack on the city has been seen through, there is no need to hurry, the frontal attack is!

At this time, the two corpses were thrown from the barbarian army with great force, and spells were applied to the corpses. As soon as the two corpses appeared, people could see their faces clearly.

"It's Han Daru and Yang Daru!" Everyone was shocked. These are the two great scholars in Taiping Academy. They took the students out of the city this morning to repair the early warning line of defense.

Two corpses flew into the range of Taiping City, and a big hand with condensed green energy suddenly appeared in the city. It was about to catch the two corpses, but the corpses suddenly stopped and exploded, and the blood rained and the bones fell. At the same time, a The voice sounded over Taiping City.

"The human race is peaceful, my race is uneasy!"

"Today, massacre the city!"

The voice is domineering and arrogant, and it is unquestionable. It seems that this sentence has already decided the ending of Taiping City.

In contrast, there was only one voice in Taiping City—

"Come to fight!"

The voice fell, and the blue rainbows shot up into the sky, flying straight into the sky, and there were also several blood-colored rays of light rising in the barbarian army formation to meet the blue light.

The city gate of Taiping City opened wide, and the green robes and Confucian robes, like a torrent of righteousness, poured out of the city gate and rushed towards the barbarian army.

At the same time, the barbarian army ten miles away suddenly made a loud hoof sound, barbarian army, charge!

There was no confrontation, no temptation, and the battle went straight to the heat.


A team of men in strong suits is riding the horse northward, and this team has about 300 people.

"Brother, can't we just leave the Great Wall directly from Yumen Pass? Why do we have to go to Taiping City?" A young man in his twenties drove his horse to the leading middle-aged man and asked softly.

In the battle of winter, the human race was victorious, and the barbarians fled. The barbarian emperor who led the barbarians gave away all the barbarian front-line supplies as a gift.

When the news came out, the people from the northern border went north one after another.

Don't think about those barbarian materials that have been compiled, that is the matter of the Ministry of War. But there are always some scattered things, or some things that the small tribes didn't have time to take with them when they escaped.

A spiritual material that the barbarians are accustomed to, can be sold at a high price in the human race!

Of course, they're not that stupid. If you really get the barbarian spirit material, you won't sell it. It's a good deal to keep it for yourself or for your own children.

After all, Wuhou's martial arts spread all over the world, and the preciousness of the barbarian spiritual materials that can nourish qi and blood and improve the physique has doubled.

They are all warriors!

Now there is an upright opportunity to go to the barbarians to collect spiritual materials. If you can't grasp this, you will be poor for a lifetime.

"San'er, are you stupid?" The leading middle-aged man didn't speak, but another one-eyed man explained, "How many people leave Yumen Pass?"

"You won't even be able to pick up any grass by then!"

"This Taiping City has never competed with us for those materials. Those are really ruthless people who are about to die. In their hearts, it is a good thing for us to be stronger!"

"Going out from Taiping City, I'm afraid that there will be no good things in that large area. It's just a detour. Let's run faster."

"So it is!" The young man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

That's right, the barbarian plains in front of Taiping City have always been the place where the barbarian troops are stationed. Now that the barbarians have retreated, there must be a lot of materials left behind. However, Taiping City is high-flying and will never compete with the compatriots of the human race.

Big brother wise!

At this moment, the leading middle-aged man suddenly waved his hand and pulled the reins of the horse, and everyone behind him also stationed on the horses, only to see a lonely city faintly visible in the distance, the azure light flickered, and the blood was swaying! One after another, the sound of spell explosions continued, and the sound of fighting swayed with the wind.

Taiping City, still fighting?

The middle-aged man turned his head, glanced at Sanbai Erlang who was following him, and finally said a word.

"You go back!"

"Go to Yumen Pass now, and you can still pick up some odds and ends!"

The young man asked suspiciously, "Brother, how about you?"

The middle-aged man laughed, and suddenly his legs were clamped, and he ran towards Taiping City...


Taiping City is a thousand feet of void, beyond the reach of ordinary people's eyesight.

Zhang Ruoyu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the **** barbarian emperor in front of him. Below him is a space where great Confucians fight, and below, is the ground meat battlefield between Taiping students and barbarian troops.

The two stood opposite each other and did not make a move. One of them is a Dahongru who is in the search realm, and the other is a Dabarian emperor who has surpassed ordinary barbarian emperors. Although they haven't made a move, their spirits are entangled with each other and contain each other. This kind of confrontation seems ordinary, but it is the most vicious. . If one party reveals flaws, it will inevitably usher in the continuous attack of the other party's magical powers.

But at this time, the two of them had no different expressions on their faces, as if they were just wary of each other.

"Mr. Zhang." The barbarian emperor displayed a human etiquette, his voice was gentle but powerful, "My name is Tagu, and I have always admired the strong human beings. Are you willing to join this emperor?"

"The title of Tuli Barbarian King does not match your ability. This emperor can bestow your Excellency the position of teaching in the Ilisa Khan Department, which is equivalent to our sacrificial position! How?"

Zhang Ruoyu smiled lightly: "I am the seventh-generation grandson after Zhang Sheng, who is in charge of Taiping Academy. Would your Majesty be willing to enter the academy?"

"The barbarian slaves of the academy are not suitable for His Majesty's identity. The head of this academy can ask the imperial court to seal the title of your Excellency the general barbarian leader of Taiping Academy. How many barbarians are captured in today's war are handed over to His Majesty's control! How?"

Ta Gu's expression did not change, but he sighed softly: "So, don't you have to talk about it?"

Zhang Ruoyu smiled and said, "There is a slang term in the human race that Zhang can give to your Excellency."

Ta Gu nodded: "Please elaborate on Mr. Zhang. This emperor loves the elegance of the human race."

"It's just two words, it doesn't take much time." Zhang Ruoyu took a deep breath, turned his eyes slightly upwards, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, glanced at the tower bone sideways, and said--


After speaking, Zhang Ruoyu was serious again, with a stern look: "The words are a bit unpleasant, but they are still reasonable. Please take it to your heart and don't forget."

The playful look on Ta Gu's face gradually disappeared: "I have heard that Taiping Academy is the most dirty, it turns out that there is a head like you, it is reasonable!"

"Pointing at the garbage and saying garbage is not a dirty mouth."

"Seeking truth from facts!"

Ta Gu sneered: "Zhang Yuan, there is no need for a battle of words. Taiping City will die today. The human race reinforcements you are waiting for will not come."

"Mordan used the lives of 300,000 barbarians to set up a blood barbarian formation, which is to turn Taiping City into an isolated city!"

"All the messengers and people can't get out."

Zhang Ruoyu's mind changed slightly, although he wished to slash the tower bone on the spot, but he believed the tower bone's words.

He immediately issued a police call, but has yet to receive a response from the Great Wall of Righteousness.

Zhang Ruoyu suddenly remembered the uncharacteristic onslaught of the barbarian army before Mordan retreated.

With the statement of the tower bone, think about it carefully, those cities that were violently attacked are around Taiping City.

They, using the siege as a cover, dropped 300,000 barbarian corpses, are they setting up a formation?

But what is the picture?

300,000 barbarian troops, just to unplug Taiping City?

I heard that the Human Race Hundred Battle Hall supported those cities and killed sixteen barbarian kings!

Is it for the passage behind Taiping City?

Impossible, the human race is not at the end of the previous dynasty, and the barbarian army in front of them is only 50,000. Even if they kill them, they are just a lone army waiting to be slaughtered! If there is still a large army behind, then the Great Wall of Righteousness cannot be unaware.

A trace of doubt flashed on Zhang Ruoxu's face, the righteousness in his body slowly circulated, and his spirit energy increased by three points.


Wanren Mountain.

Han Qingzhu looked at the sand table in front of him, his eyes swept across every city where fierce battles had taken place, and finally fell into Taiping City at the northernmost point.

"Xiao Qi, was there any military newspaper from Taiping City after the war?"

Xiao Qi nodded: "The military report first issued by Zhang Yuan the day before yesterday asked Wanren Mountain to arrange more food in the next batch of supplies. They are going to organize a Taiping banquet." After speaking, Xiao Qi doubted, "The Minister of War? Taiping City has it. Problem?"

"I hope I'll think more about it!" Han Qingzhu pondered for a moment, then said, "Master Wu Yihang is a student of Taiping Academy."

"Let him bring the supplies of the Taiping Banquet and go to Taiping City!"

Xiao Qi cupped his hands: "Yes!"


In the sky above Taiping City, Zhang Ruoxu raised his brows suddenly, and said to the tower bone, "You are wrong."

"Huh? What?" Ta Gu was stunned.

"You said that Taiping City has no reinforcements."

"Look, reinforcements are here!"

Tower Gu looked sideways and saw that behind Taiping City, a team of 300 people was galloping towards Taiping City.

Strongly equipped Hummer, murderous awe-inspiring.

ordinary people? Yes, fierce ordinary people do not have a trace of righteousness.

No matter how fierce they are, they are ordinary people.

The tower bone is puzzled, is this also a reinforcement?

A seventh-rank stubborn person can solve them all, why is Zhang Ruoyu smiling so happily?

Zhang Ruoyu laughed.

Who said there are no reinforcements, isn't there?

Martial arts reinforcements!

He laughed not because these 300 people could save Taiping He laughed, but because Dao is not alone!

Everyone is like a dragon, and peace is expected!

At this moment, the group of people shouted one after another, the sound was not loud, but it was full of anger.

"Wufu Qi Sanguan, kill the savage!"

"Wufu shuts the dog, kill the savage!"

"Wufu Hong Tianci, kill the barbarians!"


One after another roar turned into a mighty "killing man"!

Behold, three hundred fools risked their lives to rush.

Look, martial arts strengthen my heroic spirit, and three hundred righteous men will die.

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